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放大字体  缩小字体    发布日期:2019-03-06  来源:仪器信息网  作者:Mr liao  浏览次数:143

FIBER ILLUMINATOR TESTING Manufacturers, distributors and users of boroscopes, endoscopes, and similar systems require precise calibration and/or characterization of the fiber-optic-based illuminator systems used with these devices. Measure

查看详情 HySpex机载高光谱成像应用2017-08-06

Airborne Systems High resolution and high speed, combined with low weight and power consumption, make NEOs HySpex cameras very well suited for airborne data acquisition. Position- and attitude logging systems (IMU/GPS) from leading manufactu

查看详情 蓝菲光学UVAUVB 防晒分析2017-08-06

UVA/UVB防晒分析 Integrating sphere systems can be used to measure the ultraviolet transmittance of sunscreen samples to determine the various protection factors of the sample. Many new in-vitro methods for testing sunscreen protection f

查看详情 蓝菲光学遥感应用2017-08-06

遥感应用 美国蓝菲光学(Labsphere)是全世界大型对地观测卫星、成像系统及遥感光学校准解决方案的地面定标系统**供应商。我们是积分球均匀光源系统设计与制造的全球**。我

查看详情 蓝菲光学成像校准2017-08-06

In the standard approach for calibrating a remote sensing imaging device, a uniform light source is used to determine the sensors spectral radiance and radiance responsivity over a large dynamic range. To do this, the field-of-view (FOV) of

查看详情 蓝菲光学反射透射率2017-08-06

For many applications, it is important to understand the light reflectance and transmittance value of a specific medium. Industries include photovoltaics, pharmaceutical quality, materials development, solid-state lighting and life sciences

查看详情 蓝菲光学LED及固态照明测试2017-08-06

Typical quantities for LED measurements of interest are luminous flux, luminous intensity, x, y, dominate wavelength, peak wavelength, FWHM and for white LEDs, CRI. Total luminous flux is the most important parameter for non-directional cha

查看详情 蓝菲光学LCD背光源测试2017-08-06

One of the fastest growing applications utilizing high brightness LEDs is the back illumination of liquid crystal displays (LCDs). Replacing traditional CCFLs, LEDs can be arranged in an assortment of array configurations to uniformly backl

查看详情 蓝菲光学激光功率及发光二级管测试2017-08-06

Total radiant flux is the spatially integrated total light output from a light source. Lasers are monochromatic light sources with optical powers at finite wavelengths, so their optical power is characterized as the power at a specific wave

查看详情 蓝菲光学灯具测试2017-08-06

GENERAL LIGHT MEASUREMENT Total luminousflux is the spatially integrated, photopically weighted, total light output from a lamp. Total luminous flux is the most important parameter fornon-directional, general lighting products. For directio

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