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OP800SL OP800WSL OP830SL-OP800SL 系列 NPN型光电晶体管(光电子)_光电子产品-上海蒸鑫电子科技有限公司

放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:482
核心提示:更新时间:2019-04-23 10:58:2277 联系我们时请说明是91化工仪器网上看到的信息,谢谢! Features: TO-18 hermetically sealed package Mechanically and spectrally matched to OP130 and OP230 LEDs TX and TXV process available (see Hi-Rel section) Choice of narrow or wide receiving ang NPN


 TO-18 hermetically sealed package
 Mechanically and spectrally matched to OP130 and OP230 LEDs
 TX and TXV process available (see Hi-Rel section)
 Choice of narrow or wide receiving ang

NPN Phototransistor( NPN型光电晶体管)

OP800SL Series, OP800WSL Series
OP830SL Series, OP830WSL Series

 TO-18 hermetically sealed package
 Mechanically and spectrally matched to OP130 and OP230 LEDs
 TX and TXV process available (see Hi-Rel section)
 Choice of narrow or wide receiving angle
 Variety of sensitivity ranges
 Enhanced temperature range

Each device in this series consists of a NPN silicon phototransistor mounted in a hermetically sealed TO-18 package that offers high power dissipation and superior hostile environment operation. The OP800SL, OP804SL, OP805SL and OP830SL devices have a narrow receiving angle that provides excellent on-axis coupling and a bonded base lead that enables conventional transistor biasing. The OP800WSL, OP801WSL, OP802WSL and OP830WSL all have a wide receiving angle that provides relatively even reception over a large area.
Devices are 100% production tested using an infrared light source for close correlation with OPTEK s GaAs and GaAIAs emitters. The OP800SL and devices are mechanically and spectrally matched to OP130 and OP230 series LEDs. The OP800WSL devices are mechanically and spectrally matched to OP130W and OP230W series devices.
Please refer to Application Bulletins 208 and 210 for additional design information and reliability (degradation) data.

 Space-limited applications
 Hostile environment applications
 Applications requiring high power dissipation

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OP800SL OP800WSL OP830SL-OP800SL 系列 NPN型光电晶体管(光电子)_光电子产品-上海蒸鑫电子科技有限公司二维码

