The machine is a latest type of heated sealing packing machine, which has multifunction, can automatically packing. The main feature of the machine is one-time packing for the inner and outer bag, avo 【详细说明】
QD-18-II Tea-bag Inner and outer bag packing machine
Purpose:black teabag pack machine
The machine is a latest type of heated sealing packing machine, which has multifunction, can automatically packing. The main feature of the machine is one-time packing for the inner and outer bag, avoiding hands directly contacting with stuff materials, improving the efficiency. The inner bag is made of filter cotton paper, which can be automatically packed with thread and label. The outer bag is composite paper. The advantages are photoelectric location for the tag and outer bag, adjustment to the need of the content, length of inner bag and outer bag, and tag. The dimension of inner and outer bag can be adjusted according to the need that to achieve the perfect shape, to upgrade the appearance for the product, then add the value of it.
Pack Materials:
paper/plastic,plastic/plastic,plastic/aluminum/plastic,paper/aluminum/plastic.tea paper、thread、tag
3 sealling
1-5 grm/bag
Outer bag
W:40-80mm L:70-90mm
Inner bag
L:60-90mm W:70-120mm
35-60 bag/min
Tag size
W:40-55 mm L:20-24 mm
Thread length
155 mm
Total power
所属系列: 袋泡茶包装机 Tea bag pack machine
产品型号: QD-18-II
产品名称: 袋泡茶内外袋挂线挂标包装机
适合范围: 本机适用于茶叶、药茶、 茶等小颗粒物的内外袋一次性包装。
本机特点: 本机是一种新型热封式,多功能全自动袋泡茶饮品包装设备。该机的主要特点是内外袋一次成型,避免了人手与物料的直接接触,提高效率。内袋为过滤棉纸,可自动带线带标签,外袋为复合纸。其zui大的好处在于:贴标和外袋均可采用光电定位,包装容量、内袋、外袋、标签等均可任意调整,可根据用户的不同需要来调整内外袋尺寸,以便达到zui理想的包装效果,提高产品外观档次,使产品价值提升。
包装材料: 纸/塑、塑/塑、塑/铝/塑、纸/铝/塑、过滤绵纸、棉线、标签纸
包装容量 3-15毫升
包装速度 35-60袋/分钟
标签尺寸 宽:45mm 长:20-24mm
线 长 155mm
内 袋 宽:40-80mm 长:50-70mm
外 袋 宽:60-90mm 长:70-120mm
电 源 220V /50HZ/ 3.7KW
外型尺寸 (L W H)900 610 1500mm
整机重量 500Kg
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