Effective alarm management provides a clear view of the operating conditions, eliminating the blind spots that can lead to unnecessary plant downtime. Long experience has shown that alarm design based on the EEMUA#-191 guidelines is the most fundamental way to prevent alarm flooding situations. Yokogawa helps clients implement an EEMUA 191 based alarm system.
It is important to conduct benchmarking. Yokogawa Comparative Effectiveness Analysis service gathers operational data for automatic calculation of KPIs, which is then used by Yokogawa to provide periodical benchmarking reports.
Control room design needs to take into consideration all aspects of the work environment including operator comfort, ergonomics, safety, ease of communication, functionality, automation of systems, and business policy. Yokogawa helps clients physically consolidate and functionally integrate their control rooms.
行业领导者已经认识到自动化程序需要标准,并成立了ISA-106委员会。该委员会用于创建标准、推荐的操作规范以及流程设计和执行方面的技术报告,以实现持续过程操作的自动化。横河电机努力参与该标准化进程,并提出了解决方案,可以解决新兴标准 模块化的程序自动化 中的问题。