罗斯河病毒( rrv )是传送和蚊子是风土在澳大利亚和巴布亚新几内亚。疾病所造成的rrv ,罗斯河热(也称为疫情多发性关节炎) ,是其中zui常见的法定传染病在澳大利亚(约五〇 〇 〇案件每学年) ( 1 ) 。
RRV is transmitted via mosquitoesfound throughout Australia, particularly on the coast of QueenslandNew South Wales. The virus may cause epidemic polyarthritis which can be extremely debilitating. The average case of RRV infection lasts for 3 months, however joint painfatigue can persist for years. Symptoms may varycan appear from 3 days to 3 weeks after being bitten by an infected mosquito (2). rrv是通过蚊子传播的,发现在澳大利亚全国各地,特别是对海岸的昆士兰和新南威尔士州。病毒可能会导致疫情多发性关节炎,可以非常衰弱。平均案件rrv感染历时三个月,但关节疼痛和疲劳能坚持了多年。症状可能会有所变动,并可以出现从3天到3周后,被咬伤感染的蚊子( 2 ) 。
Almost 100% of patients produce anti-RRV IgMIgG antibodies within two weeks of disease onset. Anti-RRV IgG antibody persists for life, while IgM antibody is present for only 10-19 weeks after onset of symptoms in most patients.几乎100 %的病人产生反rrv IgM及IgG抗体的两个星期内发病。反rrv IgG抗体持续终身,而IgM抗体是目前只有10月19日周后,症状出现在大部分的病人。
Morphology 形态 single strand, + sense RNA genome enclosed by capsid proteins单链, +义RNA基因组密封由衣壳蛋白 capsid surrounded by a host cell derived lipid envelope in which two glycoproteins (E1E2) are embedded as trimeric dimers衣壳包围,由宿主细胞产生的脂质信封,其中两个糖蛋白( E1和E2 )的是嵌入式,作为trimeric二聚体 virions approximay 700 in diameter病毒粒子约700 ,直径 an alphavirus, member of the family Togaviridae一甲,家庭成员togaviridae Symptoms 症状 Rash出疹的病征, Fever发烧 Headache头痛 Aches in musclesjoints疼痛在肌肉和关节 Diagnosis 诊断 isolation of virus from acute phase seronegative serum分离病毒从急性期血清血清 detection of anti-Ross River virus IgM antibody in a patient within 4 to 6 weeks of onset of polyarthritis检测抗罗斯河病毒IgM抗体在病人4至6周发病的多发性关节炎 four-fold rise in anti-Ross River virus IgG or IgM antibody in paired sera collected 7 to 10 days aparttested in parallel 4倍上升,反罗斯河病毒IgG抗体或IgM抗体在配对血清中收集的7到10天,除了和测试在并行 Panbio RRV test kits panbio rrv测试工具
Panbio offers ELISA kits for the detection of anti-RRV IgG or IgM in human serum to assist in the diagnosis of Ross River fever. Please click on the product of interest below to find out more. panbio提供ELISA检测试剂盒检测抗rrv IgG抗体或IgM抗体在人体血清,以协助诊断罗斯河热。请点击产品感兴趣的下面了解更多信息。
Ross River IgG ELISA * 罗斯河IgG抗体ELISA方法 *
Ross River IgM ELISA * 罗斯河IgM酶联免疫吸附 *
The number of Ross River virus (RRV) notifications in Australia has been on the rise since 2002. Most cases are reported in Queensland, however considerable RRV activity has been observed in Western Australia recently.人数罗斯河病毒( rrv )的通知,在澳大利亚一直在增加,自2002年以来,大多数情况下,据报道,在昆士兰州,但相当rrv活动已观察到在西澳大利亚州zui近。