日本SHOWA昭和风机中国办事处-上海久武工贸有限公司销售代表:万雍平 : 传真::wyp@sumi.cn :http://www.sumi.cn
URAS村上精机 URAS振动电机 KEE-0.5-2C KEE-1-2C KEE-2-2C KEE-3.5- 2B KEE-6-2B KEE-10-2B KEE-16-2 KEE-23-2 KEE-30-2 KEE- 40-2 4-pole Uras Vibrator KEE-1.5-4B KEE-3-4B KEE-6-4B KEE- 9-4B KEE-12-4B KEE-17-4 KEE-24 4 KEE-34-4 KEE-52-4B KEE-75-4B KEE-84-4B KEE-110-4 6-pole Uras Vibrator KEE-3-6 KEE-5-6 KEE-9-6B KEE-13- 6B KEE-18-6B KEE-24- 6B KEE-34 6 KEE-45-6B KEE-60-6B KEE-80- 6B KEE-110-6 KEE-140-6 KEE-165- 6 KEE-185-6 8-pole Uras Vibrator KEE-5-8 KEE-10-8B KEE-20-8B KEE-32-8 KEE-54-8B KEE-85-8 KEE-110-8 KEE-135-8 KEE-170-8 Single-phase 2-pole Uras Vibrator SEE-0.1-2 SEE-0.5-2C SEE-1-2B SEE-2-2B SEE-3.5-2B 日本SHOWA昭和风机中国办事处-上海久武工贸有限公司销售代表:万雍平 : 传真::wyp@sumi.cn :http://www.sumi.cn Uras Techno-振动电机,压榨机,给料机,振动筛及包装机等 新米机械 | 机械目录 | 技术园地 | 机械论坛 | | :sumi@sumi.cn yUras Vibrator-Uras振动电机开始于1959年,日本著名振动电机制造商。
The high-performance "Uras Vibrator" was developed in 1959. In the development of this vibrator, we have overcome the problem of "vibration", regarded as a cause of machine abrasions, and we have supplied 700,000 units since the initial release.
The products have established the reputation of "stable and highly reliable vibrators" and been introduced overseas.