核仁小RNA(snoRNAs)是一类中等长度的非编码小RNA,它们的长度在60-300nt不等,能与核仁核糖核蛋白结合形成snoRNPs 复合物[1]。在脊椎动物中编码核仁小RNA的基因主要存在于蛋白编码基因或非蛋白编码基因的内含子区域,并且经过进一步的转录后加工处理形成成熟的核仁小RNA[2]。snoRNAs参与的生物学过程主要有rRNA的加工处理,RNA剪接和翻译过程的调控以及氧化应激反应[3]。近期的研究表明snoRNAs还参与到遗传性疾病[4]、人类的变异[5]、造血[6]、代谢[7, 8]以及癌症[3, 9]的过程中。
snoRNAs主要包含两个家族:C/D box snoRNAs 与H/ACA box snoRNAs (Fig.1A and Fig.1B)。大多数snoRNAs主要位于由RNA聚合酶II转录的基因的内含子区域(Fig.1C)[9]。但snoRNAs也可以来源于长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)的内含子区域。例如GAS5 编码9个不同的C/D box snoRNAs(snoRNDs74-81)[10]。从内含子上脱离后,pre-snoRNAs进一步的被核酸外切酶处理去除两端的多余序列,进而形成成熟的snoRNAs.。snoRNAs内部的信号序列指导snoRNAs与相应蛋白结合形成snoRNP复合物来避免被酶切,进而发挥功能。
Fig1: The structure and biogenesis of snoRNAs. A. The 2′-O-methylated nucleotides located five nucleotides upstream of the D or D’ box sequences are indicated as red. B. Positions and consensus sequences of the conserved C, C’ box (UGAUGA), and D, D’ boxes (CUGA). The uridine residues selected for pseudouridylation are shown as. C. Biogenesis of snoRNAs :The great majority of mammalian box C/D and H/ACA snoRNAs are processed from pre-mRNA introns. snoRNAs families are not independently transcribed but processed from the pre-mRNA introns, in most cases by exonucleolytic digestion of the debranched lariat. Box C/D snoRNAs contain four evolutionarily conserved, essential proteins, fibrillarin (methyltransferase), Nop56, Nop58, and 15.5kDa. Proteins common to H/ACA snoRNAs include dyskerin (pseudouridine synthase), Gar1, Nhp2, and Nop10p[9].
在核糖体RNA的加工过程中,snoRNAs发挥这两个基本的作用:核糖体RNA的2′ -O
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