蛋白激酶、脱氢酶、以及其他核苷酸依赖性酶,特别适用于以NAD,NADP 类为辅酶的蛋白纯化,包括核苷酸依赖性酶。
另外也适用于一系列血清蛋白和血浆蛋白的纯化如rat a-fetoprotein,a-2-macroglobulin。Affi-Gel Blue gel is a crosslinked agarose bead with covalently attached Cibacron Blue F3GA dye. The blue dye functions as an ionic, hydrophobic, aromatic, or sterically active binding site in various applications. Affi-Gel Blue is ideally suited for albumin removal (using 50–100 mesh) and enzyme purification (using 100–200 mesh). Proteins and peptides are bound and released with a high degree of specificity by manipulating the composition of the eluent buffers.蓝胶亲和填料信息由伯乐生命医学产品(上海)有限公司(bio-rad)为您提供,如您想了解更多关于蓝胶亲和填料报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应蓝胶亲和填料外,伯乐生命医学产品(上海)有限公司(bio-rad)还可为您提供预染彩虹蛋白分子量标准、IPG胶条、水平电泳琼脂糖预制胶等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。