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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:868
核心提示:北京瑞德迈普技术开发有限公司/科学仪器部京公网安备11010802018134号 2019-04-16 13:25:59 1801 CSSD washer disinfectors Steelco continues to grow and enhance its international reputation in healthcare by continuing its policy of investment in CSSD product development, Systems an
北京瑞德迈普技术开发有限公司/科学仪器部京公网安备11010802018134号 2019-04-16 13:25:59 1801

CSSD washer disinfectors Steelco continues to grow and enhance its international reputation in healthcare by continuing its policy of investment in CSSD product development, Systems and Automations.
This range of products combined with Systems and Automations is at the forefront of the latest research and technology. It successfully incorporates all aspects of disinfection including ultrasonic into a total bespoke solution.
Our systems and automations are designed to fulfil all customer expectations such as increasing staff productivity, saving time, water and energy consumption thus helping to create the basis for a long lasting partnership with our customer.

  Standard compliant - Steelco Washer-Disinfectors are designed and constructed to comply with the latest European and UK guidelines on decontamination.
- EN ISO 15883-1/2 and HTM 2030   - Steelco Washer-Disinfectors are classified CE Medical Device (Community rule 93/42/CEE) code nr. 0051.


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