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Estradiol-Agofollin_天然产物-MedChemExpress LLC

放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:1059
核心提示:更新时间:2019-06-10 14:28:4749 联系我们时请说明是91化工仪器网上看到的信息,谢谢! 详细介绍 Estradiol产品活性:Estradiol 是一种类固醇性激素,对维持女性的生育能力和第二性征至关重要。研究领域:Others|Metabolic Enzyme/Protease作用靶点:Estrogen Receptor/ERR|Endogenous MetaboliteIn Vitro: Estradiol causes new dendritic spines and synap


详细介绍 Estradiol

产品活性:Estradiol 是一种类固醇性激素,对维持女性的生育能力和第二性征至关重要。

研究领域:Others | metabolic Enzyme/Protease

作用靶点:Estrogen Receptor/ERR | Endogenous metabolite

In Vitro: Estradiol causes new dendritic spines and synapses in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells. Estradiol increases NMDA receptor binding by 46% in parallel with dendritic spine and synapse density. Estradiol also elevates sensitivity of CA1 pyramidal cells to NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic input and such an effect is correlated with the estradiol-induced increase in dendritic spine density in the apical dendritic tree of these cells. Estradiol reduces Ba2+ entry reversibly via Ca2+ channels in acutely dissociated and cultured neostriatal neurons. Estradiol also reduces Ba2+ currents but is significantly less effective than Estradiol in rat neostriatal neurons. Estradiol dose-dependently inhibits IL-1-, TNF-, and IL-1 and TNF-induced production of bioassayable IL-6. Estradiol blocks TNF-induced IL-6 production and osteoclast development in primary bone cell cultures derived from neonatal murine calvaria.

In Vivo: Estradiol functions in hippocampal synapse density during the estrous cycle in the adult rat. Estradiol reverses the ovariectomy-induced decrease in spine density. Estradiol in combination with progesterone enhances spine density for 2 to 6 h but decreases following estradiol alone.

相关产品:Human Endogenous metabolite Compound Library | FDA-Approved Drug Library Mini | Natural Product Library | FDA-Approved Drug Library | metabolism/Protease Compound Library | Bioactive Compound Library Plus | 3-Methyladenine | Tamoxifen | Hydrocortisone | Fulvestrant | Acetylcysteine | Retinoic acid | Calcitriol | Melatonin | Prostaglandin E2 | ATP | Nicotinamide | 4-Hydroxytamoxifen | Acetaminophen | Prostaglandin E1 | DHEA | Corticosterone | Elacestrant dihydrochloride | Docosahexaenoic Acid | Progesterone | Heparan Sulfate | NAD+ | Substance P | Protoporphyrin IX | L-Glutathione reduced | L-Epinephrine | β-Nicotinamide mononucleotide | AZD9496 | L-DOPA | Adenosine

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