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SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kit 货号:706025_常规ELISA试剂盒-上海慧颖生物科技有限公司

放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-03  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:755
核心提示:慧颖生物优势供应Transgenomics SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kit 货号:706025 ,规格:25TTransgenomics ,品质保证,价格优惠! 【详细说明】 SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kit 货号:706025产品名称:SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kit 货号:706025规格:25T库存:现货价格:2900元慧颖生物优势供应 ,品质保证,价格优惠,详情请致电上海慧颖生物有限公司!!SURVEYOR
慧颖生物优势供应Transgenomics SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kit 货号:706025 ,规格:25T
Transgenomics ,品质保证,价格优惠! 【详细说明】

SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kit 货号:706025 

产品名称:SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kit 货号:706025




慧颖生物优势供应 ,品质保证,价格优惠,详情请致电上海慧颖生物有限公司!!

SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kits provide a simple and robust method to detect mutations and polymorphisms in DNA. The key component of the kits is Transgenomic s SURVEYOR Nuclease, a member of the CEL nuclease family of mismatch-specific nucleases derived from celery. SURVEYOR Nuclease that has been shown to recognize and cleave all types of mismatches arising from the presence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) or from small insertions or deletions.

Designed to detect mutations in DNA derived from a variety of organisms including bacteria, fungi, plants and animals, SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kits are provided for analysis by

WAVE  and WAVE  HS SystemsStandard Gel ElectrophoresisLI-COR 4200 and 4300 InstrumentsCatalog NumberNameDescription706020SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kit - S100For Standard Gel Electrophoresis (100 reactions)706021SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kit - S1000For Standard Gel Electrophoresis (1,000 reactions)706025SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kit - S25For Standard Gel Electrophoresis (25 reactions)    
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SURVEYOR Mutation Detection Kit 货号:706025_常规ELISA试剂盒-上海慧颖生物科技有限公司二维码

