Dionex DRS 600 Suppressors抑制器
1、Dionex ADRS 600 (2 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088667
For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (P/N 082541),Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6948), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061562), ASRS ULTRA (P/N 053947), ASRS I (P/N 043187),and the ASRS II (P/N 046078) suppressors.
2、Dionex ADRS 600 (4 mm) Anion Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088666
For use with 4 and 5 mm anion-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex AERS 500 (4mm) P/N 082540,Dionex ASRS 300 (P/N SP6949), ASRS ULTRA II (P/N 061561), ASRS (P/N 053946), ASRS I (P/N 043189), and theASRS II (P/N 046081) suppressors.
3、Dionex CDRS 600 (2 mm) Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088670
For use with 2 and 3 mm microbore cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CERS 500 (2mm) P/N 082543,Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6950), CSRS ULTRA II (P/N 061564), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053949), CSRS I (P/N 043188),and the CSRS II (P/N 046080) suppressors.
4、Dionex CDRS 600 (4 mm) P/N 082542 Cation Electrolytically Regenerated Suppressor 088668
For use with 4 mm cation-exchange columns. Replaces the Dionex CSRS 300 (P/N SP6951), CSRS ULTRA II(P/N 061563), CSRS ULTRA (P/N 053948), CSRS I (P/N 043190), and the CSRS II (P/N 046079) suppressors.
SP6948ASRS 300(2 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6949ASRS 300(4 mm)ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MMSP6950CSRS 300(2 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款2MMSP6951CSRS 300(4 mm)CSRS300 阳离子抑制器-老款4MM088666Suppressor, ADRS 600(4MM)抑制器, ADRS 600(4MM)088667Suppressor, ADRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, ADRS 600(2MM)088668Suppressor, CDRS 600(4MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(4MM)088670Suppressor, CDRS 600(2MM)抑制器,, CDRS 600(2MM)085090PROD,ACRS,4MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器4MM085091PROD,ACRS,2MMACRS 阴离子化学抑制器2MM085092PROD,CCRS,4MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器4MM085093PROD,CCRS,2MMCCRS 阳离子化学抑制器2MM
SP6949赛默飞ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MM信息由上海希言科学仪器有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于SP6949赛默飞ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MM报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应SP6949赛默飞ASRS300 阴离子抑制器-老款4MM外,上海希言科学仪器有限公司还可为您提供6820.2464赛默飞UltiMate3000针座毛细管、WAT271017沃特世配件柱塞清洗端面密封垫 、WAT075215沃特世配件三通(1/16"镙丝)等产品,公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。