详细介绍 Arterolane
产品活性:Arterolane 是一种抗疟疾剂,对 P. falciparum Ro73 和 W2 的 IC50 值均为 1.1 nM。
In Vitro: Arterolane (Trioxolane 7; OZ277; RBx-11160) is an antimalarial agent, with IC50s of both 1.1 nM (0.43 ng/mL) against P. falciparum Ro73 and W2, respectively. Arterolane also shows inhibitory activity against several other P. falciparums, with IC50s of 1.0, 1.6, 0.90, 0.91, 1.4, 1.5, 0.83, and 0.84 ng/mL for P. falciparum K1, Fc27, FVO, NF54, HB3, FCB1, ITG2-F6, and MAD20, respectively.
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