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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:1098
核心提示:作者:中科院西北生态环境资源研究所石玉兰、兰州大学生科院安黎哲标题:Integrated regulation triggered by a cryophyte -3 desaturase gene confers multiple-stress tolerance in tobacco主题: -3脂肪酸去饱和酶在植物胁迫耐受中的功能期刊:Journal of Experimental Botany影响因子:5.354检测指标:Ca2+英文摘要 -3 fatty acid desaturases (FAD


标题:Integrated regulation triggered by a cryophyte -3 desaturase gene confers multiple-stress tolerance in tobacco

主题: -3脂肪酸去饱和酶在植物胁迫耐受中的功能

期刊:Journal of Experimental Botany




-3 fatty acid desaturases (FADs) are thought to contribute to plant stress tolerance mainly through linolenic acid (C18:3)-induced membrane stabilization, but a comprehensive analysis of their roles in stress adaptation is lacking.

Here, we isolated a microsomal -3 FAD gene (CbFAD3) from a cryophyte (Chorispora bungeana) and elucidated its functions in stress tolerance. CbFAD3, exhibiting a high identity to Arabidopsis AtFAD3, was up-regulated by abiotic stresses. Its functionality was verified by heterogonous expression in yeast. Overexpression of CbFAD3 in tobacco constitutively increased C18:3 in both leaves and roots, which maintained the membrane fluidity, and enhanced plant tolerance to cold, drought, and salt stresses.

Notably, the constitutively increased C18:3 induced a sustained activation of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase, thereby, changing the stress induced Ca2+ signaling. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging system, which was positively correlated with the level of C18:3, was also activated in the transgenic lines.

Microarray analysis showed that CbFAD3-overexpressing plants increased the expression of stressresponsive genes, most of which are affected by C18:3, Ca2+, or ROS. Together, CbFAD3 confers tolerance to multiple stresses in tobacco through the C18:3-induced integrated regulation of membrane, Ca2+, ROS, and stress-responsive genes. This is in contrast with previous observations that simply attribute stress tolerance to membrane stabilization.



在这里,我们从冷冻植物(Chorispora bungeana)中分离出微粒体 -3 FAD基因(CbFAD3),并阐明其在胁迫耐受中的功能。表现出与拟南芥AtFAD3高度同一性的CbFAD3被非生物胁迫上调。其功能通过酵母中的异源表达来验证。烟草中CbFAD3的过量表达在叶和根中组成性地增加了C18:3,这保持了膜的流动性,并增强了植物对冷,干旱和盐胁迫的耐受性。


微阵列分析显示过表达CbFAD3的植物增加了应激反应基因的表达,其中大多数受C18:3,Ca2+或ROS的影响。 CbFAD3一起通过C18:3诱导的膜,Ca2+,ROS和应激反应基因的整合调节赋予对烟草中多种胁迫的耐受性。这与先前的观察结果形成对比,之前的观察结果仅仅将压力耐受性归因于膜稳定。

Ca2+ fluxes in root tips treated with 15% PEG or 200 mM NaCl (n=10 ten-day-old seedling roots).







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