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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-09-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:547
核心提示:冷却水测温仪,转速传感器,振动传感器,位移传感器,压力变送器,差压变送器,一体化振动变送器 春辉集团企业简介安徽春辉仪表线缆集团有限公司着落在美丽的鱼米之乡安徽省天长市经济开发区,集团前身为原安徽春辉线缆有限公司和天长市春辉热工仪表线缆厂,1997年注册成立,是一家较早生产电线电缆、仪器仪表的专业企业。2005年因需要在原公司的基础上进行技术优势结合,组建 安徽春辉仪表线缆集团有限公司 ,注册资本12118.07万元。多年来在春辉人不断的努力和上级领导的大力支持下,公司的生产规模不断扩大,集团下属企业有:



安徽春辉仪表线缆集团有限公司着落在美丽的鱼米之乡安徽省天长市经济开发区,集团前身为原安徽春辉线缆有限公司和天长市春辉热工仪表线缆厂,1997年注册成立,是一家较早生产电线电缆、仪器仪表的专业企业。2005年因需要在原公司的基础上进行技术优势结合,组建 安徽春辉仪表线缆集团有限公司 ,注册资本12118.07万元。多年来在春辉人不断的努力和上级领导的大力支持下,公司的生产规模不断扩大,集团下属企业有: 天长市春辉仪表线缆有限公司 、 天长市永辉铜业有限公司 、 天长市辉瑞自动化仪表成套有限公司 、 安徽帮德电气有限公司 、 安徽旭辉泵阀有限公司 、 天长市润辉塑业有限公司 。集团获得的荣誉有:天长市 重点骨干企业 、 三十强企业 ; 安徽省民营企业200强 、 高新技术企业 ;国家* 重合同守信用企业 ,公司注册的商标 必亮春辉 荣获省著名商标称号。通过了 质量管理体系认证 、 环境体系认证 、 职业健康安全管理体系 ,体系建设完好并持续改进。2015年集团年营业收入4.25亿元,实现利税634万元。






GIS壳体:GIS壳体为气体密封组合电器的配套产品,广泛用于高压、超高压、特高压输配电领域。2009年我公司通过市场调研,引进行业人才组建了 安徽帮德电气有限公司 ,为安徽省专业从事 GIS壳体 生产制造的企业,经过几年的发展公司2015年产值达3000万元,并成为韩国晓星、平高电器、泰安泰山电器、正泰电器、吴淞电器等大型企业的合格供应商。

集团检测设备齐全,计量手段先进,均采用国际标准。并拥有完善的售后、售前服务管理体制, 迅速、高效、优质 是我们服务的宗旨。本集团产品广泛用于石化、电力、医药、建材及冶金等行业。务实、创新、开拓、进取是春辉的发展之路,用户的支持是春辉的生存之本,用户的信任是春辉追求的目标,为用户服务是春辉永恒不变的承诺。



In the chunhui group enterprise
Anhui chunhui group instrument cables co., LTD., landing in the beautiful land of fish and rice tianchang, anhui province economic development zone, group, formerly known as the chunhui of anhui cable co., LTD and tianchang chun fai thermal meter cable factory, was incorporated in 1997, is an earlier enterprise specialized in the production of wire and cable, instruments and meters.In 2005 because of the need to be done on the basis of the original company technical advantage, form a "spring of anhui hui instrument cable group co., LTD.", the registered capital of 121.1807 million yuan.For many years in the spring of hui people constantly efforts and the support from the superior leadership, the company s production scale expands unceasingly, group subordinate enterprises have: "tianchang chun fai instrument cable co., LTD.", "tianchang yong hui copper co., LTD.", "tianchang Pfizer automation instrument co., LTD.", "anhui help DE electric co., LTD.", "anhui province xu hui pump valve co., LTD.", "tianchang embellish hui suye co., LTD.".Group are: honor tianchang "key leading enterprise", "three top ten enterprises";"Top 200 private enterprises in anhui province", "high-tech enterprise";National "contract trustworthiness enterprise", the company registered trademark "will bright spring brightness" won the title of provincial famous trademark.Through the "quality management system certification", "environment system certification", "occupational health and safety management system", the system construction and continuous improvement.Group revenue of 425 million yuan in 2015, to achieve profits of 6.34 million yuan.
  Group in 2011 in tianchang economic development zone by the eight-way new requisition of land of 100 mu, after two years of construction, has built 28500 square meters of new plant, has invested 95 million yuan to purchase advanced production equipment and cost 20 million yuan of original equipment for technological transformation and upgrading.
  Group always adhere to science and technology as the guide, based on modern enterprise management, continuous innovation, pioneering spirit, with high-tech, high quality, high service, low price of the product to the customers.Company has always given prominence to the people-oriented, the company has concentrated a large number of instruments, cables and GIS housing industry s top technology talent, specializing in product research and development, manufacturing, sales,
Group main products are:
  Instrument series: armoured thermocouple, thermocouple assembly, explosion-proof thermocouple, thermocouple of high temperature and high pressure, armored thermal resistance, thermocouple assembly, explosion-proof heat resistance, integrated temperature transmitter, thermocouple (resistance) for power stations, petrochemical special thermocouple (resistance), all kinds of special thermocouple (resistance), bimetallic thermometer, thermal casing installation, LZ series glass rotor flowmeter, vortex flowmeter, electromagnetic flowmeter, orifice flow meter, intelligent display instrument, all kinds of pressure gauge, pressure transmitter, electric, pneumatic control valve, etc.
  Wire and cable series: power cables, control cables, computer cables, silicon rubber cables, high temperature, flame retardant cable fire cable, Marine cable, this cable, low smoke low halogen, low smoke zero halogen cable, compensation cable, aluminum wire and steel core aluminum stranded wire cables, overhead cables, and other various installation cloth such as dozens of varieties.
  GIS shell: GIS shell for gas seal combination electric appliance products, widely used in high pressure, ultra-high pressure and ultra-high voltage transmission and distribution field.I company in 2009 through market research, the introduction of personnel formed the "anhui help DE electric co., LTD.", for anhui province is the first specialized in producing "GIS shell" of the enterprise, after several years of development the company 2015 annual output value of 2015 yuan, and in South Korea lucifer, high electric appliance, taian taishan, chint electric appliance, wusong electrical appliances and other large enterprises of qualified suppliers.
  Group testing equipment complete, advanced measurement methods, adopt the international standard.And a perfect after-sale, pre-sale service management system, "quick, efficient, high quality" is our service tenet.The group products are widely used in petrochemical, electric power, medicine, building materials and metallurgy industries.Pragmatic, innovative, pioneering and enterprising are spring brightness development, user support is the survival of spring brightness, the trust of the user is the goal of the spring brightness, for the user services are spring brightness eternal commitment.



 UHZ-58/C系列磁性液位计,是本公司引进、吸收国内外同类产品,并加以消化、吸收、提高,按原化学工业部颁布的磁性液位计标准HG/T21584-95研制生产的产品。可用于各种塔、罐、槽、球形容器和锅炉等设备的介质 液位测量。该磁性液位计系列可以做到高密封、防泄漏和适应高压、高温、腐蚀性条件下的液位测量。全过程测量无盲区,显示醒目,读数直观,且可配备夜光显示。特别是现场指示部分,由于不与液体介质直接接触,所以对高温、高压、高粘度、有毒、有害、强腐蚀性介质,更能显示其优越性。因此,它比传统的玻璃管式、板式液位计具有更高的可靠性、安全性、先进性、实用性。





 工作压力: 6.3MPa,超高压:32.0MPa
 介质粘度: 0.4Pa.S
 介质密度: 0.45g/cm3

[适用范围 ]
 普通型: 适用于低、中、高压、无特殊防腐要求场合。 
 真空型: 适用于超低、超高温、低、中、高压、无特殊防腐要求场合。 
 防霜型: 适用于低温、低、中、高压、无特殊防腐要求场合。 
 地下型: 适用于埋地式或顶部开孔贮槽、介质窜动不大的场合。 
 夹套型: 适用于需保温或冷却,低、中、高压,无特殊防腐要求场合。 
 内衬里型: 四氟或其它衬里,适用于特殊防腐要求的低、中、高压场合。 
 防腐型: PP或PVC材质、适用于常温、常压耐腐蚀场合。

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