泰瑞达Teradyne J750 Test System 数字信号测试机
Test Solution for Low Cost, High Efficiency Parallel Test
Teradyne s J750 platform is the industry standard for cost-effective test of a broad set of diverse microcontroller, FPGA and digital audio/baseband devices. The system is widely available at more than 50 OSAT locations and is supported by a complete set of production interface solutions for wafer sort and final test.
Digital Audio / baseband Device
LCD Driver, Touchscreen Sensors and Touch Display Driver Integration (TDDI)
Teradyne packs power and performance into the compact, economical J750 family of semiconductor test systems.
Low capital cost
Easily upgradeable from current J750 systems to J750Ex-HD
Zero footprint design for minimum use of space on the manufacturing floor
IG-XL software for rapid program development that automatically scales to multisite, saving development time and cost
All J750 family systems are DIB compatible and use IG-XL software. Test programs for all J750 systems can be quickly migrated to a new system, with translation taking less than an hour for most programs.
Up to 512 or 1024 multifunction pins
Data rate up to 200 MHz / 400 Mbps
Vector Memory depth up to 64M per pin with integrated SCAN
Up to 2048 multifunction pins
Data rate up to 400 MHz / 800 Mbps
Vector Memory depth up to 128M per pin
Available as an RF upgrade to all J750 models
Support for up to 32 ports
Scalable configurations for cellular and connectivity RF applications
Learn more about the J750-LitePoint
J750 - LCD Driver Instrument Solution??
Configurable to 2,416 channel LCD Meter
Support for high-speed, multilate LVDS interfaces (e.g., MIPI),
Learn more about the LCD Driver Instrument solution
System Options
J750 has a complete suite of digital, DC and analog instrumentation to cover a broad range of consumer semiconductor test requirements and offer densities to deliver high site count testing.
DPS (Device Power Supply) for precision controlled device power
HDVIS (High Density VI Source) for higher site count and pattern control
MSO (Mixed Signal Option) for embedded analog, audio and mixed signal test
CTO (Converter Test Option) for testing embedded converters
APMU (Analog Pin Measurement Unit) for mixed signal test
RFID for testing embedded ID interfaces
MTO (Memory test option) for embedded memory test
DSSC (Digital Signal Source Capture) behind each pin for memory, mixed signal and DFT
DSHRAM (Deep Scan History RAM)
HVD (High Voltage Digital)
LitePoint IQxel-M (Wireless Connectivity test option)
LitePoint IQxstream (Wireless Cellular test option)
Teradyne s award-winning IG-XL Software transforms test program development. Its powerful, yet easy-to-use, graphical environment lets engineers rapidly develop fully functional test programs, cutting program development and debugging time. Designed to address multisite complexity, IG-XL can convert single site test programs to multisite automatically, speeding time to market and reducing cost of test. With IG-XL, test engineers focus on actual testing, not writing code for the tester.
Learn more about IG-XL Software
J750 Tester
For Advanced Microcontrollers and Consumer SoC Package Test Wafer Sort
The J750Ex provides highly economical, parallel test solutions for high-performance microcontrollers, consumer SoC devices, and digital wafer sort applications.
All J750 systems are DIB compatible, and the tens of thousands of J750 test programs can be run on the J750Ex. The J750Ex gives you the test throughput, coverage, and performance to handle the next generation of high-volume, low cost devices.
System features includes:
200 MHz / 400 Mbps digital
Up to 1024 digital pins, 96 devices power supplies, and analog test capabilty
Deep Vector Memory up to 64 LVM
Enchanced DFT capability with 196 Gbit scan depth and deep diagnostic capture
Per-pin architecture, pattern-controlled instrumention, and flexible site mapping with no slot boundaries
IG-XL test software for rapid program development that automatically scales to multisite
I/O Channels Up to 512 or 1024
Data Rate Up to 100 MHz
High Voltage Drivers 1 per 16 digital channels
Parallel Test Site Count (max) Greater than x256
Vector Memory Depth Up to 16M per pin with integrated SCAN
Device Power Supplies Up to 32 power supplies
Scan Depth Up to 49 Gbit
Software IG-XL Software
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