Underwater Acoustic Force: ZJ-6 Precision d33/d15/d31 Measuring Instrument of 715 Zhongchuan Ships
The 715 Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Group, also known as Hangzhou Institute of Applied Acoustics, is a key military research institute specializing in the development of acoustic, optical and magnetic detection equipment.
According to the official website data in January 2018, the Institute has one academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and more than 700 senior and middle professional and technical personnel. It is a doctoral and master degree conferring unit approved by the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council and has a post-doctoral mobile station.
ZJ-6 Precision Piezoelectric d33/d31/d15 measuring instrument is widely used in 715, especially in sonar research. Piezoelectric ceramic materials are put into sonar application.
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