a reliable conductive ground path for SEM specimens
Air drying silver paint to make effective ground.
PELCO Conductive Liquid Silver Paint 银导电胶
a reliable conductive ground path for SEM specimens
Air drying silver paint to make effective ground. Curable at room temperature and has high adhesion to any material. Surfaces do not have to be prepared prior to application and will adhere to such materials as polymer (phenolic) boards, ceramic, glass, metal, plastic and fiberglass. It should be mixed well with a spatula before using. RoHS compliant.
风干银漆,使有效的地面。 可在室温下固化,对任何材料都有很高的附着力。 表面不必在施工前制备,并且会粘附在诸如聚合物(酚醛)板,陶瓷,玻璃,金属,塑料和玻璃纤维之类的材料上。 使用前应将其与刮刀充分混合。 符合RoHS标准。
PELCO Conductive Liquid Silver Paint 银导电胶
The container is offered in two sizes (15g and 30g) and is provided with an applicator brush. Silver flake grain size is an average of 80%, 1.0 m. Sheet resistance is 0.02 ohms per square @ 1 mil (0.001 = 0.025mm) thickness and is a function of the coating. Service temperature range is -40 C to 260 C
该容器有两种尺寸(15g和30g),并配有涂抹刷。 银片粒度平均为80%, 1.0 m。 薄层电阻为0.02欧姆/平方1密耳(0.001 = 0.025mm)厚度,并且是涂层的函数。 使用温度范围为-40 C至260 C
PELCO Conductive Liquid Silver Paint 银导电胶
1-Methoxy-2 Propanol base
60% Ag
Specific Gravity = 2.25 g/cc.
Viscosity = 455 poise
PELCO Conductive Liquid Silver Paint 银导电胶
PELCO Conductive Liquid Silver Paint 银导电胶
PELCO Conductive Liquid Silver Paint 银导电胶