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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:935

我司提供可调高速匀浆机,往复回旋式振荡器,恒定恒速电动搅拌器,数显恒温多头磁力搅拌器,三温三控水浴,双层组合式振荡培养箱,三层组合式振荡培养箱,80-2B电动离心机(出口),ZD-88全温振荡器,GNP系列培养箱,SHP系列生化培养箱,SH120毛细血管离心机,JSH120毛细血管离心机咨询,主要生产:生化培养箱;光照培养箱;振荡培养箱;厌氧培养箱;水浴振荡器;气浴振荡器;HY系列振荡器;快速混匀器;微量振荡器;青霉素振荡器;康氏振荡器,脱色摇床,磁力加热搅拌器;集热式磁力搅拌器;控温电动搅拌器;六联电动搅拌器;精密电动搅拌器;电动搅拌器;组织捣碎机;可调高速匀浆机;固体样品粉碎机;进口多功能粉碎机;电动搅拌玻璃恒温水浴锅;低温循环水槽;数显恒温水浴锅;数显三用水箱;超级恒温油浴;数显恒温油浴;不锈钢电热板;调温电热板;不锈钢恒温台;数显恒温板(台);封闭电炉;不锈钢升降台;电动离心机;菌落计数器,甲醛分析仪,笔式酸度计,实验室酸度计,冷原子吸收测汞仪,便携式一氧化碳测定仪,便携式一氧化碳测定仪,手掌式一氧化碳测定仪,便携式二氧化碳测定仪,红外线二氧化碳测定仪,二氧化硫分析仪,二氧化氮分析仪,数字式酸度计,红外测温仪,数字式测温仪,数字式声级计,数字式照度计,数字式温湿度计,离子活度计,大气采样器,粉尘采样器,测氡仪,水份测定仪,全自动水份测定仪,快速比色测定仪,数字恒温消解仪,COD测定仪,等等具体的可以连我们的网站查看 I take charge of the main production biochemistry incubator; Illumination incubator; Vibrates the incubator; Strict oxygen incubator; Water bath oscillator; Gas bath oscillator; HY series oscillator; Mixes fast uniform; Micro oscillator; Penicillin oscillator; Kang oscillator, decolorization table, magnetic force heating mixer; Collection hot -like magnetic force mixer; Controls the warm electrically operated mixer; Six association electrically operated mixers; Precise electrically operated mixer; Electrically operated mixer; Organizes the stamp mill; Adjustable high speed refiner; Solid sample grinder; imports the multi-purpose grinders; Electrically operated agitation glass constant temperature water-bath; Low temperature super constant temperature water trough; The number reveals the constant temperature water-bath; The number reveals three uses the water tank; Super constant temperature oil bath; The number reveals the constant temperature oil bath; Stainless steel electric hot plate; Adjusts the warm electric hot plate; Stainless steel constant temperature Taiwan; The number reveals the constant temperature board Taiwan; Seals up the electric stove; Stainless steel lift table; Electrically operated centrifuge; The colony counter, the formaldehyde analyzer, the pen type acidometer, the laboratory acidometer, the cold atomic absorption finance mercury meter, the portable carbon monoxide cryoscope, the portable carbon monoxide cryoscope, the palm of the hand type carbon monoxide cryoscope, the portable carbon dioxide cryoscope, the infrared carbon dioxide cryoscope, the sulphur dioxide analyzer, the nitrogen dioxide analyzer, the digital acidometer, the infrared thermodetector, the digital thermodetector, the digital sound-level meter, the digital luxmeter, the digital humiture idea, the ionic activity idea, the atmospheric sampling instrument, the dust sampling instrument, the emanometer, the moisture cryoscope, the completely automatic moisture cryoscope, the fast colorimetric estimation meter, the digital constant temperature resolution meter, the COD cryoscope

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