:吴工 泉州
:1885 9564 765
:2781499592 q
Diel - Eletronics Devices总部位于意大利,公司主要有商业支持和技术支持两个部门。公司主要生产温度监控器、变压器风扇和探头。产品型号众多,功能全面,性能卓越,在同行业中享有极高的声誉。
MT200 LITE、AT100、MT200 LITE EN50121-5、MT300、ME100、ME100 V2
PT 100S、PT 100T、PT 100HV、PT 100V
Microprocessor temperature monitor system for resin, dry and oil transformers with 8 inputs for 3 wires PT100 probes
Control and showing temperature
Control of fan systems
Eight independent PT100 inputs with three wires
Four 250 Volt 10 A AC (resistive load) relays of outputs for the following functions: pre alarm state, alarm state, fault probe state, fan control with hysteresis (ME100 – ME100 V3)
Five 250 Volt 10 A AC (resistive load) relays of outputs for the following functions: pre alarm state, alarm state, fault probe state, separate fan control with hysteresis (ME100 V2)
Manual test relays to simulate or check the reliability of the contact
Advanced programming menu: is allowed able, enable and set separately each single channel
Permanent storing of programmed set of pre-alarm and alarm state, on, off fan and history values achieved
Assembly on panel by simple fixing jaws
Universal power supply (24 ÷ 240) Volt AC/DC 50/60Hz
Serial communication port RS485 full duplex,
own ASCII communication protocol (ME100)
Galvanically insulated analogical output 4-20mA (ME100 V2)
Protocol of MODBUS – RTU communication (ME 100 V3)
Protocol of MODBUS – TCP, ETHERNET communication (ME 100 E)