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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2021-07-05  来源:仪器网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:50





  今年的45位入围者 包括:

  Ahmed Badran from the Liu group, Harvard University

  Joshua Barham from the Murphy group, University of Strathclyde

  Suzanne Batiste from the Johnston group, Vanderbilt University

  Antonio Bauzá from the Frontera group, University of Balearic Islands

  Charlotte Boott from the Pringle group, University of Bristol

  Anna Brezny from the Landis group, University of Wisconsin - Madison

  Lumen Chao from the Murata group, Kyoto University

  Zhe Dong from the Dong group, University of Chicago

  Brendan Fallon from the Petit group, University Pierre & Marie Curie

  Alexander Giovannitti from the McCulloch group, Imperial College London

  Robert Heinze from the Heretsch group, Freie University of Berlin

  Yoshihiko Iwane from the Suga group, University of Tokyo

  Xingxing Jiang from the Lin group, University of Chinese Academy of Science

  Jonathan Kuo from the Norton group, Columbia University

  Shogo Kuriyama from the Nishibayashi group, University of Tokyo

  Hiu Lam from the George group, University of Adelaide

  Matthew Landry from the Burns group, Stanford University

  Mark Levin from the Toste group, University of California Berkeley

  Kuangbiao Liao from the Davies group, Emory University

  Maria Cristina Lo Giudice from the Dawson group, University College Dublin

  Moritz Malischewski from the Seppelt group, Freie University of Berlin

  Koichi Nagata from the Tokitoh group, Kyoto University

  Takayuki Nakamuro from the Murakami group, Kyoto University

  Ryo Nakano from the Nozaki group, University of Tokyo

  Dennis Nielsen from the Skrydstrup group, Aarhus University

  Keisuke Nogi from the Tsuji group, Kyoto University

  Jennifer Obligacion from the Chirik group, Princeton University

  Thomas Osberger from the White group, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  Harshkumar Patel from the Sigman group, University of Utah

  Aleksandra Pekosak from the Windhorst group, Vrije University Medical Center Amsterdam

  Catherine Pitman from the Miller group, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

  Derrick Roberts from the Nitschke group, University of Cambridge

  Jessica Rodriguez Villar from the Mascareñas group, University of Santiago de Compostela

  Koki Sano from the Aida group, University of Tokyo

  Ryan Schwamm from the Coles group, Victoria University of Wellington

  Sergii Shylin from the Ksenofontov group, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz

  Markus Suta from the Wickleder group, University of Siegen

  Andy Thomas from the Denmark group, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  Veaceslav Vieru from the Chibotaru group, KU Leuven

  Fei Wang from the Guosheng Liu group, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences

  Min Wang from the Wen Liu group, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry Chinese Academy of Sciences

  Miles White from the Vela group, Iowa State University

  Kumiko Yamamoto from the Kanai group, University of Tokyo

  Sui Yang from the Zhang group, University of California Berkeley

  Changchun Yuan from the Liu group, Sichuan University

关键词: from the group University of
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