产品简介 品牌 其他品牌 供货周期 一周 InSe (indium selenide) is the first commercially available InSe layered materials in the field.
InSe (indium selenide) is the first commercially available InSe layered materials in the field. Our single crystal InSe crystals come with guaranteed optical, electronic, and structural anisotropy. They are developed at our facilities using three different state-of-art techniques: i) Bridgman growth, ii) flux zone growth, and iii) chemical vapor transport (CVT) growth. The latter (CVT) produces contaminated samples. Flux zone technique is suitable for good crystallization but crystal sizes are limited to ~5mm. In contrast, Brigmann method offers good crystallinity as well as large size (larger than 1cm). Each crystal is highly crystalline, oriented in 0001 direction, and easy to exfoliate. Our R D staff takes characterization dataset in each sample piece to ensure structural, optical, and electronic consistency.
Properties of InSe crystals by 2Dsemiconductors USA
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