所谓光学显微镜是指利用光学成像原理,能将微小的物体放大到肉眼可见的光学仪器。依照成像方式的不同,又可以分为反射式显微镜与折射式显微镜。依照成像是否倒立,可分为倒立显微镜与解剖显微镜。透过光学显微镜,我们可以观察1000倍左右放大倍率的物体,透过口径的变大,放大倍率可以增大,但受到绕射的影响,解析力却会下降,在两相权衡下,光学显微镜只能放大到1600倍左右,若想再放大更高的倍率,就必须藉由电子显微镜。而光学显微镜的解析度也受到可见光波长的影响,因为波长限制在400奈米到700奈米,因此最小的解析度一般不超过0.3微米。 显微镜依照其构造组成可分为:目镜(或称为接目镜)、物镜(或称为接物镜)、粗调节轮、细调节轮、玻片夹、载物台、反射镜与光圈。 所谓目镜是指与眼睛较接近的透镜,为方便观察,我们使用的是凸透镜,藉由光线的聚焦,可以将物体的像放大,与物镜比较,通常目镜有较大的焦距。 所谓物镜是指与物体较接近的透镜,为造成放大的像,我们使用的也是凸透镜,介由光线的聚焦,可以使物体成放大虚像,为能使物体尽量接近,一般光学显微镜会有三组物镜组可供选择,通常在使用时,会先由较低倍率的物镜先使用,一方面,低倍率的物镜,视野比较广比较容易找到要观察的样品,另一方面,倍率较小的物镜长度比较短,因此与物体距离较远,有较多的空间可以供粗调节轮调整使用,可以避免物镜与玻片因接触而破裂。 所谓粗调节轮与细调节轮都是指调整物镜与载玻片距离得调整装置,但是粗调节轮调整的尺度比细调节轮大,因此,在使用时,我们会先使用粗调节轮大致找到样品的位置,再利用细调节轮来微调,调整到精确的位置,供透镜聚焦,得到清晰的影像。 玻片夹是位在载物台上,两片具有弹性的铁片或钢片,可以将在玻片固定于载物台上,避免因误碰,而必须重新聚焦寻找影像。 载物台是承载物体的平台,下面有一可调整大小的光圈,一般而言,当光线较暗时,我们会选择较大的光圈,光线较亮时,我们会选择较小的光圈。 反射镜位在光圈的下方,如果光线太过昏暗,还有些显微镜会加装电灯,充当辅助光源。
The optical microscope, often referred to as the light microscope , is a type of microscope which uses visible light and a system of lenses to magnify images of small samples. Optical microscopes are the oldest design of microscope and were possibly invented in their present compound form in the 17th century. Basic optical microscopes can be very simple, although there are many complex designs which aim to improve resolution and sample contrast.
The image from an optical microscope can be captured by normal light-sensitive cameras to generate a micrograph. Originally images were captured by photographic film but modern developments in CMOS and charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras allow the capture of digital images. Purely digital microscopes are now available which use a CCD camera to examine a sample, showing the resulting image directly on a computer screen without the need for eyepieces.
Alternatives to optical microscopy which do not use visible light include scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy.
On 8 October 2014, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Eric Betzig, William Moerner and Stefan Hell for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy, which brings optical microscopy into the nanodimension .
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