Technical Data技术参数
4 measuring ranges - Quadropole electrode 四极电极
Temperature compensation is user-selectable depending on the brand of dialysis machine 温度补偿是根据不同品牌的机器由用户选择的。
0 30,00 mS/cm
0 200 uS/cm 0.6 uS/cm
201 2000 uS/cm 6 uS/cm
12 ... 16 mS/cm 0.03 mS/cm
otherwise其他 0.06 mS/cm
With option C, the conductivity/temperature probe may be disconnected. 对于选项C,电导/温度 探头可以拔掉,参见上面图片。所有型号都有这个探头。
See picture above.
This option is available for all meters.
Temperature 温度
Sensor integrated in the conductivity electrode 跟电导度电极是一体的
0...100 C
0.01 C
25 ... 40 C 0.05 C, otherwise 0.1 C
Pressure 压力
Reading selectable as可选的单位有 mmHg, kPa, Bar or PSI
Version型号: HDM97BQ, BP and BO
Range: 范围
-700 to + 1900 mmHg, 2,5 Bar
0.1 mmHg
Accuracy: 精度
0 ... 300 mmHg 1 mmHg
otherwise其他 2 mmHg
in temperature range温度范围 20 to 23 C
Ceramic sensor fluid resistant防水陶瓷探头
Option H with higher accuracy 选择H高精度
Range: 范围
-700 to + 1900 mmHg, 2,5 Bar
Resolution: 分辨率
0.01 mmHg
Accuracy: 精度
0 ... 300 mmHg 0.5 mmHg,
301 ... 1000 mmHg 1 mmHg
otherwise 2 mmHg
in temperature range温度范围 20 to 23 C
Sensor not fluid resistent探头不防水
Flow only Version BQ流量功能只存在于BQ款
100 ... 2000 ml/min
1 ml/min
100 ... 500 ml/min 1.5 %
otherwise 2.5 %
pH only Version BP pH 功能只存在于BP款
Temperature via temperature probe in conductivity cell or default value
0...14 pH
0.01 pH
0.02 pH
Power Supply 电源供应
Li-Ion-Polymer battery锂离子聚合物充电电源, rechargeable with 5 V DC, 500 mA
External charger外接充电:
Input Voltage输入电压 100 245 V / 50/60 Hz
Output Voltage输出电压 5 V DC, 500 mA
Or 或者通过USD连接电脑充电via USB-Interface from a computer 一次充满可以工作200小时。
Operates up to 200 hours with fully charged battery
Dimensions and体积重量 Weight
165 x 82 x 33 mm - 6.5" x 3.2" x 1.3
0.4 Kg - 0.88 lbs 包含探头including probe
*验证码: = 请输入计算结果(填写阿拉伯数字),如:三加四=7