超临界精馏系统 超临界萃取仪
法国SEPAREX公司成生产的实验室系列超临界流体系统代表着国际上的zui高端、制作zui精密、控制zui精准,成为国际上著名高等学府、科研院所和知名公司的首选。 SEPAREX公司可根据用户的特殊需要生产剪裁讲究的超临界流体系统或满足严格要求的GMP生产设备。
系统特点zui大操作压力: 1000barzui高操作温度: 150 C多温区控温CO2 流速:80、200mL/min精馏柱长度:2m、3m、5m精馏柱内径:所有参数均可根据客户进行定制超临界精馏柱
Supercritical Fluid Fractionation of liquid mixtures, generally operated in continuous mode with carbon dioxide as solvent, possibly added with a co-solvent (ethanol most often) to increase its polarity. The equipment mainly consists in a fractionation column through which the supercritical solvent and the raw material flow counter-currently, and separations sections where both extract/fluid and raffinate/fluid are separated, the fluid being recycled through condensation and liquid pumping.
Supercritical Fluid Fractionation Process
The schematic process diagram shown above describes the "classical" batch extraction process. The equipment is composed of one or several extractors consisting in high pressure autoclave(s) with fast-opening systems in which the material to be treated is set inside a basket easy to put in and to remove, and a separation section where extract and fluid are separated prior to fluid recycle through condensation and liquid pumping. The major issue of such operation is the fact that it is a batch process.
Some examples of fractionations
The extraction of aromas from fermented and distilled beverages
SEPAREX developed a complex process in order to obtain high grade aromatic extracts from distilled beverages. Basically, this process consists in a counter-current extraction by supercritical CO2 in mild conditions ; a very high yield is obtained and the raffinate is considered as totally "flat" of aromatic compounds and is sent to distillation for ethanol recovery.
New concept of supercritical fluid fractionation of lipids
Highly-selective fractionation of lipids has been developed for the following applications: purification of specialty oils: fish oil deodorization discoloration, polyunsaturated fatty acid deodorisation
Separation of mono-, di- and tri-glycerides
Fractionation of polyunsaturated fatty acid esters like EPA/DHA
Concentration/purification of sterols and tocopherols
Separation of sphingolipids, glycolipids (monogalactosyl-diglycerides MGDG - and digalactosyl-diglycerides DGDG -) and phospholipids from wheat gluten oil
Fractionation - Inorganic Materials Polymers
SEPAREX has developed many high selectivity processes on organic or inorganic products among which : Polymer fractionation (Pharmaceutical poloxamer, hard-disk lubricants perfluoro-alkyl ethers), aromas from alcoholic beverages (rum, cognac, whisky, beer, wine, ), citrus oil deterpenation, chemical purification, waste water pollution abatment, etc...
The most important application is related to the fractionation of lubricants for hard-disk industry.
High performance hard disk lubricants fractionation
Improvement in lubrication performance is one of the keys to advancements in magnetic disk drive technology. This performance can be significantly enhanced by using highly consistent and reproducible molecular weight fractions of perfluoropolyalkylethers (PFPE s). The means for fractionating PFPE s has been developed using supercritical fluid technology. Supercritical CO2 is an excellent solvent for PFPE s and, unlike organic solvents, it is a "tunable" solvent that can extract step-by-step narrow fractions of PFPE by simply modifying temperature and pressure in step-wise fashion.
High quality lubricant fractions are obtained from various raw materials with different end-groups (-alcohol ; -di-alcohol ; -phenyl ; ), from raw materials supplied by Solvay Solexis according the trademark FOMBLIN? with various commercial names:
Z-DOL 2000 and 4000:
HO - CH2 - CF2 -(- O - CF2 - CF2-)n -(- O - CF2 -)m- O - CF2 - CH2 - OH
AM 2001 or 3001
Each lubricant fraction is characterized by F19-NMR for determination of the average molecular mass (Mn) and Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC). Very narrow fractions are obtained as shown on figure below where the GPC chromatograms of the raw material (Z-DOL 4000) and fractions collected are compared.