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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-08-31  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:822
核心提示:SIJ Super Inkjet Printer 超高分辨材料沉积喷墨打印系统 Super Fine Patterning沉积体积: 0.1fl~10pl; 打印线宽: 0.5um ~ 50um Wide Range of Viscosity粘度范围: 0.5~10,000cps (non-heated) Large variety of usable fluids导电金属纳米墨水, 聚合物溶剂, 光刻胶, 胶粘剂, CNT石墨烯, 蛋白质等 Best Precision Working Platfor

SIJ Super Inkjet Printer 超高分辨材料沉积喷墨打印系统

Super Fine Patterning

沉积体积: 0.1fl~10pl; 打印线宽: 0.5um ~ 50um

Wide Range of Viscosity

粘度范围: 0.5~10,000cps (non-heated)

Large variety of usable fluids

导电金属纳米墨水, 聚合物溶剂, 光刻胶, 胶粘剂, CNT石墨烯, 蛋白质等

Best Precision Working Platform


Micro 3D Direct Deposition


Introduce 简介:

SIJ technology Inc of Japan, the inventor of the world's only drop-on-demand printer capable of jetting femtolitre drops to create sub micron features. SIJ Super Inkjet Printer is the best method to direct fabrication of circuits and three-dimensional structures with feature sizes of sub-micron has been achieved. The potential of the SIJ technology and its application to cutting-edge area, such as flexible and printed electronics, fine-pitch direct interconnects, 3D direct fabrication and others will be shown.

Inkjet printing is hardly new, but with the invention of an inkjet principle that is different from existing technology, SIJ Technology has brought it forward by a giant leap. The company's groundbreaking device is capable of ultra-precision printing onto diverse materials on the sub-micrometer scale, with an internal camera to enable real-time observation. The printer head accurately jets out ink droplets just one-tenth the size and less than one-thousandth the volume of conventional droplets.

Dr. Kazuhiro Murata, the company's CEO, developed the super-fine inkjet technology when researching nanomaterials at Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). He explained that ideally the inkjet technology could achieve close to 100% efficiency in material use, as it consumes only the necessary amount of materials using a minimal amount of energy. Additionally, Dr. Murata added that this kind of on-demand manufacturing technology is necessary for countries like Japan with high personnel costs, as manufacturing bases hoping to remain in the country going forward need to support high value-added production as well as production of small quantities with large variety.


Advanced-tech: Printable Electronics, Solar-cells, Touch Panels, LED/OLED/PLED

Alternative-tech: Partial Platings, Resists Coating, Bumps Forming

Optics technology: Photomasks, Microlenses, Microfliters

Biotechnology: Pipetting device of protein material, Cell Scaffolds, Microarrays

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