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VenaFlux-Cellix VenaFlux 癌症迁移细胞微流控分析系统_VenaFlux™流体细胞分析系统,VenaFlux 癌症迁移细胞微流控分析,VenaFlux流体剪切应力细胞

放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:356
核心提示:Cellix公司推出的整套VenaFluxTM 分析平台是该公司目前zui受客户欢迎的一套系统,提供在活细胞水平上微流体活性筛选的完整解决方案。操作简单,分析效率高,可大大提高药品的开发和筛选效率。 VenaFlux 系统是*个能进行连续流体细胞分析的半自动化微流体分析系统。配合使用Cellix生物芯片和细胞分析软件,VenaFlux 系统可检测粘附到微毛细管上的细胞,微毛细管中覆盖抗体或者培养有内皮细胞,模拟生理流动产生一定的剪切力。VenaFlux 系统操作简单,可减少耗时耗钱的动物模型实验,获得特

Cellix公司推出的整套VenaFluxTM 分析平台是该公司目前zui受客户欢迎的一套系统,提供在活细胞水平上微流体活性筛选的完整解决方案。操作简单,分析效率高,可大大提高药品的开发和筛选效率。
    VenaFlux 系统是*个能进行连续流体细胞分析的半自动化微流体分析系统。配合使用Cellix生物芯片和细胞分析软件,VenaFlux 系统可检测粘附到微毛细管上的细胞,微毛细管中覆盖抗体或者培养有内皮细胞,模拟生理流动产生一定的剪切力。VenaFlux 系统操作简单,可减少耗时耗钱的动物模型实验,获得特异性强,准确性高,重复性好的结果。


广泛使用于各种细胞悬浮液。生物芯片可选择用光学显微镜做细节研究。微流体泵可方便的控制流体剪切力在0.05到20dyne/cm2范围内。在分析中可调整剪切力。流体速度可控制在pL/min到mL/min。使用DucoCell 分析软件(DucoCell Analysis Software),可简单快速的调节好显微镜的各项参数。统计分析生成的图表(如:细胞粘附性VS.剪切力)可方便的导入Excel文档。电子机械臂移动生物芯片,清洗细微组件和稀释细胞样品。VenaFluxTM 系统的软件同步调节泵,翻译阶段筛选,图像采集,样品移动和流体控制,各项操作界面均是用户友好型,系统先进又易于操作。





he VenaFluxTM Platform is the first semi-automated microfluidic platform capable of executing cell rolling, binding/adhesion and migration studies under shear flow mimicking in vivo flow rates. 


Robust and easy to useIdeal for use with whole blood for plaet adhesion, aggregation and thrombi formation (thrombosis); biofilm culture ove extended periods of time.Easy to study cell adhesion, migration and transmigration - more physiologically relevant than static assays.Excellent platform for in vitro studies and running experiments in parallel with animal models.



Functional cell-ligand and cell-cell interaction studies.Morphology analysis of cell adhesion and migration.Tracking of flowing, rolling and migrating cells.IC50 curves easily produced.Preclinical drug development and lead optimization.Specifications

The following specifications relate to the key components of the VenaFlux Platform:  Mirus Evo Nanopump, VenaFluxAssay Softwarea and Kima pump

Specifications relating to Microscopy Workstation, Temperature Control, Cell Analysis Software and PC Control vary depending on user application.  Contact Cellix for further information.

Mirus Evo NanopumpMutliFlow8Capable of executing up to 8 assays in parallel in Vena8 biochips resulting in an 8-channel syringe pumpShear Stress Range for cell suspension0.05 - 10 dyne/cm2; steps of 0.05 dyne/cm2 (100 mL syringe)Shear Stress Range for whole blood*2.25 - 450 dyne/cm2 (1 mL syringe)Volumetric Flow Rates100 nL/minute - 20 L/minute (100 mL syringe)Dead Volume600 LSample Volume IncrementsFreely adjustablePulsatile flow option availablevalve Switching Time30 ms max (at 20oC, 2hz, with air under 10psi pressure)Working Pressure30 psi - 2 bars maximumLinear Velocity Range**10 m/s to 10 cm/sFlow DirectionReversibleSample Volume Aspiration Accuracy 1%Shear Stress Accuracy 0.5%Sample Volume Aspiration Precision 1% CVShear Stress Precision0.5% CVExternal Trigger2 inputs and 2 outputs externall trigger for better operation with external units and softwaresSoftware ControlIntegrated VenaFlux Assay softwareDimensionsPump:  84mm (W) x 180mm (D) x 192.5mm (H)MultiFlow8:  140mm (W) x 35mm (D) x 140mm (H)WeightPump:  ~2kgMultiFlow8:  0.5kg

*Considering human whole blood with a viscosity of 4.5 cP

**Given for the flow of distilled water in a microcapillary with dimensions:  400 mm (W) x 100 mm (D) x 20 mm (L)


VenaFluxAssay SoftwareExecution of preset protocols, simultaneous control of pumping, scanning and image acquisitions, sample transfer and protocol flow.  Intuitive stepwise protocol interface with steps hierarchy and status control.Office2007 GUI interface, preset and user-designed protocols.


Kima pumpVolumetric Flow RatesPerfusion mode: 15 - 35 mL/hr (*) +/- 4% Shear Stress RangePerfusion mode: ~2.5 to ~6.5 dyne/cm2(**)Dead Volume 300 LWorking Pressure30 psi - 2 bars maximumFlow DirectionDispense only.Two modes: wash and perfusion (controlled only by Kima controller via iPod Touch / iPhone)Additional featuresPlug and play with Kima controller and iKima Application (available for iPod Touch / iPhone)Featured with standard 100mL bottle holderDimensions

190mm x 85mm x 90mm (L x W x H)


800g (bottle and tubing not included)

Conditions of useTemperature: 10˚C to 60˚C Humidity: 98% RH Altitude: 2000m 

(*): calibrated test made with a

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VenaFlux-Cellix VenaFlux 癌症迁移细胞微流控分析系统_VenaFlux™流体细胞分析系统,VenaFlux 癌症迁移细胞微流控分析,VenaFlux流体剪切应力细胞二维码

