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moorFLPI-moorFLPI激光多普勒血流仪 之 实时录影监测系统_激光多普勒血流仪_供应信息_91化工仪器网

放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:604
核心提示:激光多普勒血流仪成像技术发展的革命!对于微循环血流量的细微变化实时成像,宛如电影一般!zui长数分钟(每秒 钟zui多25幅图像)。可以量化每个点的血流量值。专业软件分析扫描区域各点、各区的血流量比较、分析等。moorFLPImoorFLPI - Full Field, Video Frame Rate Blood Flow ImagingThe moorFLPI full field blood perfusion imaging system provides video frame rate ima

 对于微循环血流量的细微变化实时成像,宛如电影一般!zui长数分钟(每秒 钟zui多25幅图像)。

 moorFLPI - Full Field, Video frame Rate Blood Flow Imaging
 The moorFLPI full field blood perfusion imaging system provides video frame rate images of blood flow in the microvasculature - up to 25 images per second. Compared to standard laser Doppler imaging the effective sampling depth is small. The resulting image is mainly of blood flow in the microvessels in the surface layers of the tissue being sampled for example the nutritional flow in skin. In exposed tissue where blood vessels are close to the surface e.g. open surgery, these will also be imaged.
 Ideally suited to any application where very dynamic changes are occurring - over a few seconds for example - when conventional laser Doppler imaging (even the rapid moorLDLS) could not provide data with sufficient time resolution. It is possible to view pulsation in finger tips (see example below) and variations due to deep breath, occlusion/ ischemia, reactive hyperaemia etc.
 The 60 second example, above, recorded at 5 images per second (maximum 25 images per second) shows reduction in flow due to local occlusion with a pressure cuff and subsequent increase in flow when the cuff is deflated.
 A full range of accessories are available for clinical and research environments.
 As with all our products quality and reliability is assured with our standard two year manufacturers warranty.

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moorFLPI-moorFLPI激光多普勒血流仪 之 实时录影监测系统_激光多普勒血流仪_供应信息_91化工仪器网二维码

