点击次数:95 发布日期:2019-3-18
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美国NIH下属美国国家药物滥用研究中心(National Institute on Drug Abuse)的多个研究所,联合在神经生物学顶级杂志Neuron发表研究结果:Neuron-Specific Genome Modification in the Adult Rat Brain Using CRISPR-Cas9 Transgenic Rats,Neuron (2019), doi.org/10.1016/j.neuron.2019.01.035 通过CRISPR-Cas9技术建立特定神经元敲除大鼠模型。
组织:直径0.2 m,0.2 g总蛋白,只是传统western blot的几十分之一;
原代神经元细胞:1 g总蛋白
Protein analysis using Wes
10-weeks-old DAT-iCre line 6 transgenic and WT rats (7 rats from each line) unilaterally injected with AAV Cas9 and AAV LSL-Th gRNA into the midbrain were analyzed for TH protein expression through capillary western blot (Wes, Protein simple, San Jose, CA). Six weeks after injection, the animals were anesthetized and the brains were removed. The left and right midbrain regions were collected by taking a 2 m diameter punch of the tissue. Tissues were lysed in a modified RIPA buffer (described above), sonicated 10 s at 10 A (Ultrasonic Processor GE 70, Cole Parmer, Vernon Hills, IL), and then centrifuged at 11,000 rpm for 15 min at 4_C.After quantification of protein concentration in the supernatant using a DC assay (Bio-Rad), 0.2 g of total protein was transferred to 12-230 kDa Separation Modules (Protein Simple) for separation and detection using mouse anti-TH (1:50; Millipore #MAB318, RRID: AB_2201528) and mouse anti-actin (1:50; Cell Signal Technology mAb 3700S, RRID: AB_2242334) primary antibodies, and the Anti-Mouse Detection Module (Protein Simple,). The relative amount of TH protein was determined using the areas under peaks from the chemiluminescence chromatograms provided by the Compass for SW software (version 4.0.0, Protein Simple). TH values were normalized to actin before relating the injected left side to the non-injected right side.
For protein detection in primary cortical neuron cultures, cells were lysed in RIPA buffer (above) and 1 g protein was loaded onto WES 25-well plates for separation of 12-230 kDa proteins (ProteinSimple). MANF and actin proteins were detected using rabbit anti-MANF (YenZym) and mouse anti-actin (Abcam #ab3280) as primary antibodies, and HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit and anti-mouse secondary antibodies according to the instructions in the WES separation kit (ProteinSimple).