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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:1037
核心提示:: 李 :瑞士奇石乐Kistler9257B三向测力仪Quartzthree-component dynamometerfor measuringthe three orthogonal componentsofaforce.Thedynamometer hasagreatrigidity andconsequentlyahighnaturalfrequency. Itshigh resolution enables the smallestdynamic changes in largeforcesto


: 李 : 瑞士奇石乐Kistler9257B三向测力仪 Quartz three-component  dynamometer for  measuring the three  orthogonal componentsofaforce. Thedynamometer hasagreatrigidity andconsequentlyahighnaturalfrequency. Itshigh  resolution  enables  the  smallest dynamic  changes  in largeforcestobemeasured.  Universalapplicable Forcuttingforcemeasurements StableandreliableDescriptionThe dynamometerconsists  of  four  three-componentforce sensors  fitted  under  high  preload  betweenabaseplate and atopplate. Eachsensorcontains three  pairsofquartz  plates, onesensitivetopressure inthezdirectionandtheother two responding toshearin thex andy directionsrespectively.The forcecomponents aremeasuredpracticallywithout  displace- ment.Theoutputsofthe  fourbuilt-inforcesensors areconnected insidethe  dynamometerinaway to  allowmulticomponent measurementsofforcesand momentstobeperformed. The eight  outputsignalsare available at the  9-conductor flange socket.The  four  sensors  are  mounted ground-insulated.Therefore ground  loopproblemsarelargelyeliminated.Thedynamometerisrustproof  andprotectedagainstpenetra- tionofsplashwaterandcoolingagents.Togetherwiththecon- nectingcableType1687B5/1689B5andType1677A5/1679A5 itcorrespondstotheprotectionclassIP67.Aspecial thermal  isolation  coating  isintegratedinthe  top plate  which  renders  the  dynamometerlargely insensitive  to temperatureinfluences. ApplicationExamples Dynamicandquasistaticmeasurementofthethreeorthogo- nalcomponentsofaforce Measuring  cuttingforcewhenturning,  milling,grindingetc. Inconjunction  with  the  calibrated  partial ranges  the  high sensitivityandlowthreshold  allowexactmeasurementson smalltoolsandwhengrinding. MeasurementsonscalemodelsinwindchannelsTechnicalData  Range  Fx,Fy,Fz FzforFxandFy 0,5Fz  Fz kN kN 5...51) 5...10 2) Calibratedpartialrange1  Fx,Fy Fz N N 0...500 0...1000 Calibratedpartialrange2  Fx,Fy Fz N N 0...50 0...100 Overload  Fx,Fy,Fz FzforFxandFy 0,5Fz  Fz kN kN 7,5/7,5 7,5/15 Threshold N 0,01 Sensitivity  Fx,Fy Fz pC/N pC/N 7,5 3,7 Linearity,allranges %FSO 1 Hysteresis,allranges %FSO 0,5 Crosstalk % 2 Rigidity  cx,cy cz kN/ m kN/ m 1 2 Naturalfrequency  fn(x,y,z) kHz 3,54) Naturalfrequency  fn(x,y) (mounted onflanges)  fn(z) kHz kHz 2,34) 3,54) Operatingtemperaturerange C 0...70 Capacitance  Fx,Fy,Fz pF 220 Insulationresistance(20 C) 1013 Groundinsulation 108 Protection  classEN60529 IP673) Weight kg 7,3 Clampingarea  mm 100x170 Connection Fischerflange, 9pol.neg.  1)  Applicationofforceinsideandmax.25mmabovetopplatearea2)  Rangeforturning,  application offorceatpointA3)  WithconnectingcableTypes1687B5,1689B5,1677A5,  1679A54)  Without  toolholderType9403
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