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Volvo VCS 1027,1449

放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-03-05  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:468

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Volvo VCS 1027,1449英文简介

This test procedure serves as a general purpose atmospheric corrosion test and can be applied to a wide variety of materials, coatings and interactions of materials. It has been developed to allow the evaluation of the corrosion resistance of metals in environments where there is a significant influence of chloride ions, mainly as sodium chloride from a marine source or by winter road de-icing salt. This test is cyclic in nature, i.e.; test specimens are exposed to changing climates over time.

Test specimens are placed in an enclosed chamber and exposed to a changing climate. The first 5 days comprise of the following 3 part repeating cycle. 6.0 hours exposure to a wet climate of no less than 95% RH, at +25 C, with intermittent exposure to salt solution. This is followed by 2.5 hours climate controlled transition to 50 C 70% RH. This is followed by 15.5 hours exposure to a constant climate of 50 C 70% RH. The final 2 days comprise of 48.0 hours exposure to a constant climate of 50 C 70% RH. This completes the total 7 day test cycle. The number of cycle repeats and therefore the test duration is variable.

This test is also referred to as a Cyclic Corrosion Test, often abbreviated to CCT.

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