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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:1049
核心提示:Welcome to Angstrom Sun Technologies IncAngstrom Sun Technologies Inc. is a privately held company, headquartered in Boston, USA. The focus of company is to provide a series of cost-effective optical solutions for characterizing thin film thickness, thick
Welcome to Angstrom Sun Technologies IncAngstrom Sun Technologies Inc. is a privately held company, headquartered in Boston, USA. The focus of company is to provide a series of cost-effective optical solutions for characterizing thin film thickness, thick coating thickness, their optical properties (refractive index N and extinction coefficient K), surface and interface behavior, alloy concentrations and their uniformities across surface.Affordable, low cost, but advanced and high performance tools, including spectroscopic reflectometer, microspectrophotometer, microreflectometer, film thickness mapping system, simple desktop film thickness station, and automatic variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometers, offer a way to probe film stacks nondestructively and precisely. In addition, Angstrom Sun Technologies Inc. also delivers advanced analytical services for characterizing thin films, thick coatings and complicated layer stacks. Angstrom Sun Technologies Inc. designs and manufact...

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