鞋面材料试验(UPPER MATERIAL TEST) 编号 No. 试验项目 (TEST ITEMS) 试验标准 (STANDARD No.) P101 密度试验 Density test 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915-6.6 (=JIS-L1096) 松紧带(Elastic articles) CNS 6842-5.4 棉织物(Cotton fabric) CNS12915 ASTM-D2346 P102 丹尼数试验 Denier counts test 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915-6.8.1 人造丝 (man made filament yarns) CNS 13584 ASTM-D861 P103 厚度试验 Thickness test 皮革(leather) 织物(fabrics) 聚胺酯合成皮 (polyurethane leather) 一般织物(fabrics) 不织布(Non-woven fabrics) 不织物(Non-woven fabrics) 棉织物(cotton fabrics) CNS 1274 ASTM-D1813 SATRA-TM1 CNS 6245 ASTM-D1777 CNS 10270-4.2 CNS 12915-6.5 ASTM D5729 CNS 5610 ( =JIS L1085) CNS 1479-5.4 (已廢止) CNS 12915 P104 重量试验 Weight test 织物(fabrics) 织物(fabrics) 棉线(cotton thread) 一般织物(fabrics) 不织物(Non-woven fabrics) ASTM D-3776 CNS 6242-5.5.2 CNS 11263-7.3 CNS 12915 ASTM D5729 P105 透气性试验 Air permeability test 纸板(paperboard) 一般织物(fabrics) 不织布(Non-woven fabrics) CNS 1357-A TYPE CNS 12915-6.27 CNS 5610=ASTM-D737 =JIS L1906-8.27.1 P106 皱纹试验 Break/pipiness test 皮革(leather) SATRA PM36 ASTM-D2941 P107 抗拉强度试验 Tensile strength test 车缝线(thread) CNS 742- 9 皮革(leather) CNS 1278 ASTM-D2209 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915 -6.12 (=JIS -L1096 ) ASTM D-5034 (Grab) ASTM D-5035 (Strip) 聚胺酯合成皮(polyurethane leather) CNS 10270-4.3(=JIS-K6772) 棉线(cotton sewing thread) CNS 3729-4.6 聚氯乙烯塑胶皮(polyvinylchloride coated fabric) CNS 9520 P108 延伸率试验 Elongation test 皮革(leather) CNS 1281 ASTM D-2211 紧松带(elastic articles) CNS 6482-5.5 伸缩织物(stretch woven fabric) CNS 8039 聚胺酯合成皮(polyurethane leather) CNS 10270-4.3 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915- 6.13 ASTM D-5034 (Grab) ASTM D-5035 (Strip) P109 撕裂强度试验 Tearing test 运动鞋 (sport shoes) CNS 742-11.1 皮革(leather) CNS 1279 (=JIS K6550-5.4) ASTM D-2212 聚胺酯合成皮(polyurethane leather) CNS 10270-4.4 (ISO 4674=EN344) 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915-6.15 ASTM D-2261 不织布(Non-woven fabrics) ASTM-D1177 P110 剥离强度试验 Adhesion of finish 塑胶鞋(plastic shoe) CNS 3479-2.14 聚胺酯合成皮(polyurethane leather) CNS 10270-4.5 ASTM D-3690-7.4 织物(Coated fabric) ASTM-D751 黏扣带(fastener) CNS 12649 聚氯乙烯塑胶皮(polyvinylchloride coated fabric) CNS 9520 P111 破裂强度试验 Bursting test 皮革(leather) ASTM D-2207(球状) 纸(paper) CNS 1353 聚胺酯合成皮(polyurethane leather) CNS 10270- 4.6 (=CNS 5613) 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915-6.16(=JIS-L1096-6.16.1) ASTM-D3787:01球狀 P112 皮革皮面龟裂试验 Grain crack of leather test 皮革(leather) CNS 7701 SATR-TM24 (=BS3144-8=ISO3379=DIN53325) P113 浸水试验 Water bath test 塑胶鞋(plastic shoe) CNS 3479-2.11 (40 2℃, 1hr) 运动鞋(sporting shoe) CNS 742 -14 (40 2℃, 6hrs) Every other or part of 1hrs P114 吸水度试验 Water absorption test 皮革(leather) 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 7819 (23 2℃, 24hrs),IUP/7 ASTM D1815 CNS 12915-6.26.2 CNS 12915-6.26.1-B P115 吸水胶附试验 Determination of water Absorptiondesorption 内里(lining) EN 344-4.7.3 P116 泼水试验 Spray test 皮革(leather) 棉织物(cotton fabrics) 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 1481 ASTM D-1913 CNS 10461 CNS 12915-6.53 AATCC-22 (=JIS L1092-5.2) P117 吸湿度试验 Water vapour absorption test 皮革(leather) CNS 7703 (23 1℃, 24hrs, 79 2%R.H) Every other or part of 24hrs P118 透湿度试验 Water vapour permeability test 皮革(leather) CNS 7704 (=JIS-K6549) 防湿包装材料(moisture proof packaging materials) CNS 7093 (=JIS-Z0208) 纤维制品(Textiles) CNS 12915-6.54 (=CNS12222 =JIS-L1099) ASTM E96-95 P119 鞋面水汽渗透试验 Upper water vapour permeability 鞋面(upper) SATRA- PM 47 EN 344-5.12.13(=IUP/15=BS3144.24) ASTM E96-95 P120 内里水汽渗透试验 Lining water vapour permeability Test 内里(lining) SATRA- PM47 EN 344-5.12.13 ASTM E96-95 P121 耐挠试验 Flexing test 皮革(leather) 聚胺酯合成皮(polyurethane leather) Temp.23 1℃,20000Cycles, Temp.-10 1℃,20000 Cycles CNS 7705 (=ASTM-D6182) DIN 53351 BS3144-13 SATRA PM55 (IUP 20, SLP 14) Every other or part of 10 1℃ Every other or part of 10000 Cycles P122 耐曲折试验 Flexing of the upper material test 皮革(leather) 聚胺酯合成皮(polyurethane leather) Temp.23 2℃,20000 Cycles, BS 3424=(ISO 4643:1992E) Part:9 Method 11C Every other or part of 10000 Cycles P123 耐曲折试验 Flexing of the upper material test 皮革(leather) 聚胺酯合成皮(polyurethane leather) SATRA-TM25 DRY: Temp.23 2℃,500000 Cycles WET:Temp.23 2℃,100000 Cycles Every other or part of 100,000 Cycles P124 摩擦褪色试验 Color fastness to rubbing test 皮革(leather) CNS 1273 (=CNS742-15)(=ISO 105-X12) (=AATCC- 08)(=JIS-L0849-Ⅰ法) (=SATRA-TM167) 900g 10Cycles 纺织品(fabric) CNS 1499 ,B型 200g 100Cycles 棉强物(cotton fabrics) CNS 1479-5.25.4 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915-6.32.1 棉缝线(cotton thread) CNS 3729-4.11.2 植毛绒(flocked fabric) JIS L1084.5 Every other or part of 100 Cycles P125 耐有机溶剂试验 Anti-solvent test 纺织(fabrics) CNS 8432(=JIS-L0862) 植毛绒(flocked fabric) JIS-L1084.5 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915-6.55.16 P126 耐黄变试验 Non-yellowing test 鞋面材料(upper material) Ultraviolet Lamps(Wave Length 253.7nm) 30W (23 1℃), 4hrs Every other or part of 2hrs P127 耐黄变试验 HeatU.V light Discoloration of light colored Surfaces test 鞋面材料(upper material) ASTM- D1148,300W,12hrs (50 1℃, Wave Length 375nm ) Every other or part of 10 1℃ Every other or part of 1hrs P128 Nox黄变试验 Color fastness to nitrogen oxides 鞋面材料(upper material) CNS 9016=JIS-L0855 Nox/BHT P129 酚黄变试验 Phenolic yellowing test 鞋面材料(upper material) 50 2℃, 16hrs P130 耐汗染色坚牢度试验 Color fastness to perspiration test 皮革(leather) IUF/426 ASTM-D2322 织物(fabrics) CNS 1496-A (酸性) 棉织物(cotton fabrics) CNS1479-5.25.3 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915-6.55.6 P131 耐水染色坚牢度试验 Color fastness to water test 皮革(leather) IUF/421 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915-6.55.4 (=CNS1497) 纺织(fabrics) AATCC- 107 P132 耐水洗染色坚牢度试验 Color fastness to washing test 皮革(leather) IUF/423 ASTM-D2096 织物(fabrics) CNS 1494.A-4 棉织物(cotton fabrics) CNS1479-5.25.2 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915-6.55.2 P133 色移行试验 Migration test 鞋面材料(upper material) 皮革(leather) 50 1℃ 16hrs DIN 53343 IUF/442 Every other or part of 10 1℃ Every other or part of 16hrs P134 耐光试验 Carbon arc lamp light test 紫外线碳弧灯式耐光试验器 (glass-enclosed carbon-arc type apparatus for artificial lightexposure tests) 時間(Time) : 20hrs CNS 9024 (U.V-A,Wave Length 375~400nm) CNS 11229 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915-6.29 AATCC-16 (U.V-A,Wave Length 375~400nm) Every other or part of 20hrs P135 Taber磨耗试验 Taber abrasion test 鞋面材料(upper material) 1000 Cycles 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915-.17.3 CNS 12915 6.32.3 不织布(Non-woven fabrics) ASTM-D3884 聚胺酯合成皮(polyurethane leather) ASTM-D3690-7.5 Every other or part of 500 Cycles P136 Stoll耐磨耗试验 Stoll fabrics abrasion test 1200 Cycles 一般织物-內裡(lining) CNS 12915 6.17.1-2(320#Grit, 1/2lb) 一般织物-鞋面(upper) CNS 12915 (320#Grit, 1lb) =ASTM-D3886=AATCC-119 Every other or part of 300 Cycles Stoll flex abrasion test 10000 Times 织带 (strip) ASTM-D3885(FRONT 3lb, BACK 5lb) 线(thread) ASTM-D3885(FRONT 1/2, BACK 1lb) Every other or part of 500 Cycles P137 Martindale耐磨试验 Martindale test Dry:25600 Cycles,Wet:12800 Cycles 一般织物(fabrics) CNS 12915-6.17.5 ASTM-D4966 SATRA- PM31 (=BS5690=BS3424-2A-27A) Every other or part of 10000Cycles P138 老化试验 Aging treatment test 鞋面材料(Upper material) 70 2℃ 24hrs 松紧带(elastic articles) CNS 6842-5.6 (80 2℃,72hrs) Every other or part of 10 1℃per24hrs Every other or part of 24hrs P139 热收缩试验 Shrinkage test 70 2℃ 24hrs 运动鞋面(sport shoes) CNS 742-13 (100 2℃, 6hrs) Every other or part of 10 1℃per24hrs Every other or part of 24hrs P140 耐水解恒温恒湿试验 Hydrolysis (Constant Temp. R.H) Temp.70 2℃ R.H90~95% 24hrs PU材料 (polyurethane material) 合成皮(polyurethane leather) ISO 5423:1992(E) ,Time:7Days, ASTM D-3690-9,Time:15Days, EN 344-4.4.8 ,Time:7Days, Every other or part of 24hrs P141 柔软度试验 Leather softness test 皮革(leather) IUP/36(=BLC-ST300) P142 DIN动态防水曲折试验 DIN water penetration test 皮革(leather) DIN53338,Temp.23 1℃,90mins, P143 Maeser动态防水曲折试验 Maeser water penetration test 皮革(leather) ASTM-D2099,23 1℃,20000 Cycles, Every other or part of 10000 Cycles P144 耐水压试验 Water resistance of upper material hydrostatic pressure test 鞋面材料(Upper material) CNS 10460 AATCC 127 ISO 811 JIS-L1092 P145 耐热接触性试验 Finish heat resistance test 鞋面材料(Upper material) SATRA-TM49 EN344-4.8.8(Method-5.18) P146 鞋带与鞋带(织带)间耐磨性 Shoe lace to shoe laceshoe lace to lace carrier abrasiontest 鞋带(Lace) BS-953:8 (15,000Cycles) SATRA-TM154 P147 鞋带与鞋眼间耐磨後抗拉性 Abrasion between shoe laceseyelets test 鞋带(Lace) SATRA-TM93 P148 鞋带滑脱试验 Slip resistan of lace test 鞋带(Lace) SATRA-TM195
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