恭贺艾森生物RTCA技术获得美国“肿瘤细胞免疫疗法”之父卡尔·朱恩(Carl June )团队高度评价
肿瘤细胞免疫疗法是当今最有希望治愈癌症的治疗手段,由美国科学院院士、宾夕法尼亚大学教授卡尔?朱恩在全球最先成功运用于病人的治疗。日前,宾夕法尼亚大学卡尔实验室撰文,高度评价由艾森生物自主研发的实时细胞分析系统(xCELLigence Real Time Cell Analyzer,RTCA)即艾森生物RTCA技术,在临床评价肿瘤细胞免疫治疗的关键CAR T细胞对肿瘤细胞杀伤活性方面的价值。
昊诺斯作为艾森生物独家授权的区域代理商,为艾森生物能拥有这样先进的技术感到骄傲,并对艾森生物RTCA技术获得美国“肿瘤细胞免疫疗法”之父卡尔·朱恩(Carl June )团队高度评价表示祝贺,昊诺斯也一直致力于把这种艾森生物RTCA技术、相关产品介绍给自己的用户,希望大家受益。
肿瘤细胞免疫疗法作为近年来国际上最热门的新型细胞疗法,其基本原理就是利用病人自身的T细胞进行基因改造,成为嵌合抗原受体T细胞(简称CAR T细胞),以此对肿瘤细胞进行高度靶向性的精准治疗,并可能成为最终治愈肿瘤的手段。然而,对CAR T细胞的肿瘤杀伤作用,目前全球没有一个成熟的评价系统和标准,这是目前肿瘤细胞免疫治疗急需攻破的难关。
例如,为监测关键细胞——CAR T细胞对肿瘤细胞的总体杀伤活性,治疗者需要对治疗性T细胞在应用于病人治疗前进行快速评估。卡尔实验室运用艾森生物RTCA技术发现,该艾森生物RTCA技术可揭示不同肿瘤细胞杀伤的动力学差异,这是其他传统终点检测方法无法实现的。而与其他实时分析技术相比,艾森生物RTCA技术也有更多优势,它仅需很少的细胞进行检测分析,能及时反映组合治疗的动态过程,并可为用于体内研究的治疗性T细胞提供快速活性质控。总之,艾森生物RTCA技术在基因修饰的T细胞活性功能评价、活性动力学特征评估、体外联合治疗的量效和时效评估,以及快速稳定的质控检测等方面,都显示了非常有价值的功能和独特优势。
香农?迈克杰蒂甘博士将代表卡尔实验室,于2016年1月25日,参加在美国加州圣地亚哥召开的第八届免疫及免疫监控大会(8th Immunotherapeutics & Immunomonitoring Conference, San Diego, CA.USA),专题报告艾森生物RTCA技术在肿瘤细胞免疫治疗中的运用情况。报告综述原文如下:
Discovery and Pre-Clinical Evaluations of CAR T Cell Cytotoxic Activity Using the xCELLigence
Real Time Cell Analyzer
Presenting Author: Shannon McGettiganAdditional Authors: Yanping Luo, Keisuke Watanabe,
John Scholler, Carl H June Research Specialist University of Pennsylvania Cytotoxicity
assays are an important characterization in the development of anti-cancer therapeutics. Chromium release assays are considered the gold standard for
evaluating lymphocyte cytotoxic activity but requires the burden of using radioactive
materials, is time consuming, and is limited to a single time point.our lab and others
have developed flow cytometric and luciferase based cytotoxcity assays for screening
and evaluating novel therapeutic CAR T cells against a wide range of cancer cell lines
and primary tumor; however, these can also be time consuming and limited to a single
snapshot. In order to monitor the overall killing activity of our CAR T cell therapies as
a function of time and more rapidly drive our understandings in early development of
therapeutic T cells, we have started to utilize the xCELLigence real time cell
analyzer (RTCA). Our studies have compared how measurement of changes in
adherent cell’s electrical impedance compares to our standard cytotoxicity
measurements by the remaining viable cell numbers in flow based assays or relative
changes in luciferase activity. We found that a correlation exists between the platform
for measuring cytotoxicity. Real time cellular impedance analysis reveals kinetic
differences that cannot be captured practically with conventional fixed end point
platforms. We have found that using the xCELLigence platform has many benefits
beyond just real time monitoring. The assay requires minimal number of cells which
can be retrieved for further analysis, saves time, provides a kinetic readout of
combination therapies, and is a quick quality control cytotoxicity assay for
therapeutic T cells used in in vivo experiments. Together the xCelligence Real time
platform shows valuable utility for screening gene modified T cells cytotoxic function,
characterizing the kinetics of their activity, evaluating the dosage and timing of
combination therapies in vitro and providing a quick stable platform for quality control
of therapeutic T cells.