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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-06-24  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:414

在20世纪70年代,横河电机承诺对全球LNG项目进行革新。 凭借着丰富的经验和与解决方案方面的结合,横河电机已具备实现LNG供应链卓越运营的条件。


横河电机拥有超过45年的LNG项目经验,具有丰富的工程专业知识。 我们可以在不中断城市燃气生产的情况下更换控制系统,确保迁移路径无缝连接、提供全方位的实施服务

投资范围从传统的大型项目,扩展到了小型项目和海上设施。 对于这类任务,必须将新技术和经过验证的技术相结合,并且力争在健康、安全、环境(HSE)方面取得进步。


横河凭借在LNG供应链方面深厚的专业知识,针对更宽范围的HSE方面提出并实施新的解决方案。我们的解决方案能够在早期阶段进行无间隙LNG泄漏检测、监控以及检测干扰。 横河还可以协助将经过验证的陆上技术集成到浮式储存、再气化装置(FSRU)、浮式LNG(FLNG)设施以及LNG船舶上。

横河电机拥有超过45年的LNG项目经验,具有丰富的工程专业知识。 我们可以在不中断城市燃气生产的情况下更换控制系统,确保迁移路径无缝连接、提供全方位的实施服务。




生产控制系统:CENTUM VP



横河电机拥有超过45年的LNG项目经验,具有丰富的工程经验。 我们可以在不中断城市燃气生产的情况下更换控制系统,确保迁移路径无缝连接、提供全方位的实施服务。

来自不同地方天然气的成分通常不同,预计这种差异性在未来几十年内还会加大。 因此,接收终端需要应用最佳的实践经验,并且在整个工厂生命周期中处理这种变化带来的影响。 



APC 产品: Exasmoc, Exarqe, Exacoast

单一综合控制和安全系统(ICSS)数据库简化了工程设计。 图片、报警窗口、系统状态显示都具有相同的外观和感觉,操作也更容易。

取得安全完整性等级1-4(SIL1-4)认证的ProSafe-RS安全仪表系统的高可用性,实现了真正的集成化解决方案。关于上游过程包括井口和管道的连接性,我们已经在Vnet / IP实时控制总线和专用于上游过程的单一网络上实现了ProSafe-RS、STARDOM、FAST / TOOLS SCADA系统之间的连接。因此,FAST/TOOLS现在可以用一种集成方式监视STARDOM和ProSafe-RS系统。

数字现场仪表可提供稳定、精确的过程测量,安装成本低,零维护,并有智能自诊断功能。作为现场总线技术的领头羊,横河电机将基于FOUNDATION Fieldbus 的设备推向市场,并开发了全系列的FOUNDATION Fieldbus 现场仪表。




World s largest LNG terminal relies on CENTUM to maximize safety and reliability. It is very important for KOGAS to be able to adjust flexibly to shifts in demand in the gas that it supplies to power plants, industrial companies, and residences.
DCS, SIS, PRM with FOUNDATION fieldbus and OTS Installed in Thailand First LNG Terminal. Alarms are issued before any device fails completely, enabling predictive maintenance that reduces maintenance costs throughout the facility lifecycle.
Yokogawa provides CENTUM CS 3000 and ProSafe-RS for the largest LNG terminal in Europe. Yokogawa s OmegaLand plant operator training simulator (OTS) helps to reduce costs, optimize LNG terminal processes.
OTS for familialization of liquefaction processes and operator training. Yokogawa s integrated solutions contribute to safe and steady production at gas liquefaction plant in Norway.
World s first offshore regasification terminal relies on Yokogawa ICSS (CENTUM CS 3000, ProSafe-RS). LNG carrier scheduling, unloading, tank storage, and vaporizing are all procedure based operations.
CENTUM CS 3000 ensures safe and reliable operation of one of the world s most advanced LNG carriers. Yokogawa successfully installed a CENTUM CS 3000 integrated control automation system(ICAS).
MISC could be ensured of better information visibility, performance foresight, and operational agility. Yokogawa CS 3000 system has proven in both the Tenaga and the Seri Class LNG carriers that their hardware is very reliable with very less problem.
Legacy ProSafe-PLC SIS replaced with ProSafe-RS to improve sustainable lifecycle support at LNG terminal. The seamless use of the same HMI for both PCS and SIS, and improved safety and integrity.
Scalable, flexible configuration with functions distributed to multiple controllers on a facility basis Redundant architecture optimally designed for requirements of entire plant General-purpose communications network used for control bus Integrated operation environment through web-based human-machine interface (HMI)
Eight LNG trains integrated into a single control system Increased steam production and boiler response with improved production downtime
A phased upgrade approach from CENTUM CS to CENTUM VP was planned to meet tight LNG carriers schedules. The collaboration using CENTUM VP and APC provides optimization of gas liquefaction operation.
Operator training system for the critical LNG processes had been built to reduce human errors and achieve operational excellence. The high fidelity modeling of LNG liquefaction process closely matches the behavior and operational environment of the actual plant.
Hibiki LNG Terminal is supplying natural gas to a broad area of northern Kyushu. CENTUM VP and FA-M3V provide a centralized monitoring environment and contribute to safe and stable operation.

An automatic custody transfer system for unmanned LNG gas stations that embeds PC oriented functions such as e-mail, FTP, and the Java runtime environment in a robust hybrid controller.

In the event of a gas line shut down, gas supply must be maintained for a period of time with the use of LNG stored in road tankers. Each tanker must have its pressure monitored to prevent an over pressure situation arising.

Recently, several ARC Advisory Group analysts and management team members had a chance to sit down with the new Yokogawa President and COO, Mr. Takashi Nishijima, and several other top Yokogawa executives to discuss the company s burgeoning presence in the worldwide upstream and midstream oil gas industry.

Over the past decade, companies have been using unconventional drilling technology to extract gas and liquid from the readily available shale formations in North America. As the industry gains experience, the production rates continue to rise based on better use of technology to locate resources and to decrease the time from exploration to production.

As LNG moves from a niche to a major area of the oil and gas industry, experienced suppliers are required to deliver the technologies that support it. 

only 5% of data is transferred into meaningful information so, asks Frank Horden, Business Development Manager, Yokogawa Global SCADA Center, USA, how to ensure pipeline management data is translated into valuable knowledge?

Martin te Lintelo, Yokogawa Europe B.V., The Netherlands, discusses high level control system design for LNG receiving terminals. As demand for LNG increases worldwide, players face seemingly conflicting challenges. On one hand, they must expand capacity in different regions, make the business and production as agile and adaptive as possible, and improve operational efficiency.

The LNG sector presents challenges for the automation supplier, particularly in the implementation of automation systems for regasification terminals. Yokogawa Europe s business development manager, upstream oil and gas Martin te Lintelo looks at the handling of the potential automation-related problem areas and opportunities.

Platt Beltz and Greg Hallauer, Yokogawa, USA, discuss how simulation can improve operator training in LNG operations.

Martin te Lintelo, Yokogawa, The Netherlands, discusses the need for better automation, measurement and control instruments to cope with the rising popularity of LNG.

Yokogawa South Africa was appointed to design, supply and commission the Integrated Control and Safety System (ICSS) as well as the overall Terminal Management System at Sunrise Energy s liquid petroleum gas (LPG) import Terminal, the largest on- and offshore open-access LPG import terminal facility in Africa. Yokogawa s Terminal Management System, Terminal Logistic Suite VP (TLSVP), was designed and developed to meet the exacting operational demands and logistic needs in terminals. Yokogawa s experienced engineering resources ensured the project was successfully delivered, enabling Sunrise Energy to provide accurate mass balances and efficient terminal operations to its customers.

关键词: petroleum gas LPG Sunrise Energy
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