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(AccuThermo MG 610)更快退火炉 或受保护情绪热处理炉词组储备讯息vs91化学工业仪器网

放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2021-01-26  来源:仪器网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:43
核心提示:Allwin21 Corp (www.allwin21.com) 是一家总部设在美国硅谷的专业半导体设备与技术服务公司。我公司可提供全新的或翻新的快速退火炉或保护气氛热处理炉Heatpulse  AG610 、AG4100 、A

Allwin21 Corp (www.allwin21.com) 是一家总部设在美国硅谷的专业半导体设备与技术服务公司。我公司可提供全新的或翻新的快速退火炉或保护气氛热处理炉Heatpulse  AG610 、AG4100 、AG8108系列用于退火工艺或热处理工艺; 去胶(打胶)机  GASONICS AURA 1000系列; AE 2001 AE 2000LLL; 去胶(打胶)机MATRIX 105/106/303/403系列 ;及TEGAL 901/903 等离子刻蚀机;EG2001/2010/1034探针台;HP4062/HP4145测试仪;AW-PCM测试软件

 Allwin21 Corp 于2006年10月从应用材料(Applied Materials)取得全球*生产、销售、服务AG Heatpulse 210,AG Heatpulse 410,AG Heatpulse 610的经营权。Allwin21 Corp.在AG Heatpulse 610的基础上,结合她自主开发的全新GUI控制软件及精确的温度控制技术,生产、制造AccuThermo AW 410,AccuThermo AW 610,AccuThermo AW 810桌上型保护气氛热处理炉。 产品使用: 离子注入后快速退火;
氧化物生长; Solar Cell 太阳能电池 LED 化合物材料研究 纳米材料研究 MEMS研究
其它快速热处理工艺。 产品特点:1.先进的GUI图形软件;2.精确的温度控制技术;3.具备power summary功能;4.先进的ERP高温计;5.冷壁系统;6.zui多4路工艺气体,MFC控制;7.单片,闭环温度控制;8.快速升温与降温控制:10-150 C/秒9.工艺重复性好;10.  软件校准,精确方便;11.  软件界面显示设备全部信息,方便维修、使用; 同一般管式高温炉的比较: 一般管式高温炉只能一个工艺条件,即一个温度;工艺周期长,使用不太灵活;须24小时加电恒温,能耗较高. 快速退火炉,可以设多个工艺条件,即多种温度;工艺时间短,使用非常灵活;能耗很低;同一台设备既可用作生产,也可用作科研,且任何科研工艺条件不会对生产工艺造成影响


Allwin21 is the exclusive licenced manufacture for AG Heatpulse 610.  Allwin21 is manufacturing the AccuThermo AW-610,AccuThermo AW 810,originally the AG Heatpulse 610.The AccuThermo AW-610,AccuThermo AW 810 have innovative softwaremore advanced temperature control technologies.

AccuThermo AW 610 is a desktop rapid thermal processor which uses high-intensity, visible radiation to heat single wafer for short periods at precisely controlled temperatures. These capabilities, combined with the heating chamber''s cold-wall design, superior heating uniformity advanced temperature control technologyAW 900 new software, provide significant advantages over conventional furnace processingconventional RTP systems. 


Rapid thermal processing (or RTP) refers to a semiconductor manufacturing process which heats silicon wafers to high temperatures (up to 1200 C or greater) on a timescale of several seconds or less. The wafers must be brought down (temperature) slow enough however, so they do not break due to thermal shock..Such rapid heating rates are attained by high intensity lamps process. These processes are used for a wide variety of applications in semiconductor manufacturing including dopant activation, thermal oxidation, metal reflowchemical vapor deposition.

Rapid thermal anneal (RTA) is a process used in semiconductor device fabrication which consists of heating a single wafer at a time in order to affect its electrical properties. Unique heat treatments are designed for different effects. Wafers can be heated in order to activate dopants, change film-to-film or film-to-wafer substrate interfaces, densify deposited films, change states of grown films, repair damage from ion implantation, move dopants or drive dopants from one film into another or from a film into the wafer substrate. Rapid thermal anneals are performed by equipment that heats a single wafer at a time using lamp based heating that a wafer is brought near. Unlike furnace anneals they are short in duration, processing each wafer in several minutes. Rapid thermal anneal is a subset of processes called Rapid Thermal Process (RTP).

AG Associates Heatpulse is one of the most famous RTP equipment manufacturers. Many Integrated Chip companies, R D centers, Institutes all over the world have been using AG Heatpulse Systems. 

Allwin21 Corp can provide the following refurbished RTP equipment AG Heatpulse 210 AG Heatpulse 410 AG Heatpulse 610 AG Heatpulse 2100 AG Heatpulse 4100 AG Heatpulse 4100S AG Heatpulse 4108 


  Heatpulse 210     Heatpulse 610   Heatpulse 4100 

Allwin21 Corp. can also provide  Allwin21 Corp proprietary AW Control SoftwareSuperior Temperature Control Technology  to upgrade the refurbished equipment which provides the following significant advantages Integrated process control system Real time graphics display Real time process data acquisition, display,analysis Programmed comprehensive calibrationdiagnostic functions Better performancemaintenance than the original systems


Allwin21 is the exclusive licenced manufacture for AG Heatpulse 610.  Allwin21 is manufacturing the AccuThermo AW-610,originally the AG Heatpulse 610.The AccuThermo AW-610 has innovative softwaremore advanced temperature control technologies.

 New AccuThermo AW 610

New AccuThermo AW 810M


 Download AccuThermo AW 610 Catalog

AccuThermo  AW 610 s key features include:  Advanced ERP Pyrometer for precise high temperature measurement Add timer watch for the oven safety issue (the original  has no safety interlock for the computer locks up, chamber would be burned if the computer locks up when process running). The new software with power summary function to detect either lamp failure or sensor failure  Manual Operation Use Sumpower as a parameter to control the uniformity of the wafer. Closed-loop temperature control with pyrometer or thermocouple temperature sensing. Precise time-temperature profiles tailored to suit specific process requirements. High-intensity visible radiation heats wafers for short periods. Fast heatingcooling rates unobtainable in conventional technologies. Consistent wafer-to-wafer process cycle repeatability. Elimination of external contamination. Small footprintenergy efficiency. Software calibrationeasy to be done. More functionsI/O hardware exposed for easier maintenancetrouble shooting. It is easy to edit recipe with GUIgraph display. Save all process data on the computer hard disk. A/DD/A precision is 14 to 16 bits. Detect in processwith color curve displayed on the screen. Lamp damage detect in process.  Sensor status detect function. On line help function

AccuThermo AW 610 RTA RTP is a versatile tool, which is useful for many applications:
Ion Implant Activation
Polysilicon Annealing
Oxide Reflow
Silicide Formation
Contact Alloying
GaAs Processing
For a bibliographyreprints of technical journal articles regarding these AccuTherm  applications, contact the Allwin21 Corp. Marketing Communications Department.

关键词: nbsp the Heatpulse AW AG
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(AccuThermo MG 610)更快退火炉 或受保护情绪热处理炉词组储备讯息vs91化学工业仪器网二维码

