产品简介 品牌 其他品牌 供货周期 现货 隐孢子虫病检测卡(胶体金法)
该公司的Crypto/Giardia Cel IFA是国标*推荐的两虫检测IFA染色试剂、Crypto Cel Antibody Reagent是UK DWI水质安全评估检测的首选抗体。
公司的主要产品有:隐孢子虫诊断试剂,贾第虫诊断试剂,疟疾诊断试剂,衣原体检测试剂,丝虫诊断试剂,锥虫诊断试剂等。Cellabs 的疟疾ELISA试剂盒成为临床上的一个重要的诊断工具盒科研上的重要鉴定工具。其疟疾抗原HRP-2 ELISA检测试剂盒和疟疾抗体ELISA检测试剂盒已经成为医学研究所的首选试剂盒。Cellabs产品主要包括以下几种方法学:直接(DFA)和间接(IFA)免疫荧光法,酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA),和胶体金快速测试。所有产品都是按照GMP、CE标志按照ISO13485。
【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【】 杨永汉
【腾讯 】 2042552662
【公司地址】 广州清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢101-3室
小隐孢子虫的生活史包括了无性时期和有性时期。当小隐孢子虫的卵囊被宿主摄入体内后,会在小肠的部位破囊,释出孢子体(sporozoites),孢子体附着并侵入小肠绒毛的上皮细胞,接着孢子体发育成为营养体(trophozoites),营养体发育进入*型裂殖体(Type 1 meronts),第
一型裂殖体具有8个*型裂殖子(Type 1 merozoites) 。有些*型裂殖子可再继续感染宿主。此为无性生殖时期。
*型裂殖子若发育为第二型裂殖体(Type II meronts) ,则开始进入有性生殖时期。第二型裂殖体具有4个第二型裂殖子(Type II merozoites),这些裂殖子被释出后,可附着于小肠的上皮细胞,有些裂殖子会发育成为大配子体(雌)(macrogametocyte),有些会发育成为小配子体(雄)(microgametocyte),大配子体会形成单一个大配子(macrogamete),而小配子体会形成16个小配子(microgamete),若小配子与大配子结合成为合子(zygotes),则会继续发育成薄壁卵囊或厚壁卵囊,20%的卵囊会形成薄壁卵囊,具有感染宿主的能力和进行有性和无性时期的循环。厚壁卵囊则可以存活于一般环境中。
The main route of infection is caused by drinking water containing Oocysts. In a healthy human host
132 oocysts can cause symptoms of infection. The life history of Cryptosporidium parvum is similar to that of other Cryptosporidium species. Sporozoites and merozoites can be found in infected gut cells. ).
In patients with AIDS or immunocompromised patients who are undergoing an immunosuppressive course of treatment, there is also the risk of contracting Cryptosporidium parvum, which may be severely fatal.
Diagnosis of Cryptosporidium parvum infection can be performed with serum or with acid-fas staining with a microscope.
Cryptosporidium parvum is an important parasite that is transmitted by water and is tolerant to chlorination. It can survive for 24 hours in water containing 1000mg/L chlorine.
The Cryptosporidium parvum genome (sequence in 2004) was approximay 10.4 Mb and contained a total of eight chromosomes. Each chromosome was approximay 1.04-1.5 Mb in size, and no transposon was found on the chromosome. It is different from other apical compound biological subphylum organisms, cryptosporidium plastids or grain lines.
The Cryptosporidium parvum period (the oocyst stage) can survive for a long time outside the host environment and can even tolerate some common disinfection procedures such as chlorine disinfection.
The life history of Cryptosporidium parvum includes the asexual period and the sexual period. When the oocysts of C. parvum are ingested by the host, they break the sac in the small intestine and release sporozoites. The sporozoites adhere to and invade the epithelial cells of the villi and then the sporophyte develops into trophozoites. Trophozoites), vegetative development into Type 1 meronts,
One type of schizont has 8 Type 1 merozoites. Some first-type merozoites can continue to infect the host. This is a period of asexual reproduction.
If the first type merozoites develop Type II meronts, they begin to enter sexual reproduction. The second type of schizont has four Type II merozoites. After these merozoites are released, they attach to the epithelial cells of the small intestine. Some merozoites develop into large gametophytes (female). (Macrogametocyte), some will develop into a small gametophyte (microgametocyte), the large gametophyte will form a single large gamete (macrogamete), and the small gametophyte will form 16 small gametes (microgametes), if the small gamete and large gametes become Zygotes will continue to develop into thin-walled oocysts or thick-walled oocysts, and 20% of oocysts will form thin-walled oocysts, with the ability to infect the host and cycle through sexual and asexual periods. Thick-walled oocysts can survive in the general environment.
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