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정기 교육

放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-03-07  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:793

AB Sciex의 사업명은 SCIEX입니다. 2010-2018 AB Sciex. 여기서 언급한 상표는AB Sciex Pte. Ltd. 또는 해당 소유자의 재산입니다. AB SCIEX 는 사용 허가를 받아 사용되었습니다. Beckman Coulter 는 사용 허가를 받아 사용되었습니다. 연구 목적으로만 사용할 수 있습니다. 진단 절차에는 사용 할 수 없습니다.

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AB Sciex의 사업명은 SCIEX입니다. 2010-2018 AB Sciex. 여기서 언급한 상표는AB Sciex Pte. Ltd. 또는 해당 소유자의 재산입니다. AB SCIEX 는 사용 허가를 받아 사용되었습니다. Beckman Coulter 는 사용 허가를 받아 사용되었습니다. 연구 목적으로만 사용할 수 있습니다. 진단 절차에는 사용 할 수 없습니다.

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Invalid token - please reload the page and retry. This email is already associated with this instrument Could not find request Could not validate the key against any instrument requests No instrument was found with that serial number There is already a pending access request for this instrument. You already have access to this instrument You must be an instrument owner to add new users This email is already associated with this instrument This email address cannot be found. Please ask the user to create a SCIEX.com account. The old password does not match our records. Error creating user: That login already exists. Please choose a new login Error creating user: Invalid Captcha This email already exists. Please go to login and click Forgot Password. You do not have permission to comment on this case You must be an instrument owner to approve or reject users This email is already associated with this instrument. You cannot deny this request - instead, remove them from the instrument. You do not have permission to view this attachment There was an error with your username, please email digitalhelp@sciex.com to restore your account. Cannot find a user with that email address. There was an error authenticating account credentials
Invalid License ID. Please try again. You must be an instrument owner to remove users You do not have permission to reopen this case You do not have access to update this instrument You do not have permissions to upload to this case You do not have permissions to update this user.
关键词: owner add users number pending
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