Atomic emission spectrometry (AES) is an analytical method to study the chemical composition of the material by using the characteristic spectrum of atom or ion under certain conditions. According to the different excitation mechanism, there are 3 types of atomic emission spectra: the nuclear external optical electrons in the atom and the
发而发射的光谱,通常所称的原子发射光谱法是指以电弧、电火花和电火焰(如ICP等)为激发光源来得到原子光谱的分析方法。以化学火焰为激发光源来得到原子发射光谱的,专称为火焰光度法。②原子核外光学电子受到光能激发而发射的光谱,称为原子荧光(见原子荧光光谱分析)。③原子受到X射线光子或其他微观粒子激发使内层电子电离而出现空穴,较外层的电子跃迁到空穴,同时产生次级X射线即X射线荧光(见X射线荧光光谱分析)。在通常的情况下,原子处于基态。基态原子受到激发跃迁到能量较高的激发态。激发态原子是不稳定的,平均寿命为10-10~10-8秒。随后激发原子就要跃迁回到低能态或基态,同时释放出多余的能量,如果以辐射的形式释放能量,该能量就是释放光子的能量。因为原子核外电子能量是量子化的,因此伴随电子跃迁而释放的光子能量就等于电子发生跃迁的两能级的能量差 ,式中h为普朗克常数;c为光速;ν和λ分别为发射谱线的特征频率和特征波长。
The atomic emission spectrometry, commonly referred to as the atomic emission spectrometry, is an analytical method to obtain atomic spectra by means of arc, electric spark, and electric flame (e.g., ICP, etc.). The flame is used as the excitation source to get the atomic emission spectrum, which is called the flame photometric method. Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy, atomic fluorescence spectrometry, atomic fluorescence (see atomic fluorescence spectrometry). The atoms are X ray photons or other micro particle excitation to the inner electron ionization and a hole, the outer layer of the electronic transitions into the hole, at the same time to produce secondary X ray or X ray fluorescence (see X - ray fluorescence analysis). In the usual case, atoms are in the ground state. The ground state atom is excited by the excited transition to the higher energy. Excited state atoms are unstable, the average life expectancy of 10-10 ~ 10-8 seconds. Then the excited atom is going to jump back to the low energy state or the ground state, and at the same time release the excess energy. If the energy is released in the form of radiation, the energy is released by the energy of the photon. Because the atom energy is quantized, so with the electronic transitions and the photon energy release is equal to the electronic transitions of the two level energy difference, h for the Planck constant; C light; V and lambda respectively transmit characteristic frequency and characteristic wavelength spectrum.
According to the characteristic frequency and the characteristic wavelength of the spectral line can be analyzed qualitatively. Comparison of analytical methods for spectral analysis and standard sample spectra comparison.
The spectral line intensity of the atomic emission spectrum is proportional to the concentration of I in the sample. The concentration of C is proportional to the concentration of the component. based on the above analysis, the spectral quantitative analysis. Spectral quantitative analysis is based on the basic relationship is I=acb, B is the self absorption coefficient, alpha as the ratio of. In order to compensate for the experimental conditions of fluctuations caused by the spectral intensity variation, usually with analysis of the relationship between the line and the line intensity ratio of elements for quantitative analysis, known as internal standard method. Standard curve method and standard addition method are commonly used in the quantitative analysis.
The advantages of atomic emission spectrum analysis are as follows: 1. The absolute sensitivity of many elements is 10-11 ~ 10-13 G. Good selectivity. Many similar chemical properties were measured by chemical method to elements such as tantalum, niobium and zirconium and hafnium, rare earth elements, its spectral properties are quite different, easy to separate determination of elements by atomic emission spectrum law. Analysis speed. Simultaneous determination of multiple elements. The little sample consumption (mg). Suitable for the analysis of trace samples and trace inorganic compounds, which are widely used in the analysis of metals, ores, alloys, and various materials.