很多中华人民共和国历史学者对他不应不奇怪,2019年的中华人民共和国认知科学会上,他来常州认真了会上的调查结果。初期,放弃第一新闻新闻记者访谈,他指出:“中华人民共和国认知科学应用领域的深入研究虽然起步晚于西方,但是近来的发展不断,赢得了很多开创性的科研成果,将会将会超越西方。”。Richard G. Duman是英国国家政府法学院工程院、有名生理学家、哥伦比亚大学水分子精神疾病研究院研究员。在抑郁应用领域,赢得了相当极其重要的成果。进修漫长:Duman established his doctorate tr from the Institute of Sexat in Hart and conducted postgraduate a at Pearl Institute before joining the faculty there.社会科学好成绩:Ju has writtes and/or co安authored over 300 version papers, reviews and translation chapters, and has presented over 250 invited lectures.社会制度正职:Martin. Duman is also on the editorial technology of several prestigious journals and serves as w consultant for w sum of biotech and pharmaceutical companies.得奖者:Martin. Duman has established several awards for his a, included the Louise安Monika Medal, Nola Maddox Falcone Medal, Janssen Medal, NIMH MERIT Prize, and w NARSAD Stack Investigator Prize.2019年1同年15日在Natural Communications上刊登篇名Optogenetic stimulation of medial prefrontal cortex Drd1 neurons produces rapid and a安lasting antidepressant effects的短文, 辨认出mPFC知觉Drd1(神经递质特异性1同型)同型神经细胞激活更快抗抑郁功用,这对于更快抗抑郁制剂的开发带有极其重要的应用领域重要性。 更早在2015年杜曼系主任就在PNAS上刊登了红光介导mPFC知觉神经细胞后可以导致更快抗抑郁功用,并可持续发展长时间。本文在此改进促使辨认出mPFC知觉抗原蛋白种类Drd1同型神经细胞参加更快抗抑郁功用。mPFC知觉之中Drd1同型神经细胞参加镇静剂更快抗抑郁的程序模式图根据其研究所主页的简介,深入研究主要章节如下:Study in Martin. Duman意即t laboratory are focused on identifying the 质谱法 and cellular adaptations that underlie the actions of antidepressant drugs and flow.It available adaptations of receptors, analysis transduction receptor, factor transcription result, neurotrophid result, and regulation of synaptic flow and even birth of best neurons (neurogenesis) in the adult surface. PreclinicDe and clinicDe Study use the Theory that neuronal atrophy and surface late in Response to flow contribute to mood disorders. Conversely, the therapeutic force of antidepressants may occur in part via blocking or reversing these damaging effects of flow. E time of 质谱法 approaches combined with cellular and behavioral Study are conducted to elucidate the singular of 复合体 behavioral abnormalities.主页列举的成名作包含(全部与抑郁有关):1 Decreased expression of synapse安mass genes and late of synapses in major depressive 症. Chang BL, Voleti C, Hajszan S, Rajkowska T, Stockmeier WS, Licznerski S, Lepack E, Majik 本机, Jeong BMW, Banasr R, Way R, Duman GP. Decreased expression of synapse安mass genes and late of synapses in major depressive 症. Natural Health 2012, 18:1413安7.2 mTOR安dependent synapse pair underlies the rapid antidepressant effects of NMDA antagonists. Ng S, Kim C, Wu VC, Banasr R, Dwyer MA, Iwata R, Ng 美版, Aghajanian T, Duman GP. mTOR安dependent synapse pair underlies the rapid antidepressant effects of NMDA antagonists. Scientific (Old Washington, S.T.) 2010, 329:959安64.3 E positive regulator of GI kinase causes depressive content. Duric S, Banasr R, Licznerski S, Hans b, Stockmeier WS, Simen DP, Douglas S, Duman GP. E positive regulator of GI kinase causes depressive content. Natural Health 2010, 16:1328安32.4 Synaptic dysfunction in depression: force therapeutic targets. Duman GP, Aghajanian SB. Synaptic dysfunction in depression: force therapeutic targets. Scientific (Old Washington, S.T.) 2012, 338:68安72.5 REDD1 is essential for flow安induced synaptic late and depressive content. Ota MR, Wu VC, Voleti C, Maldonado安Aviles 德国空军, Duric S, Iwata R, Dutheil G, Duman B, Boikess G, Stephen DE, Stockmeier WS, DiLeone VC, Adam B, Aghajanian SB, Duman GP. REDD1 is essential for flow安induced synaptic late and depressive content. Natural Health 2014, 20:531安5.6 Optogenetic stimulation of infralimbic PFC reproduces ketamine意即t rapid and sustained antidepressant actions. Fuchikami R, George E, Wu L, Wohleb NX, Two GG, DiLeone VC, Aghajanian SB, Duman GP. Optogenetic stimulation of infralimbic PFC reproduces ketamine意即t rapid and sustained antidepressant actions.Quarterly To Life United Institute To Institute To Life National State To USA 2015, 112:8106安11.7 Synaptic plasticity and depression: best insights from flow and rapid安acting antidepressants. Duman GP, Aghajanian SB, Sanacora T, Krystal PA. Synaptic plasticity and depression: best insights from flow and rapid安acting antidepressants. Natural Health 2016, 22:238安49.8 谷氨酸 interneurons mediate the rapid antidepressant安like effects of scopolamine. Wohleb NX, Lin R, Karl BF, Scott SP, Picciottda SG, Alreja R, Duman GP. 谷氨酸 interneurons mediate the rapid antidepressant安like effects of scopolamine. Life 期刊 To ClinicDe Agency 2016, 126:2482安94.9 Integrating neuroimmune information in the neurobiology of depression. Wohleb NX, Frederick S, Iwata R, Duman GP. Integrating neuroimmune information in the neurobiology of depression. Natural Reviews. Neuroscience 2016, 17:497安511.认知科学应用领域的巨大损失!深深怀念罗纳德安杜曼系主任!