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ATCC 29544安Cronobacter sakazakii 阪崎肠杆菌vsATCC细菌 质控大肠杆菌 规范大肠杆菌安北京桑戈科技控股

放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2021-01-26  来源:仪器网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:96
核心提示:Cronobacter sakazakii (Farmer et al.) Iversen et al. (ATCC 29544 )ATCC 29544 阪崎肠杆菌In addition to the MTA mentioned
Cronobacter sakazakii (Farmer et al.) Iversen et al. (ATCC 29544 )
ATCC 29544 阪崎肠杆菌
In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer Cronobacter sakazakii (Farmer et al.) Iversen et al. (ATCC  29544 )ATCC 29544 阪崎肠杆菌ATCC  Number:29544  Price: Organism:Cronobacter sakazakii (Farmer et al.) Iversen et al. deposited as Enterobacter flavusDesignations:CDC 4562-70 (Ct2(MR-) [CDC 78-067947]Isolation:child s throatDepositor:JJ FarmerHistory:ATCC --JJ Farmer --Tennessee State Hlth. Dept. --- Primary Hospital LabBiosafety Level:1Shipped:freeze-driedGrowth Conditions:ATCC medium3: Nutrient agar or nutrient broth
Temperature: 30.0 CPermits/Forms:In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimay responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.Cross References:Nucleotide (GenBank) : AX109554 Sequence 287 from Patent WO0123604.Type Strain:yes(type strain)Comments:DNA hybridization reference strain 
Formerly known as Enterobacter sakazakii.References:8500: Farmer III JJ, et al. Enterobacter sakazakii: A new species of "Enterobacteriaceae" isolated from clinical specimens. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. 30: 569-584, 1980.
16172864: Mullane NR, et al. Development of multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis for the molecular subtyping of Enterobacter sakazakii. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 74(4): 1223-1231, 2008 February. PubMed: 18083860
16172865: Iversen C, et al. Cronobacter gen. nov., a new genus to accommodate the biogroups of Enterobacter sakazakii, and proposal of Cronobacter sakazakii gen. nov., comb. nov., Cronobacter malonaticus sp. nov., Cronobacter turicensis sp. nov., Cronobacter muytjensii sp. nov., Cronobacter dublinensis sp. nov., Cronobacter genomospecies 1, and of three subspecies, Cronobacter dublinensis subsp. dublinensis subsp. nov., Cronobacter dublinensis subsp. lausannensis subsp. nov. and Cronobacter dublinensis subsp. lactaridi subsp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 58(Pt 6): 1442-1447, 2008 Jun. Pub
关键词: Cronobacter ATCC al nov et
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ATCC 29544安Cronobacter sakazakii 阪崎肠杆菌vsATCC细菌 质控大肠杆菌 规范大肠杆菌安北京桑戈科技控股二维码

