横河电机的新便携式压力校准器CA700使用硅谐共振传感器,该传感器采用了横河电机专用的DPHARP技术。CA700进行压力测量精度可达读数的 0.01%,是市面上精度较高的便携式压力校准器。
远程指示器通过提供现场过程变量的视觉感知,为过程测量提供重要补充。 横河电机为您提供多种不同的指示器。
横河电机在阀门定位器和转换器的开发、设计和制造方面拥有40多年的经验。 这些产品具有卓越的可控性和可维护性,可以帮助客户有效降低工厂的运营成本。
横河电机与施耐德和威卡公司合作,提供一系列阀组和附件,与DPharp EJX和EJA系列变送器组合使用。
横河电机为乙烯裂解工艺优化提供了综合全面的解决方案。SMOC APC控制器提高了乙烯裂解装置的控制水平,减轻了操作人员的工作负荷。
Yokogawa provided control solutions for expansion project in sugar and bio-energy plant. Consolidated central control room was designed for safe, comfortable, and efficient work environment.
A Japanese petrochemical plant leverages FDT/DTM-compliant intelligent field devices and Yokogawa s PRM asset management system for maintenance efficiency. The customer aims to improve maintenance efficiency further by introducing condition-based maintenance (CBM).
SENAI-AL selected Yokogawa to provide the training solutions to learn the latest technologies as well as measurement and feedback control.
Yokogawa s STARDOM and transmitters are used for the micro ethanol distillation plant to develop future engineers.
Your field devices and actuators want to tell you more of what is happening in the plant, all you have to do is listen.
As digital and multi-functional field devices are increasingly used in the process industry today, users have access to large amounts of information available from such devices.
How to reduce boiler accidents Best practices for optimizing pressure startup and combustion How to accurately measure steam and carbon monoxide The Top 3 things to consider in your boiler lifecycle
The top challenges that drive reinstrumentation How to plan for and achieve a successful project Best practices in identifying your project scope 5 ways to improve operator effectiveness Different scenarios and best practices for updating, migrating or replacing process controls, safety systems, and instrumentation in plants
Yokogawa s Local Parameter Setting (LPS) featured in our Pressure Transmitters helps you set 9 parameters without the use of a handheld communicator.