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AP48,ap48 kit-AP48 48-Well Micro Chemotaxis Chamber_neuroprobe趋化产品-世联博研(北京)科技有限公司

放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:715
核心提示:更新时间:2019-05-28 09:35:40101 联系我们时请说明是91化工仪器网上看到的信息,谢谢! 产品简介 货号 neuro probe AP48,AP48KIT 规格 个 供货周期 现货 主要用途 48孔细胞趋化培养腔室,NeuroProbe48孔130yden趋化小室趋化板( Neuro Probe AP48 chemotaxis chamber可重复利用的MB系列趋化小室产品可以用于趋化实验,肿瘤细胞的侵袭实验及细胞与细胞的相互作用的研究。设计上也是采用96微孔标准板,可与自动工作站


产品简介 货号 neuro probe AP48,AP48KIT 规格 个 供货周期 现货 主要用途 48孔细胞趋化培养腔室,NeuroProbe48孔130yden趋化小室趋化板( Neuro Probe AP48 chemotaxis chamber可重复利用的MB系列趋化小室产品可以用于趋化实验,肿瘤细胞的侵袭实验及细胞与细胞的相互作用的研究。设计上也是采用96微孔标准板,可与自动工作站兼容,并且下室采用可以移动的方式,很方便非贴壁的细胞实验。同时,MB系列可以兼容其它系列的趋化板,也适合贴壁细胞的培养。造型上MB系列的板是上下两块板通过螺丝可以紧密连接在一起,上面的板子
Neuro Probe AP48 chemotaxis chamber可重复利用的MB系列趋化小室产品可以用于趋化实验,肿瘤细胞的侵袭实验及细胞与细胞的相互作用的研究。设计上也是采用96微孔标准板,可与自动工作站兼容,并且下室采用可以移动的方式,很方便非贴壁的细胞实验。同时,MB系列可以兼容其它系列的趋化板,也适合贴壁细胞的培养。造型上MB系列的板是上下两块板通过螺丝可以紧密连接在一起,上面的板子是96孔板的上室,下部板是一个大的凹槽支撑着微孔板形成下室。滤膜被放置在微孔板上,可以对微孔板进行荧光检测,细胞密度检测和流式检测来统计迁移细胞的的数量。










50 ul


25 x 80mm 聚碳酸脂膜
25 x 80mm 硝酸纤维素膜


In the Neuro Probe AP48 chemotaxis chamber, chemoattractants added to the lower wells act on cells in a suspension added to the upper wells. A filter separates the upper and lower wells. After incubation the migrated adherent cells on the underside of the filter are stained and counted.

The AP48 consists of precision-machined acrylic top and bottom plates, assembly hardware, and a silicone gasket. The bottom plate has 48 wells, each with 25 L volume and a diameter of 3.2mm. Corresponding holes in the top plate form the upper wells when the chamber is assembled. A single 25 x 80mm piece of filter membrane is placed between the top and bottom plates, and a gasket is positioned over the filter to create a seal. Narrow raised rims around mating surfaces of top and bottom wells enhance the seal.

Before the migrated cells can be stained and counted, the nonmigrated cells must be wiped off the top side of the filter. An accessory pack (stock # P48AP)includes instruments for this purpose.

The AP48 is designed for use with polycarbonate and cellulose nitrate filters. Please note that we also sell the AC48, a 48-well chamber specially designed for use with cellulose nitrate filters

Accompanying each chamber is an AP48 protocol for its use and care.

 Stock #Exposed filter areaBottom well volumeTop well volumeFilters used AP488mm225 L50 L25 x 80mm polycarbonate
25 x 80mm cellulose nitrate

AP48 Kit


The AP48 Kit is a convenient, cost effective combination of the most popular items in our line of 48-well reusable chemotaxis instruments, filters, and accessories. You provide the cells, reagents, and stain.

The Kit includes:

 (1) AP48 microchemotaxis chamber, (1) P48AP accessory pack for handling polycarbonate filters, including:(1) filter wiper for mounting on a ring stand(1) large plastic filter clamp,(1) small stainless steel filter clamp(2) curved stainless steel forcepsFilter options  A: (100 ) pieces of 3 m, 5 m or 8 m, 25x80mm filters; or B: (50) pieces each of 2 of the 3 pore sizes (3 m, 5 m and 8 m). Please enter your filter option in the Order Notes field on the Checkout screen.

NOTE the AP48 is designed for use with adherent cells that will be counted visually on the bottom of the filter after migration. If you will be using non-adherent cells, or wish to count cells with a microplate reader, please see the ChemoTx system or the MB-series 96-well chambers, or contact us for assistance.

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AP48,ap48 kit-AP48 48-Well Micro Chemotaxis Chamber_neuroprobe趋化产品-世联博研(北京)科技有限公司二维码

