Startle Response 惊跳反应
The fully computerized TSE Startle Response/PPI test system is designed for accurate and reliable determination of the startle reflex and investigation of sensorimotor gating in rodents, for example in schizophrenia research. In "PPI" (pre-pulse inhibition) experiments a weak pre-pulse is followed by the startle stimulus inducing a reduced startle response.
全电脑化的TSE惊跳反应/PPI测试系统是设计用于精确可靠的探测啮齿类惊跳反应并且研究感觉门控。在 PPI (预脉冲抑制)实验中,一个弱的预脉冲之后是一个惊跳刺激,导致一个减弱的惊跳反应。
Animals are restrained in small cages restricting major movements and placed on species-specific measuring platforms with integrated high-precision sensors in sound-attenuating isolated cabinets. The flexible software package allows the creation of user-defined protocols including complex "pre-pulse" designs. Reaction time, i.e. response latency, and startle amplitude for each trial are presented in results tables. Graphs allow the performance of several animals to be compared.
动物被限制在小笼子里,限制了主要的移动,并且被放置在整合了高精度传感器的物种特异的测试平台上,处于声音屏蔽的柜子中。灵活的软件包运行生成用户定义的协议包括复杂的 预脉冲 设计。反应时间,例如反应潜伏期,以及每个试验的惊跳幅度都在结果表中。图标可以让几个动物的表现做直接比较。
Pair of high-performance loudspeakers for sine sound and noise generation with up to 130dB startle intensity
Acoustic pre-pulse and startle stimulus generation with computer-controlled amplitude and frequency setting
Optional air puff components for tactile startle experiments
Suitable for fear-potentiated and light-enhanced startle trials
Startle Response/PPI for mice and rats