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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:409
核心提示:主要特点:突破性的微板流路控制技术实现了柱箱内可靠的无泄漏连接,提高了工作效率和数据完整性,为复杂的gc分析提供了通用、可靠的解决方案 *安捷伦仪器监测和智能诊断软件可跟踪配件的使用情况,监测色谱峰形变化,在问题发生之前提醒您进行处理 *每个分流/不分流(ssl进样口)都采用了新的方便的扳转式顶盖设计,使您能在30秒内更换进样口衬管-无需特殊的工具或培训 *品种齐全的选件和附件使您能够配置恰好满足您实验室目前需求的系统,并能方便地进行升级,以满足不断变化的应用和分析通量的需求 *强大的、操作界面友好的gc

主要特点:突破性的微板流路控制技术实现了柱箱内可靠的无泄漏连接,提高了工作效率和数据完整性,为复杂的gc分析提供了通用、可靠的解决方案  * 安捷伦仪器监测和智能诊断软件可跟踪配件的使用情况,监测色谱峰形变化,在问题发生之前提醒您进行处理  * 每个分流/不分流 (ssl进样口)都采用了新的方便的扳转式顶盖设计,使您能在30秒内更换进样口衬管 - 无需特殊的工具或培训  * 品种齐全的选件和附件使您能够配置恰好满足您实验室目前需求的系统, 并能方便地进行升级,以满足不断变化的应用和分析通量的需求  * 强大的、操作界面友好的gc软件简化了方法设置和系统操作,缩短了培训时间;您可选择正好符合您实验室需求的软件包  * 在品质的6890进样口, 检测器和gc柱箱上建立的分析方法, 您可以完全放心地将其转移到7890A GC上  * 其它功能和详细信息请参看仪器样本和资料库中的技术规格文件产品技术参数:time monitoring of the gc when it is connected with lab monitor diagnostic software, even when also connected to a data system. one-button access to maintenanceservice modes from the keyboard preprogrammed leak tests automatic liquid sampling is fully integrated into mainframe control. set pointautomation control can be done from the local keyboard or via a networked data system. clock-time programming can be initiated from the frontpanel to initiate events (on/off, method start, etc.) at a future datetime. a run time deviation log is cr-eated for each analysis to ensure that all method parameters were achievedmaintained. a full array of traditional gas samplingcolumn switching valves are available 550 timed events display of all gcals set points at the gc or data system. context-sensitive online help column oven dimensions: 28 31 16 cm. accommodates up to two 105 m 0.530 mm id capillary columns or two 10-ft glass packed columns (9 in. coil diameter, 1/4 in. od),or two 20-ft stainless steel packed columns (1/8 in. od). operating temperature range suitable for all columnschromatographic separations.ambient temperature +4 c to 450 c.- with ln2 cryogenic cooling: 80 to 450 c.- with co2 cryogenic cooling: 40 to 450 c. temperature set point resolution: 1 c. supports 20 oven ramps with 21 plateaus. negative ramps are allowed. maximum achievable temperature ramp rate: 120 c/min (120 v units are limited to 75 c/min, see table 1). maximum run time: 999.99 min (16.7 h). oven cool down (22 c ambient) 450 to 50 c in 4.0 min (3.5 min with oven in-sert accessory). ambient rejection: 0.01 c per 1 c.electronic pneumatics control (epc) compensation for barometric pressureambient temperature changes is standard. pressure set points may be adjusted by increments of 0.001 psi, with typical control 0.001 for the range 0.000 to 99.999 psi; 0.01 psi for the range 100.00 psi to 150.00 psi user may se-lect pressure units as psi, kpa, or bar. pressure/flow ramps: three maximum. carriermakeup gas settings se-lectable for he, h2, n2,argon/methane. flow or pressure setpoints for each inlet or detector parameter with both agilent 7890aagilent chemstations. constant flow mode is available when capillary column dimensions are entered into the 7890a. split/splitless,ptv inlets have flow sensors for the control of split ratio. inlet modules pressure sensors: accuracy: 2% full scale, repeatability: 0.05 psi, temperature coefficient : 0.01 psi/ c, drift: 0.1 psi/6 months. flow sensors: accuracy: 5% depending on carrier gas, repeatability: 0.35% of setpoint, normalized temperaturepressure (ntp)* per c for he or h2; 0.05 ml/min ntp per c for n2 or ar/ch4. detector modules: accuracy: 3 ml/min ntp or 7% of setpoint, repeatability: 0.35% of setpoint *ntp = 25 c1 atmosphereinlets maximum of two inlets installed epc compensated for atmospheric pressuretemperature variation inlets available:- packed purged injection port (ppip)- split/splitless capillary inlet (s/sl)- temperature-programmable cool on-column (pcoc)- programmable temperature vaporizer (ptv)- volatiles inlet (vi)s/sl suitable for all capillary columns (50 m to 530 m id). split ratios up to 7,500:1 to avoid column overload. splitless mode for trace analysis. pressure-pulsed splitless is easily accessible for best performance. maximum temperature: 400 c. epc available in two pressure ranges: 0 to 100 psig (0 to 680 kpa) for best control for columns 0.200 mm diameter;  0 to 150 psig for columns 0.200 mm diameter. gas saver mode to reduce gas consumption without compromising performance. electronic septum purge flow control to eliminate ghost peaks. total flow setting range: 0 to 200 ml/min n2 0 to 1,250 ml/min h2 or he turn top inlet sealing system is built in standard with each 7890a s/sl inlet for quick, easy, injector liner changes pcoc direct injection onto cool capillary column ensures quantitative sample transfer with no thermal degradation. automatic liquid injection supported directly onto columns 0.250 mm id. maximum temperature: 450 c. temperature programming in 3 ramps or tracking oven. subambient control to 40 c is optional. electronic pressure control range: 0 to 100 psig. electronic septum purge flow control. optional solvent vapor exit for large-volume injections.- electronically controlled, inert, three-way valve allows solvent venting.- includes software for method optimization.- preassembled retention gaps/vent line/analytical column for easy installation.ppip direct injection onto packedwide-bore capillary columns. electronic flow/pressure control: 0 to 100 psig pressure range, 0.0 to 200.0 ml/min flow range. ranges are chosen to provide optimum performance overnormal packed column set point ranges. electronic septum purge flow control. 400 c maximum operating temperature. adapters included for 1/4-in.1/8-in. packed columns,0.530-mm capillary columns.ptv most versatile inlet for difficult samples supporting cool injectionslarge volume injections in splitsplitless modes. temperature control: either ln2 (to 160 c) or lco2 (to 65 c) cooling. temperature programming of up to 3 ramps at up to 720 c/min. maximum  temperature: 450 c. epc pressure range 0 to 100 psig. split ratio up to 7,500:1. electronic septum purge flow control. choice of gers septumless head or merlin microseal septum head. 450 c maximum operating  temperature. total flow setting range:- 0 to 200 ml/min n2- 0 to 1,250 ml/min h2 or hevi very low volume (32 l) interface suitable for gas or prevaporized samples. recommended for use with headspace, purgetrap, or thermal desorption samplers. three modes for optimized sample introduction: split (up to 100:1 split ratio), splitless,direct. optimized epc (h2 or he carrier, 0.00 to 100 psig pressure control, 0.0 to 100 ml/min flow control). electronic septum purge flow control. silcosteel treated flow path provides inert surface for minimum component adsorption. maximum temperature: 400 c. detectors electronic pneumatics controlelectronic on/off for all detector gases. epc compensated for atmospheric pressuretemperature variationdetectors available:fid flame ionization detector (fid) that responds to most organic compounds. minimum detectable level (for tridecane): 1.8 pg c/s linear dynamic range: 107 ( 10%). full-range digital data path enables peaks to be quantified over the entire 107 concentration range in a single run. data rates up to 500 hz accommodate peaks as narrow as 10 msec at half height. standard electronic pneumatic control for three gases:- air: 0 to 800 ml/min- h2 : 0 to 100 ml/min- makeup gas (n2 or he): 0 to 100 ml/min available in two versions: capillary column optimized or adaptable for either packed or capillary columns. flameout detectionautomatic reignition 450 c maximum operating temperaturetcd thermal conductivity detector (tcd), a universal detector that responds to all compounds, excluding the carrier gas. minimum detectable level: 400 pg tridecane/ml with he carrier. (this value may be affected by laboratory environment). linear dynamic range: 105 5% unique fluidic switching design provides rapid stabilization from turn-on, low-drift performance. signal polarity can be run-programmed for components having higher thermal conductivity than the carrier gas. maximum temperature: 400 c standard epc for 2 gases (he, h2, ar, or n2 matched to carrier gas type) make-up gas: 0 to 12 ml/min reference gas: 0 to 100 ml/min the 7890a gc can accommodate a third detector as tcd located on the left-hand side of the gc.micro-ecd micro-electron capture detector (micro-ecd), a very sensitive detector for electrophilic compounds such as halogenated organic compounds. minimum detectable level: 6 fg/ml lindane proprietary signal linearization. linear dynamic range: 5 104 with lindane data acquisition rate: up to 50 hz uses emission of 15 mci 63ni as the electron source. unique micro-cell design minimizes contaminationoptimizes sensitivity 400 c maximum operating temperature standard epc makeup gas types: argon/5% methane or nitrogen; 0 to 150 ml/minnpd nitrogen-phosphorus detector (npd), a detector specific to nitrogen or phosphoruscontaining compounds. mdl: 0.4 pg n/s, 0.2 pg p/s with azobenzene/malathion/ octadecane mixture dynamic range: 105 n, 105 p with azobenzene/malathion mixture se-lectivity: 25,000 to 1 g n/g c, 75,000 to 1 g p/g c with azobenzene/malathion/octadecane mixture data acquisition rate: up to 200 hz standard epc for three gases:- air: 0 to 200 ml/min- h2: 0 to 30 ml/min- makeup gas: 0 to 100 ml/min available for packed/capillary columns or optimized for capillary columns 400 c maximum operating temperature fpd single-wavelength flame photometric detector (fpd), or dualwavelengthflame photometric detector (dfpd)+a sensitive, specific detector to sulfur- orphosphorus-containing compounds. mdl: 60 fg p/s, 3.6 pg s/s with methylparathion dynamic range: 103 s, 104 p with methylparathion se-lectivity: 106 g s/g c, 106 g p/g c data acquisition rate: up to 200 hz standard epc for three gases:- air: 0 to 200 ml/min- h2: 0 to 250 ml/min- makeup gas: 0 to 130 ml/min available in single- or dualwavelength versions. 250 c maximum operating temperature agilent 7890a gc s ability to handle 4 signals allow simultaneous use of dfpd, top-mounted gc detector,tcd.scd (model 355) highest sensitivityse-lectivity for sulfur-containing compounds. mdl: typical 0.5 pg/s, dimethyl sulfide in toluene linear dynamic range: 104 se-lectivity: 2 x 107 g s/g c ncd (model 255) high se-lectivity for nitrogencontaining compounds. mdl: 3 pg n/s, in both nnitrosamine modes, 25 ppm n as nitrobenzene in toluene linear dynamic range: 104 se-lectivity: 2 x 107 g n/g c (se-lectivity in nitrosamine mode is matrix  pendent)see agilent sulfur chemiluminescence detectornitrogen chemiluminescence detector specification guide for additional information regarding performancephysicalenvironmental specifications.msdsee 5975 series msd specifications. specialized detectors are available through agilent channel partners including: atomic emission, helium ionization,pulsed discharge ionization. auxiliary epc devices the 7890a gc has two positions forauxilary epc devices located on the back of the gc. each position can be any combination of auxiliary epc or pneumatics control module. note: the communication for a third detector as tcd epc module (located on the left side of the gc) interfaces via one of these auxiliary epc module positions. if a third detector (tcd) is installed, one of these auxiliary positions is thus taken.auxiliary epc module three channels of pressure control epc compensated for atmospheric pressuretemperature variation when connected to a user-defined capillary column psig (gauge)psia (absolute) pressure control forward pressure regulated maximum of 2 auxiliary epc modules per gc pneumatics control module (pcm) 2 channels for operation epc compensated for atmospheric pressuretemperature variation when connected to a user-defined capillary column first channel:- pressure or flow control- psig (gauge)psia (absolute) pressure control- forward pressure regulated second channel:- pressure control- psig (gauge)psia (absolute) pressure control- forward pressure or back pressure regulated pcm can be located in either/ both inlet epc positions,in either/both  uxiliary positions on the back of the 7890a gc maximum of 3 pcms per gc capillary flow technology agilent s proprietary capillary flow technology provides devices with reliable, leak-free, in-oven apillaryconnections to help analyze complex samplesprovide gains in productivity.devices feature: photolithographic chemical milling for low dead volume flow pathways diffusion bonding to form a single flow plate credit card profile for fast thermal response projection welded connections for leak-tight fittings deactivation of all internal surfaces in the sample path for inertnessall of the following purged capillary flow devices require one channel from an auxiliary epc or pcm module.deans switchdeans switching provides additional se-lectivity using 2-dimensional gc analysis. peaks of interest that may be coeluting on one column are diverted to a separate column of different stationary phase. this technique can also reduce maintenancecosts by having troublesome solvents or other components bypass detectors or columns. dimensions: 65 mm x 31 mm x 1 mm (65 mm x 31 mm x 11 mm, including weldment connectors with tubing to reach through top of oven.) weight: 30 grams, not including connector tubing. purged effluent splittersa 3-way purged effluent splitter sends column effluent to three detectors, even an msd. more information can be obtained in a single run to help locate target peaks in unknowns. a 2-way purged effluent splitter version is also available. dimensions: 65 mm x 31 mm x 1 mm (65 mm x 31 mm x 11 mm, including weldment connectors with tubing to reach through top of oven.) weight: 26 grams, not including connector tubing.quickswapthe quickswap device, for gc/ms, allows you to change a column or perform inlet maintenance without venting the msd, saving a considerable amount of downtime. dimensions:31 mm x 16 mm x 1 mm (31 mm x 16 mm x 22 mm, including weldment connectors) weight: 10 grams, not including connector tubing.backflusheach of the above purged capillary flow devices also provides the ability to backflush. by reversing column flow immediay after the last compound of interest has eluted, you can eliminate long bakeout times for highly retained (orhigh-boiling) contaminants, thereby shortening cycle timesprotecting the columndetector. as backflush occurs after peaks of interest have eluted, the chromatographic method for peaks of interest does not need to change. backflushis available when the column is attached to a split/splitless, volatiles interface, or ptv inlet.the 7890a gc firmware has been optimized for backflush operation: displays positivenegative flows inlet/outlet pressures settable to the limits of the controlling epc devices. epc can be introduced at any column or restrictor connection capillary flow configuration of up to six columns/restrictors  agilent gc multitechnique chemstation, ezchrom elite data system,gc/msd chemstation now include user-interface screens to simplify backflush set-up andoperation with the 7890a gc.als interface module 7683 als interface standard. provides powercommunications for up to two 7683 automatic injectors, one automatic sampler tray,one bar code reader. injectortray install easily without the need for alignment.

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