北京天利生物技术公司目前开展的业务有: 1.客户多肽合成 可根据客户的需要,合成毫克级、克级、公斤级的不同纯度的多肽。 2.多肽合成所需的相关原料和主要试剂生产加工 主要有各种保护氨基酸、氨基酸树脂、多肽合成树脂及多肽中间体等原料和试剂。可按照 客户的需要进行包装。 3.多肽原料或对照品委托订制 可提供胸腺五肽、胸腺素 -1、胰高血糖素、生长抑素、奥曲肽、降钙素、亮丙瑞林、干扰素原液、蛇毒原液、水蛭素原液、等肽类产品的原料或标准品,也可根据客户需求合成国内外已知序列的肽类原料或标准品。 4.多肽合成、纯化的技术咨询 公司凭借雄厚的技术实力、高素质的专业人才和崇高的敬业精神,为客户解答有关多肽合 成的各种疑难问题。 本公司愿以优异的质量、优惠的价格、优良的效率提供Z佳的服务,欢迎来电来函垂询。 现热销胸腺五肽、胸腺素 -1 98% 纯品 其它产品: 珍珠水解液、超细珍珠粉、丝肽粉、丝肽液、丝氨基酸、胎盘液、羊胎素液、胶原蛋白粉、鱼蛋白粉、卵蛋白粉、羊胎(盘)素冻干粉 、多种优质蛇毒冻干晶体、甲状腺激素、斑蝰蛇蛇毒、中亚产蛇毒(医用)、蛇胆浸膏、牛黄提取物、硫酸软骨素 、多烯鱼油、蛙油、溶菌酶Lysozyme、溶菌酶Lysozyme、透明质酸、水溶性四元氨基高聚糖、肝素钠、甘露醇、海藻酸钠、、纤维素酶、果胶酶、淀粉酶、蛋白酶、CTP胞嘧啶、GTP 脲嘧啶、 激素类系列 产品名称 含量 1 4-雄烯二酮 99% 2 孕烯醇酮 99% 3 5-雄烯二醇 99% 4 黄体酮 99% 5 去氢表雄酮 99% 孕酮 乳酸及其化合物 乳酸 缓冲乳酸 乳酸粉 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;乳酸钠 乳酸钠粉 乳酸钾 乳酸铵 乳酸钙 乳酸铝 乳酸铁 乳酸镁 乳酸锰 乳酸锌 乳酸甲酯 乳酸乙酯 乳酸异丙酯 乳酸丙酯 乳酸丁酯 乳酸辛酯 乙交酯 丙交酯 聚乙交酯 聚丙交酯 乙交酯/丙交酯共聚物 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;乳糖醇 乳糖醇混合物 罗格列酮中间体 盐酸吡格列酮 、新氟喹诺酮 3,5-二甲氧基-1-吲酮 5,6-Dimethoxy-1-indanone 多奈哌齐中间体 对甲氧基苯乙腈 4-Methoxyphenylacetonitrile 2,4-噻唑烷二酮 2,4-Thiazolidinedione 5-溴吲哚 5-Bromoindole 5-氰基吲哚 5-Cyanoindole 5-硝基吲哚 5-Nitroindole 5-氟吲哚 5-Fluoroindole 3-吲哚甲酸 Indole-3-carboxylic 对甲氧基苯甲醇(大茴香醇) 4-Methoxybenzyl alcohol 4 -甲基-2-氰基联苯 4 -Methyl-2-cyano-biphenyl 2-吡啶甲醛 2-Pyridine carboxaldehyde 3-吡啶甲醛 3-Pyridine carboxaldehyde 4-吡啶甲醛 4-Pyridine carboxaldehyde 2-吡啶甲醇盐酸盐 2-Pyridinemethanol hydrochloride 3-吡啶甲醇盐酸盐 3-Pyridinemethanol hydrochloride 4-吡啶甲醇盐酸盐 4-Pyridinemethanol hydrochloride 9-芴甲醇 9-Fluorenylmethanol 5,5-二甲基海因 99% 杀毒剂、防腐剂合成原料 1,3-二氯-5.5-二甲基海因 65% 消毒剂、游泳池及工业水系统 1,3-二溴-5,5-二甲基海因 98% 消毒剂及制药工业特殊溴化剂 1-溴-3-氯-5,5-二甲基海因 92-95% 消毒剂、游泳池及工业水系统 1,3-二羟甲基-5,5-二甲基海因(DMDMH) 55-95% 洗发香波、护发素、化妆品杀菌防腐剂 氯雷他定、 1-羟甲基-5,5-二甲基海因 55-95% 洗发香波、护发素、化妆品杀菌防腐剂 1,5,5-三甲基海因 98% 医药有机合成中间体 海因 98% 有机合成原料 1-氨基海因 98% 有机合成原料 N-苄基海因 98% 医药中间体 1-苄基-5-乙氧基海因 98% 制药、感光材料、杀虫剂、氨基酸合成原料 1-氨基海因盐酸盐 98% 治疗尿路感染中间体 1,3-二(1-羟基-戊醛基)-5,5-二甲基海因 98% 化妆品、食品、医疗器械、工农产品消毒 丙酰氯 99% 农药、医药及反应中间体 N-甲基苄胺 98% 医药、染料有机合成原料 2-溴丙酸甲脂 98% 有机合成原料、医药中间体 2-溴丙酸 98% 医药反应中间体 对溴苯酚 99% 有机合成反应中间体 2.4.6-三溴苯胺 99% 医药反应中间体、农业化学及阻燃剂 对溴苯甲醚 对溴苯乙醚 98% 有机全成原料 二苯乙酮 98% 医药有机合成原料 2-溴化苄 98% 有机合成,也是发泡剂的原料 碘苯 98% 有机合成,也是一种通用试剂,可用作折射率标准液 对溴甲苯 99% 有机合成染料 苯乙酸甲酯 99% 有机合成中间体和香料 苯乙酸乙酯 99% 香料和医药原料 2,2-二溴-3氮川丙酰胺 98% 杀菌灭藻剂及工业水系统 a-溴肉桂醛 98% 有机合成原料 2-溴丙酰溴 98% 医药中间体 2,3-二溴丙睛 98% 有机合成原料 2,3-二溴-1-丙醇 98% 有机合成及阻燃剂 2-溴己酸 98% 有机合成中间体 4,4-二溴二苯醚 98% 医药、染料中间体 a-溴乙酸乙酯 98% 医药有机合成中间体 a-溴代异戊酸乙酯 98% 农药、医药反应中间体 2,3-二溴丙酰氯 98% 医药、染料中间体 2,3-二氯丙睛 98% 医药、染料中间体 2-氨基-5-甲基噻唑 99% 治疗类风湿病-美洛西康中间体 肾上腺皮质激素 糖皮质激素 甲状腺素T4 促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH) 阿黑皮素原(POMC) 促脂解激素(LPH) 生长素(HGH);胰岛素样生长因子(IGF) 催乳素(PRL) 人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG);马促性腺激素(PMSG) 人促卵泡激素(hFSH) 降钙素(CT) 黄体生成素(LH) 血管紧张素 (AT) 雌二醇 E2 睾丸酮 孕酮 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子; L-丙氨酸、L-缬氨酸、L-亮氨酸、L-异亮氨酸、L-丝氨酸、 L-苏氨酸、L-天门冬氨酸、L-谷氨酸、L-精氨酸、L-赖氨酸、 L-组氨酸、L-半胱氨酸、L-胱氨酸、L-甲硫氨酸、L-苯丙氨酸、 L-酪氨酸、L-色氨酸、L-脯氨酸、L-羟脯氨酸、L-鸟氨酸、甘氨酸等; DL-丙氨酸、DL-缬氨酸、DL-亮氨酸、DL-异亮氨酸、DL-丝氨酸、DL-苏氨酸、DL-谷氨酸、DL-丙氨酸、DL-蛋氨酸 DL-酪氨酸、DL-色氨酸、DL-甲硫氨酸、DL-苯丙氨酸、DL-天门冬氨酸、DL-精氨酸、L-苯丙氨酸 组氨酸 、异亮氨酸 、亮氨酸 、赖氨酸 、蛋氨酸、胱氨酸、苯丙氨酸、酪氨酸 苏氨酸 、色氨酸 、缬氨酸 、丙氨酸、脯氨酸、精氨酸、丝氨酸、牛磺酸、左旋多巴、聚赖氨酸 甘氨酸 98.5%工业级 25KGS复合袋 纸箱 纸桶0.5mt/1mt集装袋 98.5%饲料级 99%食品级 99%-101.5%医药级 甘氨酸(全封闭) 99%-101.5%医药级(全封闭) 甘氨酸乙酯盐酸盐 98.5% 25KGS复合袋 纸箱 甘氨酸钠 98.5% 25KGS纸桶 甘氨酸铝 98.5% 25KGS纸桶 亚氨基二乙酸盐酸盐 97% 25KGS纸桶 亚氨基二乙酸二钠盐 90% 25KGS纸桶 马尿酸(N-苯甲酰甘氨酸) 99% 25KGS复合袋 甘氨酸甲酯盐酸盐 98.5% 20KGS复合袋、纸桶 海因 99.0% 25KGS复合袋、纸桶 1-苄基-5-乙氧基海因 98.0% 25KGS复合袋、纸桶 普伐他汀钠 美伐他汀 D-( )-CAMPHORIC ACID 阿昔洛韦 Acyclovir Gp2000版 更昔洛韦 Ganciclovir 含量98%以上 法昔洛韦 Famacilovir 企标 青蒿素(Artemisinin) 蒿甲醚 L-Cystine L-Arginine.HCL L-Leucine L-Tyrosine L-Cysteine Hydrochloride onohydrate L-Cysteine Hydrochloride Anhydrous L-抗坏血酸多聚磷酸酯(LAPP) 甘氨酸、DL-丙氨酸、DL-蛋氨酸、牛磺酸等; 木糖醇、木糖醇DC、D-木糖乳糖、乳糖醇、山梨醇 维生素VB1、VC、VE、烟酸、烟酰胺、维生素B(B1、B2、B6、B12) 双甘氨肽、羟苯磺酸钙、肌醇 葡萄糖酸葡醛内酯、无水柠檬酸 琥珀酸一钠、琥珀酸二钠 蛋氨酸硒、(硒、铁、铜、锌、锰等氨基酸螯合物) 青霉素 苄星青霉素 苯唑西林 氯唑西林 阿莫西林 氨苄西林 羧苄西林 呋布西林 哌拉西林 氟氯西林 美西林 美洛西林 阿奇霉素 林可霉素 克林霉素 粘菌素 多粘菌素B 万古霉素 杆菌肽 纳他霉素 红曲红色素 卡茚西林 头孢噻吩 头孢噻啶 头孢氨苄 头孢唑啉 头孢拉定 头孢孟多 头孢呋辛 头孢呋肟酯 头孢噻肟 头孢哌酮 头孢曲松 头孢他定 头孢克洛 头孢唑肟 头孢甲肟 头孢西丁 氨曲南 舒巴坦 克拉维酸 红霉素 麦迪霉素 螺旋霉素 乙酰螺旋霉素 克拉霉素 罗红霉素 交沙霉素 链霉素 卡那霉素 庆大霉素 奈替米星 新霉素 阿米卡星 西索米星 小诺米星 大观霉素 核糖霉素 乙酰螺旋霉素、 柱晶白霉素、利福霉素 氟喹诺酮 辛可宁 秋水仙胺 秋水仙碱 金雀花碱 毛地黄皂苷 毛地黄毒苷 地谷新 芦竹碱 防己苦霉素 奎尼丁硫酸盐 奎宁 奎宁盐酸盐 奎宁硫酸盐 利福平 利血平 番茄苷 藜芦碱 藜芦碱硫酸盐 放线菌素C 放线菌素D 醛固酮 两性霉素B 氨苄青霉素 氨苄青霉素钠 羧苄青霉素二钠 顺式雄酮 抗霉素A 卵白素 皮质甾酮 氯霉素 可的松 乙酸可的松 松胞素A 松胞素B 松胞素C 松胞素D 松胞素E 脱氢异雄甾酮 乙酸脱氢异雄甾酮 7-脱氢胆甾醇 脱氢可的松 乙酸脱氢可的松 脱氧皮质甾酮 乙酸脱氧皮质甾酮 双烯雌酚 二乙酸双烯雌酚 红霉素 -雌二醇 17 -雌二醇 雌三醇 雌三醇-3-甲醚 雌酮 雌酮-3-甲醚 己烯雌酚四烯雌酮 己雌酚 氢化可的松 脱氢可的松 乙酸氢化可的松 胰岛素 硫酸庆大霉素 硫酸卡那霉素 羊毛甾醇 甲基雄甾烯二醇 甲基睾甾酮 光神霉素 丝裂霉素C 硫酸新霉素 寡霉素 孕三醇 孕烯醇酮 黄体酮 嘌呤霉素二盐酸 超级氨苄青霉素 多黏菌素B -谷甾醇 硫酸链霉素 链脲佐菌素 二丙酸己烯雌酚 加溶两性霉素 睾酮 毒毛旋花苷-G 丙酸睾酮 链霉亲和素 缬氨霉素 盐酸万古霉素 盐酸四环素 氨基核苷嘌呤霉素 氯雷他定、利培酮、力肽、盐酸匹格列酮、N(2)-L-丙氨酰-L-谷氨酰胺、乙酰谷酰胺、 降糖系列 格列美脲 99% 1kg/铝桶 那格列奈 99.0% 1kg/铝桶 依帕司他 99% 1kg/铝塑袋 医药中间体 3-乙基- 4-甲基-2-氧代-吡咯-2-酮 99% 1kg/铝桶 5kg或10kg/纸板桶 N-[4-[2-(3-乙基- 4-甲基-2-氧代-3-吡咯啉-1-羧酰基)乙基]苯磺酰胺 99% 1kg/铝桶 反式-4-甲基-环己胺 含量 98% 顺式 1% 1kg或5kg/氟塑桶 反式异氰酸酯 97.0% 1kg/铝桶 5kg或10kg/氟塑桶 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;烷基糖苷类乳化剂、保湿剂,磷酸 酯类温和表面活性剂。质量上乘。还有护肤、洁面、浴露、香波 等产品基料、半成品、产品品种包括:乳化剂、表面活性剂、润肤剂、防晒剂、天然提取物、香精香料、精油 美白剂、发用调理剂、杀菌剂、防腐剂、增稠剂、柔软剂、纺织前处理剂、后整理剂 固色剂、消泡剂、硅油、脂肪醇、脂肪酸、工业溶剂 保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子; Cropepsol 30, 50 水解胶原蛋白溶液 分子量=1000 (Mc) 清亮琥珀色液体 (含量越低,粘度越大) Croda 25kg/桶 CTAB, 十六烷基三甲基溴化铵,溴化十六烷基三甲基铵 CTAB 溴化十六烷基三甲基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 天然 樟脑酸 苯基三甲基溴化铵 间氨基苯甲醚 间硝基苯甲醚 间氨基苯乙醚 甲基氯化吡啶 乙基氯化吡啶 4,-甲基丁基氯化吡啶 丁基氯化吡啶 十二烷基氯化吡啶 十二烷基溴化吡啶 十四烷基氯化吡啶 十四烷基溴化吡啶 溴化十六烷基吡啶 氯化十六烷基吡啶(西吡氯胺CPC) 氯乙啶;醋酸氯乙啶 CTAB 溴化十六烷基三甲基胺 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr Collasol 1%, 3% 可溶性胶原蛋白溶液 分子量=300,000 (Mw/Mn) 白色锭剂 Croda 25kg/桶 Crotein Q 三甲基季铵化水解胶原蛋白 分子量=12,000 (Mc) 灰白色粉末 Croda 25kg/桶厂家特价供应:胶原蛋白;透明质酸HA;燕麦蛋白 ;羊胎素;鹿胎素,牛初乳粉,红景天,表皮激活因子EGF、 -干扰素系列产品,促进人血小板生长因子、肿瘤坏死因子(TAF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(BFGF),干细胞因子(SCF)和人白细胞介素-11、胰岛素和葡激酶;免疫多糖细胞激活剂;氨基酸保湿因子;芦酊(芦丁);人参皂甙;卡波981胶;曲酸二棕榈酸酯;熊果苷;甘草酸二钾;甘草黄酮;核酸;CM-Glucan免疫多糖激活剂;甲壳素多糖衍生物; 3-氨基丙醇磷酸酯(APPA)促进皮肤成纤维细胞的剥离增值作用,有利于表皮的新陈代谢,促进胶原蛋白合成。壬二酸衍生物(K-ADG)调节油性和粉刺性皮肤的油脂分泌,有利于根本上抑制和消除粉刺,传统美白祛斑产品,竞争性抑制酪氨酸酶,方便使用,极小刺激和过敏作用。二棕榈酰羟脯氨酸(DPHP)抗皱、紧肤、抗衰老保护弹性蛋白,DPHP比维C抑制弹性蛋白酶的活性更强,刺激胶原纤维的收缩,活性明显强于维C,清除自由基,活性基本上与维C相当。曲酸氨基丙醇磷酸酯(K-APPA)改性后溶于水,稳定不变色,适用于更多的美白祛斑剂型. inositol纤维醇,nicotinate尼克酸,glucosamine氨基葡萄糖,grapeseed葡萄籽提取物,greentea绿茶提取物,siberrian-ginseng人参提取物,lipoicacid硫辛酸,chondrolntin sulphatc硫酸软骨素,谷氨酰胺; 赤 藓 糖 醇.
阿昔洛韦 Acyclovir Gp2000版 更昔洛韦 Ganciclovir 含量98%以上 法昔洛韦 Famacilovir 企标 青蒿素(Artemisinin) 蒿甲醚 普伐他丁钠(pravastatin sodium);pravastatinsodium 丙酸倍氯米松(Beclovent) 奥美拉唑(Prilosec) 依那普利(Vasotec) 法莫替丁(Pepcid) 头孢呋新酯(Ceftin) 伊曲康唑(Sporanox) 洛伐他汀(Mevacor) 赖诺普利(Prinivil) 羟氨苄青霉素(Augementin) 他莫昔芬(Vovladex) 亚胺培南-西拉司丁钠(Primaxin) 尼扎替丁(Axid) 环丙氟哌酸(Cipro) 炔雌醚(Ortho-Novum) 氯雷他定(Claritin) 氟康唑(Diflucan) 辛伐他汀(Zocor) 甲红霉素(Biaxin) 普伐他汀(Pravachol) 头孢三嗪(Recefin) 阿齐霉素(Zithromax) 昂丹司琼(Zofran) 舒马曲坦(Imitrex) 西沙必利(Propulsid) 瑞司哌酮(Rispreidal) 盐酸地拉普利(Delapril Hydrochloride) 奥曲肽(Octreotide) 头孢克肟(Cefixime) 舒马坦琥珀酸盐(Suma-triptan) 雷诺格拉斯蒂姆(Lenog-rastim,G-CSF) 非那甾胺(Finasteride) B型嗜血杆菌组合疫苗(脑膜炎双球菌蛋白结合物) 卡比多巴(Carbidopa)/左旋多巴(Levodopa) 舒马坦琥珀酸盐(Suma-triptan Succinate) 氯雷他定(Loratadine) 盐酸曲匹西龙(Tropiser-on Hydrochloride) 普伐他丁钠(Pravastatin Sodium) 左旋氧氟沙星(Levoflox-acin) 普伐他丁钠(Pravastatin Sodium) 齐多夫定(Zidovudine) 阿伐斯汀(Acrivastine) 新敏乐(Semprex) 兰索拉唑(Lansoprazole) 达克普隆(Take-pron) 阿齐霉素二水合物(Azth-romycin Dihydrate) 西沙必利(Cisapride) 重组人促红细胞生成素(Epoetinbate) 氟罗沙星(Fleroxacin) 环孢菌素(Ciclosporin) 环孢菌素(Ciclosporin) 头孢特伦新戊酯(Cefte-rampivoxil) 盐酸咪唑普利(ImidaprilHydrochloride) 盐酸特比奈酚(Terbina- fine Hydrochloride) 疗霉舒(Lamisil) 更昔洛韦(Ganciclovir) 莫美他松糠酸酯(Mometa-sone Furoate) 莫美他松糠酸酯(Mometa-sone Furoate) 莫美他松糠酸酯(Mometa-sone Furoate) 福美斯坦(Formestane)粉 阿仑膦酸钠(Alendronate Sodium) 双氯芬酸树脂盐(Diclofe-nac Resinate) 盐酸喹高莱(Quinagolide Hydrochloride) 氟伐他丁钠(Fluvastatin Sodium) 盐酸坦索罗辛(Tamsulo- sin Hydrochloride) 含雌二醇和炔诺酮醋酸酯 爱斯加(Estra- gest) 咪伐氯胺(Mivacuriumch-loride) 霉酚酸吗啉乙酯(Mycoph- enolate Mofetil) 醋酸的斯加压素(Desmop-ressin Acetate) 洛沙坦钾(LosartanPota-ssium) 洛沙坦钾-双氢克尿塞(Losartan Potassium-Hydrochlorothiazide) 盐酸芦氟沙星(Rufloxacin Hydrochloride) 环匹罗司(Ciclopirox) 尼扎替丁(Nizatidine) 1,4-丁二磺酸硫代腺苷蛋氨酸(Ademetionine 1,4- butane-di-sulfonate) 帕曲膦酸二钠五水合物 (Pamidronatc Disodium Pentahydrate) D-( )-CAMPHORIC ACID 瑞巴匹特(Rebamipide) 伏利波糖(Voglibose) 利培酮(Risperidone) 氟氧头孢钠(Flomoxefso-dium) 氟氧头孢钠(Flomoxefso-dium) 非诺贝特(Fenofibrate) 盐酸杜塞酰胺(Dorzolamide Hydrochloride) 司帕沙星(Sparfloxacin) 泰克利玛(Tacrolimus) 盐酸罗哌卡因一水合物 (Ropivacaine Hydroch-loride Monohydrate) 阿卡波糖 普伐他丁 利巴韦林 阿曲汀 甲基睾丸素 罗苏伐他汀 阿昔洛韦 大力补 阿达帕灵 米非司酮 康力龙 苯磺酸阿曲库胺 莫维 A 硝 辛伐他汀 宝丹酮 乌拉地尔 头孢曲松钠 丁螺环酮 炔诺酮 头孢他啶 西尼地平 癸酸诺龙 头胞克肟 西洛他唑 康复龙 头胞克肟 卡洛芬 氧甲氢龙 头孢米诺 辅酶Q10 奥硝唑 头孢特伦 阿维 A 酯 扑热息痛 头孢替坦 乙胺丁醇 盐酸帕罗西汀 头孢匹胺 乙硫异烟胺 利巴韦林 头孢吡肟 表阿霉素 罗苏伐他汀 头孢西丁 孕二烯酮销售联系电话:01086181995;01089124423 电子信箱: waley188@sohu.com 联系人:郑先生 13911873657 四甲基氯化铵、四乙基溴化铵、四丙基溴化铵、四丁基溴化铵、四丁基硫酸氢铵、苄基三乙基氯化铵、苄基三甲基氯化铵、十二烷基三甲基溴化铵、十四烷基三甲基溴化铵、十六烷基三甲基溴化铵、甲基三丁基氯化铵75%水溶液、甲基三辛基氯化铵75%水溶液、一甲胺盐酸盐、二甲胺盐酸盐、三甲胺盐酸盐、三乙胺盐酸盐、间氨基苯甲醚、氯代十二烷、氯代十六烷、氯代正丁烷、溴代十二烷、溴代十四烷、溴代十六烷. 溴化十六烷基三甲基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 四甲基氯化铵 (CH3)4NCl 75-57-0 四甲基溴化铵 (CH3)4NBr 64-20-0 四甲基氢氧化铵 (CH3)4NOH 75-59-2 四甲基氟化铵 (CH3)4NF 373-68-2 四甲基硫酸氢铵 (CH3)4NHSO4 103812-00-6 四甲基醋酸铵 (CH3)4CH3COON 10581-12-1 四甲基碘化铵 (CH3)4NI 四乙基溴化铵 (C2H5)4NBr 71-91-0 四乙基氯化铵 (C2H5)4NCl 56-34-8 四乙基氟化铵 (C2H5)4NF 665-46-3 四乙基硫酸氢铵 (C2H5)4NHSO4 16873-13-5 四乙基氢氧化铵 (C2H5)4NOH 77-98-5 四乙基醋酸铵 (C2H5)4CH3COON 1185-59-7 四乙基碘化铵 (C2H5)4NI 四丙基溴化铵 (C3H7)4NBr 1941-30-6 四丙基氯化铵 (C3H7)4NCl 5810-42-4 四丙基氟化铵 (C3H7)4NF 四丙基硫酸氢铵 (C3H7)4NHSO4 56211-70-2 四丙基碘化铵 (C3H7)4NI 四丁基溴化铵 (C4H9)4NBr 1643-19-2 四丁基氯化铵 (C4H9)4NCl 37451-68-6 四丁基氢氧化铵 (C4H9)4NOH 2052-49-5 四丁基硫酸氢铵 (C4H9)4NHSO4 32503-27-8 四丁基氟化铵 (C4H9)4NF 429-41-4 四丁基醋酸铵 (C4H9)4CH3COON 四丁基碘化铵 (C4H9)4NI 四辛基溴化铵 (C8H17)4NBr 14866-33-2 四苯基溴化膦 ()4PBr 2751-90-8 甲基三苯基溴化膦 ()3CH3PBr 1779-49-3 乙基三苯基溴化膦 ()3C2H5PBr 1530-32-1 丙基三苯基溴化膦 ()3C3H7PBr 丁基三苯基溴化膦 ()3C4H9PBr 1779-51-7 苄基三苯基氯化膦 1100-88-5 苄基三苯基溴化膦 -CH2BrP-()3 1449-46-3 烯丙基三苯基氯化膦 18480-23-4 烯丙基三苯基溴化膦 CH2=CH-CH2BrP-()3 1560-54-9 十二烷基三苯基溴化膦 C12H25BrP-()3 15510-55-1 十二烷基三苯基氯化膦 C12H25ClP-()3 十四烷基三苯基溴化膦 C14H29BrP-()3 十四烷基三苯基氯化膦 C14H29ClP-()3 十六烷基三苯基溴化膦 C16H33BrP-()3 14866-43-4 十六烷基三苯基氯化膦 C16H33ClP-()3 溴化十六烷基三甲基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 三甲胺盐酸盐 (CH3)3N.HCl 593-81-7 二甲胺盐酸盐 (CH3)2NH.HCl 506-59-2 一甲胺盐酸盐 CH3NH2 HCl 593-51-1 三乙胺盐酸盐 (C2H5)3N.HCl 554-68-7 二乙胺盐酸盐 (C2H5)2NH HCl 660-68-4 一乙胺盐酸盐 C2H5NH2 HCl 557-66-4 2,-二甲胺基氯乙烷盐酸盐 ClCH2CH2N(CH3)2HCl 4584-46-7 2,-二乙胺基氯乙烷盐酸盐 ClCH2CH2N(C2H5)2HCl 869-24-9 2, -氯乙胺盐酸盐 ClCH2CH2NH2HCl 870-24-6 2,-溴乙胺盐酸盐 BrCH2CH2NH2HCl 2,-溴乙胺氢溴酸盐 BrCH2CH2NH3HBr 2576-47-8 二乙胺氢溴酸盐 (C2H5)2N.HBr 三乙胺氢溴酸盐 (C2H5)3N.HBr 630-70-4 苄基三乙基氯化铵 CH2(C2H5)3NCl 56-37-1 苄基三乙基溴化铵 -CH2(C2H5)3NBr 5197-95-5 苄基三甲基氯化铵 -CH2(CH3)3NCl 56-93-9 苄基三甲基溴化铵 -CH2(CH3)3NBr 5350-41-4 苄基三甲基氢氧化铵 -CH2(CH3)3NOH 苄基三丁基氯化铵 CH2 (C4H9)3NCl 23616-79-7 苄基三丁基溴化铵 CH2 (C4H9)3NBr 25316-59-0 N,N二乙基乙醇基氯化铵 甲基三乙基氯化铵 CH3(C2H5)3NCl 甲基三丙基氯化铵 CH3(C3H7)3NCl 甲基三丁基氯化铵 CH3(C4H9)3NCl 甲基三辛基氯化铵 CH3(C8H17)3NCl 5137-55-3 丙基三甲基氯化铵 C3H7(CH3)3NCl 溴化十六烷基三甲基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 丁基三甲基氯化铵 C4H9(CH3)3NCl 甲基三辛基氯化铵水溶液 CH3(C8H17)3NCl 5137-55-3 十二烷基三甲基溴化铵 C12H25(CH3)3 NBr 1119-94-4 十二烷基三甲基氯化铵 C12H25(CH3)3 NCl 112-00-5 十四烷基三甲溴化铵 C14H29(CH3)3NBr 1119-97-7 十四烷基三甲基氯化铵 C14H29(CH3)3 NCl 4574-04-3 十六烷基三甲基溴化铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 57-09-0 十六烷基三甲基氯化铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NCl 112-02-7 2,4-二氯苯酚 120-83-2 溴代正丁烷 C4H9Br 109-65-9 溴代十二烷 C12H25Br 143-15-7 溴代十六烷 C16H33Br 112-82-3 溴代十四烷 C14H29Br 112-71-0 溴代十八烷 C18H37Br 112-89-0 1,2-二溴乙烷 BrCH2-CH2Br 106-93-4 溴辛烷 C8H17Br 111-83-1 溴化苄 -CH2Br 100-39-0 氯代正丁烷 C4H9Cl 109-69-3 氯代异丁烷 C4H9Cl 513-36-0 氯代叔丁烷 C4H9Cl 507-20-0 氯代正辛烷 C8H17Cl 111-85-3 氯代十二烷 C12H25Cl 112-52-7 氯代十四烷 C14H29Cl 110220-87-6 氯代十六烷 C16H33Cl 4860-03-1 氯代十八烷 C18H37Cl 3386-33-2 1H-1,2,4三氮唑 288-88-0 对叔丁基氯苄 C4H9--CH2Cl 19692-45-6 对叔丁基氰苄 (CH3)3-C--CH2CN 对甲苯磺酸 CH3--SO3H 104-15-4 苯基三甲基氯化铵 138-24-9 溴化十六烷基三甲基铵 C16H33(CH3)3 NBr 苯基三甲基溴化铵 16056-11-4 间氨基苯甲醚 536-90-3 间硝基苯甲醚 间氨基苯乙醚 621-33-0 甲基氯化吡啶 乙基氯化吡啶 4,-甲基丁基氯化吡啶 丁基氯化吡啶 十二烷基氯化吡啶 十二烷基溴化吡啶 十四烷基氯化吡啶 十四烷基溴化吡啶 溴化十六烷基吡啶 140-72-7 氯化十六烷基吡啶 123-03-5 (西吡氯胺CPC) 吡啶盐酸盐 5421-92-1 珍珠水解液、速溶珍珠粉、超细珍珠粉(已获得《药品生产企业许可证》)、丝肽粉(丝精)、丝肽液、丝素粉、丝胶粉、蚕丝氨基酸、胎盘提取液、羊胎素液、胶原蛋白、芦荟粉、鱼蛋白粉、人参提取液、人参浸膏、卵蛋白粉、当归液、甘草浸膏、海藻胶(液)、白芷提取液、金银花提取液、木瓜提取液、丹参提取液、灵芝提取液、银杏提取液、绿茶提取液 、芦酊、果酸(a 羟基酸,AHA)、表皮生长因子bFGF、表皮生长因子EGF、注射用A型肉毒素、注射用人胶原蛋白、D-( )-CAMPHORIC ACID HOLUME MS40 新型皂基表面活性剂 ENDATION CM 皂基体系肤感改良剂 PLANTON 611C AES/APG复配物 ENDATION U2 新型香波柔顺调理剂 SAG-610 高效的消泡抑泡剂 L34 无磷洗涤助剂 ST 040 高渗透性发泡剂 ENDATION U8 衣物柔顺剂 S60 非离子改性活性体 S31 抑泡增效剂 商品名称 规格 K12A(70%) 多种 AESA(70%) 25kg/桶 AES 100-220kg/桶 海藻提取物 16kg CAB 50kg/桶 芦荟 16kg MES 50kg/桶 红花 16kg SCI-65 79.4kg/桶 银杏 16kg 25UP 20kg/桶 皂角 16kg 肌氨酸纳 50kg/桶 当归 16kg 谷氨酸纳 50kg/桶 白蔹 16kg 咪唑林 50kg/桶 茯苓 16kg 6501 200kg/桶 细辛 5kg CMEA 25kg/件 金缘梅 10kg DC-200 190kg/桶 金缘梅燕馏液 10kg DC-345 190kg/桶 珍珠液 2.5kg DC-3225C 190kg/桶 珍珠层粉 2.5kg/袋 白矿油 170kg/桶 水解蛋白 2.5kg 甘油 250kg/桶 胶原蛋白 2.5kg 丙二醇 200kg/桶 甲硝唑 25kg/桶 硬脂酸 25kg/袋 芦荟粉 1kg 十二酸 25kg/袋 熊果甘 1kg 十四酸 25kg/袋 曲酸脂 0.5kg IPP 50kg/桶 VC磷酸脂 0.5kg IPM 50kg/桶 胎盘提取液 4kg/桶 GTCC 190kg/桶 VB3 25kg 角烷(合成) 160kg/桶 VB6 25kg 霍霍巴油(水/油) 10/18kg/桶 VC 50kg 白凡士林 165kg/桶 VE 5kg/桶 羊毛脂(水/抽) 20/25kg 不变色氩醒 25kg/桶 PEG-400 230kg/桶 物效美白剂 5kg件 橄榄油 50kg/桶 VA酸脂 25kg 月见草油 25kg/桶 VA酸 0.1/1kg 乙氧基二乙二醇 20kg/桶 HS 25kg 甘草酸二钾 1kg/袋 地塞米松 100g/袋 氯霉素 25kg/桶 复合樱敏剂 1kg/袋 红没药醇 5kg/袋 芦荟液 2.5kg/桶 BHT 25kg/袋 乙酯 20kg/件 甲酯 20kg/件 K30 90kg 丙酯 20kg/件 VA64 70kg 16-18醇 25kg/件 S630 50kg 乳化硅油 60kg/桶 氯洁霉素 25kg/桶 T-20 25kg/桶 DC1352 190kg/桶 T-60 25kg/桶 DC1491 190kg/桶 T-80 25kg/桶 DC1785 190kg/桶 A6 50kg/件 DC193 190kg/桶 A25 25kg/件 DC8168 190kg/桶 Brij-72 25kg/件 3196(瓜尔胶) 22.7kg/桶 Brij-721 25kg/件 JR400 25kg/箱 S2 50kg/桶 400KC-A 20kg/箱 S6 25kg/桶 甘宝素 25kg/件 P135 188kg/桶 LM-S 25kg/件 808A 50kg/桶 OCTP 50kg/桶 305 30kg/桶 ZPT 30kg/桶 3101 50kg/桶 3102 AM2001 60kg/桶 AMD 25kg/箱 CD-78 50kg/桶 A100 25kg/袋 TC-90 45.4kg/桶 R930 25kg/袋 硫代 25kg/桶 讯高岭土 25kg/袋 氨水 15kg/箱 腾润土 25kg/袋 单乙醇胺 200kg/桶 滑石粉 25kg/袋 双氧水 30kg/桶 硬脂酸镁 20kg/袋 酸钠 50kg/桶 彩色胶囊 1kg/瓶 稳定剂 25kg/桶 磨砂粒 25kg/袋 对苯二胺 50kg/桶 霍霍巴脂彩球 1kg 对氨基苯酚 25kg/桶 250HHR 25kg/袋 间苯二酚 25kg/桶 C940 20kg/袋 间氨基苯酚 25kg/桶 C941 20kg/袋 邻甲酚 20kg/桶 C934 20kg/袋 1631 50kg/桶 C2020 20kg/袋 TC-429 50kg/桶 DOE120 70kg/桶 磷酸氢二钠 25kg/袋 汉生胶 45.4kg 磷酸二氢钠 25kg/袋 PVA217 20kg/袋 珠光片 25kg/袋 海藻酸钠 25kg/袋 珠光浆 50kg/桶 各种色粉 50kg/袋 PK771 200kg/桶 珠光粉 1kg 三乙醇胺 200kg/桶 K-99 1kg/瓶 柠檬酸 25kg/袋 JM-2 1kg/瓶 Germaben-pius 20kg KOH 25kg/袋 红霉素 25kg/桶 EDTA-2Na 25kg/件 无水乙醇 165kg/件 EDTA-4Na 25kg/件 脱醛乙醇 160kg/件 钛白粉 25kg/件 95%乙醇 165kg/件 纳米钛白粉 5kg/箱 透明质酸 50g/100g SP-60 15kg/件 地蜡 25kg/袋 638增稠剂 20kg/件 石蜡 50kg/袋 氮酮(水/油) 0.5kg/瓶 白蜂蜡 50kg/袋 凯松 1kg/瓶 小烛树蜡 20kg/袋 尿囊素 25kg/件 微晶蜡 25kg/袋 氧化铁红 25kg/袋 巴西棕榈蜡 25kg/袋 氧化铁黄 25kg/袋 1.3丁二醇 200kg/桶 氧化铁黑 25kg/袋 单甘脂 25kg/箱 平平加 25kg/袋 果酸-60 25kg/桶 A-83 60kg/袋 果酸-90 25kg/桶 拉丝剂 25kg/袋 增溶剂 20kg/桶 珠光皇 25kg/箱 皂基 100kg/桶 AXS 240kg/桶 氧化铝丙二醇 50kg/桶 APG-2000 160kg/桶 SI-900 25kg/桶 氨基硅油 50kg/桶 山梨醇 165kg/桶 薄荷脑 25kg/箱 D-( )-CAMPHORIC ACID 各色彩粒 1kg 硫酸镁 0.5kg/瓶 金箔 100张 硫酸锌 0.5kg/瓶 MAP-K 60 維生素A, C, E、泛醇(D-Panthenol), 沒藥醇(Bisabolol) 及維生素A(Retinol) 柠檬酸、阿维酸 曲酸二棕榈酸酯;熊果苷;甘草酸二钾;甘草黄酮;彩色珍珠 胶囊系列;核酸;CM-Glucan免疫多糖激活剂;NMF-50氨基酸保湿剂;甲壳素多糖衍生物、3-氨基丙醇磷酸酯(APPA)、壬二酸衍生物(K-ADG)、二棕榈酰羟脯氨酸(DPHP)、曲酸氨基丙醇磷酸酯(K-APPA) 纯品甘草酸 GLYCYRRHIZIC ACID〉98%(UV) 药用抗毒,抗过敏、消炎,化妆品、洁牙等 甘草次酸 18-B-ACID〉97%(HPLC) 药用原料、外用创伤或湿疹等二钾盐 甘草酸二钾盐GLYCYRRHIZINATE〉95%(UV) 药用原料,主要用于眼疾 甘草酸二钠盐 GLYCYRRHIZINATE〉95%(UV) 药用或食品级添加剂 樾桔提取物 25%(uv) 牛膀子甙 80%(HPLC) 银杏异黄酮 24% 6% max 5ppm max 1ppm 大豆异黄酮 大豆低聚糖 低聚果糖 低聚异麦芽糖 低聚半乳糖 低聚龙胆糖 麦芽一低聚异麦芽糖醇 海藻糖 壳低聚糖 低聚木糖 甘露低聚糖 甜菊糖 蔗果低聚糖 琼脂低聚糖 大豆肽 三七提取物 黄芪提取物 五味子提取物 高山红景天提取物 月见草提取物 薰衣草精华 氧化苦参碱 苦参碱 绞股蓝 柚皮甙, 辛弗林, 红景天甙, 刺芒柄花素, 淫羊藿甙, 橙皮酊 熊果酸, 染料木素 秋水仙碱 人参皂甙 甘草提取物Licorice Root ExtractGlycyrrhizin 24% 黄芪提取物Astragalus ExtractAstragaloside Ⅳ 0.3% 灵芝提取物Reishi Mushroom ExtractPolysacchrides 10% 柳白皮提取物White Willow bark Extract Salicin 25% 紫杉醇 植物提取物 芦丁、芦酊 褐藻酸双脂钠海藻提取物 Astragalus P.E. 黄芪提取物 Ligustrum lucidum AitP.E 女贞子提取物 Loquat Leaf P.E 枇杷叶提取物 Epimedium P.E. 淫羊藿提取物 Epimedium P.E. 淫羊藿提取物 Citrus Aurantium P.E 枳实提取物 St.John s wort P.E. 贯叶连翘提取物 Siberian Gingseng P.E. 刺五加提取物 Tribulus Terrestris P.E. 刺蒺藜提取物 Wild Yam P.E. 山药提取物 Hawthorne 山楂果提取物 Heterophylly 太子参提取物 Siberian 甘草浸膏 Bulbus Bolbostemmae P.E. 土贝母提取物 Codonopsis P.E. 党参提取物 Green tea P.E. 绿茶提取物 Grape seed P.E. 葡萄籽提取物 Horsetail P.E. 问荆提取物 Bilberry P.E. 越橘提取物 Tribula Terrestris P.E. 蒺藜籽提取物 Kudzu Root P.E. 葛根提取物 Red Clover P.E. 红车轴草提取物 White WillowBark P.E. 白柳皮提取物 Schisandra P.E. 五味子提取物 Sinlmenine Hydrochloride 盐酸青藤碱 Taxol 紫杉醇 10-Deacetyl Baccation III 10-脱乙酰巴卡丁 其它提取物 珍珠水解液、超细珍珠粉、丝肽粉、丝肽液、丝氨基酸、胎盘液、羊胎素液、胶原蛋白、芦荟粉、芦荟提取液、鱼蛋白粉、卵蛋白粉、海藻液(胶)、芦酊、木瓜提取液、丹参提取液、人参粉、人参提取液、当归提取液、当归浸膏、首乌浸膏、甘草浸膏、银杏提取液、黄瓜提取液、大蒜提取液、仙人掌提取液、薏苡仁提取液、红花提取液、白芷提取液、金银花提取液、绿茶提取液、黑芝麻提取液、野菊花提取液、皂角提取液、淫羊藿提取液、益母草提取液、葛根提取液、黄芩提取液、黄柏提取液、透明质酸液、NS去屑止痒剂、 月见草油,当归精油,葡萄籽油,杏仁油,姜精油,桂皮精油,紫苏籽油,八角茴香油,玉米黄色素、紫苏红、甘蓝红、萝卜红、紫甘薯红、葡萄红、蜗牛酶、 葡萄籽提取物 PROANTHOCYANIEINS 〉95% 25KGS /DRUM 水飞蓟素 TOTAL FLAVANOSIDS:75%MIN 25KGS /DRUM 人参皂甙 CONTENT:80% MIN 25KGS /DRUM 银杏黄酮 FLAVANOSIDS 24%MIN TERPEN LACTONE 6%MIN 25KGS /DRUM 茶多酚 POLYPHENOLS 40-98% 25KGS /DRUM 五味子 SCHISANDRINS 9% 25KGS /DRUM 硫酸软骨素 WITH ConTENT 90% 25KGS /DRUM 辣椒红、姜黄色素、甜菜红 红曲红 高粱红 萝卜红 甘蓝红 紫草红 栀子黄 、栀子蓝 、叶绿素铜钠盐 、金樱子棕 中国科学院院士、分子肿瘤学国家重点实验室主任吴教授在《战胜癌症》中提到:芦酊对各种癌症患者都有预防和治疗功效,尤其对膀胱癌、肺癌、皮肤癌有特殊疗效。 据中医学临床实验证明:芦酊是新一代防癌、治癌的保健药品,也具有提神解暑等药效功用,在国内外享有很高的声誉。 山东省医学科学院药物研究所通过实验证明,芦笋提取物芦酊对癌细胞具有抑制 拓扑异构酶 的活性促使癌细胞DNA双链断裂的作用,但由于明显的剂量效应相关性,对于 拓扑异构酶 浓度较低的人体正常细胞不发生作用,这就使芦酊抗癌具有了科学家Z希望的选择性:既可以直接抑制杀灭癌细胞,对正常细胞又没有毒副作用。 科学家进一步研究又证明,芦笋中含有丰富的组织蛋白核酸叶酸、微量元素硒和游离态存在的天门冬酰胺和芦酊,他们能有效地抑制癌细胞生长和癌细胞生物大分子的合成,对人体癌细胞形成生化障碍,从而阻止癌细胞的生长、增殖和浸润。 美国生化学家卡尔 卢茨以及理查德 文赛尔多年研究证明,用芦酊治淋巴腺癌、膀胱癌、肺癌和皮肤癌有极好疗效。对其它癌症、白血症等,也有很好效果。芦笋治癌的奥秘,在于含有特别丰富的组织蛋白和芦酊,这些物质能防止癌细胞扩散及抑制癌细胞生长,被生化学家们誉为 使细胞生长正常的 卫士。
产品名称 中文名 目录编号 类别 Calcitonin,Salmon 降钙素 PEP 10001 cGMP Peptide Desmopressin 去氨加压素 PEP 10002 cGMP Peptide Enfuvirtide(T-20) PEP 10004 cGMP Peptide Eptifibatide 埃替非巴肽 PEP 10005 cGMP Peptide Glucagon 胰高血糖素 PEP 10006 cGMP Peptide Gonadorelin 戈那瑞林 PEP 10007 cGMP Peptide Goserelin 戈舍瑞林 PEP 10008 cGMP Peptide Hexarelin 海沙瑞林 PEP 10009 cGMP Peptide Leuprorelin 亮丙瑞林 PEP 10010 cGMP Peptide Melanotan Ⅱ 美拉诺坦 PEP 10011 cGMP Peptide Octreotide 奥曲肽 PEP 10012 cGMP Peptide Oxytocin 缩宫素 PEP 10013 cGMP Peptide Sermorelin 舍莫瑞林 PEP 10014 cGMP Peptide Somatostatin 生长抑素 PEP 10015 cGMP Peptide Terlipressin 特利加压素 PEP 10003 cGMP Peptide Thymopentin 胸腺五肽 PEP 10016 cGMP Peptide Thymosin alpha C1 胸腺肽 PEP 10017 cGMP Peptide Triptorelin 曲普瑞林 PEP 10018 cGMP Peptide First Previous Next Last Pageno 1/1 联系电话:01086181995;01089124423; 手机:013911873657 Email: waley188@sohu.com 产品名称 中文名 目录编号 类别 Calcitonin,Salmon 降钙素 PEP cGMP Peptide Desmopressin 去氨加压素 PEP cGMP Peptide Enfuvirtide(T-20) PEP cGMP Peptide Eptifibatide 埃替非巴肽 PEP cGMP Peptide Glucagon 胰高血糖素 PEP cGMP Peptide Gonadorelin 戈那瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Goserelin 戈舍瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Hexarelin 海沙瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Leuprorelin 亮丙瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Melanotan Ⅱ 美拉诺坦 PEP cGMP Peptide Octreotide 奥曲肽 PEP cGMP Peptide Oxytocin 缩宫素 PEP cGMP Peptide Sermorelin 舍莫瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide Somatostatin 生长抑素 PEP cGMP Peptide Terlipressin 特利加压素 PEP cGMP Peptide Thymopentin 胸腺五肽 PEP cGMP Peptide Thymosin alpha 1 胸腺肽 PEP cGMP Peptide Triptorelin 曲普瑞林 PEP cGMP Peptide First Previous Next Last Pageno 1/1 -Ala-His (L-Carnosine) 肌肽 Melanotan Ⅱ Acetate 醋酸美拉诺坦 Terlipressin Acetate 醋酸特利加压素 Triptoelin Acetate 醋酸曲普瑞林 Ala-Gln 力肽 Thymosin 1 Acetate 醋酸胸腺肽 1 Thymopentin Acetate, TP-5 Acetate 醋酸胸腺五肽 Thymopentin, TP-5 胸腺五肽 Octreotide Acetate 醋酸奥曲肽 Oxytocin Acetate 醋酸催产素 Oxytocin Acetate, Veterinary 醋酸催产素兽药级 Sermorelin Acetate 醋酸舍莫瑞林 Somatostatin Acetate 醋酸生长抑素 Angiotensin Acetate 醋酸血管紧张素 Alarelin 阿拉瑞林 Atosiban Acetate 醋酸阿托西班 Calcitonin Acetate, Salmon 醋酸鲑鱼降钙素 Desmopressin Acetate 醋酸去氨加压素 Enfuvirtide Acetate 醋酸恩夫韦地 Eptifibatide Acetate 醋酸埃替非巴肽 Leuprorelin Acetate 醋酸亮丙瑞林阿拉瑞林(Alarelin) 阿托西班(Atosiban) 埃替非巴肽(Eptifibatide) 奥曲肽(Octreotide) 催产素(Oxytocin) 恩夫韦地(Enfuvirtide,T-20) HIV-1融合抑制剂高血糖素(Glucagon) 戈那瑞林(Gonadorelin) 戈舍瑞林(Goserelin) 鲑降钙素(Salmon Calcitonin) 肌肽(L-Carnosine) 精氨酸加压素(Argpressin) 赖氨酸加压素(Lyspressin) 力肽(Dipeptiven) L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine 立特帕肽(Teriparatide) 亮丙瑞林(Leuprorelin) 鸟氨酸加压素(Ornipressin) 曲普瑞林(Triptorelin) 去氨加压素(DDAVP) 人脑利钠肽(Nesiritide) 舍莫瑞林(Sermorelin) 生长抑素(Somatostatin) 特利加压素(Terlipressin) 胸腺肽 1(Thymosin 1) 胸腺五肽(TP-5) Thymopentin 血管紧张素(Angiotensin) 依降钙素(Elcatonin) 胰泌素(Secretin) Agouti Related Peptides ;AGRP(25-51) Amyloid Peptides -Amyloid (10-20); -Amyloid (1-11); -Amyloid (15-21); -Amyloid (31-35) Dynorphin Peptides Dynorphin A (1-13);Dynorphin A (1-7) Endomorphin Peptides Endomorphin-1;Endomorphin-2 Fibronectin Fragment Peptides Fibrinolysis Inhibiting Factor: GRGDSP ;Necrofibrin Hexapeptide Gly-Gln Gly-Gln Pro-Phe Pro-Phe H-Gly-His-Lys-OH H-Gly-His-Lys-OH H-Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser-OH H-Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser-OH Acetyl-Glu-Glu-Met-Gln-Arg-Arg-NH2 Acetyl-Glu-Glu-Met-Gln-Arg-Arg-NH2 SAMe-PTS 97540-22-2 S-腺苷蛋氨酸 S-Adenosylmethione 1.4-Butanedisulfonate 101020-79-5 -- 产品名称 中文名 目录编号 类别 Ghrelin ,humen PEP 10019 GLP Peptide Melanin-Concentrating Hormone (MCH),human PEP 10021 GLP Peptide RGD-4C PEP 10023 GLP Peptide [Arg8]Vasopressin PEP 10020 GLP Peptide ACTH (1-39), human PEP 10024 GLP Peptide Angiotensin II, human PEP 10025 GLP Peptide Bombesin PEP 10026 GLP Peptide Bradykinin PEP 10027 GLP Peptide Cecropin A PEP 10028 GLP Peptide Cholecystokinin (1-21) PEP 10029 GLP Peptide Galanin, human PEP 10030 GLP Peptide Gastrin-1, human PEP 10031 GLP Peptide Magainin 2 PEP 10032 GLP Peptide Osteocalcin (7-19), human PEP 10033 GLP Peptide -Amyloid (2-42) PEP 10022 GLP Peptide 阿拉瑞林(Alarelin) 阿托西班(Atosiban) 埃替非巴肽(Eptifibatide) 奥曲肽(Octreotide) 催产素(Oxytocin) 恩夫韦地(Enfuvirtide,T-20) HIV-1融合抑制剂高血糖素(Glucagon) 戈那瑞林(Gonadorelin) 戈舍瑞林(Goserelin) 鲑降钙素(Salmon Calcitonin) 肌肽(L-Carnosine) 精氨酸加压素(Argpressin) 赖氨酸加压素(Lyspressin) 力肽(Dipeptiven) L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine 立特帕肽(Teriparatide) 亮丙瑞林(Leuprorelin) 鸟氨酸加压素(Ornipressin) 曲普瑞林(Triptorelin) 去氨加压素(DDAVP) 人脑利钠肽(Nesiritide) 舍莫瑞林(Sermorelin) 生长抑素(Somatostatin) 特利加压素(Terlipressin) 胸腺肽 1(Thymosin 1) 胸腺五肽(TP-5) Thymopentin 血管紧张素(Angiotensin) 依降钙素(Elcatonin) 胰泌素(Secretin) Agouti Related Peptides ;AGRP(25-51) Amyloid Peptides -Amyloid (10-20); -Amyloid (1-11); -Amyloid (15-21); -Amyloid (31-35) Dynorphin Peptides Dynorphin A (1-13);Dynorphin A (1-7) Endomorphin Peptides Endomorphin-1;Endomorphin-2 Fibronectin Fragment Peptides Fibrinolysis Inhibiting Factor: GRGDSP ;Necrofibrin Hexapeptide -促黑素细胞激素( -MSH) Melanotan-II (MT-II) 美那酮 PT-141 性功能障碍治疗的较早一代药物,适用于男女。 促肾上腺皮质激素 ACTH (1-10) ;ACTH (1-13);ACTH(1-4) 短肽Ac-Ala-Gln-OH ;Ac-Gly-Gly-OH ;发色底物 Suc-RPY-pNA 骨相关肽 Osteocalcin (37-49);Osteocalcin (37-49);Osteocalcin (7-19) 缓激肽 Bradykinin;Bradykinin Antagonist ;Kallidin([Lys0]-Bradykinin);T-Kinin([Ile-Ser]-Bradykinin) 美容多肽Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 ;Argireline,用于抗皱GHK:Cu ;该三肽可促进皮肤修复;PAL-Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser 蛙皮素 Bombesin 血管紧张素肽 Angiotensin ;Angiotensin I ;Angiotensin II ;Renin Inhibitor Peptide 药物转运肽 Aminopeptidase N Ligand (CD13);MEK1 Derived Peptide Inhibitor 1 ;NGR Peptide 2 ;TAT 胰淀粉样肽 Amylin (20-29) 胰高血糖素样肽 Glucagon (19-29) 细胞凋亡相关肽 MCC Peptide(88-103);S1P(Site-1 Protease Fragment) 血管活性肠多肽 VIP ;VIP Antagonist ;VIP(1-12) 血管紧张素相关肽 Angiotensin ;Angiotensin I ;Angiotensin II ;Renin Inhibitor Peptide 药物转运肽 Aminopeptidase N Ligand (CD13);MEK1 Derived Peptide Inhibitor 1 ;NGR Peptide 2 ;TAT 胰淀粉样肽 Amylin (20-29) 胰高血糖素样肽 Glucagon (19-29) -促黑素细胞激素( -MSH) Melanotan-II (MT-II) 美那酮 PT-141 性功能障碍治疗的较早一代药物,适用于男女。 促肾上腺皮质激素 ACTH (1-10) ;ACTH (1-13);ACTH(1-4) Ac-Ala-Gln-OH ;Ac-Gly-Gly-OH ;发色底物 Suc-RPY-pNA 骨肽 Osteocalcin (37-49);Osteocalcin (37-49);Osteocalcin (7-19) 激肽 Bradykinin;Bradykinin Antagonist ;Kallidin([Lys0]-Bradykinin);T-Kinin([Ile-Ser]-Bradykinin) 美容肽Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 ;Argireline,用于抗皱GHK:Cu ;该三肽可促进皮肤修复;PAL-Lys-Thr-Thr-Lys-Ser 蛙皮素 Bombesin 细胞凋亡肽 MCC Peptide(88-103);S1P(Site-1 Protease Fragment) 血管活性肽 VIP ;VIP Antagonist ;VIP(1-12) 生长抑素、催产素、胸腺五肽、依非巴特、胸腺28肽、奥曲肽、亮丙瑞林、依降钙素、鲑鱼降钙素、阿斯巴甜、肌肽亮丙瑞林 Leuprorelin C59H84N16O12 [53714-56-0] 奥曲肽 Octreotide C49H66N10O10S2 [83150-76-9] 胸腺肽a1 Thymosin a1 C129H215N33O55 [62304-98-7] 依降钙素 Elcatonin C148H244N42O47 [60731-46-6] 组氨瑞林 Histrelin C66H86N18O12 [76712-82-8] 力肽 Dipetiven C8H15N3O4 [39537-23-0] 阿托西班 Atosiban C43H67N11O12S2 [90779-69-4] 去氨加压素 Desmopressin C46H64N14O12S2 [16789-98-3] 比瓦尔丁 Bivalirudin [128270-60-0] 曲普瑞林 Triptorelin C64H82N18O13 [57773-63-4] 阿拉瑞林 Alarelin [79561-22-1] 催产素 Oxytocin C44H68N12O12S2 [50-56-6] 梅沙瑞林 Hexarelin C47H58N12O6 生长抑素 Somatostatin C79H108N18O21S2 [51110-01-1] 特利加压素 Terlipressin C52H74N16O15O2 [14636-12-5] 胸腺五肽 Thymopentin C30H49N9O9 [69558-55-0] 美拉诺坦 II Melanotan II C50H69N15O9 [121062-08-6] 舍莫瑞林 Sermorelin C149H246N44O42S [86168-78-7] 鸟氨加压素 Ornipressin C45H63N13O12S2 [3397-23-7] 赖氨加压素 Lypressin C46H65N13O12S2 那法瑞林 Nafarelin [76932-56-4] Argirelin(Hexapeptide-3) 依来多辛 Eledosin C54H86N13O15S [69-25-0] 美拉诺坦 I Melanotan I C78H111N21O19 [75921-69-6] Bombesin [31362-50-2] 苯赖加压素 Felypressin [56-59-7] 戈那瑞林 Gonadorelin C55H75N17O13 [71447-49-9] 鲑降钙素 Calcitonin C145H240N44O48S2 [47931-85-1] 甲状旁腺激素 PTH [9002-64-6] 恩夫伟地 Enfuvirtide(T-20) C204H301N51O64 [159519-65-0] 辛卡利特 Sincalide C49H62N10O16S3 [25126-32-3] 安普利肽 Eptifibatide C35H49N11O9S2 [148031-34-9] 布舍瑞林 Buserelin C60H86N16O13 [57982-77-1] Lecirelin 高舍瑞林 Goserelin C59H84N18O14 [65807-02-5] 谷胱甘肽 Glutatione C10H17N3O6S [70-18-8] 产品名称 编号 序列 纯度 分子式 分子量 氧化桥 本公司愿以优异的质量、优惠的价格、优良的效率提供Z佳的服务,欢迎来电来函垂询。销售联系电话:01086181995;01089124423 电子信箱: waley188@sohu.com 联系人:郑先生 13911873657 现热销胸腺五肽、胸腺素 -1 98% 纯品、 -干扰素系列产品,促进人血小板生长因子、表皮生长因子(EGF),肿瘤坏死因子(TAF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(BFGF),干细胞因子(SCF)和人白细胞介素-11、胰岛素和葡激酶等。产品名称 编号 序列 纯度 分子式 分子量 氧化桥 1. Adrenocorticotropic Hormone(ACTH) Related Peptides 2. Adrenomedullin 3. Allatostatins 4. -Amyloids 5. Angiotensins 6. Atrial Natriuretic Peptides 7. Bag Cell Peptides 8. Bone Gla Proteins 9. Bradykinins 10. Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide 11. Cholecystokinins(CCK) 12. Casomorphin 13. Dynorphins 14. Enkephalins 15. Endorphin 16. Fibronectin Extra Cellular Matrix Related Peptides 17. Glucagon Related Peptides 18. Growth Factor Fragments 19. Leucokinin Analogs 20. Melanocyte Stimulating Hormones(MSH) 21. Melanoma Peptides 22. Neuromedins 23. Neurotensin 24. Parathyroid Hormone Anologs(PTH) 25. Signal Transduction Reagents 26. Substance P Analogs 本公司愿以优异的质量、优惠的价格、优良的效率提供Z佳的服务,欢迎来电来函垂询。
现热销胸腺五肽、胸腺素 -1 98% 纯品、 -干扰素系列产品,促进人血小板生长因子、表皮生长因子(EGF),肿瘤坏死因子(TAF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(BFGF),IGF-1,干细胞因子(SCF)和人白细胞介素-11、胰岛素和葡激酶等。 ACE Inhibitors Adipokinetic Hormones Adrenocorticotropic Hormones (ACTH) Adrenomedullins Agouti-Related Proteins Allatostatins Amylins Amyloid Angiotensins Anti-Inflammatory Peptides Antibiotic Peptides Antimicrobial Peptides Apelin Peptides Apoptosis related peptides Atrial Natriuretic Peptides Bag Cell Peptides Big Endothelin Analogs Bombesins Bone Gla Proteins Bradykinins Brain Natriuretic Peptides (BNP) C-Peptides C-Type Natriuretic Peptides Calcitonin Calcitonin Gene Related Peptides (CGR... Calpain Inhibitors Cart peptides CARTS Casomorphins Cathepsins and Related Products Chloromethylketones Cholecystokinins (CCK) Conotoxins Other Toxins Corticotropin Releasing Factors Cortistatins Decorsin Defensins Dynorphins Endomorphins Endorphin Endothelin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors Analogs Endothelin Receptor Antagonist Endothelin-1 Analogs Endothelin-2, Endothelin-3 Analogs Endothelins Related Peptides Enkephalins ETa Receptor Antagonist ETb Receptor Agonist Antagonist Exendins Fibronectin and Extra Cellular Matrix Related Pept... FMRF Analogs Galanins Gastric Inhibitory Peptides Gastric Inhibitory Polypeptide Gastrins Ghrelins Glucagon related peptides Glucagons and Glucagon-Like Peptides GnRH Associated Peptides Growth Factor Fragments Growth Hormone Growth Hormone Releasing Factors ... GTP-Binding Protein GTP-Binding Protein Fragments Guanylins Insect-Neuropeptides Insulin related peptides Laminin Peptides Leptin Fragment Peptides Leucokinin Analogs LH-RH Analogs Mast Cell Degranulating Peptides Melanin Concentrating Hormone (MCH) Melanocyte Stimulating Hormones (MSH) Melanoma peptides Miscellaneous Peptides MMP Substrate MMP Substrates Motilins Neurokinins Neuromedins Neuropeptide Y Analogs Neuropeptides Neurotensins Opioid Related Peptides Orexins Other Opoid Peptides Oxytocins Pancreastatin Related Peptides Pancreatic Polypeptides Parathyroid Hormone Analogs (PTH) Peptides YY Petidase Substrates Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase Activating Peptides (P... Protein Kinase and Related Peptides Renin Substrates Inhibitors Sarafotoxin Secretin Secretins Signal Transduction Reagents Somatostatin Analogs Somatostatins Stresscopin Related Peptides Substance P Analogs Substrate Enzyme Inhibitors TAT Proteins Thymopoietin Thymosin Peptides Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormones (TRH) Urocortins Urotensins Vasoactive Intestinal Peptides (VIP) Vasopressins Virus Related Peptides -Amyloids and Related Peptides Endorphins 阿托西班、去氨加压素、埃替非巴肽,生长抑素,亮丙瑞林,埃替非巴肽,去氨加压素,PT-141,MT-II, Fmoc-氨基酸-王树脂(Fmoc-Amino Acid Attached to Wang Resin), 氨基酸-2-氯三苯甲基树脂 (Amino Acid Attached to 2-Chlorotrityl Resin), 甘胆酸;甘胆酸;甘胆酸;甘胆酸;甘胆酸;甘胆酸;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;芦酊;鲑降钙素;特利加压素 ;胰降钙素 ;戈那瑞林 ;亮丙瑞林 ;奥曲肽 生长抑素;曲普瑞林 ;胸腺五肽 ;胸腺5肽;鲑降钙素;特利加压素 ;胰降钙素 ;戈那瑞林 ;亮丙瑞林 ;奥曲肽 生长抑素;曲普瑞林 ;胸腺五肽 ;胸腺5肽;鲑降钙素;特利加压素 ;胰降钙素 ;戈那瑞林 ;亮丙瑞林 ;奥曲肽 生长抑素;曲普瑞林 ;胸腺五肽 ;胸腺5肽;鲑降钙素;特利加压素 ;胰降钙素 ;戈那瑞林 ;亮丙瑞林 ;奥曲肽 生长抑素;曲普瑞林 ;胸腺五肽 ;胸腺5肽;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子;保湿因子; 声明:本公司所有产品只做为化学中间体对企业和科研机构以及公司销售。本公司不对个人进行产品销售!我公司按约定质量销售给买方后,购买单位对其购买的产品使用和再加工或再销售负全责。 请购买方按国家规定进行产品的再加工和产品的再销售!
: waley188
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194-10021 saikosaponin b2 standard 20mg
197-08421 saikosaponin c standard 10mg
192-10441 schizandrin standard 20mg
197-09261 scopolamine hydrobromide n-hydrate 20mg
190-08531 sennoside a standard 10mg
194-09271 sennoside b 20mg
199-11811 sennoside b standard 10mg
193-09361 sinomenine standard 20mg
197-08541 swertiamarin standard 20mg
231-00811 wogonin standard 10mg
131-08881 相思豆碱 abrine 100mg
137-08883 相思豆碱 l-abrine (n-methyl-l(+)-tryptophan) 1g
013-12181 n-乙酰氨基葡萄糖糖 n-acetyl-d(+)-glucosamine 1g
019-12183 n-乙酰氨基葡萄糖糖 n-acetyl-d(+)-glucosamine 5g
011-12182 n-乙酰氨基葡萄糖糖 n-acetyl-d(+)-glucosamine 25g
017-12184 n-乙酰氨基葡萄糖糖 n-acetyl-d(+)-glucosamine 100g
018-19191 乙酰紫草素 acetylshikonin 10mg
590-00233 乌头碱 icn aconitine 25mg
594-00231 乌头碱 icn aconitine 100mg
019-14621 乌头碱 aconitine standard 20mg
014-11511 腺嘌呤 adenine 1g
018-11514 腺嘌呤 adenine 5g
012-11512 腺嘌呤 adenine 25g
010-11513 腺嘌呤 adenine 100g
599-00281 腺嘌呤 icn adenine 1g
595-00283 腺嘌呤 icn adenine 5g
520-52481 腺嘌呤 adenine(8-13c) 0.5g
011-16901 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine3"5"-monophosphate 100mg
017-16903 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine3"5"-monophosphate 500mg
010-10491 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 1g
016-10493 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5g
018-10492 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 25g
012-13251 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine3",5"-(cyclic)monophosphate sodium salt 100mg
018-13253 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine3",5"-(cyclic)monophosphate sodium salt 500mg
306-50501 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-diphosphate disodium salt 1g
303-50751 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-diphosphate monopotassium salt 1g
011-13243 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-diphosphate monosodium salt 1g
019-13244 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-diphosphate monosodium salt 5g
015-13241 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-diphosphate monosodium salt 100mg
013-00851 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 2"(3")-monophosphate(2",3"mixed), free acid, from yeast 100mg
306-50741 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-monophosphate disodium salt, from yeast 1g
302-50743 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-monophosphate disodium salt, from yeast 10g
014-00881 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-monophosphate sodium salt dihydrate 100mg
303-50491 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-monophosphate, free acid, from yeast 1g
309-50493 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-monophosphate, free acid, from yeast 10g
303-50511 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphoshatate disodium salt trihydrate 1g
309-50513 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphoshatate disodium salt trihydrate 10g
017-09673 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphosphate disodium salt n-hydrate 1g
019-09672 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphosphate disodium salt n-hydrate 25g
011-09671 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphosphate disodium salt n-hydrate 100mg
018-16911 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphosphate disodium salt trihydrate, crystalized 1g
014-16913 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphosphate disodium salt trihydrate, crystalized 5g
010-19531 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphosphate tetrasodium solution 40umol
059-00271 七叶甙 马栗树皮甙 aesculin, 1g
598-29551 阿马林 icn ajmaline 1g
012-17651 苏式-紫胶桐酸 aleuritic acid 5g
010-17652 苏式-紫胶桐酸 aleuritic acid 25g
015-01151 茜素 alizarin 5g
010-01302 尿囊素 allantoin 25g
019-14001 芦荟大黄素 aloe-emodin 10mg
017-11861 苦杏仁甙 d(-)-amygdalin 1g
014-15271 穿心莲内酯 穿心莲乙素 andrographolide 500mg
016-18911 芹菜甙元 芹菜素 apigenin 10mg
012-18913 芹菜甙元 芹菜素 apigenin 50mg
537-79271 芹菜甙元 芹菜素 c-b apigenin 5mg
015-11921 熊果甙 arbutin standard 20mg
320-33381 槟榔碱 arecoline hydrobromide 5g
328-33382 槟榔碱 arecoline hydrobromide 25g
a5512 马兜铃总酸 aristolochic acid free acid 100mg
a5512 马兜铃总酸 aristolochic acid free acid 25mg
a9451 马兜铃总酸 aristolochic acid sodium 250mg
a9451 马兜铃总酸 aristolochic acid sodium 50mg
590-30241 青蒿提取物 icn artemisinin 25mg
598-25531 细辛醚 icn asarone, trans isomer 1g
a6882 苍术甙 atractyloside potassium 100mg
a6882 苍术甙 atractyloside potassium 250g
016-10351 桃叶珊瑚甙 aucubin standard 20mg
027-07751 黄芩素 baicalein standard 20mg
021-11201 黄芩甙 baicalin 100mg
020-07741 黄芩甙 baicalin standard 20mg
022-08161 芦荟甙 barbaloin standard 10mg
029-14502 安息香 benzoin 25g
023-14505 安息香 benzoin 500g
172006 安息香乙醚 benzoin ethyl ether 99% 250g
172006 安息香乙醚 benzoin ethyl ether 99% 50g
12512 安息香乙醚 benzoin ethyl ether 100g
12512 安息香乙醚 benzoin ethyl ether 500g
025-01412 肉桂酸 benzyl cinnamate 25g
300-01791 小檗胺 berbamine 25mg
027-11781 小檗碱 berberine chloride 100mg
022-07681 小檗碱 berberine chloride standard 20mg
022-05501 小檗碱 berberine hydrochloride n-hydrate 5g
020-05502 小檗碱 berberine hydrochloride n-hydrate 25g
023-04931 小檗碱 berberine sulfate trihydrate 1g
029-04933 小檗碱 berberine sulfate trihydrate 5g
028-12051 岩白菜素 bergenin standard 20mg
023-10862 甜菜碱 betaine 25g
027-10865 甜菜碱 betaine 500g
595-01621 甜菜碱 icn betaine 1kg
022-13051 白桦脂醇 betulin 1g
524-42251 白桦脂酸 apn betulinic acid 100mg
533-47881 白桦脂酸 c-b betulinic acid 5mg
593-01661 毕枯枯林 icn (+)-bicuculline 100mg
020-01761 胆红素 bilirubin 100mg
026-01763 胆红素 bilirubin 1g
309-06881 白果内酯 (-)-bilobalide 10mg
024-08202 马钱子碱,布鲁生 brucine 25g
021-12982 马钱子碱硫酸盐 brucine sulfate n-hydrate 25g
025-12985 马钱子碱硫酸盐 brucine sulfate n-hydrate 500g
025-02252 龙脑 borneol 25g
029-02255 龙脑 borneol 500g
026-12231 龙脑 [(1s)-endo]-(-)-borneol 50g
025-10121 蟾毒灵 bufalin standard 20mg
024-10691 γ-日蟾毒配质 bufotalin -γ standard 20mg
048-20983 咖啡酸 caffeic acid 1g
042-20981 咖啡酸 caffeic acid 5g
040-20982 咖啡酸 caffeic acid 25g
597-02041 咖啡酸 icn caffeic acid 5g
031-00555 柠檬酸钙 calcium citrate tetrahydrate (tricalcium citrate)500g
033-08011 柠檬酸 citrinin standard 10mg
210-00301 乌索酸 usnic acid 5g
030-10611 茵陈色原酮 capillarisin standard 10mg
036-10613 茵陈色原酮 capillarisin standard 50mg
034-11351 辣椒碱 capsaicin 100g
030-11353 辣椒碱 capsaicin 1g
039-15963 辣椒碱 capsaicin 20mg
033-15961 辣椒碱 capsaicin 100mg
595-07363 辣椒碱 icn capsaicin 100mg
599-07361 辣椒碱 icn capsaicin 500mg
539-71311 辣椒碱 c-b capsaicin 100mg
031-15141 辣椒碱 capsaicin standard 20mg
591-02321 石竹烯 icn (-)-trans-caryophyllene 5ml
032-10551 梓醇 catalpol standard 20mg
309-01521 头花千金藤碱,千金藤素 cepharanthine 25mg
082-07741 高三尖杉酯碱 homoharringtonine 5mg
088-07743 高三尖杉酯碱 homoharringtonine 25mg
309-01521 头花千金藤碱 cepharanthine 25mg
038-13613 鹅去氧胆酸 chenodeoxycholic acid 1g
032-13611 鹅去氧胆酸 chenodeoxycholic acid 5g
030-13612 鹅去氧胆酸 chenodeoxycholic acid 25g
596-02511 绿原酸 icn chlorogenic acid 1g
034-03002 胆固醇 cholesterol 25g
036-03001 胆固醇 cholesterol 100g
038-03005 胆固醇 cholesterol 500g
038-18331 胆固醇 cholesterol standard 1g
035-03032 胆固醇 cholesterol acetate 25g
037-05672 胆固醇 cholesterol benzoate 25g
033-11223 胆固醇 cholesterol esterase 500u
037-11221 胆固醇 cholesterol esterase 1000units
303-51091 胆固醇 cholesterol esterase, from bovine pancreas(ultrapure) 100units
309-51093 胆固醇 cholesterol esterase, from bovine pancreas(ultrapure) 1000units
033-05691 胆固醇 cholesterol linolenate 100mg
039-11203 胆固醇 cholesterol oxidase 100u
033-11201 胆固醇 cholesterol oxidase 200units
306-51101 胆固醇 cholesterol oxidase, recombinant 100units
302-51103 胆固醇 cholesterol oxidase, recombinant 1000units
034-13632 甲壳素 chitin 25g
038-13635 甲壳素 chitin 500g
032-03042 胆酸 cholic acid 25g
034-03041 胆酸 cholic acid 100g
036-03045 胆酸 cholic acid 500g
037-14602 硫酸软骨素 chondroitin sulfate a sodium salt 25g
032-14613 硫酸软骨素 chondroitin sulfate c sodium salt 5g
034-14612 硫酸软骨素 chondroitin sulfate c sodium salt 25g
034-08801 硫酸软骨素 chondroitin sulfate c sodium salt 5g
032-08802 硫酸软骨素 chondroitin sulfate c sodium salt 25g
039-12962 辛可尼丁 (-)-cinchonidine 25g
030-03342 辛可宁 cinchonine 25g
034-03345 辛可宁 cinchonine 500g
031-03453 肉桂醛 cinnamaldehyde 25ml
035-03456 肉桂醛 cinnamaldehyde 500ml
031-03453 桂皮醛 cinnamaldehyde(trans-") 25ml
035-03456 桂皮醛 cinnamaldehyde(trans-") 500ml
035-03412 桂皮酸 trans-cinnamic acid 25g
039-03415 桂皮酸 trans-cinnamic acid 500g
039-10262 肉桂酰氯 cinnamoyl chloride 25g
033-10265 肉桂酰氯 cinnamoyl chloride 500g
038-13711 华蟾酥毒基 cinobufagin standard 20mg
168-17961 衡州乌药灵 cocculin 1g
164-17963 衡州乌药灵 cocculin 5g
596-09451 衡州乌药灵 icn cocculin 1g
537-80641 衡州乌药灵 c-b cocculin 100mg
039-03851 秋水仙碱 colchicine 100mg
035-03853 秋水仙碱 colchicine 1g
596-02773 秋水仙碱 icn colchicine 100mg
594-02773 秋水仙碱 icn colchicine 500mg
590-02771 秋水仙碱 icn colchicine 1g
533-79631 秋水仙碱 c-b colchicine 1g
036-11311 黄连碱 coptisine chloride 20mg
032-14191 冬虫夏草素,蛹虫草菌素,虫草素 cordycepin 25mg
036-14971 延胡索碱甲, 紫堇碱(榛子蛋白质) corydaline standard 20mg
035-17584 皮质甾酮 corticosterone 1g
031-17581 皮质甾酮 corticosterone 250mg
037-17583 皮质甾酮 corticosterone 500mg
032-13731 木香烃内酯 costunolide standard 20mg
c9008 对香豆酸 p-coumaric acid crystalline 1g
c9008 对香豆酸 p-coumaric acid crystalline 25g
c9008 对香豆酸 p-coumaric acid crystalline 5g
031-16562 香豆素,香豆精,香豆酮 coumarin 25g
035-16565 香豆素,香豆精,香豆酮 coumarin 500g
038-04921e 姜黄素 curcumin 1g
036-04922 姜黄素 curcumin 25g
036-18511 姜黄素 0.1w/v% curcumin ethanol solution 100ml
034-11091 姜黄素 curcumin, natural 1g
033-04932 姜黄素 curcumin s 25g
303-01781 轮环藤碱 cycleanine acetone adduct 25mg
598-23211 加拿大麻甙 icn cymarin 100mg
308-05871 大豆甙元 daidzein 10mg
304-05873 大豆甙元 daidzein 100mg
597-03141 大豆甙元 icn daidzein 100mg
538-79681 大豆甙元 c-b daidzein 25mg
040-27741 大豆甙 daidzin ,from soybean 10mg
046-27743 大豆甙 daidzin ,from soybean 100mg
309-05161 大豆甙 daidzin ,from soybean 10mg
305-05163 大豆甙 daidzin ,from soybean 100mg
309-05161 大豆甙,黄豆甙 daidzin 10mg
305-05163 大豆甙,黄豆甙 daidzin 100mg
040-27741 大豆甙,黄豆甙 daidzin ,from soybean 10mg
046-27743 大豆甙,黄豆甙 daidzin ,from soybean 100mg
043-27611 去氢延胡索素 dehydrocorydaline nitrate standard 10mg
p5583 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum peltatum 100g
p5583 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum peltatum 25g
p5583 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum peltatum 5g
p8582 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum emodii 100g
p8582 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum emodii 10gr
p8582 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum emodii 25g
p8582 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum emodii 5g
044-18812 去氧胆酸 deoxycholic acid 25g
046-18811 去氧胆酸 deoxycholic acid 100g
046-25261 洋地黄毒甙 digitoxin 1g
590-03631 洋地黄毒甙 icn digitoxin 250mg
041-24851 二羟基苯甲酸 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid 5g
049-24852 二羟基苯甲酸 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid 25g
049-02252 二羟基苯甲酸 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid 25g
046-02262 二羟基苯甲酸 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid 25g
043-02272 二羟基苯甲酸 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid 25g
040-21582 二羟基苯甲酸 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid 25g
048-03741 薯蓣皂甙元(皂素) diosgenin 5g
040-19132 卫矛醇,甜醇 dulcitol 25g
042-19131 卫矛醇,甜醇 dulcitol 100g
597-18891 脱皮甾酮(蜕皮激素) icn α-ecdysterone 5mg
590-18901 脱皮甾酮(蜕皮激素) icn β-ecdysterone 5mg
056-05781 鞣花酸 ellagic acid dihydrate 5g
054-05782 鞣花酸 ellagic acid dihydrate 25g
059-06751 表儿茶精 (-)-epicatechin ,from green tea 10mg
055-06753 表儿茶精 (-)-epicatechin ,from green tea 50mg
056-05781 鞣花酸,胡颓子酸 ellagic acid dihydrate 5g
054-05782 鞣花酸,胡颓子酸 ellagic acid dihydrate 25g
056-05661 麦角甾醇 ergosterol 1g
052-05663 麦角甾醇 ergosterol 5g
054-05662 麦角甾醇 ergosterol 25g
052-04921 麦角甾醇 ergosterol standard 20mg
059-04811 麦角甾醇 ergosterol acetate 1g
058-04901 麦角甾醇 ergosterol acetate 1g
054-04741 麦角甾醇 ergosterol acetate 1g
057-07151 红霉素 erythromycin 5g
055-07152 红霉素 erythromycin 25g
059-00271 七叶树甙 (-)-esculin 1.5-hydrate 1g
055-00273 七叶树甙 (-)-esculin 1.6-hydrate 5g
057-00272 七叶树甙 (-)-esculin 1.7-hydrate 25g
055-06454 17alpha-estradiol 1g
051-06451 17alpha-estradiol 100mg
057-06453 17alpha-estradiol 500mg
057-06453 beta-estradiol 1g
058-04043 beta-estradiol 5g
056-04044 beta-estradiol 250mg
051-04131 beta-estradiol 3-benzoate 1g
057-04133 beta-estradiol 3-benzoate 5g
051-00792 肉桂酸乙酯 ethyl cinnamate 25g
055-00795 肉桂酸乙酯 ethyl cinnamate 500g
057-05853 足叶乙甙 etoposide 25mg
051-05851 足叶乙甙 etoposide 100mg
058-06341 足叶乙甙 etoposide phosphate 5mg
051-03972 桉油精 eucalyptol (1,8-cineole seep.470) 25g
055-03975 桉油精 eucalyptol (1,8-cineole seep.470) 500g
051-06071 β-桉叶醇 β-eudesmol 100mg
056-05161 β-桉叶醇 β-eudesmol standard 20mg
053-03932 丁香酚 eugenol 25g
057-03935 丁香酚 eugenol 500g
050-04601 吴茱萸胺 evodiamine standard 20mg
124-04931 吴茱萸苦素 evodine ,limonin,from grapefruit 50mg
507-41421 芒柄花黄素 c-b formononetin 5mg
595-28221 秦皮甙 icn fraxin 500mg
069-04231 岩光甾醇 fucosterol 5mg
065-04233 岩光甾醇 fucosterol 25mg
069-00652 富马酸 fumaric acid 25g
063-00655 富马酸 fumaric acid 500g
593-29121 加兰他明 galanthamine hydrobromide 25mg
070-00122 没食子酸 gallic acid monohydrate 25g
074-00125 没食子酸 gallic acid monohydrate 500g
074-03121 栀子甙,京尼平甙, 去羟基栀子甙 geniposide 1g
070-03123 栀子甙,京尼平甙, 去羟基栀子甙 geniposide 10g
010-02241 栀子甙,京尼平甙, 去羟基栀子甙 geniposide standard 20mg
079-03431 京尼平甙酸(栀子酸) geniposidic acid 1g
078-02301 京尼平甙酸(栀子酸) geniposidic acid standard 20mg
546-00171 染料木素 genistein 20mg
536-79981 染料木素 c-b genistein 20mg
591-04521 染料木素 icn genistein , from pseudomonas 10mg
302-05151 染料木甙 genistin 10mg
308-05153 染料木甙 genistin 100mg
077-04831 龙胆苦甙 gentiopicroside standard 10mg
076-01383 牻牛儿醇 geraniol 25ml
070-01386 牻牛儿醇 geraniol 500ml
077-02871 姜辣素 [6]-gingerol standard 20mg
306-06891 银杏内酯 a ginkgolide a 10mg
309-06901 银杏内酯 b ginkgolide b 10mg
306-06911 银杏内酯 c ginkgolide c 10mg
500-37001 白果酸 lkt ginkgolic acid 10mg
071-03751 葡甘露聚糖 glucomannan(konjac root p.e.) 250g
071-00733 甘氨酸 glycine 0.1 mol/lx20
073-00737 甘氨酸 glycine 10kg
073-00732 甘氨酸 glycine 25g
077-00735 甘氨酸 glycine 500g
077-00791 甘氨酸 glycine methyl ester hydrochloride 5g
075-00792 甘氨酸 glycine methyl ester hydrochloride 25g
074-03481 甘草酸 glycyrrhizic acid ,glycyrrhizin 100mg
071-02271 甘草酸 glycyrrhizic acid ,glycyrrhizin standard 20mg
072-02181 甘草次酸 glycyrrhetinic acid 10g
507-37011 绿茶提取物 green tea polyphenols 10g
086-05061 骆驼蓬碱 harmaline 1g
082-05063 骆驼蓬碱 harmaline 5g
089-05073 去甲骆驼蓬碱,骆驼蓬酚 harmalol hydrochloride dihydrate 1g
083-05071 去甲骆驼蓬碱,骆驼蓬酚 harmalol hydrochloride dihydrate 100mg
080-05081 哈尔明碱 harmine 100g
086-05083 哈尔明碱 harmine 1g
539-67901 三尖杉酯碱 c-b harringtonine,cephalotaxus hainanensis 5mg
088-07341 橙皮甙 hesperidin 5g
086-07342 橙皮甙 hesperidin 25g
088-07341 橙皮甙 hesperidin 5g
086-07342 橙皮甙 hesperidin 25g
120461000 正-十六烷 n-hexadecane 99% 100ml
120465000 正-十六烷 n-hexadecane 99% 500ml
082-07741 高三尖杉酯碱 homoharringtonine 5mg
089-04951 和厚朴酚 honokiol standard 20mg
085-00771 麦芽碱 hordenine sulfate dihydrate 100mg
081-00773 麦芽碱 hordenine sulfate dihydrate 1g
081-02152 对羟基苯乙酮 p-hydroxyacetophenone 25g
085-02155 对羟基苯乙酮 p-hydroxyacetophenone 500g
083-07232 对羟基苯甲醇 p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol 25g
582-48652 对羟基苯甲醇 p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol 25g
507-36911 10-羟基喜树碱 10-hydroxycamptothecin 25mg
328-36241 对羟基桂皮酸 m-hydroxycinnamic acid 5g
326-36242 对羟基桂皮酸 m-hydroxycinnamic acid 25g
082-06521 对羟基桂皮酸 p-hydroxycinnamic acid 10g
088-06523 对羟基桂皮酸 p-hydroxycinnamic acid 100g
087-05611 α-猪去氧胆酸 α-hyodeoxy cholic acid 5g
085-05612 α-猪去氧胆酸 α-hyodeoxy cholic acid 25g
084-07061 次乌头碱 hypaconitin 20mg
086-07761 金丝桃素 hypericin 1mg
082-07763 金丝桃素 hypericin 5mg
539-55171 金丝桃素 alx hypericin 1mg
080-03401 次黄嘌呤 hypoxanthine 1g
086-03403 次黄嘌呤 hypoxanthine 5g
088-03402 次黄嘌呤 hypoxanthine 25g
093-00072 靛蓝 indigo 25g
099-00231 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 1g
095-00233 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5g
097-00232 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 25g
099-03391 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-diphosphate trisodium salt 100mg
095-03371 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-monophosphate 1g
091-03373 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-monophosphate 5g
092-03381 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-monophosphate dipotassium salt 1g
090-00261 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-monophosphate disodium salt n -hydrate, from muscle 100mg
093-00251 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-monophosphate sodium salt, from yeast 500mg
097-00271 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-triphosphate trisodium salt n-hydrate 50mg
093-00273 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-triphosphate trisodium salt n-hydrate 100mg
091-02974 胰岛素 insulin ,from bovine pancreas 50mg
097-02971 胰岛素 insulin ,from bovine pancreas 100mg
097-02976 胰岛素 insulin ,from bovine pancreas 500mg
093-02973 胰岛素 insulin ,from bovine pancreas 1g
091-04211 胰岛素 insulin ,from porcine pancreas 50mg
097-04213 胰岛素 insulin ,from porcine pancreas 100mg
091-04191 胰岛素 insulin chain b,oxidized ,from bovine pancreas 5mg
097-04193 胰岛素 insulin chain b,oxidized ,from bovine pancreas 10mg
097-02591 胰岛素 insulin human (enzymatically derived from porcine insulin) 0.5mg
090-03441 胰岛素 insulin human recombinant 1g
094-03444 胰岛素 insulin human recombinant 10g
090-03446 胰岛素 insulin human recombinant 50mg
096-03443 胰岛素 insulin human recombinant 100mg
4088-s 胰岛素 insulin(human) 0.1mg
4088-v 胰岛素 insulin(human) 0.5mg
099-04511 胰岛素 insulin-like growth factor-1 human,recombinant 100ug
096-04521 胰岛素 insulin-like growth factor-11 human,recombinant 75ug
093-04911 伊普黄酮 ipriflavone 500mg
596-25211 异紫堇定 icn isocorydine hydrochloride, from 100mg
164-10322 肉豆蔻酸异丙酯 isopropyl myristate 25ml
168-10325 肉豆蔻酸异丙酯 isopropyl myristate 500ml
090-02341 异甜菊醇 isosteviol standard 1g
110-00451 山奈酚,山奈素,山奈黄素,山奈黄酮醇,四氢基黄酮,崁非醇 kaempferol 25mg
114-00471 干华豆晶 4 karanjin 500mg
591-25881 毛花洋地黄甙丙 icn lanatoside c 100mg
120-00175 月桂酸 lauric acid 500g
120-00175 月桂酸 lauric acid 100g
044-23285 月桂酸 lauric acid 500g
120-04972 月桂酸 lauric acid, from palm 25g
124-04975 月桂酸 lauric acid, from palm 500g
124-04931 吴茱萸内酯,柠檬苦素 limonin ,from grapefruit 50mg
125-03621 马钱素 loganin standard 20mg
126-03612 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 linoleic acid 25ml
128-03611 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 linoleic acid 100ml
120-03615 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 linoleic acid 500ml
124-02574 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 linoleic acid 1ml
120-02571 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 linoleic acid 5ml
126-02573 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 linoleic acid 10ml
125-03361 甘草甙 liquiritin standard 20mg
129-04981 石胆酸 lithocholic acid 5g
127-04982 石胆酸 lithocholic acid 25g
125-03621 番木鳖甙,马钱素,马钱子甙 loganin standard 20mg
593-25961 羽扇豆醇酯 icn lupeol 25mg
129-04001 木犀草素 luteolin 25mg
137-09081 厚朴酚 magnolol standard 20mg
139-00842 甘露醇 d(-)-mannitol 25g
137-00843 甘露醇 d(-)-mannitol 100mg
133-00845 甘露醇 d(-)-mannitol 500mg
139-00847 甘露醇 d(-)-mannitol 10kg
130-00855 甘露醇 d(-)-mannitol 500g
633-00471 甘露醇 d(-)-mannitol 5g
138-02213 桂皮酸 methyl cinnamate 25ml
132-02216 桂皮酸 methyl cinnamate 500ml
593-31211 苦参碱 icn matrine 250mg
132-03752 薄荷醇 l(-)-menthol 25g
134-03751 薄荷醇 l(-)-menthol 100g
136-03755 薄荷醇 l(-)-menthol 500g
590-06992 薄荷醇 icn l(-)-menthol 25g
588-14241 薄荷醇 lan dl-menthol 100g
524-91581 薄荷醇 dl-menthol 50g
136-00972 薄荷酮 menthone 25g
584-08052 薄荷酮 lan menthone 25g
136-07694 农吉利碱,野百合碱,猪屎豆碱 monocrotaline 500mg
138-07693 农吉利碱,野百合碱,猪屎豆碱 monocrotaline 1g
132-07691 农吉利碱,野百合碱,猪屎豆碱 monocrotaline 5g
130-03432 肉豆蔻酸 myristic acid 25g
134-03435 肉豆蔻酸 myristic acid 500g
137-14172 肉豆蔻酸 myristic acid ,from palm 25g
131-14175 肉豆蔻酸 myristic acid ,from palm 500g
140-00851 那可丁 l-a-narcotine 5g
148-06371 柚皮甙 naringin 100mg
582-54561 柚皮甙 p-b naringin 50g
140-06211 柚皮甙 naringin standard 20mg
592-26391 新橙皮甙 icn neohesperidin 100mg
140-01211 菸碱(尼古丁) (-)-nicotine 5g
149-07521 川陈皮素 nobiletin 10mg
155-01701 齐墩果酸 oleanolic acid 1g
592-08711 齐墩果酸 icn oleanolic acid ,from 500mg
151-01801 蛇床子素(欧芹酚甲醚) osthole standard 20mg
150-01511 氧化苦参碱(苦参素) oxymatrine standard 20mg
169-18616 紫杉醇 paclitaxel 1mg
169-18611 紫杉醇 paclitaxel 5mg
165-18613 紫杉醇 paclitaxel 25mg
163-18614 紫杉醇 paclitaxel 100mg
169-15551 芍药甙 paeoniflorin 100mg
167-11711 芍药甙 paeoniflorin standard 10mg
163-11713 芍药甙 paeoniflorin standard 50mg
169-12871 丹皮酚 paeonol standard 10mg
168-16001 巴马丁(掌叶防已碱) palmatine chloride 100mg
166-17641 巴马丁(掌叶防已碱) palmatine chloride standard 20mg
161-07201 毛果云香碱盐酸盐 pilocarpine hydrochloride 1g
169-07202 毛果云香碱盐酸盐 pilocarpine hydrochloride 25g
162-17241 胡椒碱 piperine 10g
164-17181 矾松素 plumbagin 1g
596-18741 鬼臼毒素 icn podophyllotoxin 100mg
598-30281 石榴籽多酚 icn polyphenols,from green tea 1g
168-05251 原儿茶酸 protocatechuic acid 5g
166-05252 原儿茶酸 protocatechuic acid 25g
164-05253 原儿茶酸 protocatechuic acid 100g
160-05255 原儿茶酸 protocatechuic acid 500g
592-29191 原阿片碱 icn protopine hydrochloride 5mg
162-14701 葛根素 puerarin standard 20mg
177-00401 槲皮素 quercetin dihydrate 1g
173-00403 槲皮素 quercetin dihydrate 10g
535-80701 槲皮素 c-b quercetin dihydrate 100mg
176-00111 喹啉丁 quinidine 5g
170-00131 喹啉 quinine 5g
174-00531 quisqualic acid 5mg
539-51271 toc quisqualic acid 5mg
591-10491 icn quisqualic acid 5mg
539-80721 c-b quisqualic acid 1mg
184-00691 利血平 reserpine 1g
180-00693 利血平 reserpine 10g
184-00951 酯蟾毒配基 resibufogenin standard 20mg
185-01721 白藜芦醇 resveratrol 100mg
181-01723 白藜芦醇 resveratrol 500mg
532-61411 白藜芦醇 resveratrol 500mg
533-80741 白藜芦醇 resveratrol 25mg]
507-37131 白藜芦醇 resveratrol 100mg
182-00751 鼠李糖 α-l(+)-rhamnose monohydrate 5g
180-00752 鼠李糖 α-l(+)-rhamnose monohydrate 25g
188-00753 鼠李糖 α-l(+)-rhamnose monohydrate 100g
595-10651 鼠李糖 icn α-l(+)-rhamnose monohydrate 5g
595-20541 王浆酸 icn royaljelly ,fromqueen bee 10g
183-00921 吴茱萸次碱 rutaecarpine standard 20mg
181-00341 芦丁,芸香甙 rutin 5g
189-00342 芦丁,芸香甙 rutin 25g
193-00081 水杨甙 d(-)-salicin 1g
199-00083 水杨甙 d(-)-salicin 5g
191-00102 水杨酸醛 salicylaldehyde 25g
195-00105 水杨酸醛 salicylaldehyde 500g
190-11081 水杨酸醛 salicylaldehyde zine 1g
196-08952 水杨酸醛 salicylaldehyde hydrazone 25g
197-11231 菝契皂甙元,洋菝契皂甙元 sarsasapogenin 5g
192-10441 五味子醇甲,五味子素,五味子醇 schizandrin standard 20mg
197-09261 氢溴酸东莨菪碱 scopolamine hydrobromide n-hydrate 20mg
198-07971 氢溴酸东莨菪碱 scopolamine hydrobromide n-hydrate 1g
192-10201 番泻甙 a sennoside a 100mg
190-08531 番泻甙 a sennoside a standard 10mg
194-09271 番泻甙 b sennoside b 20mg
199-10211 番泻甙 b sennoside b 100mg
199-11811 番泻甙 b sennoside b standard 10mg
193-11331 莽草酸 shikimic acid 100mg
199-11333 莽草酸 shikimic acid 1g
590-10983 莽草酸 icn shikimic acid 1g
594-10981 莽草酸 icn shikimic acid 5g
191-08681 左旋紫草素 shikonin standard 10mg
504-37141 水飞蓟素 lkt silymarin 10g
193-09361 盐酸青藤碱 sinomenine standard 20mg
596-27031 茄啶 icn solanidine ,from potato 10mg
199-06242 鹰爪豆碱,无叶豆碱 sparteine sulfate pentahydrate 25g
198-12763 水苏糖 stachyose n-hydrate 1g
192-12761 水苏糖 stachyose n-hydrate 100mg
196-12764 水苏糖 stachyose n-hydrate 500mg
196-08131 甜菊甙 stevioside standard 1g
196-08131 甜菊甙,甜菊糖 stevioside 1g
306-01411 豆甾醇 stigmasterol 5g
196-08131 贯叶连翘提取物 st john`s wort p.e
157-01663 毒毛旋花子甙 g-strophanthin((-)-oubain octahydrate see p.1289) 250mg
591-29661 士的宁 icn (-)-strychnine 5g
198-04333 k-毒毛旋花子甙 succinic acid 0.1 mol/lx20
190-04332 k-毒毛旋花子甙 succinic acid 25g
194-04335 k-毒毛旋花子甙 succinic acid 500g
197-08541 獐牙菜苦甙 swertiamarin standard 20mg
594-27191 辛弗宁 dl-synephrine,synthetic 10g
525-87042 紫丁香酸 syringic acid 25g
201-00112 牛磺酸 taurine 25g
203-00111 牛磺酸 taurine 100g
205-00115 牛磺酸 taurine 500g
507-44101 牛磺熊去氧胆酸 c-b tauroursodexycholic acid sodium salt 1g
503-44103 牛磺熊去氧胆酸 c-b tauroursodexycholic acid sodium salt 5g
593-11551 花旗松素 (+-)-taxifolin 100mg
207-11981 四氢巴马亭 tetrahydr-opalmatine 100mg
324-64252 四甲基吡嗪 2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine 25g
322-64253 四甲基吡嗪 2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine 100g
207-11981 延胡索乙素 tetrahydr-opalmatine 100mg
201-15161 茶黄素 theaflavin 1mg
205-13562 可可豆碱 theobromine 25g
209-13565 可可豆碱 theobromine 500g
201-09931 茶碱 theophylline 100g
203-09935 茶碱 theophylline 500g
593-11671 茶碱 icn theophylline 100g
206-01402 百里酚 thymol 25g
208-01401 百里酚 thymol 100g
200-01405 百里酚 thymol 500g
209-01431 百里酚 thymol blue 1g
207-01432 百里酚 thymol blue 25g
201-11761 百里酚 0.1w/v% thymol blue ethanol (50) solution 100ml
203-11765 百里酚 0.1w/v% thymol blue ethanol (50) solution 500ml
207-15521 百里酚 0.04w/v% thymol blue solution 100ml
208-05801 百里酚 1w/v% thymol blue dimethylformamide solution 50ml
324-38161 百里酚 thymol blue sodium salt 5g
322-38162 百里酚 thymol blue sodium salt 25g
083-02271 伞形花内酯 umbelliferone 1g
347-02883 伞形花内酯 同仁 umbelliferone 5g
217-00931 熊去氧胆酸 ursodeoxy cholic acid 5g
321-32831 熊果酸 ursolic acid 500mg
210-00301 松罗酸钠 usnic acid (sodium) 5g
94770 香草酸 vanillic acid 250g
94770 香草酸 vanillic acid 50g
94780 香草酸 vanillic acid diethylamide 10g
94780 香草酸 vanillic acid diethylamide 50g
224-00682 香兰素 vanillin 25g
226-00681 香兰素 vanillin 100g
228-00685 香兰素 vanillin 500g
081-04472 香兰素 o-vanillin 25g
085-04475 香兰素 o-vanillin 500g
224-00682 香荚兰醛 vanillin 25g
226-00681 香荚兰醛 vanillin 100g
228-00685 香荚兰醛 vanillin 500g
320-29932 香荚兰醇 vanillyl alcohol 25g
324-29935 香荚兰醇 vanillyl alcohol 500g
221-00751 硫酸长春碱 vinblastine sulfate 10mg
227-00753 硫酸长春碱 vinblastine sulfate 50mg
596-12761 硫酸长春碱 icn vinblastine sulfate 10mg
534-81011 硫酸长春碱 c-b vinblastine sulfate 10mg
228-00761 长春新碱 vincristin sulfate 10mg
224-00763 长春新碱 vincristin sulfate 50mg
231-00811 汉黄芩素 wogonin standard 10mg
244-00542 木糖醇 xylitol 25g
248-00545 木糖醇 xylitol 500g
241-00731 木糖醇 xylitol 1g
: waley188
a. food additives analysis
013-10562 annatto pigment 25g
016-11331 aspartame 10g
021-08011 beet red 10g
033-11142 cacao pigment 25g
030-10672 carthamus yellow 25g
032-13111 chlorophyll a,from chlorella sp. (-20℃) 10mg
038-09921 chlorophyll a,from spirulina sp. (2-10℃) 50mg
039-13121 chlorophyll b,from chlorella sp. (-20℃) 10mg
039-10681 cochineal pigment 5g
038-10911 corn pigment 10g
060-01341 fd c red no.40 10g
060-03421 fructooligosaccharides standard set 1set
066-01681 2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylamide (af-2) 100mg
078-02281 gardenia yellow 10g
072-02181 glycyrrhetinic acid 10g
075-02171 glycyrrhizic acid monoammonium salt n-hydrate 10g
071-02472 grape skin pigment 25g
080-03901 o-hydroxydiphenyl standard 1g
090-02341 isosteviol standard 1g
122-04111 lactosyl fructoside standard 2g
139-05381 m.b.mixed color reagent 100ml
137-07881 monascus pigment 10g
131-09981 moran citrate monohydrate (2-10℃) 1g
147-04521 nitrate-nitrogen standard solution 100ml
167-12171 β-phenylchalkone 100mg
163-11171 pheophorbide a (2-10℃) 100mg
167-13771 pheophytin a,from chlorella sp. (-20℃) 10mg
164-13781 pheophytin b,from chlorella sp. (-20℃) 10mg
186-00651 rebaudioside a standard 100mg
196-08131 stevioside standard (2-10℃) 1g
b. vitamin analysis
016-08163 acetyl chloride 25ml
030-14871 calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin d3 ) (-20℃) 5mg
032-11651 cocarboxylase standard (-20℃) 100mg
048-18991 dibenzoyl thiamine 5g
046-18992 dibenzoyl thiamine 25g
059-04811 ergosterol acetate (2-10℃) 1g
058-04901 ergosterol benzoate (2-10℃) 1g
054-04741 ergosterol propionate (2-10℃) 1g
080-00405 hexane (n-) 500ml
162-11261 2,2,5,7,8-pentamethyl-6-hydroxychroman (2-10℃) 1g
180-01271 9-cis-retinoic acid (-20℃) 5mg
182-01111 all-trans-retinoic acid (vitamin a acid) (-20℃) 250mg
188-01113 all-trans-retinoic acid (vitamin a acid) (-20℃) 1g
209-10841 thiamine triphosphate (-20℃) 10mg
204-08402 dl-α-tocopherol acetate (2-10℃) 25g
227-00611 vitachange,activated 250g
303-00821 vitamin e homologues for biochemistry and analysis (2-10℃) 250 mg each
c. mycotoxin standards
013-10361 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (2-10℃) 10mg
024-07761 butenolide standard (2-10℃) 10mg
033-08011 citrinin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
048-18631 deoxynivalenol standard (2-10℃) 10mg
046-20401 diacetoxyscirpenol (2-10℃) 10mg
063-01711 fusarenon-x standard (2-10℃) 10mg
141-04661 neosolaniol standard (2-10℃) 10mg
144-04651 nivalenol standard (2-10℃) 10mg
209-08251 t-2 toxin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
164-19901 7 pesticides mixed standard solution 1 ml x 5
160-18401 8 pesticides mixed standard solution 1ml*5a
017-08953 acephate standard 200mg
018-18591 acequinocyl standard 200mg
011-18601 acequinocyl-hydroxy standard 200mg
014-16491 acetamiprid standard 200mg
018-19451 acibenzolar acid standard 100mg
014-18331 acibenzolar-s-methyl standard 200mg
013-15741 acn standard 200mg
018-16651 acrinathrin standard 200mg
016-16331 alachlor standard 200mg
017-15521 alanycarb standard 200mg
012-14111 aldicarb standard 200mg
018-17011 allethrin 200mg
015-09733 alloxydim-sodium standard 200mg
019-13641 ametryn standard 200mg
011-08711 2-aminobenzimidazole standard 200mg
015-09593 amitraz standard 200mg
019-09591 amitraz standard 500mg
011-14941 amitraz metabolite hydrochloride standard 200mg
016-14011 amitrole standard 200mg
019-13521 asulam standard 200mg
010-15631 atrazine standard 200mg
012-18251 azimsulfuron standard 200mg
012-16051 azinphos-methyl standard 200mg
019-15601 azocyclotin standard 200mg
019-19001 azoxystrobin standard 200mg
028-12791 benalaxyl standard 200mg
028-11691 bendiocarb standard 200mg
023-09551 benfuracarb standard 200mg
027-12881 benfuresate standard 200mg
023-12621 bensulfuron-methyl standard 200mg
025-07671 bensulide standard 200mg
024-09363 bensultap standard 200mg
021-06953 benthiocarb standard 200mg
027-06391 alpha-benzoepin standard 100mg
020-06401 beta-benzoepin standard 100mg
020-06761 benzoepin sulfate standard 200mg
020-11531 bethrodine standard 200mg
026-14671 bifenazate standard 200mg
021-08251 bifenox standard 100mg
025-12701 bifenthrin standard 200mg
023-12861 binapacryl standard 200mg
021-12801 bioresmethrin standard 200mg
026-12731 biphenyl standard 200mg
024-14111 bispyribac-sodium standard 100mg
023-06773 bpmc standard 200mg
022-06983 bromacil standard 200mg
029-12341 bromobutide standard 200mg
028-12671 bromobutide-debromo standard 200mg
028-12811 bromophos standard 200mg
025-12821 bromophos-ethyl standard 200mg
028-06963 brp standard 200mg
024-08263 buprofezin standard 200mg
021-12161 butachlor standard 200mg
020-10931 butamifos standard 200mg
204-13451 2,4,5-t-butyl standard 200mg
026-12971 butylate standard 200mg
035-17001 cafenstrole standard 200mg
034-08301 captan standard 200mg
033-16321 carbofuran standard 200 mg
032-16411 carbophenothion standard 200 mg
031-16361 carbosulfan standard 200 mg
034-17691 carpropamid standard 200mg
031-08311 cat standard 200mg
039-08611 chinomethionate standard 200mg
039-17381 chlordecone standard 200mg
039-16921 chlorfenapyr standard 200mg
030-14393 chlorfluazuron standard 100mg
036-16671 chlorimuron-ethyl standard 200 mg
033-14981 chlormequat standard 200mg
038-08321 chloro ipc standard 200mg
136-06192 chloroacetic anhydride 25g
033-08273 chlorobenzilate standard 200mg
030-14491 chloroneb standard 200mg
031-08291 chlorophenamidine hydrochloride standard 200mg
031-08811 chlorpyrifos standard 200mg
031-09673 chlorpyrifosmethyl standard 200mg
039-17141 chlorsulfuron standard 100mg
033-18141 chromafenozide standard 200mg
035-16521 cinmethylin standard 200 mg
033-16441 cinosulfuron standard 200 mg
030-18651 clethodim standard 200mg
031-14541 clofentezine standard 200mg
030-18891 clothianidin standard 200mg
030-16571 cmmp standard 200 mg
036-08621 cna standard 200mg
032-08983 cnp standard 200mg
030-16071 cnp-amino standard 200mg
033-15581 copper (ii) terephthalate trihydrate standard 200mg
037-16461 coumaphos standard 200 mg
030-16451 cpcbs standard 200 mg
037-17201 cpf standard 200mg
038-17351 cumyluron standard 200mg
033-15081 cvmp standard 200mg
038-08561 alpha-cvp standard solution 1 ml x 5
035-08571 beta-cvp standard solution 1 ml x 5
030-15091 cyanazine standard 200mg
033-18881 cyazofamid standard 200mg
035-14701 cycloprothrin standard 100mg
033-18901 cyclosulfamuron standard 200mg
038-17591 cycloxydim standard 200mg
033-14361 cyfluthrin standard 200mg
035-17241 cyhalofop-butyl standard 200mg
033-15101 cyhalothrin standard 200mg
036-16791 cymoxanil standard 200mg
037-08411 cyp standard 200mg
039-15441 cypermethrin standard 200mg
032-16891 cyproconazole standard 200mg
031-17721 cyprodinil standard 200mg
035-16261 cyromazine standard 200mg
046-22841 daminozide standard 200mg
041-26551 dbcp standard 200mg
048-25461 dbn standard 200mg
040-17013 dcip standard 200mg
049-23931 dcmu standard 200mg
046-16471 dcpa standard 200mg
046-27101 p,p"-ddd standard 200mg
043-27111 p,p"-dde standard 200mg
046-16633 ddvp standard 200mg
047-23471 deltamethrin standard 200mg
045-16681 dep standard 200mg
047-28111 desmedipham standard 200mg
042-26461 diafenthiuron standard 200mg
041-26671 diafenthiuron-methanimidamide standard 10mg
048-26681 diafenthiuron-urea standard 10mg
045-16223 diazinon standard 200mg
042-24021 diazinon oxon standard 200mg
040-26261 dicamba standard 200mg
041-21193 dichlofluanid standard 200mg
045-25611 dichlone standard 200mg
045-25591 2,4-dichloroaniline standard 200mg
045-18381 1,2-dichloroethane standard 1g
040-28101 diclocymet standard 200mg
044-25201 diclomezine standard 200mg
045-24131 diethofencarb standard 200mg
042-25241 difenoconazole standard 200mg
045-25851 difenzoquat methyl sulfate standard 200mg
049-23551 diflubenzuron standard 200mg
044-28121 diflufenican standard 200mg
046-27461 diflumetorim standard 200mg
042-16211 difolatan standard 200mg
047-25171 dimepiperate standard 200mg
048-28261 dimethametryn standard 200mg
043-26751 dimethenamid standard 200mg
046-25521 dimethipin standard 200mg
040-26901 dimethirimol standard 200mg
045-15841 dimethoate standard 200mg
049-28671 dimethomorph standard 200mg
046-28441 4,4-dimethyl-2-oxazolidinone standard 200mg
048-26061 (e)-dimethylvinphos standard 100mg
045-25231 (z)-dimethylvinphos standard 200mg
041-17021 diphenamid standard 200mg
046-21621 diquat dibromide monohydrate 200mg
040-28081 distilled water, hexane washed 1l
046-28083 distilled water, hexane washed 3l
042-25121 dithiopyr standard 200mg
043-17081 dmtp standard 200mg
043-25151 dnbp standard 200mg
047-25291 dodine standard 200mg
046-25141 dpa sodium standard 200mg
042-26601 dpc standard 200mg
043-26251 dymron standard 200mg
053-03493 echlomezol standard 200mg
053-03133 eddp standard 200mg
054-06561 emamectin benzoate standard 200mg
053-06411 endothal monohydrate standard 200mg
052-02841 epn standard 200mg
059-06011 epn oxon standard 200mg
058-06221 eptc standard 200mg
056-06261 esp standard 200mg
059-05891 esprocarb standard 200mg
050-04961 ethephon standard 200mg
051-03173 ethion standard 200mg
057-06551 ethiozin standard 100mg
053-05193 ethofenprox standard 200mg
051-05611 ethoprophos standard 200mg
054-06821 ethoxysulfuron standard 50mg
057-06431 ethychlozate standard 200mg
053-06151 ethylenethiourea standard 200mg
057-03153 ethylthiomethon standard 200mg
055-06351 etobenzanid standard 200mg
054-06681 etoxazole standard 200mg
051-06691 etoxazole-amino hydrochloride standard 200mg
058-06081 etrimfos standard solution 1 ml x 5a
068-04201 famoxadone standard 200mg
066-03521 fenamiphos standard 100mg
066-02801 fenarimol standard 200mg
067-02951 fenbutatin oxide standard 200mg
060-02941 fenbutatin oxide di-form standard 100mg
068-03581 fenchlorphos standard 200mg
069-04111 fenhexamid standard 200mg
064-04301 fenoxanil standard 200mg
062-03621 fenoxaprop-ethyl standard 200mg
068-02981 fenoxycarb standard 200mg
062-03501 fenpropathrin standard 200mg
067-03291 fenpyroximate standard 200mg
064-02961 fensulfothion standard 200mg
060-03281 fenvalerate standard 200mg
061-03571 ferbam standard 200mg
066-04121 (z)-ferimzone standard 200mg
063-04131 (e)-ferimzone standard 200mg
062-04101 fipronil standard 200mg
064-03321 flazasulfuron standard 100mg
061-03451 fluazifop standard 200mg
064-03441 fluazifop-butyl standard 200mg
068-02861 fluazinam standard 200mg
069-02911 flucythrinate standard 200mg
064-03681 fludioxonil standard 200mg
067-03551 flufenoxuron standard 200mg
060-04141 flumioxazin standard 200mg
063-03531 fluoroimide standard 200mg
065-03591 flusilazole standard 100mg
062-03361 flusulfamide standard 200mg
061-02471 fluvalinate standard 200mg
068-03461 folpet standard 200mg
067-03431 fonofos standard 200mg
060-03541 formetanate hydrochloride standard 200mg
068-01303 formothion standard 200mg
065-01813 fosetyl standard 200mg
066-03381 fosthiazate standard 200mg
062-03741 furametpyr standard 200mg
069-03871 furametpyr-hydroxy standard 20mg
062-03981 furathiocarb standard 200mg
074-03741 glufosinate standard 200mg
071-03371 glyphosate standard 200mg
088-07101 halfenprox standard 200mg
089-07251 halosulfuron-methyl standard 200mg
089-07991 halosulfuron-methyl rearrangement standard 200mg
081-07571 hexaconazole standard 200mg
087-05351 hexythiazox standard 200mg
088-06861 hydroxyisoxazole standard 200mg
093-02233 ibp standard 200mg
098-03501 imazalil standard 200mg
095-04591 imazamox standard 50mg
099-04011 imazapyr standard 200mg
092-04001 imazaquin standard 200mg
099-03891 imazosulfuron standard 200mg
095-04091 imibenconazole standard 200mg
098-04081 imibenconazole-debenzyl standard 200mg
099-03771 imidacloprid standard 200mg
097-04051 iminoctadine albesilate standard 200mg
092-03901 iminoctadine triacetate standard 200mg
094-03101 inabenfide standard 200mg
098-04841 indanofan standard 200mg
099-04991 indoxacarb-mp standard 200mg
098-03861 ioxynil octanoate standard 200mg
098-04221 ipconazole standard 200mg
091-02393 iprodione metabolite standard 200mg
094-03461 isofenphos standard 200mg
098-03981 isofenphos oxon standard 200mg
099-02333 isoprothiolane standard 200mg
095-03871 isouron standard 200mg
096-03921 isoxaben standard 200mg
090-02243 isoxathion standard 200mg
093-03931 isoxathion oxon standard 200mg
111-00241 kelthane standard 100mg
112-00531 kresoxim-methyl standard 200mg
123-03801 lenacil standard 200mg
129-02281 linuron standard 200mg
125-04721 lufenuron standard 200mg
138-05513 malathon standard 200mg
136-09791 maleic hydrazide standard 200mg
136-06533 maneb standard 200mg
133-06803 manzeb standard 200mg
132-10901 mbpmc standard 200mg
133-06761 mcc standard 200mg
136-10541 mcp standard 200mg
138-07573 mcp ethyl ester standard 200mg
133-12491 mcpb standard 200mg
136-10421 mcpp standard 200mg
137-11671 mefenacet standard 200mg
132-05533 mep standard 200mg
131-11691 mep oxon standard 200mg
137-12651 mepanipyrim standard 200mg
133-07903 mepronil standard 200mg
134-11681 metalaxyl standard 200mg
131-12311 methabenzthiazuron standard 200mg
138-12201 methacrifos standard 200mg
139-11631 methamidophos standard 200mg
138-12181 methiocarb standard 200mg
131-12171 methiocarb sulfone standard 100mg
135-12191 methiocarb sulfoxide standard 100mg
135-10511 methomyl standard 200mg
134-12421 methoprene standard 200mg
139-12231 methoxychlor standard 200mg
135-06841 methyl 2-benzimidazolecarbamate standard 200mg
131-14371 methyl dimethyldithiocarbamate standard 100mg
132-06851 methyl thioacetohydroxamate standard 200mg
133-10791 methyldymron standard 200mg
134-11941 3-(methylphosphinico)propionic acid standard 200mg
023-12741 (+/-)-1-methylpropylamine standard 200mg
131-13151 metiram standard 200mg
135-11851 metolachlor standard 200mg
135-13551 (e)-metominostrobin standard 200mg
132-13561 (z)-metominostrobin standard 50mg
130-11661 metribuzin standard 200mg
137-11791 metribuzin da standard 100mg
130-11781 metribuzin dadk standard 100mg
130-11801 metribuzin dk standard 100mg
131-12671 metsulfuron-methyl standard 200mg
134-12281 mevinphos standard 200mg
131-13651 milbemectin standard 50mg
134-06811 mipc standard 200mg
134-12161 molinate standard 200mg
138-11101 monocrotophos standard 200mg
138-06831 mpmc standard 200mg
138-06691 mpp sulfone standard 200mg
131-06701 mpp sulfoxide standard 200mg
131-06821 mtmc standard 200mg
139-11131 myclobutanil standard 100mg
132-11121 myclobutanil hydroxide standard 25mg
148-03831 nac standard 200mg
141-06501 1-naphthylacetamide standard 200mg
148-06511 1-naphthylacetic acid standard 200mg
148-05891 napropamide standard 200mg
141-04161 nereistoxin oxalate standard 200mg
147-03921 nicotine standard solution 5ml
144-03931 nip standard 200mg
142-06771 nitenpyram standard 200mg
157-01881 omethoate standard 200mg
150-01871 orthobencarb standard 200mg
157-01521 oxadixyl standard 100mg
151-01781 oxamyl standard 200mg
159-01961 oxine-copper standard solution 1ml*5a
156-01851 oxolinic acid standard 200mg
157-02361 oxpoconazole fumarate standard 200mg
154-02371 oxpoconazole-formyl standard 200mg
154-01031 oxyethylene higher aliphatic alcohol standard 1g
167-18151 2,4-pa standard 200mg
164-18161 2,4-pa-butyl standard 200mg
163-18991 pac standard 200mg
163-17391 paclobutrazol standard 200mg
160-09133 pap standard 200mg
167-09361 pcnb standard 200mg
161-08301 pcp standard 200mg
162-11901 pendimethalin standard 200mg
165-18071 pentachloroaniline standard 200mg
162-18081 pentachlorothioanisole standard 200mg
169-19691 pentoxazone standard 200mg
162-16521 cis-permethrin standard 200mg
162-21031 trans-permethrin standard 200mg
162-09291 phc standard 200mg
168-10923 phenisobromolate standard 200mg
168-18441 phenothiol standard 200mg
169-17871 2-phenylphenol standard 200mg
161-09381 phosalone standard 200mg
163-16811 phoxim standard 200mg
165-15391 picloram standard 200mg
162-17861 piperonyl butoxide standard 200mg
160-11223 piperophos standard 200mg
165-14791 pirimicarb-demethyl standard 25mg
165-13711 pirimiphos-methyl standard 200mg
163-09221 pmp standard 200mg
163-20081 polycarbamate standard 200mg
291-26851 presep(r)-agri 50pieces
168-16361 pretilachlor standard 200mg
162-17481 probenazole standard 200mg
166-17901 prochloraz standard 200mg
167-16071 prodiamine standard 200mg
163-17651 profenofos standard 200mg
168-18061 prohexadione standard 200mg
161-15371 prometryn standard 200mg
161-16731 propamocarb standard 200mg
167-10253 propaphos sulfone standard 200mg
161-10251 propaphos sulfone standard 500mg
167-18271 propazine standard 200mg
169-16771 propiconazole standard 200mg
162-15301 propyzamide standard 200mg
168-11883 prothiofos standard 200mg
165-11913 prothiofos oxon standard 200mg
163-19971 pymetrozine standard 200mg
160-17801 pyraclofos standard 200mg
169-19831 pyraflufen-ethyl standard 200mg
165-17091 pyrazolate standard 200mg
168-17841 pyrazosulfuron-ethyl standard 200mg
168-16741 pyrazoxyfen standard 200mg
161-15991 pyrethrins standard, 50 - 60% in isoparaffin 200mg
167-16211 pyributicarb standard 200mg
162-16381 pyridaben standard 200mg
163-17771 pyridate standard 200mg
166-17761 pyridate metabolite standard 100mg
167-16691 (e)-pyrifenox standard 200mg
160-16701 (z)-pyrifenox standard 200mg
168-18701 pyrimidifen standard 200mg
166-19841 (e)-pyriminobac-methyl standard 200mg
163-19851 (z)-pyriminobac-methyl standard 50mg
163-18751 pyriproxyfen standard 200mg
164-18041 pyroquilon standard 200mg
175-00441 quinalphos standard 200mg
172-00451 quinclorac standard 200mg
173-00481 quizalofop-ethyl standard 200mg
191-07341 salithion standard 200mg
191-10651 sethoxydim standard 50mg
198-10661 sethoxydim 5-oh-m-so2 standard solution 1 ml x 5a
199-10071 siduron standard 200mg
193-11191 silafluofen standard 200mg
190-10981 silver nitrate impregnated silica gel 100g
196-12781 simeconazole standard 200mg
193-08043 simetryne standard 200mg
199-10015 sodium chloride 500g
194-09651 sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate dihydrate standard 200mg
197-07125 sodium sulfate 500g
202-07901 tctp standard 200mg
203-13801 tebuconazole standard 200mg
206-13411 tebufenozide standard 200mg
200-13291 tebufenpyrad standard 200mg
205-13481 tecloftalam standard 200mg
202-13491 tecloftalam metabolite standard 200mg
208-12371 teflubenzuron standard 200mg
204-13191 tefluthrin standard 200mg
209-15341 terbacil standard 200mg
200-12691 terbufos standard 200mg
203-14881 tetraconazole standard 200mg
203-13421 thenylchlor standard 200mg
204-13211 thiabendazole standard 200mg
207-15761 thiacloprid standard 200mg
204-15771 thiacloprid-amide standard 50mg
204-15651 thiamethoxam standard 200mg
200-14771 thifluzamide standard 200mg
204-08223 thiocyclam hydrogen oxalate standard 200mg
207-11361 thiodicarb standard 200mg
207-13181 thiometon standard solution
208-13611 thiophanate standard 200mg
201-08233 thiophanate-methyl standard 200mg
204-11371 thiuram standard 200mg
201-11381 tolclofos-methyl standard 200mg
200-13171 tolylfluanid standard 200mg
200-06581 tpn standard 200mg
209-12661 tralomethrin standard 100mg
205-08493 triadimefon standard 200mg
208-08503 triadimenol standard 200mg
201-06751 triazine standard 200mg
203-13161 triazophos standard 100mg
208-14191 tribenuron-methyl standard 200mg
204-09301 trichlamide standard 200mg
203-15481 2,4,6-trichlorophenol standard 200mg
202-12911 triclopyr standard 200mg
204-14051 triclopyr-2-butoxyethyl standard 200mg
208-13111 tricyclazole standard 200mg
201-15781 trifloxystrobin standard 200mg
202-10191 triflumizole standard 200mg
205-10181 triflumizole metabolite standard 200mg
202-06781 trifluralin standard 200mg
202-08861 triforine standard 200mg
206-15591 trinexapac standard 200mg
207-15401 trinexapac-ethyl standard 200mg
204-13331 triphenyltin(iv) acetate standard 200mg
201-13341 triphenyltin(iv) chloride standard 200mg
208-13351 triphenyltin(iv) hydroxide standard 200mg
212-00981 uniconazole p standard 200mg
220-01201 vamidothion standard 200mg
220-00743 vinclozolin standard 200mg
235-01291 wakosil (r) agri-9 eluent, for 4.6 phi*150mm 1l
238-01281 wakosil (r) agri-9 eluent, for 4.6 phi*250mm 1l
237-01631 wakosil (r) agri-9 eluent,type ii, for 4.6 phi x 250mm 1l
248-00501 xmc standard 200mg
266-00783 zineb standard 200mg
264-01301 ziram standard 200mg
011-08951 acephate 500mg
013-15741 can 200mg
018-16651 acrinathrin 200mg
016-16331 alachlor 200mg
017-15521 alanycarb 200mg
012-14111 aldicarb 200mg
019-09731 alloxydim-sodium 200mg
019-13641 ametryn 200mg
011-08711 2-aminobenzimidazole 200mg
019-09591 amitraz 500mg
011-14941 amitraz metabolite hydrochloride 200mg
016-14011 amitrole 200mg
019-13521 asulam 200mg
010-15631 atrazine 200mg
012-16051 azinphos-methyl 200mg
019-15601 azocyclotin 200mg
028-12791 benalaxyl 200mg
028-11691 bendiocarb 200mg
023-09551 benfuracarb 200mg
027-12881 benfuresate 200mg
023-12621 bensulfuron-methyl 200mg
025-07671 bensulide 200mg
028-09361 bensultap 500mg
023-07591 bentazone 500mg
025-06951 benthiocarb 500mg
027-06391 α-benzoepin 100mg
020-06401 β-benzoepin 100mg
020-06761 benzoepin sulfate 200mg
025-07311 benzomate 500mg
020-11531 bethrodine 200mg
021-05711 α-bhc 200mg
025-05753 α-bhc(10ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
028-05721 β-bhc 200mg
022-05763 β-bhc(10ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
025-05731 γ- bhc 200mg
029-05773 γ- bhc(10ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
022-05741 δ-bhc 200mg
026-05783 δ- bhc(10ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
021-08251 bifenox 100mg
025-12701 bifenthrin 200mg
023-12861 benapacryl 200mg
021-12801 bioresmethrin 200mg
026-12731 biphenyl 200mg
028-10231 bitertanol 500mg
023-06773 bpmc 200mg
028-06941 bpps 500mg
026-06981 bromacil 500mg
029-12341 bromobutide 200mg
028-12671 bromobutide-debromo 200mg
028-12811 bromophos 200mg
025-12821 bromophos-ethyl 200mg
022-06961 brp 1g
028-08261 buprofezin 500mg
021-12161 butachlor 200mg
020-10931 butamifos 200mg
023-12741 (rs)-sec-butylamine 200mg
026-12971 butylate 200mg
034-08301 captan 200mg
033-16321 carbofuran 200mg
032-16411 carbophenothion 200mg
031-16361 carbosulfan 200mg
031-08311 cat 200mg
039-08611 chinomethionate 200mg
032-10291 chlomethoxynil 500mg
033-11821 cis-chlordane(100ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
030-11831 trans- chlordane(100ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
030-14393 chlorfluazuron 100mg
036-16671 chlorimuron-ethyl 200mg
033-14981 chlormequat 200mg
038-08321 chloro ipc 200mg
037-08271 chlorobenzilate 1g
030-14491 chloroneb 200mg
031-08291 chlorophenamidine hydrochloride 200mg
031-09651 chloropropylate 500mg
031-08811 chlorpyrifos 200mg
035-09671 chlorpyrifosmethyl 500mg
035-16521 cinmethylin 200mg
033-16441 cinosulfuron 200mg
031-14541 clofentezine 200mg
030-16571 cmmp 200mg
036-08621 cna 200mg
036-08981 cnp 500mg
030-16071 cnp-amino 200mg
033-15581 copper ephthalate 200mg
037-16461 courmaphos 200mg
030-16451 cpcbs 200mg
033-15081 cvmp 200mg
038-08561 α-cvp(0.01%w/v in cyclohexane) 5×1ml
035-08571 β- cvp(0.01%w/v in cyclohexane) 5×1ml
030-15091 cyanazine 200mg
033-08491 cyap 500mg
035-14701 cycloprothrin 100mg
033-14361 cyfluthrin 200mg
033-15101 cyhalothrin 200mg
036-16791 cymoxanil 200mg
037-08411 cyp 200mg
039-15441 cypermethrin 200mg
035-16261 cyromazine 200mg
046-22841 daminozide 200mg
048-25461 dbn 200mg
040-18451 dcbp 500mg
040-17013 dcip 200mg
049-23931 dcmu 200mg
046-16471 dcpa 200mg
046-16633 ddvp 200mg
047-23471 deltamethrin 200mg
045-16681 dep 200mg
045-16223 diazinon 200mg
042-24021 diazinon oxon 200mg
054-04121 1,2-dibromoethane(1 mg/ml in hexane) 5×1ml
045-21191 dichlofluanid 500mg
045-25611 dichlone 200mg
045-25591 2,4-dichloroaniline 200mg
045-18381 1,2-dichloroethane 1g
044-25201 diclomezine 200mg
045-24131 diethofencarb 200mg
042-25241 difenoconazole 200mg
045-25851 difenzoquat methyl ester 200mg
049-23551 diflubenzuron 200mg
042-16211 difolatan 200mg
047-25171 dimepiperate 200mg
046-25521 dimethipin 200mg
045-15841 dimethoate 200mg
048-25221 n,n-dimethylhydrazine 200mg
048-26061 (e)-dimethylvinphos 100mg
045-25231 (z)-dimethylvinphos 200mg
041-17021 diphenamid 200mg
041-25211 diphenylamine 200mg
046-21621 diquat dibromide 200mg
048-18371 dithianon 500mg
042-25121 dithiopyr 200mg
043-17081 dmtp 200mg
043-25151 dnbp 200mg
047-25291 dodine 200mg
046-25141 dpa sodium 200mg
057-03491 echlomezol 500mg
050-03501 ecp 500mg
053-03133 eddp 200mg
059-06011 epn oxon 200mg
052-02841 epn 200mg
052-02863 epn(10ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
058-06221 eptc 200mg
056-06261 esp 200mg
052-03941 esp sulfone(1mg/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
059-05891 esprocarb 200mg
050-04961 ethephon 200mg
055-04031 ethiofencarb 500mg
051-03173 ethion 200mg
057-05191 ethofenprox 500mg
051-05611 ethoprophos 200mg
053-06151 ethylenethiourea 200mg
051-03151 ethylthiomethone 1g
055-06351 etobenzanid 200mg
058-06081 etrimfos (1mg/ml in hexane) 5×1ml
066-03521 fenamiphos 100mg
066-02801 fenarimol 200mg
067-02951 fenbutatin oxide 200mg
060-02941 fenbutatin oxide di-form 100mg
068-03581 fenchlorphos 200mg
062-03621 fenoxaprop-ethyl 200mg
068-02981 fenoxycarb 200mg
062-03501 fenpropathrin 200mg
067-03291 fenpyroximate 200mg
064-02961 fensulfothion 200mg
060-03281 fenvalerate 200mg
061-03571 ferbam 200mg
064-03321 flazasulfuron 100mg
061-03451 fluazifop 200mg
064-03441 fluazifop-butyl 200mg
068-02861 fluazinam 200mg
069-02911 flucythrinate 200mg
064-03681 fludioxonil 200mg
067-03551 flutdeoxuron 200mg
063-03531 fluoromide 200mg
065-03591 flusilazole 100mg
062-03361 flusulfamide 200mg
062-02021 flutolanil 500mg
061-02471 fluvalinate 200mg
068-03461 folpet 200mg
067-03431 fonofos 200mg
060-03541 formetanate hydrochloride 200mg
068-01303 formothion 200mg
069-01811 fosetyl 500mg
066-03381 fosthiazate 200mg
067-01591 fthalide 500mg
074-03741 glufosinate 200mg
071-03371 glyphosate 200mg
088-07101 halfenprox 200mg
084-03041 heptachlor 200mg
086-03621 hexachlorobenzene 200mg
087-05351 hexythiazox 200mg
088-06861 hydroxyisoxazole 200mg
097-02231 ibp 500mg
098-03501 imazalil 200mg
099-04011 imazapyr 200mg
092-04001 imazaquin 200mg
099-03891 imazosulfuron 200mg
095-04091 imibenconazole 200mg
098-04081 imibenonazole-debenzyl 200mg
099-03771 imidacloprid 200mg
097-04051 iminoctadine albesilate 200mg
092-03901 iminoctadine triacetate 200mg
094-03101 inabenfide 200mg
098-03861 ioxynil octanoate 200mg
098-02381 iprodione 500mg
095-02391 iprodione metabolite 500mg
094-03461 isofenphos 200mg
098-03981 isofenphos oxon 200mg
093-02331 isoprothiolane 500mg
095-03871 isouron 200mg
096-03921 isoxaben 200mg
094-02241 isoxathion 500mg
093-03931 isoxathion oxon 200mg
111-00241 kelthane 100mg
123-03801 lenacil 200mg
129-02281 linuron 200mg
138-05513 malathon 200mg
136-09791 maleic hydrazid 200mg
136-06533 maneb 200mg
133-06803 manzeb 200mg
132-10901 mbpmc 200mg
133-06761 mcc 200mg
136-10541 mcp 200mg
132-07571 mcp ethyl ester 500mg
133-12491 mcpb 200mg
136-10421 mcpp 200mg
137-11671 mefenacet 200mg
132-05533 mep 200mg
131-11691 mep oxon 200mg
137-12651 mepanipyrim 200mg
137-07901 mepronil 500mg
134-11681 metalaxyl 200mg
131-12311 methabenzthiazuron 200mg
138-12201 methacrifos 200mg
139-11631 methamidophos 200mg
138-12181 methiocarb 200mg
131-12171 methiocarb sulfone 100mg
135-12191 methiocarb sulfoxide 100mg
135-10511 methomyl 200mg
134-12421 methoprene 200mg
139-12231 methoxychlor 200mg
135-06841 methyl 2-benzimidazolecarbamate 200mg
131-06441 methyl demeton,thiol type (10w/v% in toluene) 5×1ml
132-06851 methyl thioacetohydroxamate 200mg
133-10791 methydymron 200mg
131-06061 methylparathion 200mg
134-11941 3-(methylphosphinico)-propionic acid 200mg
023-12741 1-methylpropylamine 200mg
135-11851 metolachlor 200mg
130-11661 metribuzin 200mg
137-11791 metribuzin da 100mg
130-11781 metribuzin dadk 100mg
130-11801 metribuzin dk 100mg
134-12281 mevinphos 200mg
134-06811 mipc 200mg
134-12161 molinate 200mg
138-11101 monocrotophos 200mg
138-06831 mpmc 200mg
136-06631 mpp 500mg
138-06691 mpp sulfone 200mg
131-06701 mpp sulfoxide 200mg
131-06821 mtmc 200mg
139-11131 myclobutanil 100mg
132-11121 myclobutanil hydroxide 25mg
148-03831 nac 200mg
141-06501 1-naphthylacetamide 200mg
148-06511 1-naphthylacetamide acid 200mg
148-05891 napropamide 200mg
141-04161 nereistoxin oxalate 200mg
147-03921 nicotine 5ml
144-03931 nip 200mg
157-01881 omethoate 200mg
150-01871 orthobencarb 200mg
155-01201 oxadiazon 500mg
157-01521 oxadixyl 100mg
151-01781 oxamyl 200mg
152-01211 oxine-copper 500mg
159-01961 oxine-copper standard solution (50ug/ml in methanol) 5×1ml
156-01851 oxolinic acid 200mg
154-01031 oxyethylene higher aliphatic alcohol 1g
167-18151 2,4-pa 200mg
164-18161 2,4-pa-butyl 200mg
163-17391 paclobutrazol 200mg
160-09133 pap 200mg
160-08871 paraquat 100mg
168-08573 parathion 200mg
167-09361 pcnb 200mg
161-08301 pcp 200mg
168-13681 pencycuron 500mg
162-11901 pendimethalin 200mg
165-18071 pentachloroaniline 200mg
162-18081 pentachlorothioanisole 200mg
162-16521 cis-permethrin 200mg
167-17931 trans-permethrin 200mg
162-09291 phc 200mg
162-10921 phenisobromolate 500mg
168-18441 phenothiol 200mg
169-17871 2-phenylphenol 200mg
161-09381 phosalone 200mg
167-18031 phosphamidon 100mg
163-16811 phoxim 200mg
165-15391 picloram 200mg
162-17861 piperonyl butoxide 200mg
164-11221 piperophos 500mg
168-14801 pirimicarb 500mg
165-14791 pirimicarb-demethyl 25mg
165-13711 pirimiphos-methyl 200mg
163-09221 pmp 200mg
168-16361 pretilachlor 200mg
162-17481 probenazole 200mg
166-17901 prochloraz 200mg
167-11211 procymidone 500mg
167-16071 prodiamine 200mg
163-17651 profenofos 200mg
168-18061 prohexadione 200mg
161-15371 prometryn 200mg
161-16731 propamocarb 200mg
164-10241 propaphos 500mg
161-10251 propaphos sulfone 500mg
167-18271 propazine 200mg
169-16771 propiconazole 200mg
162-15301 propyzamide 200mg
162-11881 prothiofos 500mg
169-11911 prothiofos oxon 500mg
160-17801 pyroclofos 200mg
165-17091 pyrazolate 200mg
168-17841 pyrazosulfuron-ethyl 200mg
168-16741 pyrazoxyfen 200mg
161-15991 pyrethrins 200mg
167-16211 pyributicarb 200mg
162-16381 pyridaben 200mg
165-10911 pyridaphenthion 500mg
163-17771 pyridate 200mg
166-17761 pyridate metabolite 100mg
167-16691 (e)-pyrifenox 200mg
160-16701 (z)-pyrifenox 200mg
168-18701 pyrimidifen 200mg
164-18041 pyroquilon 200mg
175-00441 quinalphos 200mg
172-00451 quinclorac 200mg
173-00481 quizalofop-ethyl 200mg
191-07341 salithion 200mg
191-10651 sethoxydim 50mg
198-10661 sethoxydim 5-oh-m-so2 (100ug/ml in dichloromethane) 5×1ml
199-10071 siduron 200mg
193-11191 silafluofen 200mg
197-08041 simetryne 500mg
194-09651 sodium dimethyldithicarbamate 200mg
197-08921 sulprofos(100ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
208-11911 2,4,5-t 200mg
204-13451 2,4,5-t-butyl 200mg
202-07901 tctp 200mg
203-13801 tebuconazole 200mg
206-13411 tebufenozide 200mg
200-13291 tebufenpyrad 200mg
205-13481 tecloftalam 200mg
202-13491 tecloftalam metabolite 200mg
208-12371 teflubenzuion 200mg
204-13191 tefluthrin 200mg
200-12691 terbufos 200mg
203-13421 thenylchlor 200mg
204-13211 thiabendazole 200mg
208-08221 thiocyclam hydrogen oxalate 500mg
207-11361 thiodicarb 200mg
207-13181 thiometon(1mg/ml in hexane) 5×1ml
208-13611 thiophanate 200mg
205-08231 thiophanate-methyl 500mg
204-11371 thiuram 200mg
201-11381 tolclofos-methyl 200mg
200-13171 tolylfluanid 200mg
200-06581 tpn 200mg
209-12661 tralomethrin 100mg
209-08491 triadimefon 500mg
202-08501 triadimenol 500mg
201-06751 triazine 200mg
203-13161 triazophos 100mg
204-09301 trichlamide 200mg
202-12911 triclopyr 200mg
208-13111 tricyclazole 200mg
203-06571 tricyclohexyltin (iv) hydroxide 200mg
202-10191 triflumizole 200mg
205-10181 triflumizole metabolite 200mg
202-06781 trifluralin 200mg
202-08861 triforine 200mg
204-13331 triphenyltin acetate 200mg
201-13341 triphenyltin chloride 200mg
208-13351 triphenyltin hydroxide 200mg
212-00981 uniconazole p 200mg
220-01201 vamidothion 200mg
224-00741 vinclozolin 500mg
248-00501 xmc 200mg
266-00783 zineb 200mg
264-01301 ziram 200mg
153-01481 organophosphorus pesticides mixed standard solution 5×1ml
167-18411 4 pesticides mixed standard solution 5×1ml
160-18401 8 pesticides mixed stadard solution 5×1ml
164-18421 13 pesticides mixed standard solution 5×1ml
: waley188
016-18651 7 alkylphenol mixed standard solution 1 ml x 5a
010-17571 acenaphthene standard 100mg
017-17581 acenaphthylene standard 100mg
015-17825 acetonitrile 500ml
021-13641 benz[a]anthracene standard 100mg
020-13591 benzo[a]pyrene standard 100mg
028-13651 benzo[b]fluoranthene standard 100mg
022-13671 benzo[ghi]perylene standard 20mg
025-13661 benzo[k]fluoranthene standard 100mg
026-13571 benzophenone standard 500mg
025-13541 bisphenol a standard 500mg
020-14191 n,o-bis(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide 1 ml x 5
025-14141 9-bromoanthracene standard 200mg
029-13561 n-butylbenzene standard 500mg
029-14161 p-n-butylphenol standard 500mg
028-13531 p-t-butylphenol standard 500mg
032-17511 chrysene standard 100mg
039-17881 copper pyrithione standard 500mg
043-24992 decane 25ml
047-24995 decane 500ml
041-26791 dibenz[a,h]anthracene standard 100mg
041-28055 dichloromethane 500ml
049-26611 2,4-dichlorophenol standard 500mg
044-26541 2,4-diphenyl-1-butene standard 10mg
040-26521 cis-1,2-diphenylcyclobutane standard 10mg
047-26531 trans-1,2-diphenylcyclobutane standard 10mg
048-26561 1,3-diphenylpropane standard 500mg
295-56301 estorogen-r(alpha) competitor screening kit 96testsx2
055-06895 ethyl alcohol (99.5) 500ml
063-03891 fluoranthene standard 100mg
066-03881 fluorene standard 100mg
084-07985 n-heptane 500ml
082-07501 p-n-heptylphenol standard 500mg
085-07655 hexane 500ml
089-07511 p-n-hexylphenol standard 500mg
135-13855 methanol 500ml
134-14285 methyl acetate 500ml
145-06881 naphthalene standard 100mg
145-07501 m-nitrophenol standard 500mg
142-07491 o-nitrophenol standard 500mg
142-07511 p-nitrophenol standard 500mg
146-06811 p-nitrotoluene standard 500mg
146-06791 p-n-nonylphenol standard 500mg
152-02051 octachlorostyrene standard 25mg
159-02061 p-n-octylphenol standard 500mg
164-19381 p-n-pentylphenol standard 500mg
162-19441 phenanthrene standard 100mg
168-19281 1a-phenyl-4a-(1-phenylethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahyd ronaphthalene standard 10mg
161-19271 1a-phenyl-4e-(1-phenylethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahyd ronaphthalene standard 10mg
165-19291 1e-phenyl-4a-(1-phenylethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahyd ronaphthalene standard 10mg
168-19301 1e-phenyl-4e-(1-phenylethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydr onaphthalene standard 10mg
169-19451 pyrene standard 100mg
239-01711 5% water-impregnated silica gel 100g
190-12821 5w/v% sodium chloride solution 1l
208-14451 p-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol standard 500mg
209-15461 tributyltin chloride 500mg
208-15551 2,2",3-trihydroxybiphenyl standard 100mg
201-15541 2,2",3-trihydroxydiphenyl ether standard 100mg
203-14381 1,3,5-triphenylcyclohexane standard 10mg
206-14371 2,4,6-triphenyl-1-hexene standard 10mg
264-01541 zinc pyrithione standard 500mg
019-14621 aconitine standard (2-10℃) 20mg
012-14091 albiflorin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
010-13431 alisol b standard (2-10℃) 20mg
018-13231 alisol b acetate standard (2-10℃) 20mg
019-14001 aloe-emodin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
015-11921 arbutin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
012-14611 atractylenolide iii standard (2-10℃) 20mg
015-14341 atractyline standard (-20℃) 20mg
016-11691 atropine sulfate monohydrate standard (2-10℃) 20mg
016-10351 aucubin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
027-07751 baicalein standard (2-10℃) 20mg
020-07741 baicalin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
022-0861 barbaloin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
022-07681 berberine chloride standard (2-10℃) 20mg
028-12051 bergenin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
025-10121 bufalin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
024-10691 bufotalin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
030-10611 capillarisin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
036-10613 capillarisin standard (2-10℃) 50mg
031-15141 capsaicin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
032-10551 catalpol standard (2-10℃) 20mg
038-13711 cinobufain standard (2-10℃) 20mg
035-13721 cinobufotalin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
036-11311 coptisine chloride standard (2-10℃) 20mg
036-14971 corydaline standard 20mg
032-13731 costunolide standard (-20℃) 20mg
040-21881 dehydrocostuslactone standard (2-10℃) 20mg
042-18911 dimethylesculetin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
059-05411 (-)-epigallocatechin gallate standard (2-10℃) 100mg
052-04921 ergosterol standard (2-10℃) 20mg
056-05161 β-eudesmol standard (2-10℃) 20mg
050-04601 evodiamine standard (2-10℃) 20mg
070-02241 geniposide standard (2-10℃) 20mg
078-02301 geniposidic acid standard (2-10℃) 20mg
077-02871 6-gingerol standard (2-10℃) 20mg
079-02191 ginsenoside-rb1 standard (2-10℃) 10mg
078-03261 ginsenoside-rc standard (2-10℃) 20mg
072-03301 ginsenoside-rd standard (2-10℃) 20mg
075-03271 ginsenoside-re standard (2-10℃) 20mg
072-02201 ginsenoside-rg1 standard (2-10℃) 10mg
071-02271 glycyrrhizin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
089-04951 honokiol standard (2-10℃) 20mg
081-06851 (e)-10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid standard (2-10℃) 20mg
099-03651 isofraxidine standard (2-10℃) 20mg
125-03361 liquiritin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
125-03621 loganin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
137-09081 magnolol standard (2-10℃) 20mg
140-06211 naringin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
151-01801 osthole standard (2-10℃) 20mg
150-01511 oxymatrine standard (2-10℃) 20mg
167-11711 paeoniflorin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
163-11713 paeoniflorin standard (2-10℃) 50mg
169-12871 paeonol standard (2-10℃) 10mg
166-17641 palmatine chloride standard (2-10℃) 20mg
164-14901 (+)-phyllodulcin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
162-14701 puerarin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
184-00951 resibufogenin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
183-00921 rutaecarpine standard (2-10℃) 20mg
190-08411 saikosaponin a standard (2-10℃) 10mg
194-10021 saikosaponin b2 standard (2-10℃) 20mg
197-08421 saikosaponin c standard (2-10℃) 10mg
194-08431 saikosaponin d standard (2-10℃) 10mg
197-09261 scopolamine hydrobromide monohydrate standard (2-10℃) 20mg
190-08531 sennoside a standard (2-10℃) 10mg
194-09271 sennoside b standard (2-10℃) 20mg
191-08681 shikonin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
193-09361 sinomenine standard (2-10℃) 20mg
197-08541 swertiamarin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
231-00811 wogonin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
: waley188
992-11062 2,2’-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride 25g
080-06441 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (2-10℃) 5mg
093-05271 iq (2-amino-3-methylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoline) 100mg
131-10231 meac(acetateform)(2-amino-3-methyl-9h-pyrido(2,3b) 100mg indole (acetate form))
134-10221 melq(2-amino-3,4-dimethyl-3h-imidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline 100mg
134-09971 melqx(2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline 100mg
163-15951 phlp hydrochloride (2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo 100mg (4,5-b) pyridine hydrochloride)
203-08271 trp-p-1 (acetate form) 100mg
200-08281 trp-p-2 (acetate form) 100mg
a. odor detection standards
077-01911 geosmin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
077-01891 geosmin standard solution (1.0mg/ml in hexane) (2-10℃) 1ml
072-03421 geosmin standard solution (1.0mg/ml in methanol) (2-10℃) 1ml
132-07071 2-methylisoborneol standard 20mg
134-10581 2- methylisoborneol standard solution? 1ml (1.0mg/ml in methanol) (-20℃)
131-12431 geosmin/mib mix standard solution (-20℃) 1ml
b. csk standards
039-10181 csk standard solution nitrate n:0.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
036-10191 csk standard solution nitrate n:5.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
039-10201 csk standard solution nitrate n:10.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
033-10221 csk standard solution nitrate n:20.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
037-10241 csk standard solution nitrate n:40.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
034-10131 csk standard solution nitrite n:0.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
038-10151 csk standard solution nitrite n:0.50 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
035-10161 csk standard solution nitrite n:1.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
032-10171 csk standard solution nitrite n:2.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
037-10001 csk standard solution phosphate p:0.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
034-10011 csk standard solution phosphate p:0.50 ug atom/l(2-10℃) 50ml
031-10021 csk standard solution phosphate p:1.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
038-10031 csk standard solution phosphate p:2.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
035-10041 csk standard solution phosphate p:3.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
034-10251 csk standard solution potassium iodate 0.0100n (2-10℃) 300ml
032-10051 csk standard solution silicate si:0.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
039-10061 csk standard solution silicate si:5.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
036-10071 csk standard solution silicate si:10.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
030-10091 csk standard solution silicate si:50.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
033-10101 csk standard solution silicate si:100 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
030-10111 csk standard solution silicate si:150 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
037-10121 csk standard solution silicate si:200 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
c. microcystin
136-12241 microcystin lr (-20℃) 250ug
133-12251 microcystin rr (-20℃) 250ug
132-12841 microcystin yr (-20℃) 250ug
300-05191 microcystin elisa kit (-20℃) 250ug
133-12871 mmpb sodium salt (-20℃) 250ug
024-12031 benzene standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
027-12261 bromodichloromethane standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
021-12041 p-bromofluorobenzene standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
020-12251 bromoform standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
035-09931 chloroform standard solution (2-10℃) 10ml
039-15681 chloroform standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
043-24551 dibromochloromethane standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
040-22001 1,2-dichloroethane standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
043-18941 1,2-dichloroethane standard solution (2-10℃) 10ml
047-22011 1,1- dichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
046-18791 1,1- dichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃) 10ml
045-23531 cis-1,2- dichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃) 5×1ml
047-18961 trans-1,2- dichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃) 10ml
043-18963 trans-1,2- dichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃)? 10×2ml 1mg/ml in methanol
043-22591 trans-1,2- dichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃)? 10×2ml 1mg/ml in hexane
044-23981 dichloromethane standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml 1mg/ml in hexane
041-23991 dichloromethane standard solution (2-10℃) 1mg/ml in methanol 10×2ml
048-23761 cis-1,3-dichloropropene (2-10℃) 5×1ml
045-23771 trans-1,3-dichloropropene (2-10℃) 5×1ml
205-08111 tetrachloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃) 10ml
205-12381 toluene standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
208-08101 trichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃) 10ml
207-07973 trihalomethane standard solution (in methanol)(2-10℃) 10×2ml
245-00631 xylene standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
072-01581 glycol chitosan 10g
071-01735 n/200 glycol chitosan solution 500ml
134-04731 methyl glycol chitosan 10g
138-05395 n/200 methyl glycol chitosan solution 500ml
161-14695 0.0025mol/l poly(dial lyldimethylammonium chloride)? 500ml solution (n/400)
162-03071 potassium polyvinyl sulfate (pvsk) 10g
167-07465 n/400 potassium polyvinyl sulfate solution (n/400 pvsk) 500ml
205-05811 toluidine blue indicator solution 50ml
235-01791 wetting tension test mixture no.22.6 50ml
235-01811 wetting tension test mixture no.27.3 50ml
232-01821 wetting tension test mixture no.30.0 50ml
239-01831 wetting tension test mixture no.31.0 50ml
236-01841 wetting tension test mixture no.32.0 50ml
233-01851 wetting tension test mixture no.33.0 50ml
300-08251 alkyl ethoxylate (ae) elisa kit 96 wells
302-08691 alkyl phenol (ap) elisa kit (microplate) 96 wells
299-56701 amyloid beta-protein immunohistostain kit 50tests
531-75411 angiogenin,human an`alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
297-55901 annexin v-fluorescein staining kit 50tests
291-53204 apoptosis ladder detection kit 24lanes
297-53201 apoptosis ladder detection kit 96lanes
291-55801 apoptosis screening kit 96tests
291-51401 bfgf elisa kit 60 tests
639-01051 bgstar a kit(beta-1,3-glucan assay kit) 20tests
636-01061 bgstar b kit(beta-1,3-glucan assay kit) 20tests
343-90011 biopyrrin eia kit 96tests
346-90621 biotinylation kit (sulfo-osu) 1set
301-07701 bisphenol a (bpa) elisa kit (microplate) 96 wells
538-75421 brain-derived neurotrophic factor,human an`alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
306-08611 brown adipocyte culture kit f-1 (rat) 1flasks
302-08613 brown adipocyte culture kit f-8 (rat) 8flasks
291-56901 calcium calibration buffer kit 50ml x 2
300-08751 carp vilogenin elisa kit 96tests
536-76061 cd14,human an`alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
533-76071 scd31 (pecam-1) an`alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
343-06464 cell counting kit(2-10 c) 100tests
345-06463 cell counting kit(2-10 c) 2,500 tests (500 tests x 5)
349-06461 cell counting kit(2-10 c) 500 tests
341-07761 cell counting kit-8 100tests
347-07741 cell counting kit-f 100tests
343-07743 cell counting kit-f 500tests
341-07381 -cellstain- double staining kit 1set
315-01421 charomid cloning kit 5tests
293-52201 chemiluminescence reaction solution set 100 lanes
299-52203 chemiluminescence reaction solution set 400 lanes
300-08653 chondrocyte culture kit f-8 (porcine) 8flasks
535-75431 ciliary neurotrophic factor,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
297-55401 cinc-1 elisa kit wako,rat 96tests
311-03961 clear stain ag for 20 sheets
638-00781 collagen gel culturing kit 1kit
537-75511 colony stimulating factor,granulocyte ,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-75531 colony stimulating factor,granulocyte-macrophage, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
535-75931 colony stimulating factor,granulocyte-macrophage, mouse an` alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
538-75541 colony stimulating factor,human an` alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75631 colony stimulating factor, macrophage, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
297-54301 cryptosporidium detection kit 50tests
300-10081 cuga 3 sequencing kit for abi prism377xl dna sequencer
300-13521 cuga 3 sequencing kit for abi prism377xl dna sequencer 24tests
307-13531 cuga 7 in vitro transc-ription kit 20 reactions
303-13511 cuga 7 sequencing kit for abi prism377xl dna sequencer 24tests
304-14641 cuga 7 in vitro transc-ription kit 5tests
306-13361 cuga3 sequencing kit for abi prism 310 genetic analyser 24tests
307-14371 cuga3 sequencing kit for abi prism 310 genetic analyzer 5tests
301-14411 cuga7 in vitro sirna synthesis kit 5tests
307-14413 cuga7 in vitro sirna synthesis kit 20tests
309-13351 cuga7 sequencing kit (for abi prism 310 genetic analyser) 24tests
300-14361 cuga7 sequencing kit for abi prism 310 genetic analyzer 5tests
304-14381 cuga7 sequencing set up kit for abi prism 310 genetic analyzer 5tests
314-01371 deletion kit 5tests
295-58501 dna extractor fm kit 50tests
295-50201 dna extractor kit(fo residual dna) 50tests
291-50502 dna extractor wb kit (sodium iodide method) 50 tests
293-50501 dna extractor wb kit (genomic) 25-250 assays
297-54801 dna extractor wb-rapid kit 20tests
293-54803 dna extractor wb-rapid kit 200tests
295-52401 dna isolator ps kit 100tests
311-01261 dna labelling kit 30tests
311-05781 dr. gene 1 ver. 2 : e. coli transformation kit (lacz expression) 12tests
303-13011 dr. gene 3 : enzyme extraction kit 12 reactions
300-13021 dr. gene 4 : e. coli transformation kit 12 reactions
318-05431 dr. gene 2 : agarose gel electrophoresis kit
311-05421 dr. gene 1 : e. coli transformation kit (lacz) 12 reactions
318-03851 dr-op pcr kit for human blood 1set(s)
314-03853 dr-op pcr kit for human blood 6 tests
296-33251 em filterslide for fluorospark ptp assay kit 1 ea
309-05301 embryo pack medium kit(coculture) 1kit
303-05941 embryo pack medium kit (complete coculture set) 1kit
300-05951 embryo pack medium kit (complete non-coculture set) 1kit
306-05311 embryopack medium kit(non-coculture) 1kit
539-75451 ena-78,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-76371 endothelin-1,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
538-76381 endothelin-1,human an` alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
293-51601 endotoxin extracting solution 4 x 10ml
536-75461 eotaxin, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
538-75921 eotaxin, mouse an` alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
532-75441 epidermal growth factor,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
295-56301 estorogen-r(alpha) competitor screening kit 96testsx2
300-07771 17beta-estradiol(e2) elisa kit (microplate) 96 wells
300-07911 17beta-estradiol(e2) kit (tube) 20 tests
303-07761 estrogen(e1/e2/e3) elisa kit (microplate) 96 wells
303-07901 estrogen(e1/e2/e3) kit (tube) 20 tests
295-27851 ew-812 microplate washer maintenance kit 1box
290-33151 ex filterslide for fluorospark ptp assay kit 1 ea
522-45471 factor-test-xtm mouse tnf-rⅰ(p55)elisa kit 96tests
530-43491 fast cat chloramphenicol acetyltransferase assay kit 1kit (100 assays)
533-43501 fast cat green(deoxy)chloramphenicol acetyltransferase assay kit 1kit (100 assays)
530-43511 fast cat yellow (deoxy) chloramphenicol acetyltransferase assay kit 1kit (100 assays)
300-10341 fast elisa kit – buckwheat 96 wells
309-10311 fast elisa kit – egg 96 wells
306-10321 fast elisa kit – milk 96 wells
307-10351 fast elisa kit – peanut 96 wells
303-10331 fast elisa kit – wheat 96 wells
520-43711 fibroblast growth factor,basic,human, an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
529-77091 fibroblast growth factor,basic,human,an` alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75491 fibroblast growth factor-4, human,an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75501 flt-3/flk-2 ligand,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
299-55601 fluorospark ptp assay kit 100tests
636-01321 gelatin zymography electrophoresis kit 1kit
521-45561 gm-csf,human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
535-75551 s gp130,human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
302-13341 gpdh activity assay kit 100 tests
532-75561 groα, human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
539-75571 hepatocyte growth factor, an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
303-08643 hepatocyte culture kit f-8 (rat) 8flasks
291-52001 high sensitivity immunoblotting (mouse) kit 20 lanes
297-52003 high sensitivity immunoblotting (mouse) kit 100 lanes
297-52101 high sensitivity immunoblotting (rabbit) kit 20 lanes
293-52103 high sensitivity immunoblotting (rabbit) kit 100 lanes
630-01341 historesin embedding kit 1kit
638-01141 historesin plus embedding kit 1kit
637-02571 hyaluronidase detecion zymo electrophoresis kit 1 kit
537-76091 icam-1, an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
537-30451 igm purification kit 1 kit
302-00531 immersion oils kit 1set
293-50903 immunoblotting abc-pod (m) kit 100 lanes
293-51003 immunoblotting abc-pod kit 100 lanes
094-04321 immunoglobulin typing kit, mouse 10tests
291-54603 immunostar kit for mouse 1000tests
297-54703 immunostar kit for rabbit 1000tests
295-55201 immunostar reagents for 1,000cm2
291-55203 immunostar reagents for 5,000cm2
317-01741 in vitro packaging kit lambda inn 3tests
299-57801 inos western blot kit 24lanes
532-75941 interferon-γ,mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
526-45491 interferon-γ, rat an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
522-48391 interleukin-γ,human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
535-75051 interleukin-1α, human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
525-45461 interleukin-1α,mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
539-75071 interleukin-1β, human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
539-75831 interleukin-1β, mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
533-75091 interleukin-1β, human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
536-75081 interleukin-1β, human an’alyza,high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
532-76041 interleukin-1β,rat an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
533-75111 interleukin-1 sreceptorⅱ human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
536-75101 interleukin-1 receptor antagonist.human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75121 interleukin-2 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
524-45551 interleukin-2 human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75131 interleukin-2 sreceptorα,human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
536-75841 interleukin-2 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
539-76051 interleukin-2 rat an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
534-75141 interleukin-3 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
533-75851 interleukin-3 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
538-75161 interleukin-4 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
532-75181 interleukin-4 human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
535-75171 interleukin-4 human an’alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
539-75191 interleukin-4 sreceptor, human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75861 interleukin-4 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
503-30531 interleukin-4 rat an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
295-52901 interleukin-5, elisa kit wako, human 96tests
520-44171 interleukin-5 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
539-75211 interleukin-6, human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75241 interleukin-6, human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
533-75231 interleukin-6, human an’alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75251 interleukin-6 sreceptor, human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75871 interleukin-6 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
500-30541 interleukin-6, rat an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-75271 interleukin-7 human an’alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
538-75281 interleukin-8 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
535-75291 interleukin-8 human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
538-75301 interleukin-10 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
520-94861 interleukin-10 human an’alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
534-75881 interleukin-10 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
506-30521 interleukin-10 rat an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
532-75321 interleukin-11 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75361 interleukin-12 human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
533-75351 interleukin-12 human an’alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
539-75331 interleukin-12 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
536-75341 interleukin-12 p40 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-75891 interleukin-12 p40 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
534-75901 interleukin-12 p70 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
537-75371 interleukin-13 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-75911 interleukin-13 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
534-75381 interleukin-15 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-75391 interleukin-17 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
523-44161 interleukin-17 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
316-01951 ishr reagent kit 1set
314-02611 ishr starting kit 1kit
315-06421 isogen pb kit 20 tests
310-02733 isoplant 20 tests
314-02731 isoplant 100 tests
317-03103 isotissue 3 tests
311-03101 isotissue 30tests
539-75951 kc, mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
533-75591 keratinocyte growth factor(fgf-7),human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
308-05991 kinsiro.atp assay kit 100tests
300-06051 las elisa kit (microplate) 96 wells
639-03131 lbis insulin-rat (high sensitive) 96tests
637-01611 lbis albumin-mouse 60 tests
634-01621 lbis albumin-rat 60 tests
637-02691 lbis anti dsdna- mouse elisa kit 96tests
637-02711 lbis anti dsdna- rat elisa kit 96tests
630-02701 lbis anti ssdna- mouse elisa kit 96tests
634-02721 lbis anti ssdna- rat elisa kit 96tests
639-02891 lbis ige elisa kit (mouse) 96tests
633-01451 lbis insulin-dog-t 96tests
634-02221 lbis insulin-monkey-t 96tests
639-01291 lbis insulin-mouse 96tests
634-01481 lbis insulin-mouse-t 96tests
630-01461 lbis insulin-pig 96tests
632-01281 lbis insulin-rat 96tests
637-01471 lbis insulin-rat-t 96tests
639-03131 lbis insulin-rat elisa kit(u type) 96tests
633-02671 lbis rheumatoid factor igg-mouse elisa kit 96tests
630-02681 lbis rheumatoid factor igm-mouse elisa kit 96tests
635-02893 lbis ige mouse elisa kit 192 tests
299-50601 ldh-cytotoxic test 960 tests
536-75601 leptin, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
536-75961 leptin(ob), mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192 tests
293-54901 legionella detection kit 10tests
315-05963 ligation-convenience kit 10 tests
319-05961 ligation-convenience kit 100tests
299-51201 limulus es-ii test (2-10 c) 60tests
292-51213 limulus es-ii test (2-10 c) 100tests
299-54501 limulus ps single test wako 20tests
307-10111 matrix set up kit for abi prism377xl dna sequencer 1set
303-13371 matrix standard set up kit for abi prism 310 genetic analyzer 1set
601-07473 mci buffer l-8500-pf kit 1l x 10
609-07474 mci buffer l-8500-pf kit 1l x 10
605-07471 mci buffer l-8500-pf kit 1kit
605-07476 mci buffer l-8500-pf kit 1l x 10
607-07475 mci buffer l-8500-pf kit 1l x 10
603-07472 mci buffer l-8500-pf kit 1l x 10
604-07463 mci buffer l-8500-ph kit 1l x 10
600-07465 mci buffer l-8500-ph kit 1l x 10
608-07461 mci buffer l-8500-ph kit 1kit
602-07464 mci buffer l-8500-ph kit 1l x 10
606-07462 mci buffer l-8500-ph kit 1l x 10
608-07466 mci buffer l-8500-ph kit 1l x 10
530-75621 mcp-1,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
533-75971 mcp-1/je, mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192 tests
300-05191 microcystin elisa kit 1kit
534-75641 mip-1α,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75981 mip-1α,mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192 tests
531-75651 mip-1β,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75991 mip-1 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192 tests
293-55501 mip-2 elisa kit wako,rat 96tests
295-58001 mmp in situ zymo-film 50tests
291-58101 mmp-pt in situ zymo-film 50tests
293-54401 mt dna extractor wb kit 25tests
291-55301 mtdna extractor ct kit 25 tests
578-31301 multi-replica blotting kit : complete 1kit
505-99191 multi-replica blotting kit : complete 1kit
579-75151 multi-replica blotting kit-ultra for protein gels, 1 x 3-stack 1kit
576-75161 multi-replica blotting kit-ultra for protein gels, 2 x 3-stack 1kit
573-75171 multi-replica blotting kit-ultra for protein gels, 3 x 3-stack 1kit
573-76411 multi-replica blotting kit-ultra for protein gels, 2 x 5-stack 1kit
576-76401 multi-replica blotting kit-ultra for protein gels, 10-stack 1kit
300-08631 myoblast culture kit f-12 (rat) 6flasks
306-08633 myoblast culture kit f-12 (rat) 12flasks
305-08723 myoblast culture kit f-6 (mouse) 6 flasks
293-57701 negative gel stain ms kit 20tests
312-01051 nick translation kit 1 20tests
319-01061 nick translation kit 2 20tests
348-90181 nitrosothiol assay kit for 1 plate
344-07991 no2/no3 assay kit-c ii (colorimetric)-griess reagent kit 100tests
347-07981 no2/no3 assay kit-f ii (fluorometric) 2,3-diaminonaphthalene kit 100tests
535-75671 oncostatin m, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
297-56001 osteoresin embedding kit 1 kit
299-58401 osteoresin embedding kit basic 1kit
302-04671 panatest ratα1-ag 96tests
305-04661 panatest rat albumin 96tests
302-04671 panatest rat alpha1-ag 96tests
309-04701 panatest rat beta2-microglobulin 96tests
305-07101 panatest rat cinc-1 (il-8) 96tests
304-04631 panatest rat ferritin 96tests
308-04651 panatest rat hemoglobin 96tests
309-04701 panatest ratβ2 microglobulin 96tests
301-04641 panatest rat prolactin 96tests
306-04691 panatest rat transferrin 96tests
295-56801 parp western blot kit wako 24lanes
295-50701 pathostain abc-pod (mouse) kit 100 tests
291-50801 pathostain abc-pod (rabbit) kit 100 tests
526-45511 pdgf-bb, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
433-36201 phospholipids c (reagent kit) 120tests
299-57301 phosphorylated tau immunohistostain kit 100tests
301-05584 picagene dual sea pansy luminescence kit 100tests x 10
307-05581 picagene dual sea pansy luminescence kit 100tests
303-05583 picagene dual sea pansy luminescence kit 1,000tests
300-14001 picagene lt-fr luminescence kit 100tests
306-14003 picagene lt-fr luminescence kit 500 tests
304-14004 picagene lt-fr luminescence kit 1000tests
305-05881 picagene lt2.0 luminescene kit 100tests
301-05883 picagene lt2.0 luminescene kit 500tests
309-05884 picagene lt2.0 luminescene kit 1,000tests
302-05891 picagene lt7.5 luminescene kit 100tests
308-05893 picagene lt7.5 luminescene kit 500tests
306-05894 picagene lt7.5 luminescene kit 1000tests
302-04311 picagene luminescence kit 100tests
309-04321 picagene luminescence kit 100tests*5
303-04341 picagene luminescence kit 500tests*4
306-04331 picagene luminescence kit 500tests
539-75691 placenta growth factor, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
311-01521 plasmid mini prep kit 60tests
532-75681 plaed-derived growth factor-ab, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
299-18841 pod immunostain set for 20ml x 12
317-05641 poly(a)+ isolation kit from total rna 20tests
347-04181 ponalkit –abs 50 tests
344-04191 ponalkit –abs, refilling reagent 50 tests
349-03781 ponalkit –cn . t-l 100 tests
349-03801 ponalkit –cn . t-l, refilling color reagent 100tests
346-03791 ponalkit –cn . t-l, refilling distilation reagent 100tests
347-03341 ponalkit –cn . t, refilling reagent 50 tests
344-03351 ponalkit –cn . t 100tests
344-03091 ponalkit –cod 30 tests
348-03511 ponalkit –cod l, refilling reagent 30tests
343-03321 ponalkit –cod-l 30 tests
341-03501 ponalkit –cod, refilling reagent 30tests
345-03761 ponalkit –cr . 6-ii 50tests
341-03741 ponalkit –cr . t-ii 50 tests
342-03771 ponalkit –cr . 6-ii, refilling reagent 50tests
348-03751 ponalkit –cr . t-ii, refilling reagent 50tests
347-03461 ponalkit –cu 50 tests
344-03471 ponalkit –cu, refilling reagent 50 tablets
340-02231 ponalkit –do 30 tests
342-03053 ponalkit –do, refilling reagent (d) 30tests
347-02241 ponalkit –f 30 tests
341-03481 ponalkit –fe 50tests
348-03491 ponalkit –fe, refilling reagent 50 tablets
343-03061 ponalkit –f, refilling reagent 30 tests
345-03521 ponalkit –ni 50tests
342-03531 ponalkit –ni, refilling reagent set
341-03121 ponalkit –wh 50 tests
345-03141 ponalkit –wh, refilling reagent (b) 600 tablets
293-56101 protein assay rapid kit 100tests
299-56103 protein assay rapid kit 400tests
291-57001 protein blot assay kit 96tests
297-57003 protein blot assay kit 480tests
532-75701 rantes, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
534-76001 rantes, mouse ,an’ alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
302-04671 rat alpha-1-acidic glycoprotein eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
305-04661 rat albumin eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
295-57401 rat c-peptide elisa kit 96tests
303-04631 rat ferritin eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
291-59201 rat glp-1 elisa kit 96tests
308-04651 rat hemoglobin eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
297-57101 rat/human glucagon elisa kit 96tests
309-04681 rat il-8 eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
297-57601 rat leptin elisa kit 96tests
309-04701 rat beta-2-microglobulin eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
301-04641 rat prolactin eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
306-04691 rat transferrin eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
530-76101 se-se-lectin, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
291-50301 silver stain 2 kit for 10 sheets
299-13841 silver stain kit wako for 10 sheets
299-58901 silver stain ms kit 20sheets
297-51501 slp reagents set (2-10 c) 50tests
536-75721 slpi, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
295-53001 slp single reagent set 25tests
537-76111 sl-se-lectin, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
534-76121 sp-se-lectin, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
295-55701 sod activity detection kit 800tests
307-08881 stains all gel staining kit 20 tests
539-75711 stem cell factor, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
633-02551 stromelysin detecion zymo electrophoresis kit 1 kit
523-45521 tarc, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
535-75811 thrombopoietin, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
538-76021 thrombopoietin, mouse an’ alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
520-45531 timp-1, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
529-45481 tnf-rⅱ, mouse an’ alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
533-75731 transforming growth factor-β1,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75741 transforming growth factor-β2, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
313-01721 transformation kit dh5 1kit
316-01331 transformation kit hb 101 1kit
319-01321 transformation kit jm 109 1kit
310-01731 transformation kit mv1184 1kit
535-75791 tumor necrosis factor receptorⅰ human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
538-75801 stumor necrosis factor receptorⅱ human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75751 tumor necrosis factor-α.human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-75771 tumor necrosis factor-α.human an` alyza 96tests chemiluminescent immunoassay kit
531-76001 tumor necrosis factor-α, mouse an’ alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
538-75781 tumor necrosis factor-β,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
527-33071 tumor necrosis factor-α,rat an’ alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
532-75821 vascular endothelial cell growth factor, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
535-76031 vascular endothelial cell growth factor, mouse an’ alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
531-76131 vcam-1, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
527-45541 vegf, human an` alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
303-08621 white adipocyte culture kit f-1 (rat) 1flasks
309-08623 white adipocyte culture kit f-8 (rat) 8flasks
537-37391 whole blood erythrocyte lysing kit,easy-lyse 250 tests
307-13151 estrone elisa kit (microplate) 96 tests
306-10181 osteoclast culture kit v-1 (mouse) 1ea
302-10183 osteoclast culture kit v-2 (mouse) 2 pcs
039-18981 辣椒素 capsaicin standard
012-20581 乌头属二酯酶生物碱 aconitum diester alkaloids standard 0.35mg
018-20681 泽泻醇a alisol a 20mg
011-20291 熊果苷 arbutin 20mg
015-20691 黄芪甙ⅳ astagaloside ⅳ 20mg
028-15231 坝巴苷 barbaloin 10mg
022-15491 苯甲酰中乌头胺盐酸盐 benzoylmesaconine hydrochloride 5mg
025-15241 蟾毒灵 bufalin 20mg
030-19491 华蟾蜍毒基 cinobufagin 20mg
085-08211 2r-橙皮甙 epihesperidin standard 10mg
071-05071 京尼平苷 geniposide 20mg
074-05061 姜辣醇 [6]-gingerol 20mg
076-05021 人生皂苷rg1 ginsenoside rg1 10mg
070-05161 甘草酸 glycyrrhizic acid 20mg
086-08361 橙皮甙 hesperidin 10mg
094-05281 淫羊藿甙 icariin 20mg
128-05311 z-蒿本内酯 (z)-ligustilide 20mg
123-05121 番木鳖苷 loganin 20mg
167-21721 丹皮酚 paeonol 10mg
187-01921 脂蟾毒配基 resibufogenin 20mg
190-13541 柴胡皂甙a saikosaponin a 10mg
197-13551 五味子素 schizandrin 20mg
194-13941 番泻苷b sennoside b 10mg
198-13581 紫草素(与其旋光同分异构体混合比6:1) shikonin(mixture of optical isomers about 6:1) 10mg
198-13601 紫草素(与其旋光同分异构体混合比1:1) shikonin(mixture of optical isomers about 1:1) 10mg
199-14111 姜烯酚 [6]-shogaol 5mg
017-08953乙酰甲胺磷acephate stadnard200mg
018-18591灭螨醌acequinocyl standard200mg
011-18601羟基灭螨醌acequinocyl-hydroxy stadnard200mg
014-16491啶虫脒acetamiprid stadnard200mg
018-19451阿拉酸式苯acibenzolar acid standard100mg
014-18331阿拉酸式苯-s-甲基acibenzolar-s-methyl standard200mg
013-15741acnacn standard200mg
018-16651氟丙菊酯acrinathrin standard200mg
016-16331甲草胺alachlor standard200mg
017-15521棉铃威alanycarb standard200mg
012-14111涕灭威aldicarb standard200mg
015-09733禾草灭alloxydim-sodium standard200mg
019-13641莠灭净ametryn standard200mg
011-087112-氨基苯并米唑2-aminobenzimidazole standard200mg
011-20051氨甲基磷酸(aminomethyl)phosphonic acid standard200mg
011-14941双甲脒盐酸盐代谢物amitraz metabolite hydrochloride standard200mg
015-09593双甲脒amitraz standard200mg
016-14011杀草强amitrole standard200mg
019-13521黄草灵asulam standard200mg
010-15631莠去津atrazine standard200mg
012-18251四唑嘧磺隆azimsulfuron standard200mg
012-16051保棉磷azinphos-methyl stnadard200mg
019-15601三唑锡azocyclotin standard200mg
019-19001嘧菌酯azoxystrobin stnadard200mg
020-06761硫丹硫酸盐benzoepin sulfate standard200mg
028-12791苯霜灵benalaxyl standard200mg
028-11691?虫威bendiocarb standard200mg
023-09551丙硫克百威benfuracarb standard200mg
027-12881呋草黄benfuresate standard200mg
023-12621苯嘧黄隆bensulfuron-methyl stnadard200mg
025-07671地散磷bensulide standard200mg
024-09363杀虫磺bensultap standard200mg
029-07593灭草松bentazone standard200mg
021-06953杀草丹benthiocarb standard200mg
027-06391α-硫丹α-benzoepin standard100mg
021-07313苯螨特benzomate standard200mg
020-06401β-硫丹β-benzoepin standard100mg
020-11531吡风填bethrodine standard200mg
026-14671联苯肼酯bifenazate standard200mg
021-08251甲羧除草醚bifenox standard100mg
025-12701联苯菊酯bifenthrin standard200mg
023-12861乐杀螨binapacryl standard200mg
021-12801生物苄呋菊酯bioresmethrin standard200mg
026-12731联苯biphenyl standard
024-14111双嘧草醚bispyribac-sodium standard100mg
024-10233联苯三唑醇bitertanol standard200mg
023-06773仲丁威bpmc standard200mg
024-06943克螨特bpps standard200mg
022-06983除草定bromacil standard200mg
029-12341溴丙酸bromobutide standard200mg
028-12811溴硫磷bromophos standard200mg
025-12821乙基溴硫磷bromophos-ethyl standard200mg
028-12671溴丙酸-脱溴基bromobutide-debromo standard200mg
028-06963三溴磷brp standard200mg
024-08263噻嗪酮buprofezin standard200mg
021-12161去草胺butachlor standard200mg
020-10931克蔓磷butamifos standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
026-12971丁草特butylate standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
036-18871硫线磷cadusafos standard100mg98.0+% (cgc)
035-17001唑草胺cafenstrole standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
034-08301克菌丹captan standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
033-16321克百威 carbofuran standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
032-16411三硫磷carbophenothion stadnard200mg96.0+% (hplc)
031-16361丁硫克百威carbosulfan standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
034-17691环丙酰胺carpropamid standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
031-08311催化剂cat standard200mg99.0+%(titration); 99.0+% (cgc)
039-08611灭螨猛chinomethionate standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
038-10293氯硝醚chlomethoxynil standard200mg99.0+%(titration); 99.0+% (cgc)
039-17381十氯酮chlordecone standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
039-16921氯分焦chlorfenapyr standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
030-14393氟啶脲chlorfluazuron standard100mg99.0+% (hplc)
036-16671氯嘧磺隆chlorimuron-ethyl standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
033-14981矮壮素chlormequat standard200mg99.0+%(after drying)(titration)
038-08321氯丙咸chloro ipc standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
030-14491氯苯甲醚chloroneb standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
031-08291氯苯甲脒氢氯化物chlorophenamidine hydrochloride standard200mg99.0+% (titration)
037-09653丙酯杀螨醇chloropropylate standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
031-08811毒死蜱chlorpyrifos standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
031-09673甲基毒死蜱chlorpyrifosmethyl standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
039-17141绿黄隆chlorsulfuron standard100mg99.0+%
033-18141环虫酰肼chromafenozide standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
035-16521环庚草醚cinmethylin standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
033-16441醚黄隆cinosulfuron standard200mg97.0+% (hplc)
030-18651烯草酮clethodim standard200mg90.0+% (hplc)
031-14541四螨嗪clofentezine standard200mg99.0+% (titration); 99.0+% (hplc)
030-18891可尼丁clothianidin standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
030-16571cmmpcmmp standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
036-08621cancan standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
030-16071氨基cnpcnp-amino standard200mg97.0+% (cgc)
033-15581对苯二甲酸铜三水合物copper (ⅱ) terephthalate trihydrate standard200mg98.0+% (titration); 98.0+% (hplc)
037-16461蝇毒磷coumaphos standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
030-16451杀螨酯cpcbs standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
037-17201cpfcpf standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
031-19421cpmacpma standard100mg95.0+% (cgc)
034-19271cpmfcpmf standard200mg95.0+% (cgc)
031-19281cptcpt standard50mg
038-17351苄草隆cumyluron standard200mg99.5+% (hplc)
033-15081杀虫畏cvmp standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
038-08561α-氯酚乙烯基磷标准溶液α-cvp standard solution5x1ml0.01w/v%
035-08571β-氯酚乙烯基磷标准溶液β-cvp standard solution5x1ml0.01w/v%
030-15091草净津cyanazine standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
039-08493cyapcyap standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
033-18881赛座灭cyazofamid standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
035-14701乙腈菊酯cycloprothrin standard100mg98.0+% (hplc)
033-18901环磺隆cyclosulfamuron standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
038-17591噻草酮cycloxydim standard200mg99.0+%
036-19231施沸芬蓝美cyflufenamid standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
033-14361氟氯氰菊酯cyfluthrin standard200mg98.0+% (gc)
035-17241氰氟草酯cyhalofop-butyl standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
033-15101氯氟氰菊酯cyhalothrin standard200mg98.0+% (mixture of isomers)(cgc)
036-16791霜脲氰cymoxanil standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
037-08411cypcyp standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
039-15441氯氰菊酯cypermethrin standard200mg96.0+% (titration)
032-16891环丙唑醇cyproconazole standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
031-17721嘧菌环胺cyprodinil standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
035-16261灭蝇胺cyromazine standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
046-22841丁酰肼daminozide standard200mg98.0+% (hplc); 98.0+% (titration)
041-26551二溴氯丙烷dbcp standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
048-254611,5-二氮杂二环任-5-烯dbn standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
046-18453dcbpdcbp standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
040-17013二氯异丙醚dcip standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
049-23931敌草隆dcmu standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
046-16471敌草索dcpa standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
046-27101p,p";-滴滴滴p,p";-ddd standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
043-27111p,p";-滴滴伊p,p";-dde standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
046-16633敌敌畏ddvp standard (dichlorvos)200mg98.0+% (cgc)
047-23471溴氰菊酯deltamethrin standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
045-16681敌百虫dep standard200mg99.0+% (titration); 99.0+% (cgc)
047-28111甜菜安desmedipham standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
042-26461丁醚脲diafenthiuron standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
041-26671 diafenthiuron-methanimidamide standard10mg97.0+%
048-26681丁醚脲-脲diafenthiuron-urea standard10mg98.0+%
042-24021牛津郡二嗪磷diazinon oxon standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
045-16223二嗪磷diazinon standard200mg99.0+% (titration)
040-26261麦草畏dicamba standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
041-21193苯氟磺胺dichlofluanid standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
045-25611二氯萘醌dichlone standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
045-183811,2-二氯乙烷1,2-dichloroethane standard1g99.5+% (cgc)
045-255912,4-二氯苯胺2,4-dichloroaniline standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
040-28101酰胺类diclocymet standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
044-25201哒菌酮diclomezine standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
045-24131乙霉威diethofencarb standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
042-25241苯醚甲环唑difenoconazole standard200mg98.0+% (mixture of isomers)(cgc)
045-25851野燕枯甲基硫酸盐difenzoquat methyl sulfate standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
049-23551除虫脲diflubenzuron standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
044-28121吡氟草胺diflufenican standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
046-27461二氟林diflumetorim standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
047-25171哌草丹dimepiperate standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
048-28261异戊乙净dimethametryn standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
043-26751二甲噻草胺dimethenamid standard200mg99.0+%
046-25521噻节因dimethipin standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
040-26901二甲嘧酚dimethirimol standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
045-15841乐果dimethoate standard200mg97.0+% (cgc)
049-28671烯酰吗啉dimethomorph standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
048-26061e-甲基毒虫畏(e)-dimethylvinphos standard100mg95.0+% (cgc)
045-25231z-甲基毒虫畏(z)-dimethylvinphos standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
046-284414,4-双甲基-2-?唑烷酮4,4-dimethyl-2-oxazolidinone standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
041-17021草乃敌diphenamid standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
046-21621杀草快二溴化物一水合物diquat dibromide monohydrate standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
044-18373二氰蒽醌dithianon standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
042-25121氟硫草定dithiopyr standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
043-17081dmtpdmtp standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
047-25291多果定dodine standard200mg98.0+% (titration); 98.0+% (hplc)
046-25141双酚酸钠dpa sodium standard200mg98.0-102.0% (titration); 98.0+% (hplc)
042-26601二甲基苯丙醇dpc standard200mg95.0+% (hplc)
043-26251汰草龙dymron standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
053-03493氯唑灵echlomezol standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
056-03503ecpecp standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
053-03133敌瘟磷eddp standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
054-06561因灭汀emamectin benzoate standard200mg93.0+% (hplc)
053-06411菌多酸一水合物endothal monohydrate standard200mg99.0+% (hplc); 99.0+% (titration)
059-06011牛津郡苯硫膦epn oxon standard200mg97.0+% (cgc)
052-02841苯硫膦epn standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
052-02863苯硫磷标准溶液epn standard solution (10μg/ml toluene soln)5x1ml
058-06221扑草灭eptc standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
056-06261交换性钠饱和度esp standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
059-05891禾草畏esprocarb standard200mg99.0+% (gc)
050-04961乙烯利ethephon standard200mg96.0+% (cgc)
051-04033乙硫苯威ethiofencarb standard200mg99.0+% (, hplc)
051-03173乙硫磷ethion standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
057-06551乙嗪草酮ethiozin standard100mg99.0+%
053-05193醚菊酯ethofenprox standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
051-05611灭线磷ethoprophos standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
054-06821乙氧嘧磺隆ethoxysulfuron standard50mg99.0+% (hplc)
057-06431促长抑唑ethychlozate standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
053-06151乙烯硫脲ethylenethiourea standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
057-03153乙基呔嘧隆ethylthiomethon standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
055-06351乙氧苯草胺etobenzanid standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
054-06681依杀螨etoxazole standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
051-06691依杀螨氨基盐etoxazole -amino hydrochloride stadnard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
058-06081乙嘧硫磷标准溶液etrimfos standard solution (1mg/ml hexane soln)5ax1ml
068-04201?唑菌酮famoxadone standard200mg99.0+%
066-03521苯线磷fenamiphos standard100mg98.0+% (cgc)
066-02801氯苯嘧啶醇fenarimol standard200mg99.0+% (titration); 99.0+% (cgc)
060-02941苯丁锡二形式fenbutatin oxide di-form standard100mg98.0+% (hplc)
067-02951苯丁锡fenbutatin oxide standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
068-03581皮蝇磷fenchlorphos standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
069-04111环酰菌胺fenhexamid standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
064-04301禾草灵 , /span fenoxanil standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
062-03621?唑禾草灵fenoxaprop-ethyl standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
068-02981苯氧威fenoxycarb standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
062-03501甲氰菊酯fenpropathrin standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
067-03291唑螨酯fenpyroximate standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
064-02961丰索磷fensulfothion standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
060-03281氰戊菊酯fenvalerate standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
061-03571福美铁ferbam standard200mg98.0+% (titration)
063-04131e-嘧菌腙(e)-ferimzone standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
066-04121z-嘧菌腙(z)-ferimzone standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
062-04101氟虫腈fipronil standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
064-03321啶嘧黄隆flazasulfuron standard100mg97.0+% (hplc)
066-04481嘧螨酯fluacrypyrim standard200mg
061-03451吡氟禾草灵fluazifop standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
064-03441丁基吡氟禾草灵fluazifop-butyl standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
068-02861氟啶胺fluazinam standard200mg97.0+% (hplc)
069-02911氟氰戊菊酯flucythrinate standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
064-03681咯菌腈fludioxonil standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
067-03551氟虫脲flufenoxuron standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
060-04141丙炔氟草胺flumioxazin standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
063-03531氟里醚fluoroimide standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
065-03591氟硅唑flusilazole standard100mg98.0+% (cgc)
062-03361磺菌胺flusulfamide standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
062-04461氟噻甲草酯fluthiacet-methyl standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
068-02023氟酰胺flutolanil standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
061-02471氟胺氰菊酯fluvalinate standard200mg97.0+% (hplc)
068-03461灭菌丹folpet standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
067-03431地虫硫膦fonofos standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
060-03541伐虫脒盐酸盐formetanate hydrochloride standard200mg98.0+% (titration); 98.0+% (hplc)
068-01303安硫磷formothion standard200mg99.0+% (gc)
065-01813三乙膦酸fosetyl standard200mg98.0+% (titration)
066-03381噻唑硫磷flsthiazate standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
063-01593四氯苯酞fthalide standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
062-03741福拉比furametpyr standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
069-03871羟基福拉比furametpyr-hydroxy standard20mg
062-03981呋线威furathiocarb standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
074-03741草丁磷glufosinate standard200mg99.0+% (titration)
071-03371草甘膦glyphosate standard200mg99.0+% (titration); 99.0+% (hplc)
088-07101苄螨醚halfenprox standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
089-07991氯吡嘧磺隆重排halosulfuron-methyl rearrangement standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
089-07251氯吡嘧磺隆halosulfuron-methyl standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
081-07571己唑醇hexaconazole standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
087-05351噻螨酮hexythiazox standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
088-06861土菌消hydroxyisoxazole standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
093-02233异稻瘟净ibp standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
098-03501抑霉唑imazalil standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
095-04591甲氧咪草烟imazamox standard50mg99.0+% (hplc)
099-04011灭草烟imazapyr standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
092-04001灭草喹imazaquin standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
099-03891唑吡嘧磺隆imazosulfuron standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
095-04091亚胺唑imibenconazole standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
098-04081亚胺唑-脱苄基imibenconazole-debenzyl standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
099-03771吡虫啉imidacloprid standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
097-04051烷苯磺酸盐iminoctadine albesilate standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
092-03901双胍辛胺乙酸盐iminoctadine triacetate standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
094-03101抗倒胺inabenfide standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
098-04841茚草酮indanofan standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
099-04991因得克mpindoxacarb-mp standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
098-03861碘苯腈辛酸酯ioxynil octanoate standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
098-04221种菌唑ipconazole standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
091-02393异菌脲代谢物iprodione metabolite standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
094-02383异菌脲iprodione standard200mg99.0+% (titration)
098-03981牛津郡异柳磷isofenphos oxon standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
094-03461异柳磷isofenphos standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
099-02333稻瘟灵isoprothiolane standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
095-03871爱速隆isouron standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
096-03921异恶酰草胺isoxaben standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
093-03931牛津郡恶唑磷isoxathion oxon standard200mg96.0+% (cgc)
090-02243恶唑磷isoxathion standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
111-00241开乐散kelthane standard100mg97.0+% (cgc)
112-00531苯氧菌酯kresoxim-methyl standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
123-03801环草定lenacil standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
129-02281利谷隆linuron standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
125-04721八氟脲lufenuron standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
138-05513马拉松硫磷malathon standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
136-09791抑芽丹maleic hydrazide standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
136-06533代森锰maneb standard200mg75.0+% (titration)
133-06803代森锰锌manzeb standard200mg65.0+% (titration)
132-10901磷酸一丁酯甲基纤维素mbpmc standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
133-06761mccmcc standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
138-07573mcp乙基酯mcp ethyl ester standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
136-10541mcpmcp standard200mg98.0+% (hplc); 98.0+% (titration)
133-124912甲4氯丁酸mcpb standard200mg
136-104212甲4氯丙酸 mcpp standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
137-11671苯噻草胺mefenacet standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
131-11691生津郡甲基亚乙基磷酸酯mep oxon standard200mg96.0+% (cgc)
132-05533甲基亚乙基磷酸酯mep standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
137-12651嘧菌胺mepanipyrim standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
133-07903灭锈胺mepronil standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
134-11681甲霜灵metalaxyl standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
131-12311噻唑隆methabenzthiazuron standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
138-12201虫螨畏methacrifos standard200mg95.0+% (cgc)
138-12181甲硫威methiocarb standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
131-12171甲硫威砜methiocarb sulfone standard100mg99.5+% (hplc)
135-12191甲硫威亚砜methiocarb sulfoxide standard100mg99.5+% (hplc)
135-10511灭多威methomyl standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
134-12421烯虫酯methoprene standard200mg98.0+% (mixture of isomers)(cgc)
139-12231甲氧滴滴涕methoxychlor standard200mg97.0+% (cgc)
135-06841甲基2-苯并咪唑氨基甲酸盐methyl 2-benzimidazolecarbamate standard200mg98.0+% (titration)
131-14371甲基二甲酯二硫氨基甲酸methyl dimethyldithiocarbamate standard100mg98.0+% (hplc)
132-06851甲基硫代乙酰氧肟methyl thioacetohydroxamate standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
133-10791甲基杀草隆methyldymron standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
134-119413-(甲基瞵酸基)-丙酸3-(methylphosphinico)propionic acid standard200mg98.0+% (titration); 98.0+% (cgc)
023-12741(+/-)-1-甲基丙胺(+/-)-1-methylpropylamine standard200mg99.0+% (gc)
131-13151代森联metiram standard200mg95.0~105.0% (titration)
135-11851异丙草胺metolachlor standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
135-13551(e)-苯氧菌胺(e)-metominostrobin standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
132-13561(z)-苯氧菌胺(z)-metominostrobin standard50mg99.0+% (cgc)
137-11791嗪草酮脱氧腺苷metribuzin da standard100mg99.0+% (hplc)
130-11781dadk嗪草酮metribuzin dadk standard100mg99.0+% (hplc)
130-11801dk嗪草酮metribuzin dk standard100mg99.0+% (hplc)
130-11661嗪草酮metsulfuron-methyl standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
131-12671甲磺隆metsulfuron-methyl standard200mg
134-12281速灭磷mevinphos standard200mg98.0+% (mixture of isomers)(cgc)
131-13651密灭汀milbemectin standard50mg98.0+% (hplc)
134-06811异丙威mipc standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
134-12161草达灭molinate standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
138-06831mpcmmpcm standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
132-06633mppmpp standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
138-06691mpp砜mpp sulfone standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
131-06701mpp亚砜mpp sulfoxide standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
131-06821速灭威mtcm standard200mg99.0 (cgc)
132-11121腈菌唑氢氧化物myclobutanil hydroxide standard25mg98.0+% (cgc)
139-11131腈菌唑myclobutanil standard100mg99.0+% (titration)
148-03831nacnac standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
141-06501萘乙酰胺1-naphthylacetamide standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
148-06511α-萘乙酸1-naphthylacetic acid standard200mg99.0+% (titration); (cgc)
148-05891敌草胺napropamide standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
141-04161沙蚕毒素草酸盐nereistoxin oxalate standard200mg98.0+% (titration); 98.0+% (cgc)
147-03921烟碱标准溶液nicotine standard solution5ml0.1g/ml in 16w/v% sulfuric acid
144-03931除草醚nip standard200mg99.0+% (gc)
142-06771烯啶虫胺nitenpyram standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
157-01881氧乐果omethoate standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
150-01871 orthobencarb standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
151-01203恶草灵oxadiazon standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
157-01521恶霜灵oxadixyl standard100mg99.0+% (cgc)
151-01781杀线威oxamyl standard200mg99.0+% (gc)
158-01213喹啉铜oxine-copper standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
159-01961喹啉铜标准溶液oxine-copper standard solution (50μg/ml meoh soln)5ax1ml
156-01851奥索利酸oxolinic acid standard200mg98.0+% (titration); 98.0+% (hplc)
157-02361富马酸盐oxpoconazole fumarate standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
154-02371富马酸过甲酸盐oxpoconazole-formyl standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
154-01031乙氧乙烯高脂乙醇oxyethylene higher aliphatic alcohol standard1g
164-181612,4-聚酰胺-丁基2,4-pa-butyl standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
163-18991聚丙烯腈pac standard200mg
163-17391多效唑paclobutrazol standard200mg97.0+% (cgc)
160-09133多孔高氯酸铵pap standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
167-181512,4-聚酰胺2,4-pa standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
164-13683戊菌隆pencycuron standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
162-11901二甲戊乐灵pendimethalin standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
165-18071五氯苯胺pentachloroaniline standard200mg
162-18081五氯茴香硫醚pentachlorothioanisole standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
169-19691环戊恶草酮pentoxazone standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
162-21031反式-氯菊酯trans-permethrin standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
162-16521顺式-氯菊酯cis-permethrin standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
162-09291残杀威phc standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
168-10923 phenisobromolate standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
168-18441酚硫杀phenothiol standard200mg
169-17871邻苯基苯酚2-phenylphenol standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
161-09381伏杀硫磷phosalone standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
163-16811辛硫磷phoxim standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
165-15391毒莠定picloram standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
162-17861增效醚piperonyl butoxide standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
160-11223派草磷piperophos standard200mg98.0+% (gc)
164-14803抗蚜威pirimicarb standard200mg99.0+% (titration); 99.0+% (cgc)
165-14791抗蚜威-脱甲基pirimicarb-demethyl standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
165-13711甲基嘧啶磷pirimiphos-methyl standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
163-09221亚胺硫磷pmp standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
163-20081代森福美锌polycarbamate standard200mg95.0+% (titration)
168-16361丙草胺pretilachlor standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
162-17481烯丙异噻唑probenazole standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
166-17901咪鲜胺prochloraz standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
163-11213腐霉利procymidone standard200mg99.0+%(cgc); 99.0+% (titration)
167-16071氨基丙乐灵prodiamine standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
163-17651丙溴磷profenofos standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
168-18061调环酸prohexadione standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
161-15371扑草净prometryn standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
161-16731霜霉威propamocarb standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
160-10243丙虫磷propaphos standard200mg97.0+% (cgc)
167-10253丙虫磷砜propaphos sulfone standard200mg97.0+% (cgc)
167-18271扑灭津propazine standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
169-16771丙环唑propiconazole standard200mg99.0+%(cgc)(mixture of isomers)
162-15301戊炔草胺propyzamide standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
165-11913牛津郡丙硫磷prothiofos oxon standard200mg97.0+% (cgc)
168-11883丙硫磷prothiofos standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
163-19971吡蚜酮pymetrozine standard200mg99.5+% (hplc)
160-17801吡唑硫磷pyraclofos standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
169-19831吡草醚pyraflufen-ethyl standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
165-17091吡唑特pyrazolate standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
168-17841吡嘧黄隆pyrazosulfuron-ethyl standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
168-16741苄草唑pyrazoxyfen standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
161-15991除虫菊素pyrethrins standard, 50-60% in isoparaffin200mg50-60%; mixture of isomers
167-16211稗草畏pyributicarb standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
162-16381哒螨灵pyridaben standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
161-10913打杀磷pyridaphenthion standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
166-17761哒草特代谢物pyridate metabolite standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
163-17771哒草特pyridate standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
167-16691e-啶 斑肟(e)-pyrifenox standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
160-16701z-啶 斑肟(z)-pyrifenox standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
168-18701嘧螨醚pyrimidifen standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
166-19841(e)-嘧草醚甲基(e)- pyriminobac-methyl standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
163-19851(z)-嘧草醚甲基(z)-pyriminobac-methyl standard50mg99.0+% (cgc)
163-18751吡丙醚pyriproxyfen standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
164-18041咯喹酮pyroquilon standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
175-00441喹硫磷quinalphos standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
172-00451二氯喹啉酸quinclorac standard200mg99.0+% (titration)
173-00481禾草克quizalofop-ethyl standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
191-07341蔬果磷salithion standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
198-10661稀禾定标准溶液sethoxydim 5-oh-m-so2 standard solution(100μg/ml dichloromethane soln)5ax1ml
191-10651稀禾定sethoxydim standard50mg96.0+% (hplc)
199-10071环草隆siduron standard200mg98.0+% (titration); 98.0+% (hplc)
193-11191硅烃菊酯silafluofen standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
196-12781硅氟唑simeconazole standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
193-08043西草净simetryne standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
194-09651二甲基二硫代氨基甲酸钠二水合物sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate dihydrate standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
197-08921硫丙磷标准溶液sulprofos standard solution (100ug/ml toluene solution)5ax1ml
204-134512,4,5-丁基2,4,5-t-butyl standard200mg99.0+% (titration); 99.0+% (cgc)
202-07901敌草索tctp standard200mg99.0+% (titration); 99.0+% (cgc)
203-13801戊唑醇tebuconazole standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
206-13411虫酰肼tebufenozide standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
200-13291吡螨胺tebufenpyrad standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
202-13491叶枯酞代谢物tecloftalam metabolite standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
205-13481叶枯酞tecloftalam standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
208-12371氟苯脲teflubenzuron standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
204-13191七氟菊酯tefluthrin standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
209-15341特草定terbacil standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
200-12691特丁硫磷terbufos standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
203-14881四氟醚唑tetraconazole standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
203-13421甲氧噻草胺thenylchlor standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
204-13211噻菌灵thiabendazole standard200mg99.0+% (titration); 99.0+% (cgc)
207-15761噻虫啉thiacloprid standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
204-15771酰胺噻虫啉thiacloprid-amide standard50mg98.0+% (hplc)
204-15651赛速安thiamethoxam standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
200-14771噻呋酰胺thifluzamide standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
204-08223杀虫环氢草酸thiocyclam hydrogen oxalate standard200mg97.0+% (gc)
207-11361硫双威thiodicarb standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
207-13181甲基乙拌磷标准溶液thiometon standard solution (1mg/ml hexane solution)5ax1ml
208-13611硫菌灵thiophanate standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
201-08233甲基硫菌灵thiophanate-methyl standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
204-11371秋兰姆thiuram standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
201-11381甲基立枯磷tolclofos-methyl standard200mg99.0+% (oxygen flask combustion)
200-13171对甲抑菌灵tolylfluanid standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
200-06581百菌清tpn standard200mg99.0+% (oxygen flask combustion); 99.0+% (cgc)
209-12661四溴菊酯tralomethrin standard100mg97.0+% (hplc)
205-08493三唑酮triadimefon standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
208-08503三唑醇triadimenol standard200mg99.0+% (gc)
201-06751三嗪triazine standard200mg99.0+% (titration); 99.0+% (cgc)
203-13161三唑磷triazophos standard100mg98.0+% (cgc)
208-14191苯磺隆tribenuron-methyl standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
204-09301水杨菌胺trichlamide standard200mg99.0+% (titration); 99.0+% (gc)
203-15481三氯苯酚2,4,6-trichlorophenol standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
202-12911绿草定triclopyr standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
204-14051绿草定-2-丁氧基乙酯triclopyr-2-butoxyethyl standard200mg95.0+% (hplc)
208-13111三环唑tricyclazole standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
201-15781三氟敏trifloxystrobin standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
205-10181氟菌唑代谢物triflumizole metabolite standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
202-10191氟菌唑triflumizole standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
202-06781氟乐灵trifluralin standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
202-08861嗪氨灵triforine standard200mg98.0+% (titration)
206-15591抗倒酯trinexapac standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
207-15401抗倒酯trinexapac-ethyl standard200mg99.0+% (hplc)
204-13331三苯锡基醋酸盐triphenyltin(iv) acetate standard200mg97.0+% (titration)
201-13341三苯锡基氯化物triphenyltin(iv) chloride standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
208-13351三苯锡基氢氧化物triphenyltin(iv) hydroxide standard200mg98.0+% (hplc)
212-00981烯效唑puniconazole p standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
220-01201蚜灭磷vamidothion standard200mg99.0+% (cgc)
220-00743乙烯菌核利vinclozolin standard200mg99.0+% (titration)
248-00501灭除威xmc standard200mg98.0+% (cgc)
266-00783代森锌zineb standard200mg75.0+% (titration)
264-01301福美锌ziram standard200mg96.0+% (titration)
: waley188
: waley188
中药单体 标准品
019-14621 aconitine standard 20mg
012-14091 albiflorin standard 20mg
010-13431 alisol b standard 20mg
018-13231 alisol b acetate 20 mg
015-11921 arbutin standard 20mg
012-14611 atractylenolide iii standard 20mg
016-11691 atropine sulfate standard 20mg
016-10351 aucubin standard 20mg
027-07751 baicalein standard 20mg
020-07741 baicalin standard 20mg
022-08161 barbaloin standard 10mg
022-07681 berberine chloride standard 20mg
028-12051 bergenin standard 20mg
025-10121 bufalin standard 20mg
024-10691 bufotalin standard 20mg
030-10611 capillarisin standard 10mg
036-10613 capillarisin standard 50mg
039-18981 capsaicin standard 20mg
032-10551 catalpol standard 20mg
038-13711 cinobufagin standard 20mg
035-13721 cinobufotalin standard 20mg
036-11311 coptisine chloride 20mg
036-14971 corydaline standard 20mg
032-13731 costunolide standard 20mg
043-27611 dehydrocorydaline nitrate standard 10mg
040-21881 dehydrocostuslactone standard 20mg
045-28911 dihydrocapsaicin standard 20mg
042-18911 dimethylesculetin standard 20mg
052-04921 ergosterol standard 20mg
056-05161 beta-eudesmol standard 20mg
050-04601 evodiamine standard 20mg
070-02241 geniposide standard 20mg
078-02301 geniposidic acid standard 20mg
077-04831 gentiopicroside standard 10mg
077-02871 [6]-gingerol standard 20mg
079-02191 ginsenoside-rb1 standard 10mg
078-03261 ginsenoside-rc 20mg
072-03301 ginsenoside-rd standard 20mg
075-03271 ginsenoside-re standard 20mg
072-02201 ginsenoside-rg1 standard 10mg
070-04821 glabridin 20mg
071-02271 glycyrrhizic acid standard 20mg
082-08081 hirsutine standard 5mg
089-04951 honokiol standard 20mg
081-06851 (e)-10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid standard 20mg
084-07061 hypaconitine 20mg
099-03651 isofraxidine standard 20mg
125-03361 liquiritin standard 20mg
125-03621 loganin standard 20mg
137-09081 magnolol standard 20mg
130-12261 mesaconitine 20mg
140-06211 naringin standard 20mg
151-01801 osthole standard 20mg
150-01511 oxymatrine standard 20mg
167-11711 paeoniflorin standard 10mg
163-11713 paeoniflorin standard 50mg
169-12871 paeonol standard 10mg
166-17641 palmatine chloride standard 20mg
164-14901 (+)-phyllodulcin standard 20mg
162-14701 puerarin standard 20mg
184-00951 resibufogenin standard 20mg
183-00921 rutaecarpine standard 20mg
194-08431 saikosaponin d standard 10mg
190-08411 saikosaponin a standard 10mg
194-10021 saikosaponin b2 standard 20mg
197-08421 saikosaponin c standard 10mg
192-10441 schizandrin standard 20mg
197-09261 scopolamine hydrobromide n-hydrate 20mg
190-08531 sennoside a standard 10mg
194-09271 sennoside b 20mg
199-11811 sennoside b standard 10mg
193-09361 sinomenine standard 20mg
197-08541 swertiamarin standard 20mg
231-00811 wogonin standard 10mg
131-08881 相思豆碱 abrine 100mg
137-08883 相思豆碱 l-abrine (n-methyl-l(+)-tryptophan) 1g
013-12181 n-乙酰氨基葡萄糖糖 n-acetyl-d(+)-glucosamine 1g
019-12183 n-乙酰氨基葡萄糖糖 n-acetyl-d(+)-glucosamine 5g
011-12182 n-乙酰氨基葡萄糖糖 n-acetyl-d(+)-glucosamine 25g
017-12184 n-乙酰氨基葡萄糖糖 n-acetyl-d(+)-glucosamine 100g
018-19191 乙酰紫草素 acetylshikonin 10mg
590-00233 乌头碱 icn aconitine 25mg
594-00231 乌头碱 icn aconitine 100mg
019-14621 乌头碱 aconitine standard 20mg
014-11511 腺嘌呤 adenine 1g
018-11514 腺嘌呤 adenine 5g
012-11512 腺嘌呤 adenine 25g
010-11513 腺嘌呤 adenine 100g
599-00281 腺嘌呤 icn adenine 1g
595-00283 腺嘌呤 icn adenine 5g
520-52481 腺嘌呤 adenine(8-13c) 0.5g
011-16901 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine3"5"-monophosphate 100mg
017-16903 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine3"5"-monophosphate 500mg
010-10491 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 1g
016-10493 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5g
018-10492 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 25g
012-13251 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine3",5"-(cyclic)monophosphate sodium salt 100mg
018-13253 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine3",5"-(cyclic)monophosphate sodium salt 500mg
306-50501 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-diphosphate disodium salt 1g
303-50751 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-diphosphate monopotassium salt 1g
011-13243 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-diphosphate monosodium salt 1g
019-13244 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-diphosphate monosodium salt 5g
015-13241 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-diphosphate monosodium salt 100mg
013-00851 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 2"(3")-monophosphate(2",3"mixed), free acid, from yeast 100mg
306-50741 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-monophosphate disodium salt, from yeast 1g
302-50743 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-monophosphate disodium salt, from yeast 10g
014-00881 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-monophosphate sodium salt dihydrate 100mg
303-50491 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-monophosphate, free acid, from yeast 1g
309-50493 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-monophosphate, free acid, from yeast 10g
303-50511 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphoshatate disodium salt trihydrate 1g
309-50513 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphoshatate disodium salt trihydrate 10g
017-09673 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphosphate disodium salt n-hydrate 1g
019-09672 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphosphate disodium salt n-hydrate 25g
011-09671 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphosphate disodium salt n-hydrate 100mg
018-16911 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphosphate disodium salt trihydrate, crystalized 1g
014-16913 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphosphate disodium salt trihydrate, crystalized 5g
010-19531 腺苷,腺嘌呤核苷 adenosine 5"-triphosphate tetrasodium solution 40umol
059-00271 七叶甙 马栗树皮甙 aesculin, 1g
598-29551 阿马林 icn ajmaline 1g
012-17651 苏式-紫胶桐酸 aleuritic acid 5g
010-17652 苏式-紫胶桐酸 aleuritic acid 25g
015-01151 茜素 alizarin 5g
010-01302 尿囊素 allantoin 25g
019-14001 芦荟大黄素 aloe-emodin 10mg
017-11861 苦杏仁甙 d(-)-amygdalin 1g
014-15271 穿心莲内酯 穿心莲乙素 andrographolide 500mg
016-18911 芹菜甙元 芹菜素 apigenin 10mg
012-18913 芹菜甙元 芹菜素 apigenin 50mg
537-79271 芹菜甙元 芹菜素 c-b apigenin 5mg
015-11921 熊果甙 arbutin standard 20mg
320-33381 槟榔碱 arecoline hydrobromide 5g
328-33382 槟榔碱 arecoline hydrobromide 25g
a5512 马兜铃总酸 aristolochic acid free acid 100mg
a5512 马兜铃总酸 aristolochic acid free acid 25mg
a9451 马兜铃总酸 aristolochic acid sodium 250mg
a9451 马兜铃总酸 aristolochic acid sodium 50mg
590-30241 青蒿提取物 icn artemisinin 25mg
598-25531 细辛醚 icn asarone, trans isomer 1g
a6882 苍术甙 atractyloside potassium 100mg
a6882 苍术甙 atractyloside potassium 250g
016-10351 桃叶珊瑚甙 aucubin standard 20mg
027-07751 黄芩素 baicalein standard 20mg
021-11201 黄芩甙 baicalin 100mg
020-07741 黄芩甙 baicalin standard 20mg
022-08161 芦荟甙 barbaloin standard 10mg
029-14502 安息香 benzoin 25g
023-14505 安息香 benzoin 500g
172006 安息香乙醚 benzoin ethyl ether 99% 250g
172006 安息香乙醚 benzoin ethyl ether 99% 50g
12512 安息香乙醚 benzoin ethyl ether 100g
12512 安息香乙醚 benzoin ethyl ether 500g
025-01412 肉桂酸 benzyl cinnamate 25g
300-01791 小檗胺 berbamine 25mg
027-11781 小檗碱 berberine chloride 100mg
022-07681 小檗碱 berberine chloride standard 20mg
022-05501 小檗碱 berberine hydrochloride n-hydrate 5g
020-05502 小檗碱 berberine hydrochloride n-hydrate 25g
023-04931 小檗碱 berberine sulfate trihydrate 1g
029-04933 小檗碱 berberine sulfate trihydrate 5g
028-12051 岩白菜素 bergenin standard 20mg
023-10862 甜菜碱 betaine 25g
027-10865 甜菜碱 betaine 500g
595-01621 甜菜碱 icn betaine 1kg
022-13051 白桦脂醇 betulin 1g
524-42251 白桦脂酸 apn betulinic acid 100mg
533-47881 白桦脂酸 c-b betulinic acid 5mg
593-01661 毕枯枯林 icn (+)-bicuculline 100mg
020-01761 胆红素 bilirubin 100mg
026-01763 胆红素 bilirubin 1g
309-06881 白果内酯 (-)-bilobalide 10mg
024-08202 马钱子碱,布鲁生 brucine 25g
021-12982 马钱子碱硫酸盐 brucine sulfate n-hydrate 25g
025-12985 马钱子碱硫酸盐 brucine sulfate n-hydrate 500g
025-02252 龙脑 borneol 25g
029-02255 龙脑 borneol 500g
026-12231 龙脑 [(1s)-endo]-(-)-borneol 50g
025-10121 蟾毒灵 bufalin standard 20mg
024-10691 γ-日蟾毒配质 bufotalin -γ standard 20mg
048-20983 咖啡酸 caffeic acid 1g
042-20981 咖啡酸 caffeic acid 5g
040-20982 咖啡酸 caffeic acid 25g
597-02041 咖啡酸 icn caffeic acid 5g
031-00555 柠檬酸钙 calcium citrate tetrahydrate (tricalcium citrate)500g
033-08011 柠檬酸 citrinin standard 10mg
210-00301 乌索酸 usnic acid 5g
030-10611 茵陈色原酮 capillarisin standard 10mg
036-10613 茵陈色原酮 capillarisin standard 50mg
034-11351 辣椒碱 capsaicin 100g
030-11353 辣椒碱 capsaicin 1g
039-15963 辣椒碱 capsaicin 20mg
033-15961 辣椒碱 capsaicin 100mg
595-07363 辣椒碱 icn capsaicin 100mg
599-07361 辣椒碱 icn capsaicin 500mg
539-71311 辣椒碱 c-b capsaicin 100mg
031-15141 辣椒碱 capsaicin standard 20mg
591-02321 石竹烯 icn (-)-trans-caryophyllene 5ml
032-10551 梓醇 catalpol standard 20mg
309-01521 头花千金藤碱,千金藤素 cepharanthine 25mg
082-07741 高三尖杉酯碱 homoharringtonine 5mg
088-07743 高三尖杉酯碱 homoharringtonine 25mg
309-01521 头花千金藤碱 cepharanthine 25mg
038-13613 鹅去氧胆酸 chenodeoxycholic acid 1g
032-13611 鹅去氧胆酸 chenodeoxycholic acid 5g
030-13612 鹅去氧胆酸 chenodeoxycholic acid 25g
596-02511 绿原酸 icn chlorogenic acid 1g
034-03002 胆固醇 cholesterol 25g
036-03001 胆固醇 cholesterol 100g
038-03005 胆固醇 cholesterol 500g
038-18331 胆固醇 cholesterol standard 1g
035-03032 胆固醇 cholesterol acetate 25g
037-05672 胆固醇 cholesterol benzoate 25g
033-11223 胆固醇 cholesterol esterase 500u
037-11221 胆固醇 cholesterol esterase 1000units
303-51091 胆固醇 cholesterol esterase, from bovine pancreas(ultrapure) 100units
309-51093 胆固醇 cholesterol esterase, from bovine pancreas(ultrapure) 1000units
033-05691 胆固醇 cholesterol linolenate 100mg
039-11203 胆固醇 cholesterol oxidase 100u
033-11201 胆固醇 cholesterol oxidase 200units
306-51101 胆固醇 cholesterol oxidase, recombinant 100units
302-51103 胆固醇 cholesterol oxidase, recombinant 1000units
034-13632 甲壳素 chitin 25g
038-13635 甲壳素 chitin 500g
032-03042 胆酸 cholic acid 25g
034-03041 胆酸 cholic acid 100g
036-03045 胆酸 cholic acid 500g
037-14602 硫酸软骨素 chondroitin sulfate a sodium salt 25g
032-14613 硫酸软骨素 chondroitin sulfate c sodium salt 5g
034-14612 硫酸软骨素 chondroitin sulfate c sodium salt 25g
034-08801 硫酸软骨素 chondroitin sulfate c sodium salt 5g
032-08802 硫酸软骨素 chondroitin sulfate c sodium salt 25g
039-12962 辛可尼丁 (-)-cinchonidine 25g
030-03342 辛可宁 cinchonine 25g
034-03345 辛可宁 cinchonine 500g
031-03453 肉桂醛 cinnamaldehyde 25ml
035-03456 肉桂醛 cinnamaldehyde 500ml
031-03453 桂皮醛 cinnamaldehyde(trans-") 25ml
035-03456 桂皮醛 cinnamaldehyde(trans-") 500ml
035-03412 桂皮酸 trans-cinnamic acid 25g
039-03415 桂皮酸 trans-cinnamic acid 500g
039-10262 肉桂酰氯 cinnamoyl chloride 25g
033-10265 肉桂酰氯 cinnamoyl chloride 500g
038-13711 华蟾酥毒基 cinobufagin standard 20mg
168-17961 衡州乌药灵 cocculin 1g
164-17963 衡州乌药灵 cocculin 5g
596-09451 衡州乌药灵 icn cocculin 1g
537-80641 衡州乌药灵 c-b cocculin 100mg
039-03851 秋水仙碱 colchicine 100mg
035-03853 秋水仙碱 colchicine 1g
596-02773 秋水仙碱 icn colchicine 100mg
594-02773 秋水仙碱 icn colchicine 500mg
590-02771 秋水仙碱 icn colchicine 1g
533-79631 秋水仙碱 c-b colchicine 1g
036-11311 黄连碱 coptisine chloride 20mg
032-14191 冬虫夏草素,蛹虫草菌素,虫草素 cordycepin 25mg
036-14971 延胡索碱甲, 紫堇碱(榛子蛋白质) corydaline standard 20mg
035-17584 皮质甾酮 corticosterone 1g
031-17581 皮质甾酮 corticosterone 250mg
037-17583 皮质甾酮 corticosterone 500mg
032-13731 木香烃内酯 costunolide standard 20mg
c9008 对香豆酸 p-coumaric acid crystalline 1g
c9008 对香豆酸 p-coumaric acid crystalline 25g
c9008 对香豆酸 p-coumaric acid crystalline 5g
031-16562 香豆素,香豆精,香豆酮 coumarin 25g
035-16565 香豆素,香豆精,香豆酮 coumarin 500g
038-04921e 姜黄素 curcumin 1g
036-04922 姜黄素 curcumin 25g
036-18511 姜黄素 0.1w/v% curcumin ethanol solution 100ml
034-11091 姜黄素 curcumin, natural 1g
033-04932 姜黄素 curcumin s 25g
303-01781 轮环藤碱 cycleanine acetone adduct 25mg
598-23211 加拿大麻甙 icn cymarin 100mg
308-05871 大豆甙元 daidzein 10mg
304-05873 大豆甙元 daidzein 100mg
597-03141 大豆甙元 icn daidzein 100mg
538-79681 大豆甙元 c-b daidzein 25mg
040-27741 大豆甙 daidzin ,from soybean 10mg
046-27743 大豆甙 daidzin ,from soybean 100mg
309-05161 大豆甙 daidzin ,from soybean 10mg
305-05163 大豆甙 daidzin ,from soybean 100mg
309-05161 大豆甙,黄豆甙 daidzin 10mg
305-05163 大豆甙,黄豆甙 daidzin 100mg
040-27741 大豆甙,黄豆甙 daidzin ,from soybean 10mg
046-27743 大豆甙,黄豆甙 daidzin ,from soybean 100mg
043-27611 去氢延胡索素 dehydrocorydaline nitrate standard 10mg
p5583 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum peltatum 100g
p5583 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum peltatum 25g
p5583 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum peltatum 5g
p8582 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum emodii 100g
p8582 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum emodii 10gr
p8582 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum emodii 25g
p8582 鬼臼素 podophyllin from podophyllum emodii 5g
044-18812 去氧胆酸 deoxycholic acid 25g
046-18811 去氧胆酸 deoxycholic acid 100g
046-25261 洋地黄毒甙 digitoxin 1g
590-03631 洋地黄毒甙 icn digitoxin 250mg
041-24851 二羟基苯甲酸 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid 5g
049-24852 二羟基苯甲酸 2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid 25g
049-02252 二羟基苯甲酸 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid 25g
046-02262 二羟基苯甲酸 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid 25g
043-02272 二羟基苯甲酸 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid 25g
040-21582 二羟基苯甲酸 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid 25g
048-03741 薯蓣皂甙元(皂素) diosgenin 5g
040-19132 卫矛醇,甜醇 dulcitol 25g
042-19131 卫矛醇,甜醇 dulcitol 100g
597-18891 脱皮甾酮(蜕皮激素) icn α-ecdysterone 5mg
590-18901 脱皮甾酮(蜕皮激素) icn β-ecdysterone 5mg
056-05781 鞣花酸 ellagic acid dihydrate 5g
054-05782 鞣花酸 ellagic acid dihydrate 25g
059-06751 表儿茶精 (-)-epicatechin ,from green tea 10mg
055-06753 表儿茶精 (-)-epicatechin ,from green tea 50mg
056-05781 鞣花酸,胡颓子酸 ellagic acid dihydrate 5g
054-05782 鞣花酸,胡颓子酸 ellagic acid dihydrate 25g
056-05661 麦角甾醇 ergosterol 1g
052-05663 麦角甾醇 ergosterol 5g
054-05662 麦角甾醇 ergosterol 25g
052-04921 麦角甾醇 ergosterol standard 20mg
059-04811 麦角甾醇 ergosterol acetate 1g
058-04901 麦角甾醇 ergosterol acetate 1g
054-04741 麦角甾醇 ergosterol acetate 1g
057-07151 红霉素 erythromycin 5g
055-07152 红霉素 erythromycin 25g
059-00271 七叶树甙 (-)-esculin 1.5-hydrate 1g
055-00273 七叶树甙 (-)-esculin 1.6-hydrate 5g
057-00272 七叶树甙 (-)-esculin 1.7-hydrate 25g
055-06454 17alpha-estradiol 1g
051-06451 17alpha-estradiol 100mg
057-06453 17alpha-estradiol 500mg
057-06453 beta-estradiol 1g
058-04043 beta-estradiol 5g
056-04044 beta-estradiol 250mg
051-04131 beta-estradiol 3-benzoate 1g
057-04133 beta-estradiol 3-benzoate 5g
051-00792 肉桂酸乙酯 ethyl cinnamate 25g
055-00795 肉桂酸乙酯 ethyl cinnamate 500g
057-05853 足叶乙甙 etoposide 25mg
051-05851 足叶乙甙 etoposide 100mg
058-06341 足叶乙甙 etoposide phosphate 5mg
051-03972 桉油精 eucalyptol (1,8-cineole seep.470) 25g
055-03975 桉油精 eucalyptol (1,8-cineole seep.470) 500g
051-06071 β-桉叶醇 β-eudesmol 100mg
056-05161 β-桉叶醇 β-eudesmol standard 20mg
053-03932 丁香酚 eugenol 25g
057-03935 丁香酚 eugenol 500g
050-04601 吴茱萸胺 evodiamine standard 20mg
124-04931 吴茱萸苦素 evodine ,limonin,from grapefruit 50mg
507-41421 芒柄花黄素 c-b formononetin 5mg
595-28221 秦皮甙 icn fraxin 500mg
069-04231 岩光甾醇 fucosterol 5mg
065-04233 岩光甾醇 fucosterol 25mg
069-00652 富马酸 fumaric acid 25g
063-00655 富马酸 fumaric acid 500g
593-29121 加兰他明 galanthamine hydrobromide 25mg
070-00122 没食子酸 gallic acid monohydrate 25g
074-00125 没食子酸 gallic acid monohydrate 500g
074-03121 栀子甙,京尼平甙, 去羟基栀子甙 geniposide 1g
070-03123 栀子甙,京尼平甙, 去羟基栀子甙 geniposide 10g
010-02241 栀子甙,京尼平甙, 去羟基栀子甙 geniposide standard 20mg
079-03431 京尼平甙酸(栀子酸) geniposidic acid 1g
078-02301 京尼平甙酸(栀子酸) geniposidic acid standard 20mg
546-00171 染料木素 genistein 20mg
536-79981 染料木素 c-b genistein 20mg
591-04521 染料木素 icn genistein , from pseudomonas 10mg
302-05151 染料木甙 genistin 10mg
308-05153 染料木甙 genistin 100mg
077-04831 龙胆苦甙 gentiopicroside standard 10mg
076-01383 牻牛儿醇 geraniol 25ml
070-01386 牻牛儿醇 geraniol 500ml
077-02871 姜辣素 [6]-gingerol standard 20mg
306-06891 银杏内酯 a ginkgolide a 10mg
309-06901 银杏内酯 b ginkgolide b 10mg
306-06911 银杏内酯 c ginkgolide c 10mg
500-37001 白果酸 lkt ginkgolic acid 10mg
071-03751 葡甘露聚糖 glucomannan(konjac root p.e.) 250g
071-00733 甘氨酸 glycine 0.1 mol/lx20
073-00737 甘氨酸 glycine 10kg
073-00732 甘氨酸 glycine 25g
077-00735 甘氨酸 glycine 500g
077-00791 甘氨酸 glycine methyl ester hydrochloride 5g
075-00792 甘氨酸 glycine methyl ester hydrochloride 25g
074-03481 甘草酸 glycyrrhizic acid ,glycyrrhizin 100mg
071-02271 甘草酸 glycyrrhizic acid ,glycyrrhizin standard 20mg
072-02181 甘草次酸 glycyrrhetinic acid 10g
507-37011 绿茶提取物 green tea polyphenols 10g
086-05061 骆驼蓬碱 harmaline 1g
082-05063 骆驼蓬碱 harmaline 5g
089-05073 去甲骆驼蓬碱,骆驼蓬酚 harmalol hydrochloride dihydrate 1g
083-05071 去甲骆驼蓬碱,骆驼蓬酚 harmalol hydrochloride dihydrate 100mg
080-05081 哈尔明碱 harmine 100g
086-05083 哈尔明碱 harmine 1g
539-67901 三尖杉酯碱 c-b harringtonine,cephalotaxus hainanensis 5mg
088-07341 橙皮甙 hesperidin 5g
086-07342 橙皮甙 hesperidin 25g
088-07341 橙皮甙 hesperidin 5g
086-07342 橙皮甙 hesperidin 25g
120461000 正-十六烷 n-hexadecane 99% 100ml
120465000 正-十六烷 n-hexadecane 99% 500ml
082-07741 高三尖杉酯碱 homoharringtonine 5mg
089-04951 和厚朴酚 honokiol standard 20mg
085-00771 麦芽碱 hordenine sulfate dihydrate 100mg
081-00773 麦芽碱 hordenine sulfate dihydrate 1g
081-02152 对羟基苯乙酮 p-hydroxyacetophenone 25g
085-02155 对羟基苯乙酮 p-hydroxyacetophenone 500g
083-07232 对羟基苯甲醇 p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol 25g
582-48652 对羟基苯甲醇 p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol 25g
507-36911 10-羟基喜树碱 10-hydroxycamptothecin 25mg
328-36241 对羟基桂皮酸 m-hydroxycinnamic acid 5g
326-36242 对羟基桂皮酸 m-hydroxycinnamic acid 25g
082-06521 对羟基桂皮酸 p-hydroxycinnamic acid 10g
088-06523 对羟基桂皮酸 p-hydroxycinnamic acid 100g
087-05611 α-猪去氧胆酸 α-hyodeoxy cholic acid 5g
085-05612 α-猪去氧胆酸 α-hyodeoxy cholic acid 25g
084-07061 次乌头碱 hypaconitin 20mg
086-07761 金丝桃素 hypericin 1mg
082-07763 金丝桃素 hypericin 5mg
539-55171 金丝桃素 alx hypericin 1mg
080-03401 次黄嘌呤 hypoxanthine 1g
086-03403 次黄嘌呤 hypoxanthine 5g
088-03402 次黄嘌呤 hypoxanthine 25g
093-00072 靛蓝 indigo 25g
099-00231 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 1g
095-00233 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5g
097-00232 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 25g
099-03391 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-diphosphate trisodium salt 100mg
095-03371 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-monophosphate 1g
091-03373 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-monophosphate 5g
092-03381 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-monophosphate dipotassium salt 1g
090-00261 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-monophosphate disodium salt n -hydrate, from muscle 100mg
093-00251 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-monophosphate sodium salt, from yeast 500mg
097-00271 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-triphosphate trisodium salt n-hydrate 50mg
093-00273 肌苷,肌甙 inosine 5"-triphosphate trisodium salt n-hydrate 100mg
091-02974 胰岛素 insulin ,from bovine pancreas 50mg
097-02971 胰岛素 insulin ,from bovine pancreas 100mg
097-02976 胰岛素 insulin ,from bovine pancreas 500mg
093-02973 胰岛素 insulin ,from bovine pancreas 1g
091-04211 胰岛素 insulin ,from porcine pancreas 50mg
097-04213 胰岛素 insulin ,from porcine pancreas 100mg
091-04191 胰岛素 insulin chain b,oxidized ,from bovine pancreas 5mg
097-04193 胰岛素 insulin chain b,oxidized ,from bovine pancreas 10mg
097-02591 胰岛素 insulin human (enzymatically derived from porcine insulin) 0.5mg
090-03441 胰岛素 insulin human recombinant 1g
094-03444 胰岛素 insulin human recombinant 10g
090-03446 胰岛素 insulin human recombinant 50mg
096-03443 胰岛素 insulin human recombinant 100mg
4088-s 胰岛素 insulin(human) 0.1mg
4088-v 胰岛素 insulin(human) 0.5mg
099-04511 胰岛素 insulin-like growth factor-1 human,recombinant 100ug
096-04521 胰岛素 insulin-like growth factor-11 human,recombinant 75ug
093-04911 伊普黄酮 ipriflavone 500mg
596-25211 异紫堇定 icn isocorydine hydrochloride, from 100mg
164-10322 肉豆蔻酸异丙酯 isopropyl myristate 25ml
168-10325 肉豆蔻酸异丙酯 isopropyl myristate 500ml
090-02341 异甜菊醇 isosteviol standard 1g
110-00451 山奈酚,山奈素,山奈黄素,山奈黄酮醇,四氢基黄酮,崁非醇 kaempferol 25mg
114-00471 干华豆晶 4 karanjin 500mg
591-25881 毛花洋地黄甙丙 icn lanatoside c 100mg
120-00175 月桂酸 lauric acid 500g
120-00175 月桂酸 lauric acid 100g
044-23285 月桂酸 lauric acid 500g
120-04972 月桂酸 lauric acid, from palm 25g
124-04975 月桂酸 lauric acid, from palm 500g
124-04931 吴茱萸内酯,柠檬苦素 limonin ,from grapefruit 50mg
125-03621 马钱素 loganin standard 20mg
126-03612 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 linoleic acid 25ml
128-03611 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 linoleic acid 100ml
120-03615 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 linoleic acid 500ml
124-02574 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 linoleic acid 1ml
120-02571 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 linoleic acid 5ml
126-02573 亚油酸,r-亚麻酸 linoleic acid 10ml
125-03361 甘草甙 liquiritin standard 20mg
129-04981 石胆酸 lithocholic acid 5g
127-04982 石胆酸 lithocholic acid 25g
125-03621 番木鳖甙,马钱素,马钱子甙 loganin standard 20mg
593-25961 羽扇豆醇酯 icn lupeol 25mg
129-04001 木犀草素 luteolin 25mg
137-09081 厚朴酚 magnolol standard 20mg
139-00842 甘露醇 d(-)-mannitol 25g
137-00843 甘露醇 d(-)-mannitol 100mg
133-00845 甘露醇 d(-)-mannitol 500mg
139-00847 甘露醇 d(-)-mannitol 10kg
130-00855 甘露醇 d(-)-mannitol 500g
633-00471 甘露醇 d(-)-mannitol 5g
138-02213 桂皮酸 methyl cinnamate 25ml
132-02216 桂皮酸 methyl cinnamate 500ml
593-31211 苦参碱 icn matrine 250mg
132-03752 薄荷醇 l(-)-menthol 25g
134-03751 薄荷醇 l(-)-menthol 100g
136-03755 薄荷醇 l(-)-menthol 500g
590-06992 薄荷醇 icn l(-)-menthol 25g
588-14241 薄荷醇 lan dl-menthol 100g
524-91581 薄荷醇 dl-menthol 50g
136-00972 薄荷酮 menthone 25g
584-08052 薄荷酮 lan menthone 25g
136-07694 农吉利碱,野百合碱,猪屎豆碱 monocrotaline 500mg
138-07693 农吉利碱,野百合碱,猪屎豆碱 monocrotaline 1g
132-07691 农吉利碱,野百合碱,猪屎豆碱 monocrotaline 5g
130-03432 肉豆蔻酸 myristic acid 25g
134-03435 肉豆蔻酸 myristic acid 500g
137-14172 肉豆蔻酸 myristic acid ,from palm 25g
131-14175 肉豆蔻酸 myristic acid ,from palm 500g
140-00851 那可丁 l-a-narcotine 5g
148-06371 柚皮甙 naringin 100mg
582-54561 柚皮甙 p-b naringin 50g
140-06211 柚皮甙 naringin standard 20mg
592-26391 新橙皮甙 icn neohesperidin 100mg
140-01211 菸碱(尼古丁) (-)-nicotine 5g
149-07521 川陈皮素 nobiletin 10mg
155-01701 齐墩果酸 oleanolic acid 1g
592-08711 齐墩果酸 icn oleanolic acid ,from 500mg
151-01801 蛇床子素(欧芹酚甲醚) osthole standard 20mg
150-01511 氧化苦参碱(苦参素) oxymatrine standard 20mg
169-18616 紫杉醇 paclitaxel 1mg
169-18611 紫杉醇 paclitaxel 5mg
165-18613 紫杉醇 paclitaxel 25mg
163-18614 紫杉醇 paclitaxel 100mg
169-15551 芍药甙 paeoniflorin 100mg
167-11711 芍药甙 paeoniflorin standard 10mg
163-11713 芍药甙 paeoniflorin standard 50mg
169-12871 丹皮酚 paeonol standard 10mg
168-16001 巴马丁(掌叶防已碱) palmatine chloride 100mg
166-17641 巴马丁(掌叶防已碱) palmatine chloride standard 20mg
161-07201 毛果云香碱盐酸盐 pilocarpine hydrochloride 1g
169-07202 毛果云香碱盐酸盐 pilocarpine hydrochloride 25g
162-17241 胡椒碱 piperine 10g
164-17181 矾松素 plumbagin 1g
596-18741 鬼臼毒素 icn podophyllotoxin 100mg
598-30281 石榴籽多酚 icn polyphenols,from green tea 1g
168-05251 原儿茶酸 protocatechuic acid 5g
166-05252 原儿茶酸 protocatechuic acid 25g
164-05253 原儿茶酸 protocatechuic acid 100g
160-05255 原儿茶酸 protocatechuic acid 500g
592-29191 原阿片碱 icn protopine hydrochloride 5mg
162-14701 葛根素 puerarin standard 20mg
177-00401 槲皮素 quercetin dihydrate 1g
173-00403 槲皮素 quercetin dihydrate 10g
535-80701 槲皮素 c-b quercetin dihydrate 100mg
176-00111 喹啉丁 quinidine 5g
170-00131 喹啉 quinine 5g
174-00531 quisqualic acid 5mg
539-51271 toc quisqualic acid 5mg
591-10491 icn quisqualic acid 5mg
539-80721 c-b quisqualic acid 1mg
184-00691 利血平 reserpine 1g
180-00693 利血平 reserpine 10g
184-00951 酯蟾毒配基 resibufogenin standard 20mg
185-01721 白藜芦醇 resveratrol 100mg
181-01723 白藜芦醇 resveratrol 500mg
532-61411 白藜芦醇 resveratrol 500mg
533-80741 白藜芦醇 resveratrol 25mg]
507-37131 白藜芦醇 resveratrol 100mg
182-00751 鼠李糖 α-l(+)-rhamnose monohydrate 5g
180-00752 鼠李糖 α-l(+)-rhamnose monohydrate 25g
188-00753 鼠李糖 α-l(+)-rhamnose monohydrate 100g
595-10651 鼠李糖 icn α-l(+)-rhamnose monohydrate 5g
595-20541 王浆酸 icn royaljelly ,fromqueen bee 10g
183-00921 吴茱萸次碱 rutaecarpine standard 20mg
181-00341 芦丁,芸香甙 rutin 5g
189-00342 芦丁,芸香甙 rutin 25g
193-00081 水杨甙 d(-)-salicin 1g
199-00083 水杨甙 d(-)-salicin 5g
191-00102 水杨酸醛 salicylaldehyde 25g
195-00105 水杨酸醛 salicylaldehyde 500g
190-11081 水杨酸醛 salicylaldehyde zine 1g
196-08952 水杨酸醛 salicylaldehyde hydrazone 25g
197-11231 菝契皂甙元,洋菝契皂甙元 sarsasapogenin 5g
192-10441 五味子醇甲,五味子素,五味子醇 schizandrin standard 20mg
197-09261 氢溴酸东莨菪碱 scopolamine hydrobromide n-hydrate 20mg
198-07971 氢溴酸东莨菪碱 scopolamine hydrobromide n-hydrate 1g
192-10201 番泻甙 a sennoside a 100mg
190-08531 番泻甙 a sennoside a standard 10mg
194-09271 番泻甙 b sennoside b 20mg
199-10211 番泻甙 b sennoside b 100mg
199-11811 番泻甙 b sennoside b standard 10mg
193-11331 莽草酸 shikimic acid 100mg
199-11333 莽草酸 shikimic acid 1g
590-10983 莽草酸 icn shikimic acid 1g
594-10981 莽草酸 icn shikimic acid 5g
191-08681 左旋紫草素 shikonin standard 10mg
504-37141 水飞蓟素 lkt silymarin 10g
193-09361 盐酸青藤碱 sinomenine standard 20mg
596-27031 茄啶 icn solanidine ,from potato 10mg
199-06242 鹰爪豆碱,无叶豆碱 sparteine sulfate pentahydrate 25g
198-12763 水苏糖 stachyose n-hydrate 1g
192-12761 水苏糖 stachyose n-hydrate 100mg
196-12764 水苏糖 stachyose n-hydrate 500mg
196-08131 甜菊甙 stevioside standard 1g
196-08131 甜菊甙,甜菊糖 stevioside 1g
306-01411 豆甾醇 stigmasterol 5g
196-08131 贯叶连翘提取物 st john`s wort p.e
157-01663 毒毛旋花子甙 g-strophanthin((-)-oubain octahydrate see p.1289) 250mg
591-29661 士的宁 icn (-)-strychnine 5g
198-04333 k-毒毛旋花子甙 succinic acid 0.1 mol/lx20
190-04332 k-毒毛旋花子甙 succinic acid 25g
194-04335 k-毒毛旋花子甙 succinic acid 500g
197-08541 獐牙菜苦甙 swertiamarin standard 20mg
594-27191 辛弗宁 dl-synephrine,synthetic 10g
525-87042 紫丁香酸 syringic acid 25g
201-00112 牛磺酸 taurine 25g
203-00111 牛磺酸 taurine 100g
205-00115 牛磺酸 taurine 500g
507-44101 牛磺熊去氧胆酸 c-b tauroursodexycholic acid sodium salt 1g
503-44103 牛磺熊去氧胆酸 c-b tauroursodexycholic acid sodium salt 5g
593-11551 花旗松素 (+-)-taxifolin 100mg
207-11981 四氢巴马亭 tetrahydr-opalmatine 100mg
324-64252 四甲基吡嗪 2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine 25g
322-64253 四甲基吡嗪 2,3,5,6-tetramethylpyrazine 100g
207-11981 延胡索乙素 tetrahydr-opalmatine 100mg
201-15161 茶黄素 theaflavin 1mg
205-13562 可可豆碱 theobromine 25g
209-13565 可可豆碱 theobromine 500g
201-09931 茶碱 theophylline 100g
203-09935 茶碱 theophylline 500g
593-11671 茶碱 icn theophylline 100g
206-01402 百里酚 thymol 25g
208-01401 百里酚 thymol 100g
200-01405 百里酚 thymol 500g
209-01431 百里酚 thymol blue 1g
207-01432 百里酚 thymol blue 25g
201-11761 百里酚 0.1w/v% thymol blue ethanol (50) solution 100ml
203-11765 百里酚 0.1w/v% thymol blue ethanol (50) solution 500ml
207-15521 百里酚 0.04w/v% thymol blue solution 100ml
208-05801 百里酚 1w/v% thymol blue dimethylformamide solution 50ml
324-38161 百里酚 thymol blue sodium salt 5g
322-38162 百里酚 thymol blue sodium salt 25g
083-02271 伞形花内酯 umbelliferone 1g
347-02883 伞形花内酯 同仁 umbelliferone 5g
217-00931 熊去氧胆酸 ursodeoxy cholic acid 5g
321-32831 熊果酸 ursolic acid 500mg
210-00301 松罗酸钠 usnic acid (sodium) 5g
94770 香草酸 vanillic acid 250g
94770 香草酸 vanillic acid 50g
94780 香草酸 vanillic acid diethylamide 10g
94780 香草酸 vanillic acid diethylamide 50g
224-00682 香兰素 vanillin 25g
226-00681 香兰素 vanillin 100g
228-00685 香兰素 vanillin 500g
081-04472 香兰素 o-vanillin 25g
085-04475 香兰素 o-vanillin 500g
224-00682 香荚兰醛 vanillin 25g
226-00681 香荚兰醛 vanillin 100g
228-00685 香荚兰醛 vanillin 500g
320-29932 香荚兰醇 vanillyl alcohol 25g
324-29935 香荚兰醇 vanillyl alcohol 500g
221-00751 硫酸长春碱 vinblastine sulfate 10mg
227-00753 硫酸长春碱 vinblastine sulfate 50mg
596-12761 硫酸长春碱 icn vinblastine sulfate 10mg
534-81011 硫酸长春碱 c-b vinblastine sulfate 10mg
228-00761 长春新碱 vincristin sulfate 10mg
224-00763 长春新碱 vincristin sulfate 50mg
231-00811 汉黄芩素 wogonin standard 10mg
244-00542 木糖醇 xylitol 25g
248-00545 木糖醇 xylitol 500g
241-00731 木糖醇 xylitol 1g
: waley188
a. food additives analysis
013-10562 annatto pigment 25g
016-11331 aspartame 10g
021-08011 beet red 10g
033-11142 cacao pigment 25g
030-10672 carthamus yellow 25g
032-13111 chlorophyll a,from chlorella sp. (-20℃) 10mg
038-09921 chlorophyll a,from spirulina sp. (2-10℃) 50mg
039-13121 chlorophyll b,from chlorella sp. (-20℃) 10mg
039-10681 cochineal pigment 5g
038-10911 corn pigment 10g
060-01341 fd c red no.40 10g
060-03421 fructooligosaccharides standard set 1set
066-01681 2-(2-furyl)-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylamide (af-2) 100mg
078-02281 gardenia yellow 10g
072-02181 glycyrrhetinic acid 10g
075-02171 glycyrrhizic acid monoammonium salt n-hydrate 10g
071-02472 grape skin pigment 25g
080-03901 o-hydroxydiphenyl standard 1g
090-02341 isosteviol standard 1g
122-04111 lactosyl fructoside standard 2g
139-05381 m.b.mixed color reagent 100ml
137-07881 monascus pigment 10g
131-09981 moran citrate monohydrate (2-10℃) 1g
147-04521 nitrate-nitrogen standard solution 100ml
167-12171 β-phenylchalkone 100mg
163-11171 pheophorbide a (2-10℃) 100mg
167-13771 pheophytin a,from chlorella sp. (-20℃) 10mg
164-13781 pheophytin b,from chlorella sp. (-20℃) 10mg
186-00651 rebaudioside a standard 100mg
196-08131 stevioside standard (2-10℃) 1g
b. vitamin analysis
016-08163 acetyl chloride 25ml
030-14871 calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin d3 ) (-20℃) 5mg
032-11651 cocarboxylase standard (-20℃) 100mg
048-18991 dibenzoyl thiamine 5g
046-18992 dibenzoyl thiamine 25g
059-04811 ergosterol acetate (2-10℃) 1g
058-04901 ergosterol benzoate (2-10℃) 1g
054-04741 ergosterol propionate (2-10℃) 1g
080-00405 hexane (n-) 500ml
162-11261 2,2,5,7,8-pentamethyl-6-hydroxychroman (2-10℃) 1g
180-01271 9-cis-retinoic acid (-20℃) 5mg
182-01111 all-trans-retinoic acid (vitamin a acid) (-20℃) 250mg
188-01113 all-trans-retinoic acid (vitamin a acid) (-20℃) 1g
209-10841 thiamine triphosphate (-20℃) 10mg
204-08402 dl-α-tocopherol acetate (2-10℃) 25g
227-00611 vitachange,activated 250g
303-00821 vitamin e homologues for biochemistry and analysis (2-10℃) 250 mg each
c. mycotoxin standards
013-10361 3-acetyldeoxynivalenol (2-10℃) 10mg
024-07761 butenolide standard (2-10℃) 10mg
033-08011 citrinin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
048-18631 deoxynivalenol standard (2-10℃) 10mg
046-20401 diacetoxyscirpenol (2-10℃) 10mg
063-01711 fusarenon-x standard (2-10℃) 10mg
141-04661 neosolaniol standard (2-10℃) 10mg
144-04651 nivalenol standard (2-10℃) 10mg
209-08251 t-2 toxin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
164-19901 7 pesticides mixed standard solution 1 ml x 5
160-18401 8 pesticides mixed standard solution 1ml*5a
017-08953 acephate standard 200mg
018-18591 acequinocyl standard 200mg
011-18601 acequinocyl-hydroxy standard 200mg
014-16491 acetamiprid standard 200mg
018-19451 acibenzolar acid standard 100mg
014-18331 acibenzolar-s-methyl standard 200mg
013-15741 acn standard 200mg
018-16651 acrinathrin standard 200mg
016-16331 alachlor standard 200mg
017-15521 alanycarb standard 200mg
012-14111 aldicarb standard 200mg
018-17011 allethrin 200mg
015-09733 alloxydim-sodium standard 200mg
019-13641 ametryn standard 200mg
011-08711 2-aminobenzimidazole standard 200mg
015-09593 amitraz standard 200mg
019-09591 amitraz standard 500mg
011-14941 amitraz metabolite hydrochloride standard 200mg
016-14011 amitrole standard 200mg
019-13521 asulam standard 200mg
010-15631 atrazine standard 200mg
012-18251 azimsulfuron standard 200mg
012-16051 azinphos-methyl standard 200mg
019-15601 azocyclotin standard 200mg
019-19001 azoxystrobin standard 200mg
028-12791 benalaxyl standard 200mg
028-11691 bendiocarb standard 200mg
023-09551 benfuracarb standard 200mg
027-12881 benfuresate standard 200mg
023-12621 bensulfuron-methyl standard 200mg
025-07671 bensulide standard 200mg
024-09363 bensultap standard 200mg
021-06953 benthiocarb standard 200mg
027-06391 alpha-benzoepin standard 100mg
020-06401 beta-benzoepin standard 100mg
020-06761 benzoepin sulfate standard 200mg
020-11531 bethrodine standard 200mg
026-14671 bifenazate standard 200mg
021-08251 bifenox standard 100mg
025-12701 bifenthrin standard 200mg
023-12861 binapacryl standard 200mg
021-12801 bioresmethrin standard 200mg
026-12731 biphenyl standard 200mg
024-14111 bispyribac-sodium standard 100mg
023-06773 bpmc standard 200mg
022-06983 bromacil standard 200mg
029-12341 bromobutide standard 200mg
028-12671 bromobutide-debromo standard 200mg
028-12811 bromophos standard 200mg
025-12821 bromophos-ethyl standard 200mg
028-06963 brp standard 200mg
024-08263 buprofezin standard 200mg
021-12161 butachlor standard 200mg
020-10931 butamifos standard 200mg
204-13451 2,4,5-t-butyl standard 200mg
026-12971 butylate standard 200mg
035-17001 cafenstrole standard 200mg
034-08301 captan standard 200mg
033-16321 carbofuran standard 200 mg
032-16411 carbophenothion standard 200 mg
031-16361 carbosulfan standard 200 mg
034-17691 carpropamid standard 200mg
031-08311 cat standard 200mg
039-08611 chinomethionate standard 200mg
039-17381 chlordecone standard 200mg
039-16921 chlorfenapyr standard 200mg
030-14393 chlorfluazuron standard 100mg
036-16671 chlorimuron-ethyl standard 200 mg
033-14981 chlormequat standard 200mg
038-08321 chloro ipc standard 200mg
136-06192 chloroacetic anhydride 25g
033-08273 chlorobenzilate standard 200mg
030-14491 chloroneb standard 200mg
031-08291 chlorophenamidine hydrochloride standard 200mg
031-08811 chlorpyrifos standard 200mg
031-09673 chlorpyrifosmethyl standard 200mg
039-17141 chlorsulfuron standard 100mg
033-18141 chromafenozide standard 200mg
035-16521 cinmethylin standard 200 mg
033-16441 cinosulfuron standard 200 mg
030-18651 clethodim standard 200mg
031-14541 clofentezine standard 200mg
030-18891 clothianidin standard 200mg
030-16571 cmmp standard 200 mg
036-08621 cna standard 200mg
032-08983 cnp standard 200mg
030-16071 cnp-amino standard 200mg
033-15581 copper (ii) terephthalate trihydrate standard 200mg
037-16461 coumaphos standard 200 mg
030-16451 cpcbs standard 200 mg
037-17201 cpf standard 200mg
038-17351 cumyluron standard 200mg
033-15081 cvmp standard 200mg
038-08561 alpha-cvp standard solution 1 ml x 5
035-08571 beta-cvp standard solution 1 ml x 5
030-15091 cyanazine standard 200mg
033-18881 cyazofamid standard 200mg
035-14701 cycloprothrin standard 100mg
033-18901 cyclosulfamuron standard 200mg
038-17591 cycloxydim standard 200mg
033-14361 cyfluthrin standard 200mg
035-17241 cyhalofop-butyl standard 200mg
033-15101 cyhalothrin standard 200mg
036-16791 cymoxanil standard 200mg
037-08411 cyp standard 200mg
039-15441 cypermethrin standard 200mg
032-16891 cyproconazole standard 200mg
031-17721 cyprodinil standard 200mg
035-16261 cyromazine standard 200mg
046-22841 daminozide standard 200mg
041-26551 dbcp standard 200mg
048-25461 dbn standard 200mg
040-17013 dcip standard 200mg
049-23931 dcmu standard 200mg
046-16471 dcpa standard 200mg
046-27101 p,p"-ddd standard 200mg
043-27111 p,p"-dde standard 200mg
046-16633 ddvp standard 200mg
047-23471 deltamethrin standard 200mg
045-16681 dep standard 200mg
047-28111 desmedipham standard 200mg
042-26461 diafenthiuron standard 200mg
041-26671 diafenthiuron-methanimidamide standard 10mg
048-26681 diafenthiuron-urea standard 10mg
045-16223 diazinon standard 200mg
042-24021 diazinon oxon standard 200mg
040-26261 dicamba standard 200mg
041-21193 dichlofluanid standard 200mg
045-25611 dichlone standard 200mg
045-25591 2,4-dichloroaniline standard 200mg
045-18381 1,2-dichloroethane standard 1g
040-28101 diclocymet standard 200mg
044-25201 diclomezine standard 200mg
045-24131 diethofencarb standard 200mg
042-25241 difenoconazole standard 200mg
045-25851 difenzoquat methyl sulfate standard 200mg
049-23551 diflubenzuron standard 200mg
044-28121 diflufenican standard 200mg
046-27461 diflumetorim standard 200mg
042-16211 difolatan standard 200mg
047-25171 dimepiperate standard 200mg
048-28261 dimethametryn standard 200mg
043-26751 dimethenamid standard 200mg
046-25521 dimethipin standard 200mg
040-26901 dimethirimol standard 200mg
045-15841 dimethoate standard 200mg
049-28671 dimethomorph standard 200mg
046-28441 4,4-dimethyl-2-oxazolidinone standard 200mg
048-26061 (e)-dimethylvinphos standard 100mg
045-25231 (z)-dimethylvinphos standard 200mg
041-17021 diphenamid standard 200mg
046-21621 diquat dibromide monohydrate 200mg
040-28081 distilled water, hexane washed 1l
046-28083 distilled water, hexane washed 3l
042-25121 dithiopyr standard 200mg
043-17081 dmtp standard 200mg
043-25151 dnbp standard 200mg
047-25291 dodine standard 200mg
046-25141 dpa sodium standard 200mg
042-26601 dpc standard 200mg
043-26251 dymron standard 200mg
053-03493 echlomezol standard 200mg
053-03133 eddp standard 200mg
054-06561 emamectin benzoate standard 200mg
053-06411 endothal monohydrate standard 200mg
052-02841 epn standard 200mg
059-06011 epn oxon standard 200mg
058-06221 eptc standard 200mg
056-06261 esp standard 200mg
059-05891 esprocarb standard 200mg
050-04961 ethephon standard 200mg
051-03173 ethion standard 200mg
057-06551 ethiozin standard 100mg
053-05193 ethofenprox standard 200mg
051-05611 ethoprophos standard 200mg
054-06821 ethoxysulfuron standard 50mg
057-06431 ethychlozate standard 200mg
053-06151 ethylenethiourea standard 200mg
057-03153 ethylthiomethon standard 200mg
055-06351 etobenzanid standard 200mg
054-06681 etoxazole standard 200mg
051-06691 etoxazole-amino hydrochloride standard 200mg
058-06081 etrimfos standard solution 1 ml x 5a
068-04201 famoxadone standard 200mg
066-03521 fenamiphos standard 100mg
066-02801 fenarimol standard 200mg
067-02951 fenbutatin oxide standard 200mg
060-02941 fenbutatin oxide di-form standard 100mg
068-03581 fenchlorphos standard 200mg
069-04111 fenhexamid standard 200mg
064-04301 fenoxanil standard 200mg
062-03621 fenoxaprop-ethyl standard 200mg
068-02981 fenoxycarb standard 200mg
062-03501 fenpropathrin standard 200mg
067-03291 fenpyroximate standard 200mg
064-02961 fensulfothion standard 200mg
060-03281 fenvalerate standard 200mg
061-03571 ferbam standard 200mg
066-04121 (z)-ferimzone standard 200mg
063-04131 (e)-ferimzone standard 200mg
062-04101 fipronil standard 200mg
064-03321 flazasulfuron standard 100mg
061-03451 fluazifop standard 200mg
064-03441 fluazifop-butyl standard 200mg
068-02861 fluazinam standard 200mg
069-02911 flucythrinate standard 200mg
064-03681 fludioxonil standard 200mg
067-03551 flufenoxuron standard 200mg
060-04141 flumioxazin standard 200mg
063-03531 fluoroimide standard 200mg
065-03591 flusilazole standard 100mg
062-03361 flusulfamide standard 200mg
061-02471 fluvalinate standard 200mg
068-03461 folpet standard 200mg
067-03431 fonofos standard 200mg
060-03541 formetanate hydrochloride standard 200mg
068-01303 formothion standard 200mg
065-01813 fosetyl standard 200mg
066-03381 fosthiazate standard 200mg
062-03741 furametpyr standard 200mg
069-03871 furametpyr-hydroxy standard 20mg
062-03981 furathiocarb standard 200mg
074-03741 glufosinate standard 200mg
071-03371 glyphosate standard 200mg
088-07101 halfenprox standard 200mg
089-07251 halosulfuron-methyl standard 200mg
089-07991 halosulfuron-methyl rearrangement standard 200mg
081-07571 hexaconazole standard 200mg
087-05351 hexythiazox standard 200mg
088-06861 hydroxyisoxazole standard 200mg
093-02233 ibp standard 200mg
098-03501 imazalil standard 200mg
095-04591 imazamox standard 50mg
099-04011 imazapyr standard 200mg
092-04001 imazaquin standard 200mg
099-03891 imazosulfuron standard 200mg
095-04091 imibenconazole standard 200mg
098-04081 imibenconazole-debenzyl standard 200mg
099-03771 imidacloprid standard 200mg
097-04051 iminoctadine albesilate standard 200mg
092-03901 iminoctadine triacetate standard 200mg
094-03101 inabenfide standard 200mg
098-04841 indanofan standard 200mg
099-04991 indoxacarb-mp standard 200mg
098-03861 ioxynil octanoate standard 200mg
098-04221 ipconazole standard 200mg
091-02393 iprodione metabolite standard 200mg
094-03461 isofenphos standard 200mg
098-03981 isofenphos oxon standard 200mg
099-02333 isoprothiolane standard 200mg
095-03871 isouron standard 200mg
096-03921 isoxaben standard 200mg
090-02243 isoxathion standard 200mg
093-03931 isoxathion oxon standard 200mg
111-00241 kelthane standard 100mg
112-00531 kresoxim-methyl standard 200mg
123-03801 lenacil standard 200mg
129-02281 linuron standard 200mg
125-04721 lufenuron standard 200mg
138-05513 malathon standard 200mg
136-09791 maleic hydrazide standard 200mg
136-06533 maneb standard 200mg
133-06803 manzeb standard 200mg
132-10901 mbpmc standard 200mg
133-06761 mcc standard 200mg
136-10541 mcp standard 200mg
138-07573 mcp ethyl ester standard 200mg
133-12491 mcpb standard 200mg
136-10421 mcpp standard 200mg
137-11671 mefenacet standard 200mg
132-05533 mep standard 200mg
131-11691 mep oxon standard 200mg
137-12651 mepanipyrim standard 200mg
133-07903 mepronil standard 200mg
134-11681 metalaxyl standard 200mg
131-12311 methabenzthiazuron standard 200mg
138-12201 methacrifos standard 200mg
139-11631 methamidophos standard 200mg
138-12181 methiocarb standard 200mg
131-12171 methiocarb sulfone standard 100mg
135-12191 methiocarb sulfoxide standard 100mg
135-10511 methomyl standard 200mg
134-12421 methoprene standard 200mg
139-12231 methoxychlor standard 200mg
135-06841 methyl 2-benzimidazolecarbamate standard 200mg
131-14371 methyl dimethyldithiocarbamate standard 100mg
132-06851 methyl thioacetohydroxamate standard 200mg
133-10791 methyldymron standard 200mg
134-11941 3-(methylphosphinico)propionic acid standard 200mg
023-12741 (+/-)-1-methylpropylamine standard 200mg
131-13151 metiram standard 200mg
135-11851 metolachlor standard 200mg
135-13551 (e)-metominostrobin standard 200mg
132-13561 (z)-metominostrobin standard 50mg
130-11661 metribuzin standard 200mg
137-11791 metribuzin da standard 100mg
130-11781 metribuzin dadk standard 100mg
130-11801 metribuzin dk standard 100mg
131-12671 metsulfuron-methyl standard 200mg
134-12281 mevinphos standard 200mg
131-13651 milbemectin standard 50mg
134-06811 mipc standard 200mg
134-12161 molinate standard 200mg
138-11101 monocrotophos standard 200mg
138-06831 mpmc standard 200mg
138-06691 mpp sulfone standard 200mg
131-06701 mpp sulfoxide standard 200mg
131-06821 mtmc standard 200mg
139-11131 myclobutanil standard 100mg
132-11121 myclobutanil hydroxide standard 25mg
148-03831 nac standard 200mg
141-06501 1-naphthylacetamide standard 200mg
148-06511 1-naphthylacetic acid standard 200mg
148-05891 napropamide standard 200mg
141-04161 nereistoxin oxalate standard 200mg
147-03921 nicotine standard solution 5ml
144-03931 nip standard 200mg
142-06771 nitenpyram standard 200mg
157-01881 omethoate standard 200mg
150-01871 orthobencarb standard 200mg
157-01521 oxadixyl standard 100mg
151-01781 oxamyl standard 200mg
159-01961 oxine-copper standard solution 1ml*5a
156-01851 oxolinic acid standard 200mg
157-02361 oxpoconazole fumarate standard 200mg
154-02371 oxpoconazole-formyl standard 200mg
154-01031 oxyethylene higher aliphatic alcohol standard 1g
167-18151 2,4-pa standard 200mg
164-18161 2,4-pa-butyl standard 200mg
163-18991 pac standard 200mg
163-17391 paclobutrazol standard 200mg
160-09133 pap standard 200mg
167-09361 pcnb standard 200mg
161-08301 pcp standard 200mg
162-11901 pendimethalin standard 200mg
165-18071 pentachloroaniline standard 200mg
162-18081 pentachlorothioanisole standard 200mg
169-19691 pentoxazone standard 200mg
162-16521 cis-permethrin standard 200mg
162-21031 trans-permethrin standard 200mg
162-09291 phc standard 200mg
168-10923 phenisobromolate standard 200mg
168-18441 phenothiol standard 200mg
169-17871 2-phenylphenol standard 200mg
161-09381 phosalone standard 200mg
163-16811 phoxim standard 200mg
165-15391 picloram standard 200mg
162-17861 piperonyl butoxide standard 200mg
160-11223 piperophos standard 200mg
165-14791 pirimicarb-demethyl standard 25mg
165-13711 pirimiphos-methyl standard 200mg
163-09221 pmp standard 200mg
163-20081 polycarbamate standard 200mg
291-26851 presep(r)-agri 50pieces
168-16361 pretilachlor standard 200mg
162-17481 probenazole standard 200mg
166-17901 prochloraz standard 200mg
167-16071 prodiamine standard 200mg
163-17651 profenofos standard 200mg
168-18061 prohexadione standard 200mg
161-15371 prometryn standard 200mg
161-16731 propamocarb standard 200mg
167-10253 propaphos sulfone standard 200mg
161-10251 propaphos sulfone standard 500mg
167-18271 propazine standard 200mg
169-16771 propiconazole standard 200mg
162-15301 propyzamide standard 200mg
168-11883 prothiofos standard 200mg
165-11913 prothiofos oxon standard 200mg
163-19971 pymetrozine standard 200mg
160-17801 pyraclofos standard 200mg
169-19831 pyraflufen-ethyl standard 200mg
165-17091 pyrazolate standard 200mg
168-17841 pyrazosulfuron-ethyl standard 200mg
168-16741 pyrazoxyfen standard 200mg
161-15991 pyrethrins standard, 50 - 60% in isoparaffin 200mg
167-16211 pyributicarb standard 200mg
162-16381 pyridaben standard 200mg
163-17771 pyridate standard 200mg
166-17761 pyridate metabolite standard 100mg
167-16691 (e)-pyrifenox standard 200mg
160-16701 (z)-pyrifenox standard 200mg
168-18701 pyrimidifen standard 200mg
166-19841 (e)-pyriminobac-methyl standard 200mg
163-19851 (z)-pyriminobac-methyl standard 50mg
163-18751 pyriproxyfen standard 200mg
164-18041 pyroquilon standard 200mg
175-00441 quinalphos standard 200mg
172-00451 quinclorac standard 200mg
173-00481 quizalofop-ethyl standard 200mg
191-07341 salithion standard 200mg
191-10651 sethoxydim standard 50mg
198-10661 sethoxydim 5-oh-m-so2 standard solution 1 ml x 5a
199-10071 siduron standard 200mg
193-11191 silafluofen standard 200mg
190-10981 silver nitrate impregnated silica gel 100g
196-12781 simeconazole standard 200mg
193-08043 simetryne standard 200mg
199-10015 sodium chloride 500g
194-09651 sodium dimethyldithiocarbamate dihydrate standard 200mg
197-07125 sodium sulfate 500g
202-07901 tctp standard 200mg
203-13801 tebuconazole standard 200mg
206-13411 tebufenozide standard 200mg
200-13291 tebufenpyrad standard 200mg
205-13481 tecloftalam standard 200mg
202-13491 tecloftalam metabolite standard 200mg
208-12371 teflubenzuron standard 200mg
204-13191 tefluthrin standard 200mg
209-15341 terbacil standard 200mg
200-12691 terbufos standard 200mg
203-14881 tetraconazole standard 200mg
203-13421 thenylchlor standard 200mg
204-13211 thiabendazole standard 200mg
207-15761 thiacloprid standard 200mg
204-15771 thiacloprid-amide standard 50mg
204-15651 thiamethoxam standard 200mg
200-14771 thifluzamide standard 200mg
204-08223 thiocyclam hydrogen oxalate standard 200mg
207-11361 thiodicarb standard 200mg
207-13181 thiometon standard solution
208-13611 thiophanate standard 200mg
201-08233 thiophanate-methyl standard 200mg
204-11371 thiuram standard 200mg
201-11381 tolclofos-methyl standard 200mg
200-13171 tolylfluanid standard 200mg
200-06581 tpn standard 200mg
209-12661 tralomethrin standard 100mg
205-08493 triadimefon standard 200mg
208-08503 triadimenol standard 200mg
201-06751 triazine standard 200mg
203-13161 triazophos standard 100mg
208-14191 tribenuron-methyl standard 200mg
204-09301 trichlamide standard 200mg
203-15481 2,4,6-trichlorophenol standard 200mg
202-12911 triclopyr standard 200mg
204-14051 triclopyr-2-butoxyethyl standard 200mg
208-13111 tricyclazole standard 200mg
201-15781 trifloxystrobin standard 200mg
202-10191 triflumizole standard 200mg
205-10181 triflumizole metabolite standard 200mg
202-06781 trifluralin standard 200mg
202-08861 triforine standard 200mg
206-15591 trinexapac standard 200mg
207-15401 trinexapac-ethyl standard 200mg
204-13331 triphenyltin(iv) acetate standard 200mg
201-13341 triphenyltin(iv) chloride standard 200mg
208-13351 triphenyltin(iv) hydroxide standard 200mg
212-00981 uniconazole p standard 200mg
220-01201 vamidothion standard 200mg
220-00743 vinclozolin standard 200mg
235-01291 wakosil (r) agri-9 eluent, for 4.6 phi*150mm 1l
238-01281 wakosil (r) agri-9 eluent, for 4.6 phi*250mm 1l
237-01631 wakosil (r) agri-9 eluent,type ii, for 4.6 phi x 250mm 1l
248-00501 xmc standard 200mg
266-00783 zineb standard 200mg
264-01301 ziram standard 200mg
011-08951 acephate 500mg
013-15741 can 200mg
018-16651 acrinathrin 200mg
016-16331 alachlor 200mg
017-15521 alanycarb 200mg
012-14111 aldicarb 200mg
019-09731 alloxydim-sodium 200mg
019-13641 ametryn 200mg
011-08711 2-aminobenzimidazole 200mg
019-09591 amitraz 500mg
011-14941 amitraz metabolite hydrochloride 200mg
016-14011 amitrole 200mg
019-13521 asulam 200mg
010-15631 atrazine 200mg
012-16051 azinphos-methyl 200mg
019-15601 azocyclotin 200mg
028-12791 benalaxyl 200mg
028-11691 bendiocarb 200mg
023-09551 benfuracarb 200mg
027-12881 benfuresate 200mg
023-12621 bensulfuron-methyl 200mg
025-07671 bensulide 200mg
028-09361 bensultap 500mg
023-07591 bentazone 500mg
025-06951 benthiocarb 500mg
027-06391 α-benzoepin 100mg
020-06401 β-benzoepin 100mg
020-06761 benzoepin sulfate 200mg
025-07311 benzomate 500mg
020-11531 bethrodine 200mg
021-05711 α-bhc 200mg
025-05753 α-bhc(10ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
028-05721 β-bhc 200mg
022-05763 β-bhc(10ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
025-05731 γ- bhc 200mg
029-05773 γ- bhc(10ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
022-05741 δ-bhc 200mg
026-05783 δ- bhc(10ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
021-08251 bifenox 100mg
025-12701 bifenthrin 200mg
023-12861 benapacryl 200mg
021-12801 bioresmethrin 200mg
026-12731 biphenyl 200mg
028-10231 bitertanol 500mg
023-06773 bpmc 200mg
028-06941 bpps 500mg
026-06981 bromacil 500mg
029-12341 bromobutide 200mg
028-12671 bromobutide-debromo 200mg
028-12811 bromophos 200mg
025-12821 bromophos-ethyl 200mg
022-06961 brp 1g
028-08261 buprofezin 500mg
021-12161 butachlor 200mg
020-10931 butamifos 200mg
023-12741 (rs)-sec-butylamine 200mg
026-12971 butylate 200mg
034-08301 captan 200mg
033-16321 carbofuran 200mg
032-16411 carbophenothion 200mg
031-16361 carbosulfan 200mg
031-08311 cat 200mg
039-08611 chinomethionate 200mg
032-10291 chlomethoxynil 500mg
033-11821 cis-chlordane(100ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
030-11831 trans- chlordane(100ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
030-14393 chlorfluazuron 100mg
036-16671 chlorimuron-ethyl 200mg
033-14981 chlormequat 200mg
038-08321 chloro ipc 200mg
037-08271 chlorobenzilate 1g
030-14491 chloroneb 200mg
031-08291 chlorophenamidine hydrochloride 200mg
031-09651 chloropropylate 500mg
031-08811 chlorpyrifos 200mg
035-09671 chlorpyrifosmethyl 500mg
035-16521 cinmethylin 200mg
033-16441 cinosulfuron 200mg
031-14541 clofentezine 200mg
030-16571 cmmp 200mg
036-08621 cna 200mg
036-08981 cnp 500mg
030-16071 cnp-amino 200mg
033-15581 copper ephthalate 200mg
037-16461 courmaphos 200mg
030-16451 cpcbs 200mg
033-15081 cvmp 200mg
038-08561 α-cvp(0.01%w/v in cyclohexane) 5×1ml
035-08571 β- cvp(0.01%w/v in cyclohexane) 5×1ml
030-15091 cyanazine 200mg
033-08491 cyap 500mg
035-14701 cycloprothrin 100mg
033-14361 cyfluthrin 200mg
033-15101 cyhalothrin 200mg
036-16791 cymoxanil 200mg
037-08411 cyp 200mg
039-15441 cypermethrin 200mg
035-16261 cyromazine 200mg
046-22841 daminozide 200mg
048-25461 dbn 200mg
040-18451 dcbp 500mg
040-17013 dcip 200mg
049-23931 dcmu 200mg
046-16471 dcpa 200mg
046-16633 ddvp 200mg
047-23471 deltamethrin 200mg
045-16681 dep 200mg
045-16223 diazinon 200mg
042-24021 diazinon oxon 200mg
054-04121 1,2-dibromoethane(1 mg/ml in hexane) 5×1ml
045-21191 dichlofluanid 500mg
045-25611 dichlone 200mg
045-25591 2,4-dichloroaniline 200mg
045-18381 1,2-dichloroethane 1g
044-25201 diclomezine 200mg
045-24131 diethofencarb 200mg
042-25241 difenoconazole 200mg
045-25851 difenzoquat methyl ester 200mg
049-23551 diflubenzuron 200mg
042-16211 difolatan 200mg
047-25171 dimepiperate 200mg
046-25521 dimethipin 200mg
045-15841 dimethoate 200mg
048-25221 n,n-dimethylhydrazine 200mg
048-26061 (e)-dimethylvinphos 100mg
045-25231 (z)-dimethylvinphos 200mg
041-17021 diphenamid 200mg
041-25211 diphenylamine 200mg
046-21621 diquat dibromide 200mg
048-18371 dithianon 500mg
042-25121 dithiopyr 200mg
043-17081 dmtp 200mg
043-25151 dnbp 200mg
047-25291 dodine 200mg
046-25141 dpa sodium 200mg
057-03491 echlomezol 500mg
050-03501 ecp 500mg
053-03133 eddp 200mg
059-06011 epn oxon 200mg
052-02841 epn 200mg
052-02863 epn(10ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
058-06221 eptc 200mg
056-06261 esp 200mg
052-03941 esp sulfone(1mg/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
059-05891 esprocarb 200mg
050-04961 ethephon 200mg
055-04031 ethiofencarb 500mg
051-03173 ethion 200mg
057-05191 ethofenprox 500mg
051-05611 ethoprophos 200mg
053-06151 ethylenethiourea 200mg
051-03151 ethylthiomethone 1g
055-06351 etobenzanid 200mg
058-06081 etrimfos (1mg/ml in hexane) 5×1ml
066-03521 fenamiphos 100mg
066-02801 fenarimol 200mg
067-02951 fenbutatin oxide 200mg
060-02941 fenbutatin oxide di-form 100mg
068-03581 fenchlorphos 200mg
062-03621 fenoxaprop-ethyl 200mg
068-02981 fenoxycarb 200mg
062-03501 fenpropathrin 200mg
067-03291 fenpyroximate 200mg
064-02961 fensulfothion 200mg
060-03281 fenvalerate 200mg
061-03571 ferbam 200mg
064-03321 flazasulfuron 100mg
061-03451 fluazifop 200mg
064-03441 fluazifop-butyl 200mg
068-02861 fluazinam 200mg
069-02911 flucythrinate 200mg
064-03681 fludioxonil 200mg
067-03551 flutdeoxuron 200mg
063-03531 fluoromide 200mg
065-03591 flusilazole 100mg
062-03361 flusulfamide 200mg
062-02021 flutolanil 500mg
061-02471 fluvalinate 200mg
068-03461 folpet 200mg
067-03431 fonofos 200mg
060-03541 formetanate hydrochloride 200mg
068-01303 formothion 200mg
069-01811 fosetyl 500mg
066-03381 fosthiazate 200mg
067-01591 fthalide 500mg
074-03741 glufosinate 200mg
071-03371 glyphosate 200mg
088-07101 halfenprox 200mg
084-03041 heptachlor 200mg
086-03621 hexachlorobenzene 200mg
087-05351 hexythiazox 200mg
088-06861 hydroxyisoxazole 200mg
097-02231 ibp 500mg
098-03501 imazalil 200mg
099-04011 imazapyr 200mg
092-04001 imazaquin 200mg
099-03891 imazosulfuron 200mg
095-04091 imibenconazole 200mg
098-04081 imibenonazole-debenzyl 200mg
099-03771 imidacloprid 200mg
097-04051 iminoctadine albesilate 200mg
092-03901 iminoctadine triacetate 200mg
094-03101 inabenfide 200mg
098-03861 ioxynil octanoate 200mg
098-02381 iprodione 500mg
095-02391 iprodione metabolite 500mg
094-03461 isofenphos 200mg
098-03981 isofenphos oxon 200mg
093-02331 isoprothiolane 500mg
095-03871 isouron 200mg
096-03921 isoxaben 200mg
094-02241 isoxathion 500mg
093-03931 isoxathion oxon 200mg
111-00241 kelthane 100mg
123-03801 lenacil 200mg
129-02281 linuron 200mg
138-05513 malathon 200mg
136-09791 maleic hydrazid 200mg
136-06533 maneb 200mg
133-06803 manzeb 200mg
132-10901 mbpmc 200mg
133-06761 mcc 200mg
136-10541 mcp 200mg
132-07571 mcp ethyl ester 500mg
133-12491 mcpb 200mg
136-10421 mcpp 200mg
137-11671 mefenacet 200mg
132-05533 mep 200mg
131-11691 mep oxon 200mg
137-12651 mepanipyrim 200mg
137-07901 mepronil 500mg
134-11681 metalaxyl 200mg
131-12311 methabenzthiazuron 200mg
138-12201 methacrifos 200mg
139-11631 methamidophos 200mg
138-12181 methiocarb 200mg
131-12171 methiocarb sulfone 100mg
135-12191 methiocarb sulfoxide 100mg
135-10511 methomyl 200mg
134-12421 methoprene 200mg
139-12231 methoxychlor 200mg
135-06841 methyl 2-benzimidazolecarbamate 200mg
131-06441 methyl demeton,thiol type (10w/v% in toluene) 5×1ml
132-06851 methyl thioacetohydroxamate 200mg
133-10791 methydymron 200mg
131-06061 methylparathion 200mg
134-11941 3-(methylphosphinico)-propionic acid 200mg
023-12741 1-methylpropylamine 200mg
135-11851 metolachlor 200mg
130-11661 metribuzin 200mg
137-11791 metribuzin da 100mg
130-11781 metribuzin dadk 100mg
130-11801 metribuzin dk 100mg
134-12281 mevinphos 200mg
134-06811 mipc 200mg
134-12161 molinate 200mg
138-11101 monocrotophos 200mg
138-06831 mpmc 200mg
136-06631 mpp 500mg
138-06691 mpp sulfone 200mg
131-06701 mpp sulfoxide 200mg
131-06821 mtmc 200mg
139-11131 myclobutanil 100mg
132-11121 myclobutanil hydroxide 25mg
148-03831 nac 200mg
141-06501 1-naphthylacetamide 200mg
148-06511 1-naphthylacetamide acid 200mg
148-05891 napropamide 200mg
141-04161 nereistoxin oxalate 200mg
147-03921 nicotine 5ml
144-03931 nip 200mg
157-01881 omethoate 200mg
150-01871 orthobencarb 200mg
155-01201 oxadiazon 500mg
157-01521 oxadixyl 100mg
151-01781 oxamyl 200mg
152-01211 oxine-copper 500mg
159-01961 oxine-copper standard solution (50ug/ml in methanol) 5×1ml
156-01851 oxolinic acid 200mg
154-01031 oxyethylene higher aliphatic alcohol 1g
167-18151 2,4-pa 200mg
164-18161 2,4-pa-butyl 200mg
163-17391 paclobutrazol 200mg
160-09133 pap 200mg
160-08871 paraquat 100mg
168-08573 parathion 200mg
167-09361 pcnb 200mg
161-08301 pcp 200mg
168-13681 pencycuron 500mg
162-11901 pendimethalin 200mg
165-18071 pentachloroaniline 200mg
162-18081 pentachlorothioanisole 200mg
162-16521 cis-permethrin 200mg
167-17931 trans-permethrin 200mg
162-09291 phc 200mg
162-10921 phenisobromolate 500mg
168-18441 phenothiol 200mg
169-17871 2-phenylphenol 200mg
161-09381 phosalone 200mg
167-18031 phosphamidon 100mg
163-16811 phoxim 200mg
165-15391 picloram 200mg
162-17861 piperonyl butoxide 200mg
164-11221 piperophos 500mg
168-14801 pirimicarb 500mg
165-14791 pirimicarb-demethyl 25mg
165-13711 pirimiphos-methyl 200mg
163-09221 pmp 200mg
168-16361 pretilachlor 200mg
162-17481 probenazole 200mg
166-17901 prochloraz 200mg
167-11211 procymidone 500mg
167-16071 prodiamine 200mg
163-17651 profenofos 200mg
168-18061 prohexadione 200mg
161-15371 prometryn 200mg
161-16731 propamocarb 200mg
164-10241 propaphos 500mg
161-10251 propaphos sulfone 500mg
167-18271 propazine 200mg
169-16771 propiconazole 200mg
162-15301 propyzamide 200mg
162-11881 prothiofos 500mg
169-11911 prothiofos oxon 500mg
160-17801 pyroclofos 200mg
165-17091 pyrazolate 200mg
168-17841 pyrazosulfuron-ethyl 200mg
168-16741 pyrazoxyfen 200mg
161-15991 pyrethrins 200mg
167-16211 pyributicarb 200mg
162-16381 pyridaben 200mg
165-10911 pyridaphenthion 500mg
163-17771 pyridate 200mg
166-17761 pyridate metabolite 100mg
167-16691 (e)-pyrifenox 200mg
160-16701 (z)-pyrifenox 200mg
168-18701 pyrimidifen 200mg
164-18041 pyroquilon 200mg
175-00441 quinalphos 200mg
172-00451 quinclorac 200mg
173-00481 quizalofop-ethyl 200mg
191-07341 salithion 200mg
191-10651 sethoxydim 50mg
198-10661 sethoxydim 5-oh-m-so2 (100ug/ml in dichloromethane) 5×1ml
199-10071 siduron 200mg
193-11191 silafluofen 200mg
197-08041 simetryne 500mg
194-09651 sodium dimethyldithicarbamate 200mg
197-08921 sulprofos(100ug/ml in toluene) 5×1ml
208-11911 2,4,5-t 200mg
204-13451 2,4,5-t-butyl 200mg
202-07901 tctp 200mg
203-13801 tebuconazole 200mg
206-13411 tebufenozide 200mg
200-13291 tebufenpyrad 200mg
205-13481 tecloftalam 200mg
202-13491 tecloftalam metabolite 200mg
208-12371 teflubenzuion 200mg
204-13191 tefluthrin 200mg
200-12691 terbufos 200mg
203-13421 thenylchlor 200mg
204-13211 thiabendazole 200mg
208-08221 thiocyclam hydrogen oxalate 500mg
207-11361 thiodicarb 200mg
207-13181 thiometon(1mg/ml in hexane) 5×1ml
208-13611 thiophanate 200mg
205-08231 thiophanate-methyl 500mg
204-11371 thiuram 200mg
201-11381 tolclofos-methyl 200mg
200-13171 tolylfluanid 200mg
200-06581 tpn 200mg
209-12661 tralomethrin 100mg
209-08491 triadimefon 500mg
202-08501 triadimenol 500mg
201-06751 triazine 200mg
203-13161 triazophos 100mg
204-09301 trichlamide 200mg
202-12911 triclopyr 200mg
208-13111 tricyclazole 200mg
203-06571 tricyclohexyltin (iv) hydroxide 200mg
202-10191 triflumizole 200mg
205-10181 triflumizole metabolite 200mg
202-06781 trifluralin 200mg
202-08861 triforine 200mg
204-13331 triphenyltin acetate 200mg
201-13341 triphenyltin chloride 200mg
208-13351 triphenyltin hydroxide 200mg
212-00981 uniconazole p 200mg
220-01201 vamidothion 200mg
224-00741 vinclozolin 500mg
248-00501 xmc 200mg
266-00783 zineb 200mg
264-01301 ziram 200mg
153-01481 organophosphorus pesticides mixed standard solution 5×1ml
167-18411 4 pesticides mixed standard solution 5×1ml
160-18401 8 pesticides mixed stadard solution 5×1ml
164-18421 13 pesticides mixed standard solution 5×1ml
: waley188
016-18651 7 alkylphenol mixed standard solution 1 ml x 5a
010-17571 acenaphthene standard 100mg
017-17581 acenaphthylene standard 100mg
015-17825 acetonitrile 500ml
021-13641 benz[a]anthracene standard 100mg
020-13591 benzo[a]pyrene standard 100mg
028-13651 benzo[b]fluoranthene standard 100mg
022-13671 benzo[ghi]perylene standard 20mg
025-13661 benzo[k]fluoranthene standard 100mg
026-13571 benzophenone standard 500mg
025-13541 bisphenol a standard 500mg
020-14191 n,o-bis(trimethylsilyl)-trifluoroacetamide 1 ml x 5
025-14141 9-bromoanthracene standard 200mg
029-13561 n-butylbenzene standard 500mg
029-14161 p-n-butylphenol standard 500mg
028-13531 p-t-butylphenol standard 500mg
032-17511 chrysene standard 100mg
039-17881 copper pyrithione standard 500mg
043-24992 decane 25ml
047-24995 decane 500ml
041-26791 dibenz[a,h]anthracene standard 100mg
041-28055 dichloromethane 500ml
049-26611 2,4-dichlorophenol standard 500mg
044-26541 2,4-diphenyl-1-butene standard 10mg
040-26521 cis-1,2-diphenylcyclobutane standard 10mg
047-26531 trans-1,2-diphenylcyclobutane standard 10mg
048-26561 1,3-diphenylpropane standard 500mg
295-56301 estorogen-r(alpha) competitor screening kit 96testsx2
055-06895 ethyl alcohol (99.5) 500ml
063-03891 fluoranthene standard 100mg
066-03881 fluorene standard 100mg
084-07985 n-heptane 500ml
082-07501 p-n-heptylphenol standard 500mg
085-07655 hexane 500ml
089-07511 p-n-hexylphenol standard 500mg
135-13855 methanol 500ml
134-14285 methyl acetate 500ml
145-06881 naphthalene standard 100mg
145-07501 m-nitrophenol standard 500mg
142-07491 o-nitrophenol standard 500mg
142-07511 p-nitrophenol standard 500mg
146-06811 p-nitrotoluene standard 500mg
146-06791 p-n-nonylphenol standard 500mg
152-02051 octachlorostyrene standard 25mg
159-02061 p-n-octylphenol standard 500mg
164-19381 p-n-pentylphenol standard 500mg
162-19441 phenanthrene standard 100mg
168-19281 1a-phenyl-4a-(1-phenylethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahyd ronaphthalene standard 10mg
161-19271 1a-phenyl-4e-(1-phenylethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahyd ronaphthalene standard 10mg
165-19291 1e-phenyl-4a-(1-phenylethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahyd ronaphthalene standard 10mg
168-19301 1e-phenyl-4e-(1-phenylethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydr onaphthalene standard 10mg
169-19451 pyrene standard 100mg
239-01711 5% water-impregnated silica gel 100g
190-12821 5w/v% sodium chloride solution 1l
208-14451 p-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl)phenol standard 500mg
209-15461 tributyltin chloride 500mg
208-15551 2,2",3-trihydroxybiphenyl standard 100mg
201-15541 2,2",3-trihydroxydiphenyl ether standard 100mg
203-14381 1,3,5-triphenylcyclohexane standard 10mg
206-14371 2,4,6-triphenyl-1-hexene standard 10mg
264-01541 zinc pyrithione standard 500mg
019-14621 aconitine standard (2-10℃) 20mg
012-14091 albiflorin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
010-13431 alisol b standard (2-10℃) 20mg
018-13231 alisol b acetate standard (2-10℃) 20mg
019-14001 aloe-emodin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
015-11921 arbutin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
012-14611 atractylenolide iii standard (2-10℃) 20mg
015-14341 atractyline standard (-20℃) 20mg
016-11691 atropine sulfate monohydrate standard (2-10℃) 20mg
016-10351 aucubin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
027-07751 baicalein standard (2-10℃) 20mg
020-07741 baicalin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
022-0861 barbaloin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
022-07681 berberine chloride standard (2-10℃) 20mg
028-12051 bergenin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
025-10121 bufalin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
024-10691 bufotalin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
030-10611 capillarisin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
036-10613 capillarisin standard (2-10℃) 50mg
031-15141 capsaicin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
032-10551 catalpol standard (2-10℃) 20mg
038-13711 cinobufain standard (2-10℃) 20mg
035-13721 cinobufotalin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
036-11311 coptisine chloride standard (2-10℃) 20mg
036-14971 corydaline standard 20mg
032-13731 costunolide standard (-20℃) 20mg
040-21881 dehydrocostuslactone standard (2-10℃) 20mg
042-18911 dimethylesculetin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
059-05411 (-)-epigallocatechin gallate standard (2-10℃) 100mg
052-04921 ergosterol standard (2-10℃) 20mg
056-05161 β-eudesmol standard (2-10℃) 20mg
050-04601 evodiamine standard (2-10℃) 20mg
070-02241 geniposide standard (2-10℃) 20mg
078-02301 geniposidic acid standard (2-10℃) 20mg
077-02871 6-gingerol standard (2-10℃) 20mg
079-02191 ginsenoside-rb1 standard (2-10℃) 10mg
078-03261 ginsenoside-rc standard (2-10℃) 20mg
072-03301 ginsenoside-rd standard (2-10℃) 20mg
075-03271 ginsenoside-re standard (2-10℃) 20mg
072-02201 ginsenoside-rg1 standard (2-10℃) 10mg
071-02271 glycyrrhizin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
089-04951 honokiol standard (2-10℃) 20mg
081-06851 (e)-10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid standard (2-10℃) 20mg
099-03651 isofraxidine standard (2-10℃) 20mg
125-03361 liquiritin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
125-03621 loganin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
137-09081 magnolol standard (2-10℃) 20mg
140-06211 naringin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
151-01801 osthole standard (2-10℃) 20mg
150-01511 oxymatrine standard (2-10℃) 20mg
167-11711 paeoniflorin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
163-11713 paeoniflorin standard (2-10℃) 50mg
169-12871 paeonol standard (2-10℃) 10mg
166-17641 palmatine chloride standard (2-10℃) 20mg
164-14901 (+)-phyllodulcin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
162-14701 puerarin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
184-00951 resibufogenin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
183-00921 rutaecarpine standard (2-10℃) 20mg
190-08411 saikosaponin a standard (2-10℃) 10mg
194-10021 saikosaponin b2 standard (2-10℃) 20mg
197-08421 saikosaponin c standard (2-10℃) 10mg
194-08431 saikosaponin d standard (2-10℃) 10mg
197-09261 scopolamine hydrobromide monohydrate standard (2-10℃) 20mg
190-08531 sennoside a standard (2-10℃) 10mg
194-09271 sennoside b standard (2-10℃) 20mg
191-08681 shikonin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
193-09361 sinomenine standard (2-10℃) 20mg
197-08541 swertiamarin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
231-00811 wogonin standard (2-10℃) 10mg
: waley188
992-11062 2,2’-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride 25g
080-06441 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (2-10℃) 5mg
093-05271 iq (2-amino-3-methylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoline) 100mg
131-10231 meac(acetateform)(2-amino-3-methyl-9h-pyrido(2,3b) 100mg indole (acetate form))
134-10221 melq(2-amino-3,4-dimethyl-3h-imidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline 100mg
134-09971 melqx(2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo(4,5-f)quinoxaline 100mg
163-15951 phlp hydrochloride (2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo 100mg (4,5-b) pyridine hydrochloride)
203-08271 trp-p-1 (acetate form) 100mg
200-08281 trp-p-2 (acetate form) 100mg
a. odor detection standards
077-01911 geosmin standard (2-10℃) 20mg
077-01891 geosmin standard solution (1.0mg/ml in hexane) (2-10℃) 1ml
072-03421 geosmin standard solution (1.0mg/ml in methanol) (2-10℃) 1ml
132-07071 2-methylisoborneol standard 20mg
134-10581 2- methylisoborneol standard solution? 1ml (1.0mg/ml in methanol) (-20℃)
131-12431 geosmin/mib mix standard solution (-20℃) 1ml
b. csk standards
039-10181 csk standard solution nitrate n:0.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
036-10191 csk standard solution nitrate n:5.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
039-10201 csk standard solution nitrate n:10.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
033-10221 csk standard solution nitrate n:20.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
037-10241 csk standard solution nitrate n:40.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
034-10131 csk standard solution nitrite n:0.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
038-10151 csk standard solution nitrite n:0.50 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
035-10161 csk standard solution nitrite n:1.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
032-10171 csk standard solution nitrite n:2.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
037-10001 csk standard solution phosphate p:0.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
034-10011 csk standard solution phosphate p:0.50 ug atom/l(2-10℃) 50ml
031-10021 csk standard solution phosphate p:1.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
038-10031 csk standard solution phosphate p:2.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
035-10041 csk standard solution phosphate p:3.00 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
034-10251 csk standard solution potassium iodate 0.0100n (2-10℃) 300ml
032-10051 csk standard solution silicate si:0.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
039-10061 csk standard solution silicate si:5.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
036-10071 csk standard solution silicate si:10.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
030-10091 csk standard solution silicate si:50.0 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
033-10101 csk standard solution silicate si:100 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
030-10111 csk standard solution silicate si:150 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
037-10121 csk standard solution silicate si:200 ug atom/l (2-10℃) 50ml
c. microcystin
136-12241 microcystin lr (-20℃) 250ug
133-12251 microcystin rr (-20℃) 250ug
132-12841 microcystin yr (-20℃) 250ug
300-05191 microcystin elisa kit (-20℃) 250ug
133-12871 mmpb sodium salt (-20℃) 250ug
024-12031 benzene standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
027-12261 bromodichloromethane standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
021-12041 p-bromofluorobenzene standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
020-12251 bromoform standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
035-09931 chloroform standard solution (2-10℃) 10ml
039-15681 chloroform standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
043-24551 dibromochloromethane standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
040-22001 1,2-dichloroethane standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
043-18941 1,2-dichloroethane standard solution (2-10℃) 10ml
047-22011 1,1- dichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
046-18791 1,1- dichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃) 10ml
045-23531 cis-1,2- dichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃) 5×1ml
047-18961 trans-1,2- dichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃) 10ml
043-18963 trans-1,2- dichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃)? 10×2ml 1mg/ml in methanol
043-22591 trans-1,2- dichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃)? 10×2ml 1mg/ml in hexane
044-23981 dichloromethane standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml 1mg/ml in hexane
041-23991 dichloromethane standard solution (2-10℃) 1mg/ml in methanol 10×2ml
048-23761 cis-1,3-dichloropropene (2-10℃) 5×1ml
045-23771 trans-1,3-dichloropropene (2-10℃) 5×1ml
205-08111 tetrachloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃) 10ml
205-12381 toluene standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
208-08101 trichloroethylene standard solution (2-10℃) 10ml
207-07973 trihalomethane standard solution (in methanol)(2-10℃) 10×2ml
245-00631 xylene standard solution (2-10℃) 10×2ml
072-01581 glycol chitosan 10g
071-01735 n/200 glycol chitosan solution 500ml
134-04731 methyl glycol chitosan 10g
138-05395 n/200 methyl glycol chitosan solution 500ml
161-14695 0.0025mol/l poly(dial lyldimethylammonium chloride)? 500ml solution (n/400)
162-03071 potassium polyvinyl sulfate (pvsk) 10g
167-07465 n/400 potassium polyvinyl sulfate solution (n/400 pvsk) 500ml
205-05811 toluidine blue indicator solution 50ml
235-01791 wetting tension test mixture no.22.6 50ml
235-01811 wetting tension test mixture no.27.3 50ml
232-01821 wetting tension test mixture no.30.0 50ml
239-01831 wetting tension test mixture no.31.0 50ml
236-01841 wetting tension test mixture no.32.0 50ml
233-01851 wetting tension test mixture no.33.0 50ml
300-08251 alkyl ethoxylate (ae) elisa kit 96 wells
302-08691 alkyl phenol (ap) elisa kit (microplate) 96 wells
299-56701 amyloid beta-protein immunohistostain kit 50tests
531-75411 angiogenin,human an`alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
297-55901 annexin v-fluorescein staining kit 50tests
291-53204 apoptosis ladder detection kit 24lanes
297-53201 apoptosis ladder detection kit 96lanes
291-55801 apoptosis screening kit 96tests
291-51401 bfgf elisa kit 60 tests
639-01051 bgstar a kit(beta-1,3-glucan assay kit) 20tests
636-01061 bgstar b kit(beta-1,3-glucan assay kit) 20tests
343-90011 biopyrrin eia kit 96tests
346-90621 biotinylation kit (sulfo-osu) 1set
301-07701 bisphenol a (bpa) elisa kit (microplate) 96 wells
538-75421 brain-derived neurotrophic factor,human an`alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
306-08611 brown adipocyte culture kit f-1 (rat) 1flasks
302-08613 brown adipocyte culture kit f-8 (rat) 8flasks
291-56901 calcium calibration buffer kit 50ml x 2
300-08751 carp vilogenin elisa kit 96tests
536-76061 cd14,human an`alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
533-76071 scd31 (pecam-1) an`alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
343-06464 cell counting kit(2-10 c) 100tests
345-06463 cell counting kit(2-10 c) 2,500 tests (500 tests x 5)
349-06461 cell counting kit(2-10 c) 500 tests
341-07761 cell counting kit-8 100tests
347-07741 cell counting kit-f 100tests
343-07743 cell counting kit-f 500tests
341-07381 -cellstain- double staining kit 1set
315-01421 charomid cloning kit 5tests
293-52201 chemiluminescence reaction solution set 100 lanes
299-52203 chemiluminescence reaction solution set 400 lanes
300-08653 chondrocyte culture kit f-8 (porcine) 8flasks
535-75431 ciliary neurotrophic factor,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
297-55401 cinc-1 elisa kit wako,rat 96tests
311-03961 clear stain ag for 20 sheets
638-00781 collagen gel culturing kit 1kit
537-75511 colony stimulating factor,granulocyte ,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-75531 colony stimulating factor,granulocyte-macrophage, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
535-75931 colony stimulating factor,granulocyte-macrophage, mouse an` alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
538-75541 colony stimulating factor,human an` alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75631 colony stimulating factor, macrophage, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
297-54301 cryptosporidium detection kit 50tests
300-10081 cuga 3 sequencing kit for abi prism377xl dna sequencer
300-13521 cuga 3 sequencing kit for abi prism377xl dna sequencer 24tests
307-13531 cuga 7 in vitro transc-ription kit 20 reactions
303-13511 cuga 7 sequencing kit for abi prism377xl dna sequencer 24tests
304-14641 cuga 7 in vitro transc-ription kit 5tests
306-13361 cuga3 sequencing kit for abi prism 310 genetic analyser 24tests
307-14371 cuga3 sequencing kit for abi prism 310 genetic analyzer 5tests
301-14411 cuga7 in vitro sirna synthesis kit 5tests
307-14413 cuga7 in vitro sirna synthesis kit 20tests
309-13351 cuga7 sequencing kit (for abi prism 310 genetic analyser) 24tests
300-14361 cuga7 sequencing kit for abi prism 310 genetic analyzer 5tests
304-14381 cuga7 sequencing set up kit for abi prism 310 genetic analyzer 5tests
314-01371 deletion kit 5tests
295-58501 dna extractor fm kit 50tests
295-50201 dna extractor kit(fo residual dna) 50tests
291-50502 dna extractor wb kit (sodium iodide method) 50 tests
293-50501 dna extractor wb kit (genomic) 25-250 assays
297-54801 dna extractor wb-rapid kit 20tests
293-54803 dna extractor wb-rapid kit 200tests
295-52401 dna isolator ps kit 100tests
311-01261 dna labelling kit 30tests
311-05781 dr. gene 1 ver. 2 : e. coli transformation kit (lacz expression) 12tests
303-13011 dr. gene 3 : enzyme extraction kit 12 reactions
300-13021 dr. gene 4 : e. coli transformation kit 12 reactions
318-05431 dr. gene 2 : agarose gel electrophoresis kit
311-05421 dr. gene 1 : e. coli transformation kit (lacz) 12 reactions
318-03851 dr-op pcr kit for human blood 1set(s)
314-03853 dr-op pcr kit for human blood 6 tests
296-33251 em filterslide for fluorospark ptp assay kit 1 ea
309-05301 embryo pack medium kit(coculture) 1kit
303-05941 embryo pack medium kit (complete coculture set) 1kit
300-05951 embryo pack medium kit (complete non-coculture set) 1kit
306-05311 embryopack medium kit(non-coculture) 1kit
539-75451 ena-78,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-76371 endothelin-1,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
538-76381 endothelin-1,human an` alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
293-51601 endotoxin extracting solution 4 x 10ml
536-75461 eotaxin, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
538-75921 eotaxin, mouse an` alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
532-75441 epidermal growth factor,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
295-56301 estorogen-r(alpha) competitor screening kit 96testsx2
300-07771 17beta-estradiol(e2) elisa kit (microplate) 96 wells
300-07911 17beta-estradiol(e2) kit (tube) 20 tests
303-07761 estrogen(e1/e2/e3) elisa kit (microplate) 96 wells
303-07901 estrogen(e1/e2/e3) kit (tube) 20 tests
295-27851 ew-812 microplate washer maintenance kit 1box
290-33151 ex filterslide for fluorospark ptp assay kit 1 ea
522-45471 factor-test-xtm mouse tnf-rⅰ(p55)elisa kit 96tests
530-43491 fast cat chloramphenicol acetyltransferase assay kit 1kit (100 assays)
533-43501 fast cat green(deoxy)chloramphenicol acetyltransferase assay kit 1kit (100 assays)
530-43511 fast cat yellow (deoxy) chloramphenicol acetyltransferase assay kit 1kit (100 assays)
300-10341 fast elisa kit – buckwheat 96 wells
309-10311 fast elisa kit – egg 96 wells
306-10321 fast elisa kit – milk 96 wells
307-10351 fast elisa kit – peanut 96 wells
303-10331 fast elisa kit – wheat 96 wells
520-43711 fibroblast growth factor,basic,human, an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
529-77091 fibroblast growth factor,basic,human,an` alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75491 fibroblast growth factor-4, human,an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75501 flt-3/flk-2 ligand,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
299-55601 fluorospark ptp assay kit 100tests
636-01321 gelatin zymography electrophoresis kit 1kit
521-45561 gm-csf,human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
535-75551 s gp130,human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
302-13341 gpdh activity assay kit 100 tests
532-75561 groα, human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
539-75571 hepatocyte growth factor, an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
303-08643 hepatocyte culture kit f-8 (rat) 8flasks
291-52001 high sensitivity immunoblotting (mouse) kit 20 lanes
297-52003 high sensitivity immunoblotting (mouse) kit 100 lanes
297-52101 high sensitivity immunoblotting (rabbit) kit 20 lanes
293-52103 high sensitivity immunoblotting (rabbit) kit 100 lanes
630-01341 historesin embedding kit 1kit
638-01141 historesin plus embedding kit 1kit
637-02571 hyaluronidase detecion zymo electrophoresis kit 1 kit
537-76091 icam-1, an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
537-30451 igm purification kit 1 kit
302-00531 immersion oils kit 1set
293-50903 immunoblotting abc-pod (m) kit 100 lanes
293-51003 immunoblotting abc-pod kit 100 lanes
094-04321 immunoglobulin typing kit, mouse 10tests
291-54603 immunostar kit for mouse 1000tests
297-54703 immunostar kit for rabbit 1000tests
295-55201 immunostar reagents for 1,000cm2
291-55203 immunostar reagents for 5,000cm2
317-01741 in vitro packaging kit lambda inn 3tests
299-57801 inos western blot kit 24lanes
532-75941 interferon-γ,mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
526-45491 interferon-γ, rat an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
522-48391 interleukin-γ,human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
535-75051 interleukin-1α, human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
525-45461 interleukin-1α,mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
539-75071 interleukin-1β, human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
539-75831 interleukin-1β, mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
533-75091 interleukin-1β, human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
536-75081 interleukin-1β, human an’alyza,high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
532-76041 interleukin-1β,rat an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
533-75111 interleukin-1 sreceptorⅱ human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
536-75101 interleukin-1 receptor antagonist.human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75121 interleukin-2 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
524-45551 interleukin-2 human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75131 interleukin-2 sreceptorα,human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
536-75841 interleukin-2 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
539-76051 interleukin-2 rat an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
534-75141 interleukin-3 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
533-75851 interleukin-3 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
538-75161 interleukin-4 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
532-75181 interleukin-4 human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
535-75171 interleukin-4 human an’alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
539-75191 interleukin-4 sreceptor, human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75861 interleukin-4 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
503-30531 interleukin-4 rat an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
295-52901 interleukin-5, elisa kit wako, human 96tests
520-44171 interleukin-5 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
539-75211 interleukin-6, human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75241 interleukin-6, human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
533-75231 interleukin-6, human an’alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75251 interleukin-6 sreceptor, human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75871 interleukin-6 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
500-30541 interleukin-6, rat an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-75271 interleukin-7 human an’alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
538-75281 interleukin-8 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
535-75291 interleukin-8 human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
538-75301 interleukin-10 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
520-94861 interleukin-10 human an’alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
534-75881 interleukin-10 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
506-30521 interleukin-10 rat an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
532-75321 interleukin-11 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75361 interleukin-12 human an’alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
533-75351 interleukin-12 human an’alyza high sensitivity immunoassay kit 96tests
539-75331 interleukin-12 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
536-75341 interleukin-12 p40 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-75891 interleukin-12 p40 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
534-75901 interleukin-12 p70 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
537-75371 interleukin-13 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-75911 interleukin-13 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
534-75381 interleukin-15 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-75391 interleukin-17 human an’alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
523-44161 interleukin-17 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
316-01951 ishr reagent kit 1set
314-02611 ishr starting kit 1kit
315-06421 isogen pb kit 20 tests
310-02733 isoplant 20 tests
314-02731 isoplant 100 tests
317-03103 isotissue 3 tests
311-03101 isotissue 30tests
539-75951 kc, mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
533-75591 keratinocyte growth factor(fgf-7),human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
308-05991 kinsiro.atp assay kit 100tests
300-06051 las elisa kit (microplate) 96 wells
639-03131 lbis insulin-rat (high sensitive) 96tests
637-01611 lbis albumin-mouse 60 tests
634-01621 lbis albumin-rat 60 tests
637-02691 lbis anti dsdna- mouse elisa kit 96tests
637-02711 lbis anti dsdna- rat elisa kit 96tests
630-02701 lbis anti ssdna- mouse elisa kit 96tests
634-02721 lbis anti ssdna- rat elisa kit 96tests
639-02891 lbis ige elisa kit (mouse) 96tests
633-01451 lbis insulin-dog-t 96tests
634-02221 lbis insulin-monkey-t 96tests
639-01291 lbis insulin-mouse 96tests
634-01481 lbis insulin-mouse-t 96tests
630-01461 lbis insulin-pig 96tests
632-01281 lbis insulin-rat 96tests
637-01471 lbis insulin-rat-t 96tests
639-03131 lbis insulin-rat elisa kit(u type) 96tests
633-02671 lbis rheumatoid factor igg-mouse elisa kit 96tests
630-02681 lbis rheumatoid factor igm-mouse elisa kit 96tests
635-02893 lbis ige mouse elisa kit 192 tests
299-50601 ldh-cytotoxic test 960 tests
536-75601 leptin, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
536-75961 leptin(ob), mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192 tests
293-54901 legionella detection kit 10tests
315-05963 ligation-convenience kit 10 tests
319-05961 ligation-convenience kit 100tests
299-51201 limulus es-ii test (2-10 c) 60tests
292-51213 limulus es-ii test (2-10 c) 100tests
299-54501 limulus ps single test wako 20tests
307-10111 matrix set up kit for abi prism377xl dna sequencer 1set
303-13371 matrix standard set up kit for abi prism 310 genetic analyzer 1set
601-07473 mci buffer l-8500-pf kit 1l x 10
609-07474 mci buffer l-8500-pf kit 1l x 10
605-07471 mci buffer l-8500-pf kit 1kit
605-07476 mci buffer l-8500-pf kit 1l x 10
607-07475 mci buffer l-8500-pf kit 1l x 10
603-07472 mci buffer l-8500-pf kit 1l x 10
604-07463 mci buffer l-8500-ph kit 1l x 10
600-07465 mci buffer l-8500-ph kit 1l x 10
608-07461 mci buffer l-8500-ph kit 1kit
602-07464 mci buffer l-8500-ph kit 1l x 10
606-07462 mci buffer l-8500-ph kit 1l x 10
608-07466 mci buffer l-8500-ph kit 1l x 10
530-75621 mcp-1,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
533-75971 mcp-1/je, mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192 tests
300-05191 microcystin elisa kit 1kit
534-75641 mip-1α,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75981 mip-1α,mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192 tests
531-75651 mip-1β,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75991 mip-1 mouse an’alyza immunoassay kit 192 tests
293-55501 mip-2 elisa kit wako,rat 96tests
295-58001 mmp in situ zymo-film 50tests
291-58101 mmp-pt in situ zymo-film 50tests
293-54401 mt dna extractor wb kit 25tests
291-55301 mtdna extractor ct kit 25 tests
578-31301 multi-replica blotting kit : complete 1kit
505-99191 multi-replica blotting kit : complete 1kit
579-75151 multi-replica blotting kit-ultra for protein gels, 1 x 3-stack 1kit
576-75161 multi-replica blotting kit-ultra for protein gels, 2 x 3-stack 1kit
573-75171 multi-replica blotting kit-ultra for protein gels, 3 x 3-stack 1kit
573-76411 multi-replica blotting kit-ultra for protein gels, 2 x 5-stack 1kit
576-76401 multi-replica blotting kit-ultra for protein gels, 10-stack 1kit
300-08631 myoblast culture kit f-12 (rat) 6flasks
306-08633 myoblast culture kit f-12 (rat) 12flasks
305-08723 myoblast culture kit f-6 (mouse) 6 flasks
293-57701 negative gel stain ms kit 20tests
312-01051 nick translation kit 1 20tests
319-01061 nick translation kit 2 20tests
348-90181 nitrosothiol assay kit for 1 plate
344-07991 no2/no3 assay kit-c ii (colorimetric)-griess reagent kit 100tests
347-07981 no2/no3 assay kit-f ii (fluorometric) 2,3-diaminonaphthalene kit 100tests
535-75671 oncostatin m, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
297-56001 osteoresin embedding kit 1 kit
299-58401 osteoresin embedding kit basic 1kit
302-04671 panatest ratα1-ag 96tests
305-04661 panatest rat albumin 96tests
302-04671 panatest rat alpha1-ag 96tests
309-04701 panatest rat beta2-microglobulin 96tests
305-07101 panatest rat cinc-1 (il-8) 96tests
304-04631 panatest rat ferritin 96tests
308-04651 panatest rat hemoglobin 96tests
309-04701 panatest ratβ2 microglobulin 96tests
301-04641 panatest rat prolactin 96tests
306-04691 panatest rat transferrin 96tests
295-56801 parp western blot kit wako 24lanes
295-50701 pathostain abc-pod (mouse) kit 100 tests
291-50801 pathostain abc-pod (rabbit) kit 100 tests
526-45511 pdgf-bb, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
433-36201 phospholipids c (reagent kit) 120tests
299-57301 phosphorylated tau immunohistostain kit 100tests
301-05584 picagene dual sea pansy luminescence kit 100tests x 10
307-05581 picagene dual sea pansy luminescence kit 100tests
303-05583 picagene dual sea pansy luminescence kit 1,000tests
300-14001 picagene lt-fr luminescence kit 100tests
306-14003 picagene lt-fr luminescence kit 500 tests
304-14004 picagene lt-fr luminescence kit 1000tests
305-05881 picagene lt2.0 luminescene kit 100tests
301-05883 picagene lt2.0 luminescene kit 500tests
309-05884 picagene lt2.0 luminescene kit 1,000tests
302-05891 picagene lt7.5 luminescene kit 100tests
308-05893 picagene lt7.5 luminescene kit 500tests
306-05894 picagene lt7.5 luminescene kit 1000tests
302-04311 picagene luminescence kit 100tests
309-04321 picagene luminescence kit 100tests*5
303-04341 picagene luminescence kit 500tests*4
306-04331 picagene luminescence kit 500tests
539-75691 placenta growth factor, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
311-01521 plasmid mini prep kit 60tests
532-75681 plaed-derived growth factor-ab, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
299-18841 pod immunostain set for 20ml x 12
317-05641 poly(a)+ isolation kit from total rna 20tests
347-04181 ponalkit –abs 50 tests
344-04191 ponalkit –abs, refilling reagent 50 tests
349-03781 ponalkit –cn . t-l 100 tests
349-03801 ponalkit –cn . t-l, refilling color reagent 100tests
346-03791 ponalkit –cn . t-l, refilling distilation reagent 100tests
347-03341 ponalkit –cn . t, refilling reagent 50 tests
344-03351 ponalkit –cn . t 100tests
344-03091 ponalkit –cod 30 tests
348-03511 ponalkit –cod l, refilling reagent 30tests
343-03321 ponalkit –cod-l 30 tests
341-03501 ponalkit –cod, refilling reagent 30tests
345-03761 ponalkit –cr . 6-ii 50tests
341-03741 ponalkit –cr . t-ii 50 tests
342-03771 ponalkit –cr . 6-ii, refilling reagent 50tests
348-03751 ponalkit –cr . t-ii, refilling reagent 50tests
347-03461 ponalkit –cu 50 tests
344-03471 ponalkit –cu, refilling reagent 50 tablets
340-02231 ponalkit –do 30 tests
342-03053 ponalkit –do, refilling reagent (d) 30tests
347-02241 ponalkit –f 30 tests
341-03481 ponalkit –fe 50tests
348-03491 ponalkit –fe, refilling reagent 50 tablets
343-03061 ponalkit –f, refilling reagent 30 tests
345-03521 ponalkit –ni 50tests
342-03531 ponalkit –ni, refilling reagent set
341-03121 ponalkit –wh 50 tests
345-03141 ponalkit –wh, refilling reagent (b) 600 tablets
293-56101 protein assay rapid kit 100tests
299-56103 protein assay rapid kit 400tests
291-57001 protein blot assay kit 96tests
297-57003 protein blot assay kit 480tests
532-75701 rantes, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
534-76001 rantes, mouse ,an’ alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
302-04671 rat alpha-1-acidic glycoprotein eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
305-04661 rat albumin eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
295-57401 rat c-peptide elisa kit 96tests
303-04631 rat ferritin eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
291-59201 rat glp-1 elisa kit 96tests
308-04651 rat hemoglobin eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
297-57101 rat/human glucagon elisa kit 96tests
309-04681 rat il-8 eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
297-57601 rat leptin elisa kit 96tests
309-04701 rat beta-2-microglobulin eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
301-04641 rat prolactin eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
306-04691 rat transferrin eia kit (2-10 c) 96tests
530-76101 se-se-lectin, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
291-50301 silver stain 2 kit for 10 sheets
299-13841 silver stain kit wako for 10 sheets
299-58901 silver stain ms kit 20sheets
297-51501 slp reagents set (2-10 c) 50tests
536-75721 slpi, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
295-53001 slp single reagent set 25tests
537-76111 sl-se-lectin, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
534-76121 sp-se-lectin, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
295-55701 sod activity detection kit 800tests
307-08881 stains all gel staining kit 20 tests
539-75711 stem cell factor, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
633-02551 stromelysin detecion zymo electrophoresis kit 1 kit
523-45521 tarc, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
535-75811 thrombopoietin, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
538-76021 thrombopoietin, mouse an’ alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
520-45531 timp-1, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
529-45481 tnf-rⅱ, mouse an’ alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
533-75731 transforming growth factor-β1,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
530-75741 transforming growth factor-β2, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
313-01721 transformation kit dh5 1kit
316-01331 transformation kit hb 101 1kit
319-01321 transformation kit jm 109 1kit
310-01731 transformation kit mv1184 1kit
535-75791 tumor necrosis factor receptorⅰ human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
538-75801 stumor necrosis factor receptorⅱ human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
537-75751 tumor necrosis factor-α.human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
531-75771 tumor necrosis factor-α.human an` alyza 96tests chemiluminescent immunoassay kit
531-76001 tumor necrosis factor-α, mouse an’ alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
538-75781 tumor necrosis factor-β,human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
527-33071 tumor necrosis factor-α,rat an’ alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
532-75821 vascular endothelial cell growth factor, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
535-76031 vascular endothelial cell growth factor, mouse an’ alyza immunoassay kit 192tests
531-76131 vcam-1, human an` alyza immunoassay kit 96tests
527-45541 vegf, human an` alyza chemiluminescent immunoassay kit 96tests
303-08621 white adipocyte culture kit f-1 (rat) 1flasks
309-08623 white adipocyte culture kit f-8 (rat) 8flasks
537-37391 whole blood erythrocyte lysing kit,easy-lyse 250 tests
307-13151 estrone elisa kit (microplate) 96 tests
306-10181 osteoclast culture kit v-1 (mouse) 1ea
302-10183 osteoclast culture kit v-2 (mouse) 2 pcs
: waley188