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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-07-11  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:255




We have 30 years of experience in this life science field and will respond to customer s problem solving with cutting-edge solutions.

Employing new sensor and predictive control technologies for cell culture, we offer improved bioproduction capabilities for pharma.

YOKOGAWA is working on the development of single cell mass spectrometry and single cell gene analysis.  In order to analyze one cell with high sensitivity, we are developing a method of collecting target cells while keeping position information under observing cells with confocal scanner.

Yokogawa is a proponent of a robust genetic testing method for food and drink contamination that can be carried out with overwhelming speed and simplicity. This testing method is realized through Yokogawa s high-sensitive fluorescence measurement technology developed over many years, as well as a newly developed non-label gene analysis device.

YOKOGAWA aims to cost reductions and improve safety by providing a structure and data-management platform for unified management of information related to cellular and regenerative therapies.

Yokogawa is contributing to the development of the pharmaceutical industry based on its performance of introducing over 1,000 systems in the areas of drug substances, pharmaceutical products, and biotechnology.

In addition to daily improvement cycles, Yokogawa will use IIoT to support create environments that do not cause defects and that are designed to completely reduce losses.


随着世界人口的老龄化,为了确保人们能够在安全的环境中安心地生活,制药和食品行业的重要性日益增强。 随着世界主要国家(包括新兴国家)人口的增长和老龄化,向许多人稳定地提供必要的医疗保健和安全食品将变得更加困难。 联合国于2015年通过的 《2030年可持续发展议程》 将福祉定义为 身体、精神和社会福祉 。横河在生命科学和药物发明等广泛领域支持人们的健康和幸福,以及获得安全舒适的工作场所。
依据现有的制药/食品工业业务及正在开发的新技术和产品进一步扩大业务。 通过使用测量、控制和信息技术,从基础研究到物流和服务,从根本上提高整个价值链的生产力。
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