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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-04-02  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:967









































































 EU 178/2002



Shree Renuka Sugars Limited (SRSL) is a global agribusiness and bio-energy corporation. The company is one of the world s largest sugar producers and refiners.

The new package software running on the CENTUM CS 3000 has enabled flexible configuration and data settings for greater productivity. The CENTUM CS 3000 features a standard long-term trend function that can store a year s worth of data on more than 200 tags that are sampled at 2 minute intervals.
Yokogawa provided control solutions for expansion project in sugar and bio-energy plant. Consolidated central control room was designed for safe, comfortable, and efficient work environment.

Yokogawa Electric Corporation has completed a unique control system project in Arcadia, Florida, which is located in the heart of a beautiful citrus-growing region. Peace River Citrus Products has installed a Yokogawa CENTUM CS 1000 R3 control system to control a proprietary orange juice production process at its citrus processing plant.

Integrated automation solutions for high reliability and availability system Reduced consumption of steam, bagasse, and bunker fuel oil with increased daily throughput of massecuite
Achievement of 24-hour production schedule with increased output Higher level of reliability and security attained by adding emergency operation system
Implementation of control system supported by global maintenance, service, engineering, and technical support capabilities Improved stability and safety of plant operation

S B Sankyo uses the GX20 Paperless Recorder to monitor temperature and pressure in a food processing plant s sterilization process.

Rousselot Ghent won Belgium Factory of the Future Award. Yokogawa has supported Rousselot with automation systems since 1993.

Data of 20,000 tags gathered by Exaquantum helped to find the ideal production parameters.

The UT series of temperature controllers is perfect for controlling the heating temperature of sealing parts and the temperature of sealing rolls (pre-heating) in a variety of different wrapping machinery.

For remote monitoring (of temperature, pressure, and flow volume), installing the MW100 in the plant and DXAdvanced in the office provides for a scalable, pc-free on-site data monitoring solution. You can centralize managment of large quantities of data by automatically transferring acquired data to a FTP server.

DXAdvanced records the clean room temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, door openings and closings, etc.

In maintenance and servicing of in-service boiler equipment, you can remotely survey the conditions on-site beforehand to improve service. DXAdvanced comes with standard with e-mail, Web, FTP, and other functions allowing you to easily obtain on-site data.

This introduces a system that uses Ethernet communications to acquire measured values, target values, and control output values from a controller installed on site into a PLC at high speed (ten units worth within one second).

In semiconductor manufacturing processes, a deficient clean room environment can lead to defects and wasted resources, making a strictly controlled clean room indispensable. Maintaining the environment in the clean room requires control of air filters, HVAC systems, room temperature, humidity, airborne particles, and other factors.

MW100 Data Acquisition/Data Logging System with PR300 Power and Energy Meters

Milk should be processed within 4 to 6 hours of production to make it fit for human consumption. Temperature is a very important parameter which has to be monitored at different stages of milk processing.

In the plants of food and beverage manufacturers, there are times when monitoring and recording of production equipment is necessary inside clean rooms. This is an introduction to monitoring and recording in clean rooms using paperless recorders.

With advances in process automation comes a greater need for level measurement and control. As pressure on at the bottom surface of a liquid is proportional to the height of the liquid s surface, you can measure pressure using a differential pressure transmitter to detect the level of the liquid, acquire the data on the UT75A Digital Indicating Controller, and use the measurements to control the tank level.

Yokogawa s ceramic liner can offer the customer superior resistance to thermal shock and the failure that can occur due to liner cracking. This is due to Yokogawa s use of 99.9% pure Al2O3 for the liner.

The paperless recorder DX series automatically calculate the Fo value from the heating temperature and are useful in managing the sterilization process by displaying and recording the value together with the heating temperature.

In the manufacturing process of Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Food Beverage industries, the cleaning and sterilization of tanks and piping are done with various cleaning solutions, fresh or hot water and steam after manufacturing products. Clean-In-Place (CIP) is the system designed for automatic cleaning and disinfecting.

In the past, the boiler feed tank systems in sugar factories had to be checked several times a day to make sure there were no sugar solution leaks. This was a very laborious process and, as continuous monitoring was not possible, monitoring results were not reliable. When a leak occurred, recovery operations were very costly and time-consuming.

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a separation process that uses pressure to force a solution through a membrane that retains the solute on one side and allows the pure solvent to pass to the other side. More formally, it is the process of forcing a solvent from a region of high solute concentration through a membrane to a region of low solute concentration by applying a pressure in excess of the osmotic pressure.

One of the critical control points in the brewing process is the monitoring of the progress of the fermentation stage. The DM8 Vibration Type Liquid Density Meter offers high sensitivity and stability, realizes precise control, reduces workload, and reduces instrument costs.

Skim milk is what remains after cream is removed from raw milk. Cream is removed to bring the fat content of the skim milk as close as possible to the lower limit of a designated range. For this purpose, control of the fat content in the cream and the skim milk is essential. The fat content in the cream and the milk has a direct relationship to their density and is controlled by the measurement thereof. 

In the food industry, the control of concentrations on the production line is critical to product quality, determining, among other things, how good the food tastes. One such procedure for doing this involves taking a sample from the production process and measuring its specific gravity (density) with a hydrometer. 

The discharge of improperly treated industrial chemicals and fuel gas can have a major impact on the environment, posing a serious threat to public health. Concurrent with the global growth of manufacturing operations to keep pace with market trends, many countries are taking measures to deal with environmental problems.

By using the Multibatch function (an option added with DXAdvanced R3), you can efficiently record data from multiple devices onto a single DXAdvanced.

Using the custom display function that comes standard with DXAdvanced R3 means that you can combine the recorders, displays, and switches used in various kinds of equipment.

Using the batch name + lot number system, past measured data can be recalled for reference by batch name.

Alarm contact output (optional) connected to abnormality alarm device:
Operations managers are notified in turn of the alarm by telephone.

Universal inputs provide support for thermocouple, RTD, voltage, and a variety of other input signals. Lineup of models for up to 48 inputs.
Allows multipoint monitoring and recording on a single unit. Easily enables network-based data management. 
file transfers, Web monitoring, and alarm e-mail

Remote measurement of sterilization temperatures at each stage using the DX2000+MW100 The DX2000 s external input function (/MC1) lets you add up to 240 external input channels.

A computation option computes the F-value, or sterilizing value for the sterilization process, so that the computation results can be recorded in the form of analog data.

DAQWORX Data Acquisition Software Suite helps the administrative department collect and monitor data on each section of the factory, including data on the usage of chemicals, gas, and electricity.

The sterilization temperature prior to the filling process is monitored in the field or office. The temperature data is recorded in an external storage medium.

Temperature plays a key role in storage of Molasses to maintain the chemical properties of molasses. When temperature rises over 40.5 degree C, destruction of structure in sugar occurs, which results in losing the feeding property of molasses. There is also a safety concern that a rise in temperature can lead to a rise in storage tank pressure leading to an explosion of the tank.

Temperature monitoring at a tank farm Temperature and pressure monitoring in tank jungles, three vertical monitoring points.

This technical white paper will discuss Yokogawa s CENTUM VP DCS (Distributed Control System) product, hereafter referred to as CENTUM VP , and the extent of its compliance with Part 11 of Title 21 of the Code of Federal Regulations, (21 CFR Part 11), the Electronic Records / Electronic Signatures Rule.

Sugar and alcohol market are increasing, due humanity needs to find alternatives for fossil fuels dependence. Brazil joins climactic and technologic features to place itself at the forefront of this industry.

The worlds of process automation and production management have been converging for some time. What once used to be islands of automation and production management functionality connected through highly proprietary integration schemes that were costly to maintain have developed into integrated platforms that provide seamless data exchange between the world of automation and the plant floor, the functions of production and operations management, and integration with business level systems.

The world of process automation is governed by procedures. While we like to refer to the process industries as being largely continuous , this could not be further from the truth. Process manufacturing is constantly in flux.

This document describes the operation and data flow of the Yokogawa Print Wave software using the DX-P Reporter. It will provide a detailed explanation of the Advanced Alarm Reporter functions. The functions described in this paper were first released in Print Wave version 5.5.

Honeywell and Yokogawa have both been producing Distributed Control System (DCS) platforms for decades, and both are very active in this area. In 1975, Honeywell introduced its TDC2000 platform and Yokogawa brought out CENTUM. These two competing systems emerged from a similar place, oil refining and petrochemical industries, so they started out with similar basic concepts and use cases in mind. 

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