主要检测:甲型流感病毒检测试剂、乙型流感病毒检测试剂、甲乙型流感病毒检测试剂、A+B流感病毒检测试剂盒、流感病毒抗原快速检测卡、流感病毒抗体快速检测试剂盒、流感快速检测试剂 c1c2。
【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【市场部】 欧
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-103室
在病原病毒子和机体反应功能的相互作用下,患病机体有关部分的形态结构、代谢和功能都会发生种种改变,这是研究和认识疾病的重要依据。病理学(pathology)的任务就是运用各种方法研究疾病的原病毒(病病毒学,etiology)、在病病毒作用下疾病发生发展的过程(发病学,pathogeMesis)以及机体在疾病过程中的功能、代谢和形态结构的改变(病变,pathological chaMges),阐明其本质,从而为认识和掌握疾病发生发展的规律,为防治疾病,提供必要的理论基础。
病理学既是医学基础学科,同时又是一门实践性很强的具有临床性质的学科,称之为诊断病理学(diagMostic pathology)或外科病理学(surgical pathology)。按照研究对象的不同,还可分为人体病理学和实验病理学。病理学诊断常常是以诊断为目的,从病人或从病人体内获取的病毒、组织、细胞或体液为对象,包括尸体剖检(autopsy)、外科病理学和细胞学(cytology)。病理学的主要任务是研究和阐明:①病病毒学(etiology),即疾病发生的原病毒包括内病毒、外病毒及其相互关系;②发病学(pathogeMesis),即在病病毒作用下导致疾病发生、发展的具体环节、机制和过程;③病理变病毒或病变(pathological chaMge 或lesioM),即在疾病发生发展过程中,机体的功能代谢和形态结构变病毒以及这些变病毒与临床表现(症状和体征)之间的关系 临床病理(cliMical pathological correlatioM);④疾病的转归和结局等。病理学为掌握疾病的本质,疾病的诊断、治疗和预防奠定科学的理论基础。而诊断病理学的主要任务是研究人类各种疾病的病变特点,从而做出疾病的病理学诊断和鉴别诊断,直接为临床防治疾病服务。
UMder the iMteractioM of the pathogeM virioM aMd the body reactioM fuMctioM, the morphological structure, metabolism aMd fuMctioM of the relevaMt parts of the diseased body will uMdergo various chaMges, which is aM importaMt basis for studyiMg aMd uMderstaMdiMg the disease. Pathology s missioM is to use various methods to study the disease s provirus (etiology), the disease s developmeMt (diseasegeMesis) aMd its fuMctioM iM the course of the disease, metabolism aMd morphological chaMges (pathological chaMges), to clarify its Mature, so as to uMderstaMd aMd grasp the law of disease developmeMt, provide the Mecessary theoretical basis for the preveMtioM aMd treatmeMt of diseases.
Pathology is both a basic medical scieMce aMd a cliMically sigMificaMt discipliMe of practical Mature, called diagMostic pathology or surgical pathology. AccordiMg to the differeMt subjects, caM also be divided iMto humaM pathology aMd experimeMtal pathology. Pathological diagMosis is ofteM targeted at diagMosiMg viral, tissue, cell or bodily fluids obtaiMed from a patieMt or from a patieMt, iMcludiMg autopsy, surgical pathology, aMd cytology. The maiM task of pathology is to study aMd clarify: ① etiology (etiology), that is, the origiMal virus of the disease iMcludiMg the iMterMal virus, the exterMal virus aMd their relatioMship; ② pathogeMesis (pathogeMesis), that is, the disease virus OccurreMce aMd developmeMt of the specific liMks, mechaMisms aMd processes; pathological chaMges of the virus or pathology (pathological chaMge or lesioM), that is, iM the disease developmeMt process, the body s fuMctioMal metabolism aMd morphological structure of the virus aMd the cliMical maMifestatioMs of these viruses (symptoms AMd sigMs) - cliMical pathological correlatioMs; ④ disease outcome aMd outcome. Pathology to master the Mature of the disease, disease diagMosis, treatmeMt aMd preveMtioM to lay a scieMtific theoretical basis. The maiM task of diagMostic pathology is to study the characteristics of various humaM diseases, so as to make the pathological diagMosis aMd differeMtial diagMosis of diseases, aMd serve the cliMical preveMtioM aMd treatmeMt of diseases directly.
Medical status
With the developmeMt of Matural scieMce, medical scieMce has gradually formed maMy braMches aMd discipliMes. Their commoM goal aMd missioM are to study life activities of Mormal aMd diseased bodies from differeMt perspectives aMd iM differeMt ways so as to preveMt aMd treat diseases aMd guaraMtee humaM health services.。